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  • File :1237861550.jpg-(48 KB, 400x481, displeased_bugs_bunny.jpg)
    48 KB House M.D. !RsT5bxOQxs 03/23/09(Mon)22:25 No.3883539  
    Dear Blog,

    I'm going to be homeless in 3 days. Shit just got real.

    Love, House

    P.S. - I'm gay for Wilson
    >> Anonymous 03/23/09(Mon)22:26 No.3883543
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    >> SK !upUGcHlgU2 03/23/09(Mon)22:27 No.3883549
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    >> Captain Spicard !mOdChRomEs 03/23/09(Mon)22:27 No.3883552
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    What do I say.. what do I say...
    Oh! Right!
    It's dangerous to go alone, take this!
    >> [8500GT] Jigglem◆aster !AWEsomEEEE!!47tFWiSfvS5 03/23/09(Mon)22:27 No.3883556
    sucks for you bro
    >> Anonymous 03/23/09(Mon)22:27 No.3883557
    so did you go to jail for beating up your girlfriend?
    >> Anonymous 03/23/09(Mon)22:27 No.3883558
    >> Anonymous 03/23/09(Mon)22:28 No.3883561
         File :1237861689.jpg-(82 KB, 1280x720, snapshot20090320080611.jpg)
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    gtfo, bro.
    >> TOUHOU IS SHIT !!rqh5B/gcJAf 03/23/09(Mon)22:28 No.3883564
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    >> House M.D. !RsT5bxOQxs 03/23/09(Mon)22:28 No.3883566
    Imma find a freedom bus like that Wild movie.
    >> Anonymous 03/23/09(Mon)22:28 No.3883567
    >> Anonymous 03/23/09(Mon)22:29 No.3883575
    >> Anonymous 03/23/09(Mon)22:30 No.3883585
    techloligy tiem?
    >> Anonymous 03/23/09(Mon)22:31 No.3883587
    >> Anonymous 03/23/09(Mon)22:31 No.3883588
    Fuck off tripfag noone cares
    >> Anonymous 03/23/09(Mon)22:31 No.3883595
    >House M.D
    >I'm going to be homeless
    >> Anonymous 03/23/09(Mon)22:32 No.3883602
    So why are you going to be homeless?
    >> House M.D. !RsT5bxOQxs 03/23/09(Mon)22:32 No.3883605
    I think so. I'm pretty depressed. some loli might cheer me up.
    >> Anonymous 03/23/09(Mon)22:32 No.3883607


    >> Anonymous 03/23/09(Mon)22:32 No.3883610
    Seriously the fist forced meme was far more interesting than this.
    >> AMD Athlon 64 Processor !P4SUXrcGzk 03/23/09(Mon)22:33 No.3883620
    what is the cause of this homelessness?
    >> Anonymous 03/23/09(Mon)22:33 No.3883621
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    >> patachu666 !LULZISTwQI 03/23/09(Mon)22:34 No.3883623
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    get something like that; move to arizona.
    if i had no alternative that's what i would do.
    >> Anonymous 03/23/09(Mon)22:34 No.3883629
    Brotip: No one cares.

    In a week, we'll all still be browsing /g/. No one will remember you. Fuck you.
    >> Anonymous 03/23/09(Mon)22:35 No.3883632
    You mean your parents are homeless.
    >> Anonymous 03/23/09(Mon)22:35 No.3883648
    sage for tripfag blogging
    >> AMD Athlon 64 Processor !P4SUXrcGzk 03/23/09(Mon)22:35 No.3883649

    don't move to Arizona, it's goign from shit to shittier with all these budget cuts
    >> King Neckbeard !LiNUXD3Occ 03/23/09(Mon)22:36 No.3883652
    iirc, you actually did look a bit like house. use that to seduce women to provide you shelter.
    >> dawson !gMM0lpCa5g 03/23/09(Mon)22:37 No.3883657
    May we ask why?
    >> Captain Spicard !mOdChRomEs 03/23/09(Mon)22:37 No.3883660
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    You know what.. should've bought that macbook pro. You'll be needing that 8 hour battery charge when you are on the street.
    >> !HTC/kpa.SU 03/23/09(Mon)22:38 No.3883666

    you can live under my bed. i will feed you table scraps.
    >> House M.D. !RsT5bxOQxs 03/23/09(Mon)22:38 No.3883668
    Nah, I'm not getting any escro on my mortgage (i'm in florida and the housing market sucks BIG time) so I stopped paying it. Long story short...I'll be squatting as long as I can. I'm going to take my laptop and hit the road probably in a week or so. It should give me enough time to put everything into storage.
    >> Anonymous 03/23/09(Mon)22:38 No.3883669
    If only /g/ had decent mods all of the tripfags would be banned.
    >> King Neckbeard !LiNUXD3Occ 03/23/09(Mon)22:40 No.3883688
    Why? we generally don't break the rules.
    >> Warrior !bx.ZJ.uNW. 03/23/09(Mon)22:40 No.3883696
    Have you even been to foreclosure court yet? You still get like 60 days after they foreclose on your house. It'll probably be WAAAAAY longer than that before the cops actually show up to kick you out. CNBC a few weeks ago said in Ft. Myers there are over 100 foreclosure cases heard every day.
    >> Anonymous 03/23/09(Mon)22:41 No.3883697
    I'll be enjoying posting on /g/ while you are in the gutter, and knowing that a tripfag is suffering will increase the enjoyment.
    >> Anonymous 03/23/09(Mon)22:41 No.3883699

    So you're one of the leeches in the whole housing issue? I would google a tiny violin but I am too busy unpacking in my apartment that I knew I could afford and be responsible for.
    >> Anonymous 03/23/09(Mon)22:42 No.3883711
    dur hurrrr anonymous is legion tripcodes are for jerks.
    >> Anonymous 03/23/09(Mon)22:42 No.3883713
    What is your job and how much do you make?
    >> Anonymous 03/23/09(Mon)22:43 No.3883716
    Because tripfags only take names to be exactly like the attention whores posting on /b/.
    >> Moarfeene !!MkqGgo4b9zj 03/23/09(Mon)22:43 No.3883719
    Make sure to steal a Motorola phone so you can use dialup from in your car. I hope we can keep in touch. :'(
    >> House M.D. !RsT5bxOQxs 03/23/09(Mon)22:44 No.3883725
    Yeah it doesn't come up for like 4 months and I could stretch it longer than that for sure. But as long as I'm not paying $1500 bucks a month towards a house I might as well use that money to get an apartment or something. I'll (hopefully) only be on the streets for a week tops. I'm kind of looking forward to unplugging for a while, actually.
    >> Anonymous 03/23/09(Mon)22:45 No.3883735
    what you get for being an asshole
    >> I'M IN CANADA!!! !HeFBSTLN0Q 03/23/09(Mon)22:45 No.3883737

    ahaha, i somewhat have to agree with this guy. you bought into a too good to be true mortgage, well ,you take the bowl of shit it comes with when your rate re-adjusts.
    >> Dr. James Wilson 03/23/09(Mon)22:45 No.3883739
    You could go shack up with Cuddy, you know.

    Or Thirteen.

    Lesbian orgies don't sound all that bad at all...
    >> Anonymous 03/23/09(Mon)22:45 No.3883744
    For fucks sake. Grow up sometime.
    >> Anonymous 03/23/09(Mon)22:46 No.3883749
         File :1237862768.jpg-(186 KB, 495x700, 9d8d1a2739ed08bcaa997c4261f2d1(...).jpg)
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    That sucks. Move to New Zealand and you can live in my spare room. It's kind of a crappy country though...

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