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  • Blotter updated: 01/01/09

  • File :1236023415.jpg-(107 KB, 726x816, SGI_Indy.jpg)
    107 KB Anonymous 03/02/09(Mon)14:50 No.3688860  
    K, im still pissed about this.

    Last year, back in the 11th grade, around Finals. I got blamed for "hacking" this ugly girls Bebo account.

    She was at school during break time in the library surfing on bebo (the library had a computer that had everything unblock). So she leaves the computer and doesnt log off. We been thinking about going on it to fuck around with her account. But someone else got on it with a few of his friends. Couldnt see anything on the screen because they were blocking it. Day over with and I go home.

    Later during the night Horse Face and her Mom comes to my house and so outs bitching at me after i open the door and didnt get to ask what the fuck they want. So they blame me for hacking her account, making her bad on the internet, and so on. I told them I didnt do it and to them to get the fuck away from my house.

    Next day aftter school. I come home and find 2 cops at my house taking all my computers. My Intel iMac, G4 MDD Mac, Shuttle Linux Machine, a vista laptop, Sun Blade 100, SGI 02, SGI Indy, all my USB Hard Drives, all my burnt CDs/DVDs, my xbox 360, my wii, and my spare hard drives. Only thing they didnt take, because it was in my car. Was a few USB Pens, a USB Hard Drive, Mac Book Pro, HP Laptop, Palm PDA, and my Linux Laptop.

    Then they told me shit like how i cant be using computers till they say, and other shit.

    So after 3 months I got my computers back, they say I can start using any computer again. They said they didnt find anything and I told them No shit.

    So I hook up my computers and none of thing work. They wiped all the hard drives and took all of my Ram. Those fuckin fuckers. Fuckin took all my ram from all of my machines. I went to the police office, bitched them out. They said there is nothing they can do. WTF? Nothing they can do? They jack my fuckin ram.

    So after saving some pay checks. I bought all new ram for all my machines.

    But upto today Im still pissed.
    >> Anonymous 03/02/09(Mon)14:52 No.3688882
    cool story, bro.
    >> Anonymous 03/02/09(Mon)14:53 No.3688890
    >> Anonymous 03/02/09(Mon)14:54 No.3688892
    it was mildy interesting yesterday
    >> Anonymous 03/02/09(Mon)14:55 No.3688897
    underage b/ get out

    >> Anonymous 03/02/09(Mon)14:55 No.3688899
    Delicious Copypasta
    >> sage sage 03/02/09(Mon)14:56 No.3688901
    >> Anonymous 03/02/09(Mon)14:56 No.3688902
    Oh, look. The same tired old copypasta yet again.
    How entertaining!
    >> Anonymous 03/02/09(Mon)14:56 No.3688905
    kill them all
    >> Anonymous 03/02/09(Mon)14:57 No.3688906
    fuck da police
    >> Anonymous 03/02/09(Mon)14:57 No.3688910
    This is new material. i haven't seen it before. You best be trollan bro.
    >> Anonymous 03/02/09(Mon)14:59 No.3688917
    fuck the police
    etc. etc.
    >> Anonymous 03/02/09(Mon)14:59 No.3688918
    Got to give you points for trying.
    >> Anonymous 03/02/09(Mon)15:01 No.3688933
    bullshit story is bullshit
    you want me to rage because you're an underage b& with 15 machines
    you're still just small time
    >> Anonymous of College Park,MD 03/02/09(Mon)15:03 No.3688947
    If this story was real and if it isn't far too long ago I would advise him to sue the police department for statutory and punitive damages.

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