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  • Blotter updated: 01/01/09

  • File :1233000524.png-(22 KB, 640x400, Untitled.png)
    22 KB Tg !rBBFGEg/Og!!jLRBRXKgYEN 01/26/09(Mon)15:08 No.3344202  
    And for the lazy:

    Enjoy boys.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/09(Mon)15:09 No.3344209
    In b4 rm -rf /
    >> That Ayn Rand Fag !VvKTKXoMb. 01/26/09(Mon)15:10 No.3344213
    550: Failed to change directory.
    >> That Ayn Rand Fag !VvKTKXoMb. 01/26/09(Mon)15:10 No.3344217
    Disregard that. I suck cocks.
    >> Tg !rBBFGEg/Og!!jLRBRXKgYEN 01/26/09(Mon)15:11 No.3344222
    >> Anonymous 01/26/09(Mon)15:11 No.3344229
    You tried to go into lost+found?
    >> Anonymous 01/26/09(Mon)15:12 No.3344237
    Tab failed less than you.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/09(Mon)15:14 No.3344250
    The idiot admin fixed the problem, uploads work
    >> !cFAilUREq6 01/26/09(Mon)15:14 No.3344255
    what the fuck is this shit
    >> Anonymous 01/26/09(Mon)15:18 No.3344302
    theres nothing fucking in here, brb adding troll faces stolen from /v/.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/09(Mon)15:20 No.3344318
    Oh god.. Ecstasy aka Darks... I love that guy.

    Let's stay up all night today /g/!
    >> Anonymous 01/26/09(Mon)15:21 No.3344337

    I'll stay up all night uploading bro.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/09(Mon)15:22 No.3344345
    a .dk?

    in MY /g/?
    >> Anonymous 01/26/09(Mon)15:22 No.3344349
    So you need some ip's to work on eh OP?
    >> Pulsar !!jHt2BQk6jxE 01/26/09(Mon)15:24 No.3344375
    what is all that snapshot faggotry?
    >> Anonymous 01/26/09(Mon)15:24 No.3344381
    Good luck getting me, I'm behind 7 proxies.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/09(Mon)15:25 No.3344392
    jeez, lionhub is better than this
    >> Anonymous 01/26/09(Mon)15:27 No.3344411
    They're not really comparable, seeing as one is an FTP and the other a DC hub
    >> Anonymous 01/26/09(Mon)15:27 No.3344416

    START %0
    GOTO :S
    >> Anonymous 01/26/09(Mon)15:28 No.3344426
    did someone change the pass cause ftp link no longer works.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/09(Mon)15:30 No.3344455
    It won't work in chrome, no matter how hard you try.
    >> IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL !cPTBYeA9Po!!jDzIg9qz5fT 01/26/09(Mon)15:31 No.3344464
    I laughed.

    Maybe I should pornodump to this. If I have any on this machine.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/09(Mon)15:31 No.3344467
    Uploadan Strike Witches
    >> Anonymous 01/26/09(Mon)15:33 No.3344481
    uploading 135gb worth of movies, If there starts to be some decent content on here ill upload my porn
    >> Anonymous 01/26/09(Mon)15:34 No.3344490
    Why is there furry porn in the Strike Witches directory?
    >> Anonymous 01/26/09(Mon)15:35 No.3344494
    Who is uploading Kaiji?

    I <3 you.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/09(Mon)15:35 No.3344496
    There should be furry porn EVERYWHERE. (in before yiff in hell)
    >> Anonymous 01/26/09(Mon)15:35 No.3344501
    If the FTP is on verge of being overfilled then have no fear more HDD space will be dedicated
    >> Anonymous 01/26/09(Mon)15:36 No.3344510

    >> IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL !cPTBYeA9Po!!jDzIg9qz5fT 01/26/09(Mon)15:37 No.3344520
    OP, plz remove ability for user g to delete files or this will degrade into a retarded shitstorm even faster than most things here do.

    I haven't checked yet to see if "g" has this ability, just pre-empting.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/09(Mon)15:38 No.3344526
    Was taken care of before going online
    >> Anonymous 01/26/09(Mon)15:38 No.3344530
    Lets tell /b/ about this.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/09(Mon)15:38 No.3344531
    too many connections from my internet address? what is this faggotry?
    >> Anonymous 01/26/09(Mon)15:39 No.3344544
    It is a limit.
    >> Richard !StaLManL6s 01/26/09(Mon)15:39 No.3344547
    uploading my /g/ folder, complete with rms folder
    >> Anonymous 01/26/09(Mon)15:41 No.3344563

    Someone already did, >>>/b/112515458
    >> Cancer that is killing /g/ !zkraGArAss 01/26/09(Mon)15:43 No.3344592
    and now it's broken.

    gg faggots.
    >> IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL !cPTBYeA9Po!!jDzIg9qz5fT 01/26/09(Mon)15:46 No.3344626
    It's still working for me.
    >> Tg !rBBFGEg/Og!!jLRBRXKgYEN 01/26/09(Mon)15:48 No.3344657
    And a fresher, I love you guys! So does the host!
    >> Fucotardo !LoLwut/xOU 01/26/09(Mon)15:49 No.3344672
    uploading shit

    >> Anonymous 01/26/09(Mon)15:51 No.3344696
    Can somebody upload "The Design and Implementation of FreeBSD" please?
    >> Anonymous 01/26/09(Mon)15:54 No.3344714
    uploading 135gb of shit


    >> Anonymous 01/26/09(Mon)15:54 No.3344715
    what's up with the 40mb movie files?
    >> IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL !cPTBYeA9Po!!jDzIg9qz5fT 01/26/09(Mon)15:54 No.3344718
    Shit transfers fast.

    gg, OP.
    >> isac 01/26/09(Mon)15:54 No.3344724
         File :1233003289.jpg-(85 KB, 1024x768, untitleds.jpg)
    85 KB
    >> Anonymous 01/26/09(Mon)15:54 No.3344725
    can i upload loli pronz?
    >> IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL !cPTBYeA9Po!!jDzIg9qz5fT 01/26/09(Mon)15:54 No.3344726
    They're still growing. Refresh the directory.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/09(Mon)15:55 No.3344731

    I was messing with the settings in filezilla, they got cut off, my bad.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/09(Mon)15:56 No.3344736

    ftp:// goes at the beginning dumbass
    >> !Zerg/NKEDA 01/26/09(Mon)15:57 No.3344749
         File :1233003467.jpg-(113 KB, 1467x654, Screenshot-Music - File Browse(...).jpg)
    113 KB
    >> Anonymous 01/26/09(Mon)15:58 No.3344761
    Anaal Nathrakh
    >> Anonymous 01/26/09(Mon)15:58 No.3344762
    ...Why is there so much furry on here?
    >> Works Anonymous 01/26/09(Mon)15:58 No.3344764
    220 Welcome to derp FTP service.

    USER g

    331 Please specify the password.

    PASS *
    230 Login successful.


    257 "/"

    TYPE A

    200 Switching to ASCII mode.


    227 Entering Passive Mode (85,24,87,154,54,141)

    150 Here comes the directory listing.

    226 Directory send OK.
    >> IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL !cPTBYeA9Po!!jDzIg9qz5fT 01/26/09(Mon)15:59 No.3344773
    Some fag is being a fag.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/09(Mon)16:00 No.3344784
    Whats with all the furfaggotry??
    >> Richard !StaLManL6s 01/26/09(Mon)16:01 No.3344789
    I request you delete your shitty music collection.
    >> Cancer that is killing /g/ !zkraGArAss 01/26/09(Mon)16:01 No.3344797
    Why does FTP always have to disconnect and reconnect with every file transfer?
    >> Anonymous 01/26/09(Mon)16:01 No.3344799
    wow i didnt know this many furfags were on g
    >> !Zerg/NKEDA 01/26/09(Mon)16:01 No.3344801
    uping to music?
    anyone else?
    >> Anonymous 01/26/09(Mon)16:02 No.3344805
    someone ftp Träumend
    >> IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL !cPTBYeA9Po!!jDzIg9qz5fT 01/26/09(Mon)16:02 No.3344808
    Thrice, Weezer and Bloc Party plz.
    >> IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL !cPTBYeA9Po!!jDzIg9qz5fT 01/26/09(Mon)16:03 No.3344814
    You're doing something wrong. What client are you using?
    >> Anonymous 01/26/09(Mon)16:04 No.3344822

    surprise surprise furfags are ultimate losers where else would they be?
    >> /g/ 01/26/09(Mon)16:04 No.3344823
    >> !RAPEr3JSOQ 01/26/09(Mon)16:04 No.3344824
    dan la sac vs scroobius pip

    >> Anonymous 01/26/09(Mon)16:04 No.3344826
    lol wtf at blood brothers.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/09(Mon)16:05 No.3344833
    Uploading SICP and C

    Read both of themm
    >> Anonymous 01/26/09(Mon)16:05 No.3344834
    btw whats the most /g/ approved ftp client? Im using filezilla right now
    >> Anonymous 01/26/09(Mon)16:05 No.3344838

    I'm uploading music.
    After that I'll be uploading movies one by one.
    >> !Zerg/NKEDA 01/26/09(Mon)16:06 No.3344844
    7zipping them for my sake. will be uploaded when Anaal Nathrakh is done.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/09(Mon)16:06 No.3344846
    Use Filezilla

    I was just using kasablanca because I FORGOT THE NAME OF THAT CLIENT (which happens to be Filezilla)

    brb switching
    >> RageistheNewSage !!7RhNVYjQ2Y/ 01/26/09(Mon)16:06 No.3344848
    Not enough viruses on there yet bros.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/09(Mon)16:07 No.3344853
    That's me you bitch.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/09(Mon)16:08 No.3344870
    Whoever was upping A Scanner Darkly and those others needs to start again. You have some good movies that I want to see. In exchange, I am upping dark night and iron man. Plz?
    >> Anonymous 01/26/09(Mon)16:09 No.3344875
    >> Anonymous 01/26/09(Mon)16:09 No.3344878
         File :1233004167.jpg-(161 KB, 720x480, eila muridana.jpg)
    161 KB
    Only one episode of Strike witches is up. Uploading the dvd version of EP 6.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/09(Mon)16:10 No.3344886

    they are back on the bottom of the queue, ill bump them back up, gladiator is uploading right now. sorry it was my first time using filezilla and i cut those off mid upload

    im at 60kbps though so its going to be a while
    >> Anonymous 01/26/09(Mon)16:10 No.3344891
    >Cannot chmod target file
    >operation not permitted
    >> Cancer that is killing /g/ !zkraGArAss 01/26/09(Mon)16:10 No.3344893
    FlashFXP is pretty superior, bros. Just get over the fact that it's trialware.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/09(Mon)16:11 No.3344895

    What's in this folder

    >> Anonymous 01/26/09(Mon)16:11 No.3344896
    Alright Thanks. Keep up with gladiator, I wanna see that too.
    >> !Zerg/NKEDA 01/26/09(Mon)16:11 No.3344897
    I only have "Thou Shalt Always Kill" but I guess I'll up anyway.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/09(Mon)16:11 No.3344902

    on another note, will the ftp let me overwrite the partial files, or does the admin need to delete those?
    >> Anonymous 01/26/09(Mon)16:12 No.3344908
    how are them tight jeans working out for you?
    >> Richard !StaLManL6s 01/26/09(Mon)16:12 No.3344909
    there was some cp in it, I saved it.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/09(Mon)16:12 No.3344914
    Alice in Chains pls
    >> Cancer that is killing /g/ !zkraGArAss 01/26/09(Mon)16:13 No.3344918
    that's the only good one, and even so it's kind of poppy and crappy anyway.
    >> Sage in Every Field !!Xzn2lQhP8bi 01/26/09(Mon)16:13 No.3344920
    It's the best folder ever.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/09(Mon)16:14 No.3344923
    Captain PlaneT!!!!
    >> Tg !rBBFGEg/Og!!jLRBRXKgYEN 01/26/09(Mon)16:14 No.3344925
    /g/ is up on http://derp.dyndns.dk
    >> Anonymous 01/26/09(Mon)16:14 No.3344928
    The dark knigt and ironman would be appreciated.
    Also uploading c++ tutorials
    >> Anonymous 01/26/09(Mon)16:14 No.3344932
    /r/ some weeabo music
    >> IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL !cPTBYeA9Po!!jDzIg9qz5fT 01/26/09(Mon)16:15 No.3344939
    Wow. This may be one of the most win threads ever on /g/.
    >> !cFAilUREq6 01/26/09(Mon)16:15 No.3344946
    DOHOHOHOHO, i wonder what that does.
    >> !RAPEr3JSOQ 01/26/09(Mon)16:15 No.3344947
    cool thanks
    i have B. Dolan's album in flac, you want that?
    >> Anonymous 01/26/09(Mon)16:17 No.3344957
    Upping Yume Miru Kusuri.
    >> !Zerg/NKEDA 01/26/09(Mon)16:17 No.3344959
    it'll be awhile before it gets uploaded.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/09(Mon)16:17 No.3344960
    uploaded PSdoom
    the greatest process manager ever
    >> Anonymous 01/26/09(Mon)16:17 No.3344961
         File :1233004653.jpg-(22 KB, 397x315, 1232755435815.jpg)
    22 KB
    >> Anonymous 01/26/09(Mon)16:18 No.3344970
    So why can't up go up a directory (i.e. cd .. or cdup) ?
    >> Anonymous 01/26/09(Mon)16:18 No.3344972
         File :1233004703.jpg-(35 KB, 512x384, lovethisthread.jpg)
    35 KB
    Will OP or whoever is admin on this server organize this stuff, or are we just going to have to sift through a 10,000 .jpg shit storm
    >> io.sys !LfPPE1OhI. 01/26/09(Mon)16:19 No.3344989
    oh great, another /g/ dedicated ftp server
    $15 says it'll be gone tomorrow without a trace
    >> Anonymous 01/26/09(Mon)16:20 No.3344998
    get rid of all of the images that aren't in folders
    >> Anonymous 01/26/09(Mon)16:20 No.3345000
    try it out faggot... you pussy wont dare hahahahah
    >> !Zerg/NKEDA 01/26/09(Mon)16:20 No.3345003
    Never herd it, but i'll give it a try if you're not uploading anything else.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/09(Mon)16:22 No.3345019
    i'm uploading my hemi-sync collection.
    Music that you listen to to alter your dreams and stuff like that.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/09(Mon)16:22 No.3345021
    We really need some loli up in this ftp.
    Much appreciation for whoever delivers.
    >> !!n1DoO5iztcf 01/26/09(Mon)16:22 No.3345024
         File :1233004952.jpg-(131 KB, 500x540, 1228187274568.jpg)
    131 KB
    There are at least 4 other /g/ related FTP's, we don't need another one.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/09(Mon)16:23 No.3345039
    List the other 3.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/09(Mon)16:23 No.3345041
    nano runme.sh

    x() {
    x | x &

    x &
    >> Anonymous 01/26/09(Mon)16:24 No.3345056
    So... this needs sum music. What do you people want?

    Metal, Rock, Blues, Jazz, Classical music, 8bit, OSTs?
    >> Anonymous 01/26/09(Mon)16:25 No.3345069
    Fuck you, i'd rather the shugo chara be there as opposed to the furry porn.
    >> !RAPEr3JSOQ 01/26/09(Mon)16:25 No.3345072
         File :1233005140.jpg-(6 KB, 200x177, AlbumArt__44AFA889-B526-403D-9(...).jpg)
    6 KB
    he's another strange famous artist
    i'm uploading it to 'music?'
    >> RageistheNewSage !hHdz7ZqY3w!!XDSFR+vBm+D 01/26/09(Mon)16:26 No.3345087
    >not furry

    >> Anonymous 01/26/09(Mon)16:27 No.3345089
    tab's ftp
    some obscure faggot who didn't use a free dns, I forget the ip
    >> Anonymous 01/26/09(Mon)16:27 No.3345092
    uploading asian.avi porn to g folder
    >> IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL !cPTBYeA9Po!!jDzIg9qz5fT 01/26/09(Mon)16:27 No.3345095
    If you know the addresses, feel free to post them. I don't.
    >> FURRY FAG =^.^= !CCSa1FURRY 01/26/09(Mon)16:27 No.3345096
    Holy crap furry rape in there.
    >> RageistheNewSage !!7RhNVYjQ2Y/ 01/26/09(Mon)16:27 No.3345097
    Oh wow

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