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  • Blotter updated: 01/01/09

  • File :1232627260.jpg-(72 KB, 1054x601, goddamn.jpg)
    72 KB Anonymous 01/22/09(Thu)07:27 No.3296116  
    wtf /g/

    Im using firefox 3 with latest adblock plus, and these fucking ads are still getting through. How can I block these fuckers.

    >> Anonymous 01/22/09(Thu)07:28 No.3296118
    >> !Fa/g/mUz1. 01/22/09(Thu)07:29 No.3296120
         File :1232627371.png-(108 KB, 1407x482, ads.png)
    108 KB
    What ads?
    >> Anonymous 01/22/09(Thu)07:29 No.3296121
    >> Anonymous 01/22/09(Thu)07:30 No.3296126
    Support 4chan by not blocking ads!
    >> Anonymous 01/22/09(Thu)07:33 No.3296133
    I would if they didn't use crappy sponsors like tshirthell.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/09(Thu)07:33 No.3296135
    1. Preferences...
    2. Add filter...
    3. "4chan.org/tmp/"
    4. ...
    5. NO PROFIT!
    >> Anonymous 01/22/09(Thu)07:34 No.3296137
    oh yay let's block unintrusive ads so our favourite website gets no money
    >> ‮‭‪‮‪‭‪suomynonA‬‬ 01/22/09(Thu)07:35 No.3296140
    >these fucking ads are still getting through
    It blocks ads based on where the images are hosted.
    For example MOST ads on the internet are hosted on the advertising company's server, so it just blocks that server = no ads.
    These are hosted on 4chan so it doesn't think they are ads.

    Block the part of 4chan that hosts them and you get no ads.
    >> !Fa/g/mUz1. 01/22/09(Thu)07:36 No.3296144
    If moot really needed money to keep 4chan up he would be out selling crack to grade schoolers. Not 2 or 3 adds from a shitty website with no money in the first place.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/09(Thu)07:37 No.3296146
    It's okay, the 500,000 13 year olds on /b/ who can't do more than navigate to myspace and /b/ provide moot with plenty of money.
    >> !FaggotnMIA 01/22/09(Thu)07:38 No.3296149
    I bet he can make money just by doing a 4chan donation thing (again).
    >> ‮‭‪‮‪‭‪suomynonA‬‬ 01/22/09(Thu)07:39 No.3296154
    I bet they actually get their parents to buy some of those t-shirts for them as well.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/09(Thu)07:41 No.3296162
    you honestly think any website other than a shithole site like tshirthell would want to be sponsored here?
    >> 【 ぅロ')っ !Nigger/OcE!!NcWKWBpVO+3 01/22/09(Thu)07:42 No.3296164
    I don't browse the internet to see advertisements. If you can't sustain your own website, you don't deserve one.
    And i'm more than sure there are more than enough people who browse 4chan who don't use ad blocking scripts.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/09(Thu)07:42 No.3296166
    If I were as cool as those kids I'd beat them up if I saw someone wearing a shirt like that. But I'm an antisocial linux nerd so I won't.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/09(Thu)07:45 No.3296176
    ITT: everyone gets b&

    You guys dont know blocking ads is a bannable offense?
    >> Intel i7 Processor !AMDSUXCqY6 01/22/09(Thu)07:45 No.3296178
    if moot ran ads that weren't ~*~**~XXXTREMELY EDGY. HEH. LOOK @ THIS CAT PUN~*~~**~ i wouldn't run adblock

    knowing 4chan though i doubt they have a choice
    >> 【 ぅロ')っ !Nigger/OcE!!NcWKWBpVO+3 01/22/09(Thu)07:45 No.3296183
    >If you can't sustain your own website, you don't deserve one.

    Actually, disregard that part. Why were the J-list ads removed? I liked them.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/09(Thu)07:46 No.3296187
    adblockers are fags

    >> Anonymous 01/22/09(Thu)07:47 No.3296189
    mutual agreement or something
    >> !Fa/g/mUz1. 01/22/09(Thu)07:47 No.3296190
    Cause everybody on /g/ ISN'T currently serving 100's of consecutive life bans from 4chan.org?
    >> !Fa/g/mUz1. 01/22/09(Thu)07:47 No.3296193
         File :1232628466.png-(33 KB, 134x236, 1229862097127.png)
    33 KB
    >> Anonymous 01/22/09(Thu)07:48 No.3296196
    >> !FaggotnMIA 01/22/09(Thu)07:48 No.3296197
    also, isn't that basically...y'know...forcing a fee upon 4chan's end users in a way?
    granted, it's nowhere nearly as insidious as 4chan gold account but...just saying.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/09(Thu)07:48 No.3296198
    Go back to bed moot.
    >> Intel i7 Processor !AMDSUXCqY6 01/22/09(Thu)07:48 No.3296199

    >> !Fa/g/mUz1. 01/22/09(Thu)07:49 No.3296201
         File :1232628562.jpg-(86 KB, 403x396, 1219346276099.jpg)
    86 KB
    Oh god lol.
    >> InternetHatMachine 01/22/09(Thu)07:51 No.3296204
    >> Anonymous 01/22/09(Thu)07:53 No.3296208
    Its not a fee if you get something in return..
    >> !FaggotnMIA 01/22/09(Thu)07:54 No.3296211
    >> T-Rex !!9rytQV39YC/ 01/22/09(Thu)07:54 No.3296212
    >> Anonymous 01/22/09(Thu)07:54 No.3296213
    This is what appeals to underage b& these days anyways.
    >> DA Windows7 Tech Support !wf5JJ352J.!!80GIg+YkP8M 01/22/09(Thu)07:54 No.3296214

    I fully agree with >>3296137
    Fuck, these ads are non intrusive and don't hurt the browsing experience at all. Hell, I even like clicking them because some of the shirts are rather good and that way moot gets out of debt and we might get FASTAH servers.

    But I agree with some that we needed something more J-list like, but as it is now, T-shirt hell is one of the better advertising partners for 4chan, if only they had more damn shirts.
    >> Intel i7 Processor !AMDSUXCqY6 01/22/09(Thu)07:54 No.3296215

    A fee is the price one pays as remuneration for services, especially the honorarium paid to a doctor, lawyer, consultant, or other member of a learned profession. Fees usually allow for overhead, wages, costs, and markup.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/09(Thu)07:55 No.3296217

    A great tool for those learning English.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/09(Thu)07:56 No.3296218
    >> Anonymous 01/22/09(Thu)07:56 No.3296220
    can I see your poots?
    >> Anonymous 01/22/09(Thu)07:56 No.3296221
    why you do this, moot?
    >> Anonymous 01/22/09(Thu)07:57 No.3296226
    moot, if you see this, put some fucking mods in /h/. Half the fucking board is filled with /b/ shit or /r/equests.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/09(Thu)07:58 No.3296227
    only the worst kind of faggots use ad-block
    >> Double TripFag !OHsqLSVNsQ!!kWa3IwbIWbE 01/22/09(Thu)08:00 No.3296235
         File :1232629222.png-(79 KB, 1440x900, not tidus.png)
    79 KB
    OP lives in a dream world, the ads are non-existent
    >> !FaggotnMIA 01/22/09(Thu)08:01 No.3296238
    you notice how all the tripfags in this thread run adblock and try to justify themselves for it?
    >> Anonymous 01/22/09(Thu)08:01 No.3296239
    oh lol
    >> Anonymous 01/22/09(Thu)08:05 No.3296252
    Can't ad-block, using Chrome.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/09(Thu)08:06 No.3296257

    You need the 4chan gold account
    >> Anonymous 01/22/09(Thu)08:06 No.3296259
    I really didn't know this was banable.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/09(Thu)08:07 No.3296261
    i see ads, i use adblock, i don't want to disable them because something funny might come up and i don't want to miss it
    >> Anonymous 01/22/09(Thu)08:07 No.3296262
         File :1232629644.jpg-(62 KB, 944x565, 4chan_ad_banner.jpg)
    62 KB
    forgot my file

    for posterity
    >> Anonymous 01/22/09(Thu)08:07 No.3296263
    >I really didn't know this was banana.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/09(Thu)08:13 No.3296288
    What ads? lol
    >> Anonymous 01/22/09(Thu)08:14 No.3296297
    >> Anonymous 01/22/09(Thu)08:16 No.3296311
    The ads are fine an unobtrusive, but that goddamn ITS NOT GAY banner is just too goddamn stupid. Trying way too damn hard.
    Also, good job, mods. 4chan can sleep easy tonight.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/09(Thu)08:16 No.3296318
    >> Anonymous 01/22/09(Thu)08:17 No.3296320
    Moot should change the web design so they're a bit less intrusive, then they won't be blocked as much.
    Also, more appealing ads would help too... no one wants to buy shitty shirts.

    Shit -> Rage -> motivation to AdBlock
    >> Anonymous 01/22/09(Thu)08:18 No.3296324
         File :1232630303.jpg-(58 KB, 337x404, 1232552931654.jpg)
    58 KB
    >> Anonymous 01/22/09(Thu)08:19 No.3296328
    Ok, honest question for a mod now- if there is indeed one present..

    Why is it that /g/ seems to be moderated much more during its 'good' hours? It gets all manners of promotions posted during the kiddie ages, and I so rarely see anything done about it. I agree with this banning but.. why only this?
    >> !suPPoRTwME 01/22/09(Thu)08:20 No.3296331
    why was op banned
    >> Anonymous 01/22/09(Thu)08:20 No.3296340
    how is babby formed
    >> !Fa/g/mUz1. 01/22/09(Thu)08:22 No.3296345
    Don't you know anything about basic military tactics? It's called show of force.
    >> dongfix !!48IzxoyQqN3 01/22/09(Thu)08:22 No.3296348
    i see ads, i use adblock, i don't want to disable them because something funny might come up and i don't want to miss it
    >> Anonymous 01/22/09(Thu)08:23 No.3296352
    Most bannings aren't public. This one is because it threatened 4chan's cash flow.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/09(Thu)08:23 No.3296353
    Haha, oh wow.

    Maybe people wouldn't block the ads, if they were the least bit appealing.

    There's plenty of ad providers that have decent shit, like good online retailers.
    >> !FaggotnMIA 01/22/09(Thu)08:24 No.3296356
    I always thought it was just the mods being too lazy to give half a fuck and then showing up every now and then in kind of a "you niggers get off my porch before I get my shotgun" fashion.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/09(Thu)08:24 No.3296358
    >> Anonymous 01/22/09(Thu)08:25 No.3296360
    Right click, View Page Info, Media tab

    You can still look at ads if you want.
    >> cancer.exe !!ZD0NvvGcSg6 01/22/09(Thu)08:25 No.3296362
    Because although posting nsfw images or blatant trolling is against the rules those don't prevent Moot from making money. Do anything to prevent that and its a b&. Its like 4chan is run by a corrupt government that doesn't care for its citizens and lets criminals run amok.

    inb4 I get b&
    >> Anonymous 01/22/09(Thu)08:26 No.3296366
    >>There's plenty of ad providers that have decent shit, like good online retailers.

    as we OLDFAGS knows no "decent" ad provider or "good" online retailers want anything to do with 4chan
    >> !Fa/g/mUz1. 01/22/09(Thu)08:27 No.3296371
    And how is that not a showing of force tactic?
    >> Anonymous 01/22/09(Thu)08:29 No.3296387
    no one is forcing you to use the website
    also mods = gods
    >> Anonymous 01/22/09(Thu)08:29 No.3296388
    >ad providers that have decent shit

    >> Anonymous 01/22/09(Thu)08:29 No.3296391
    Ad providers don't give a shit about who they advertise on, and the reference is the ad company, not 4chan.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/09(Thu)08:30 No.3296393
    What if a stylesheet were to be conceived where the ads still load but in a 1x1 box? You don't see them, but moot gets his money.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/09(Thu)08:31 No.3296401
    In order for moot to make money you need to click on the ad.
    >> !FaggotnMIA 01/22/09(Thu)08:31 No.3296406
    I prefer to call that "scare tactic" myself. Whichever one you prefer, I guess...
    >> Anonymous 01/22/09(Thu)08:31 No.3296407
    if i had dickloads of money i'd buy an ad on 4chan that gave a link to adblock to block my ad
    >> Anonymous 01/22/09(Thu)08:31 No.3296409
    unless it's on a per-click basis. I don't know how this shit works.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/09(Thu)08:32 No.3296412
    actually, they do, moot said so, go dig some old news posts
    >> Anonymous 01/22/09(Thu)08:33 No.3296418
    I lol'd
    >> Anonymous 01/22/09(Thu)08:34 No.3296427
    Well then. The people blocking the ads were never going to click them anyway. Moot isn't losing money from them since they were never money generators to begin with. If anything, they are saving moot the bandwidth since the ads are on 4chan servers.
    >> ‮‭‪‮‪‭‪suomynonA‬‬ 01/22/09(Thu)08:34 No.3296435
    same here brah
    >> Anonymous 01/22/09(Thu)08:36 No.3296445
    Honestly, that's exactly what I was thinking.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/09(Thu)08:42 No.3296485
         File :1232631737.gif-(2 KB, 94x84, 0000000.gif)
    2 KB
    That's a novel thing to say but.. It's not really true. Advertisements effect us (affect?) in a lot of ways. It's pretty rare to not be influenced in some way by them.

    Just compare it to television ads. Just about everybody hates them, and skips them if possible- but they most definitely change those peoples opinions.

    Ads are about more then just creating a single sale, its all about creating an image, creating associations.. People like what is familiar to them.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/09(Thu)08:42 No.3296486
    I like the cat on "get mad pussy", anyway, we must write a letter to these faggs so they do better and funnier adds..

    And bitches, stop whining about "why was he banned", "OMG our freedom of speech", "uhh this is not democratic"....fuck off bitches, if you dont like it go to another chan, anyway how hard is to change your IP?...
    >> Anonymous 01/22/09(Thu)08:47 No.3296520
    How about we just accept the fucking 128 pixel tall ads, turn off ad-block, and start having sex with women.

    I don't see you you faggots manage to fail at the only thing our body was really meant to do. Everything our body was designed for was to keep ourselves healthy enough to grow up and reproduce, and somehow you fags managed to fail at that. Holy fuck, gay people are retarded.

    And ad-block is retarded.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/09(Thu)08:48 No.3296526

    literally: Fags got told.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/09(Thu)08:49 No.3296534
    Getting rid of the ads makes the pages load a lot faster.

    Anyway, the more money made off advertising on a site, the more its hosting charges go up. A dodgy-not-really-friend I know works at a Sydney hosting company, and they routinely calculate how much money from ads their clients make, so they know who to squeeze..
    >> Anonymous 01/22/09(Thu)08:50 No.3296545

    Fags don't know what a CACHE is...
    >> Anonymous 01/22/09(Thu)08:50 No.3296551

    Enjoy your dial-up sir, may I suggest a text board?
    >> Anonymous 01/22/09(Thu)08:51 No.3296557
    Tard. 4chan's servers are fucking slow in themselves.
    >> 3296557 01/22/09(Thu)08:53 No.3296566
    Also, my link's maxed-out with torrents-- why the FUCK should advertisers slow my leeching down by even a second? Screw them, go take your negative-sum economics elsewhere.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/09(Thu)08:53 No.3296567
    when one of you motherfuckers create a website that gets millions of user traffic per month, you have my permission to ban who ever the fuck you want for whatever fucking reason you can conjure up at any point in time you want. seriously, who gives a fuck. why are some of you fags bawwing over this b&? mods = mods, and they can do whatever the fuck they want to, including banning me for this post.

    o shi inb4
    >> Anonymous 01/22/09(Thu)08:53 No.3296569
    Really? I'm more drawn to shit thats mysterious and unfamilar go figure.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/09(Thu)08:54 No.3296571

    Tard. Unless you delete your cache every time you load the fucking page these 50kb isn't going to do shit.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/09(Thu)08:55 No.3296575

    fuck, are you worried about some more images in your cache?..in a image board?..are u kidding rite?
    >> Anonymous 01/22/09(Thu)08:55 No.3296578

    trying to look like a samefag, but isn't...
    >> Anonymous 01/22/09(Thu)08:56 No.3296582
    Hello MODS. What's it like to do all the work, while Moot's out using the money he never makes from 4chan to buy new MacBook Pros?
    >> Anonymous 01/22/09(Thu)08:57 No.3296588

    You are fucking stupid.

    The fact that there are only like 6 images means they are all stored in a CACHE, which was my response to the first idiot trying to believe that you actually re-downloaded the ad every time you saw it.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/09(Thu)09:00 No.3296602
    wow is easy to troll on /g/
    >> Anonymous 01/22/09(Thu)09:05 No.3296641
         File :1232633144.png-(161 KB, 486x486, macgay.png)
    161 KB
    >> Anonymous 01/22/09(Thu)09:07 No.3296651
    dear Moot,

    keep the idiotic ads on /b/
    set up a paypal account and get donation from anons of other boards, I'm sure there are plenty that would gladly help.
    just dont offend your user base with "get mad pussy" shit.
    we dont click on it anyway
    >> Anonymous 01/22/09(Thu)09:09 No.3296663

    He probably makes better money in a month hosting adverts than he would in a year with a "donate" button.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/09(Thu)09:11 No.3296668
    I'm from Australia, that 300kb is like half my monthly quota.
    >> !0xMASH6evc 01/22/09(Thu)09:11 No.3296670
    Good ban, IMHO. First one I've caught on /g/ in a while!!
    >> Anonymous 01/22/09(Thu)09:12 No.3296672
    they tried that and a bunch of trolls reported the account and got it shut down. and that was way back when the site was 4chan.net. it'd be 10 times worse now.

    >> Anonymous 01/22/09(Thu)09:14 No.3296688
    The J-List ads were nice as they were off to the side. A redirecting ad between the text box and the content is just plain annoying.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/09(Thu)09:15 No.3296695

    thats because I said : keep them on /b/
    /g/ is tiny, we wouldnt make a difference anyway.
    Anyway if you really HAVE TO keep the ads from tshirt hell, why dont you get the right ads?
    for /g/ would be linux t-shirts
    for /a/ would be horo t-shirts
    and so on
    >> Anonymous 01/22/09(Thu)09:18 No.3296713
    I remember once browsing a website and then a pop up came up and said:

    "I noticed you are running an Ad blocking software. Please disable it to show your support and to gain access to our website."

    Perhaps 4chan should do something like that as well. Goddamn, if I was Moot I would totally do that on April Fool's just to piss everyone off.
    >> !FaggotnMIA 01/22/09(Thu)09:18 No.3296715
    fuck that, just sell horo hug-pillows on /g/.
    all 3 trolls who actually come here would buy it.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/09(Thu)09:18 No.3296717
    Shameful confession: I actually clicked on j-list's ads occasionally, just to give some money to 4chan. They're the only internet ads I've ever clicked.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/09(Thu)09:20 No.3296726
    Me too.

    The site itself was pretty awful in terms of structure and overview.
    >> 【 ぅロ')っ !.7guNyaNyA!!NcWKWBpVO+3 01/22/09(Thu)09:20 No.3296727

    Yeah, I found J-list through 4chan and actually bought a few things.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/09(Thu)09:22 No.3296735

    I actually bought something from them too...
    >> Anonymous 01/22/09(Thu)09:23 No.3296742
    >> Minifig 01/22/09(Thu)09:25 No.3296756
    Hey, if there are any mods still around, could you swing over to /co/ for a bit? A bunch of turdburgers are spamming even more pedo shit than usual.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/09(Thu)09:29 No.3296780
    Yeah, well at the least those ads had the sort of lighthearted weeaboo theme to them. These new ones are just /b/ incarnate.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/09(Thu)09:31 No.3296792
         File :1232634704.jpg-(32 KB, 387x505, 1215693968012.jpg)
    32 KB

    right click
    click adblock image
    press backspace til u get to the /
    type **
    ads go away now k?

    why were you banned for this post :( ?
    >> Anonymous 01/22/09(Thu)09:32 No.3296794
    I love how the mods ban this faget, but allow all the promotions threads
    >> Sandvich! !I/OmNoMNOM 01/22/09(Thu)09:39 No.3296838
    I guess that's why they call those ad's "banners" haahahahahhaaaa!
    >> Anonymous 01/22/09(Thu)09:40 No.3296844
         File :1232635226.png-(213 KB, 448x335, Reaction Grandpa.png)
    213 KB
    >> Sandvich! !I/OmNoMNOM 01/22/09(Thu)09:40 No.3296846
         File :1232635231.jpg-(3 KB, 100x100, Carlos!.jpg)
    3 KB
    forgot my pic
    >> Anonymous 01/22/09(Thu)09:42 No.3296853
    I wish Sandvich would go back to /v/. He'd be so much happier over there.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/09(Thu)09:42 No.3296854
         File :1232635357.jpg-(35 KB, 481x394, 1209034747409.jpg)
    35 KB
    >> Mr. Bradeli !tRiPfAGSxc!!tVG4nQpC10t 01/22/09(Thu)09:43 No.3296862
    >> Sandvich! !I/OmNoMNOM 01/22/09(Thu)09:45 No.3296870
    ive always been on /g/. ive only posted on /v/ a couple times in a diddy kong racing thread. besides you all know /g/ = /v/ except more computer threads.
    >> !Nigger/OcE 01/22/09(Thu)09:45 No.3296872
    1. Firefox
    2. rightclick the ad
    3. stop pictures from content.4chan.org
    4. ???
    5. profit!
    >> DA Windows7 Tech Support !wf5JJ352J.!!80GIg+YkP8M 01/22/09(Thu)09:46 No.3296879
         File :1232635572.jpg-(90 KB, 600x398, intocht_zwarte_pieten.jpg)
    90 KB

    Oh fuck you...I lolled
    >> Anonymous 01/22/09(Thu)10:33 No.3297166



    >> Anonymous 01/22/09(Thu)10:34 No.3297174
    (GOOD POST WOULD BAN AGAIN A+++++++++++)
    >> Anonymous 01/22/09(Thu)10:37 No.3297191
         File :1232638645.jpg-(471 KB, 968x1400, 1232004348046.jpg)
    471 KB
    Sugoi sugoi~
    >> Anonymous 01/22/09(Thu)10:38 No.3297200
         File :1232638692.jpg-(15 KB, 400x300, 1231853152143.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 01/22/09(Thu)10:50 No.3297269
    >> Anonymous 01/22/09(Thu)10:51 No.3297280


    >> Anonymous 01/22/09(Thu)10:52 No.3297283
         File :1232639571.gif-(286 KB, 260x450, 121715492744.gif)
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    >> Anonymous 01/22/09(Thu)11:42 No.3297627
    >> Anonymous 01/22/09(Thu)11:46 No.3297667
    >> Anonymous 01/22/09(Thu)11:48 No.3297676
    That's what you get for trying to block 4chon ads,faggot.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/09(Thu)11:49 No.3297684
    Source on stapler-san god damnit
    >> Anonymous 01/22/09(Thu)11:49 No.3297687
         File :1232642988.jpg-(90 KB, 994x768, Brilliant.jpg)
    90 KB
    >> Anonymous 01/22/09(Thu)11:50 No.3297693
         File :1232643058.png-(178 KB, 1040x936, LOL BLOCKED ADS.png)
    178 KB

    >> Anonymous 01/22/09(Thu)11:51 No.3297701
    >> we are the robots !PmJl0CZayk 01/22/09(Thu)11:52 No.3297704
    lol mods
    >> Anonymous 01/22/09(Thu)11:53 No.3297717

    I guess doug is bit trigger-happy, because he obviously has problems with finding advertisers. After all, this site ran couple of months without any ads.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/09(Thu)11:55 No.3297726
    >Yotsuba B style
    >> Anonymous 01/22/09(Thu)11:55 No.3297728
    I'd donate to moot for 4chan. But I will always block ads, no matter from where they are.

    And feel free to ban me, that only makes my penis harder.
    >> !VIRGIN/FJM 01/22/09(Thu)11:55 No.3297731

    mods, on my /g/?
    >> Anonymous 01/22/09(Thu)11:56 No.3297743
         File :1232643397.jpg-(84 KB, 278x334, guyfakes mask.jpg)
    84 KB
    Users shouldn't be afraid of the mods, mods should be afraid of the users!
    >> Anonymous 01/22/09(Thu)11:57 No.3297752
         File :1232643434.jpg-(247 KB, 400x871, car fun.jpg)
    247 KB
    >> Anonymous 01/22/09(Thu)11:57 No.3297754


    P.S. MODS = FAGS
    >> Anonymous 01/22/09(Thu)12:00 No.3297782
         File :1232643645.jpg-(156 KB, 640x480, guy fakes.jpg)
    156 KB
    right on bro
    >> Anonymous 01/22/09(Thu)12:02 No.3297795

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