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  • Blotter updated: 01/01/09

  • File :1231171983.jpg-(190 KB, 626x857, 1231010512069.jpg)
    190 KB /g/ FTP Anonymous 01/05/09(Mon)11:13 No.3109151  
    FTP: notebookvanmartijn.dyndns.org
    User: anon
    Pass: ymous

    Just in case anyone missed it the first time.
    >> Anonymous 01/05/09(Mon)11:15 No.3109165
    Still shit.
    >> Anonymous 01/05/09(Mon)11:21 No.3109204
    I'm downloading at 13 KB/s, WTF?
    and no, my connection is running fine today
    >> Anonymous 01/05/09(Mon)11:23 No.3109219
    Connection sucks but at least it has permissions.
    >> Anonymous 01/05/09(Mon)11:23 No.3109225
    Was waiting for this thread to pop up. Anyone uploading more ebooks?
    >> Anonymous 01/05/09(Mon)11:24 No.3109227
    what the fuck is .oga?
    >> Anonymous 01/05/09(Mon)11:25 No.3109234
    >> Anonymous 01/05/09(Mon)11:27 No.3109243
    It's your connection, I'm getting 300 kb/s which is the max my connection can do anyway
    >> Anonymous 01/05/09(Mon)11:33 No.3109276

    Looking for anything in particular?
    >> Anonymous 01/05/09(Mon)11:49 No.3109393
    is this the /g/ cp depot?
    >> Anonymous 01/05/09(Mon)11:51 No.3109402
         File :1231174285.jpg-(244 KB, 1024x768, 1230742576834.jpg)
    244 KB
    >> Anonymous 01/05/09(Mon)11:52 No.3109410
    it is now!
    >> Anonymous 01/05/09(Mon)11:54 No.3109422
    You're so cool.
    >> Anonymous 01/05/09(Mon)11:55 No.3109427
    Maya has a faceful of tits.
    >> Anonymous 01/05/09(Mon)11:55 No.3109430
    Anything interesting and underground.
    >> Anonymous 01/05/09(Mon)11:59 No.3109447
    ftp noob here
    the server wont open in firefox so I'm using cmd
    where do the files download to when I use the get command?
    >> Anonymous 01/05/09(Mon)12:00 No.3109452
    >>Firearms - blueprint - SMG_Do-It-Yourself.pdf
    >> Anonymous 01/05/09(Mon)12:01 No.3109460
    Ebook Collections Just Added:
    Ayn Rand
    Douglas Adams
    Ian Fleming
    Lloyd Alexander
    Micheal Crichton
    Philip K Dick
    >> Anonymous 01/05/09(Mon)12:02 No.3109469
    get filezilla
    >> Anonymous 01/05/09(Mon)12:04 No.3109475

    The Compleat Distiller, uploaded

    I'll start on a variety of growing ebooks next.
    >> Anonymous 01/05/09(Mon)12:05 No.3109478
    stick a ftp:// in front to make it open in firefox
    >> Anonymous 01/05/09(Mon)12:13 No.3109508
    host does not exist
    >> Anonymous 01/05/09(Mon)12:13 No.3109509
    Love you both these are awesome
    >> Anonymous 01/05/09(Mon)12:17 No.3109520
    not sure what I can help with, so I'm just adding stuff to the programs folder. Cracked trillian upping now...
    >> Anonymous 01/05/09(Mon)12:20 No.3109535
    Anyone have Introduction to Algorithms?

    Also, ZIP or RAR your ROMs before uploading them!
    OP, can you compress the ones that are already there?
    >> Anonymous 01/05/09(Mon)12:20 No.3109540
    Why are the first 50 odd replies in these threads newfags trying to work out how to use FTPs
    >> MX !/i/RCtxw2c 01/05/09(Mon)12:21 No.3109544
    I might upload some hacking tutorials later tonight.
    >> Anonymous 01/05/09(Mon)12:21 No.3109546

    >> m9(ಠдಠ) !K.WeEabo0o 01/05/09(Mon)12:25 No.3109560
         File :1231176301.png-(116 KB, 374x600, konapillow.png)
    116 KB
    Used firefox, and it asked me for a password a few times when I browsed the files. I know firefox always tries an anonymous login before asking the real password, and now the server banned my ip for failed logins.
    Got Filezilla now, but I still get a 550.
    Just saying, for anyone else using firefox.
    >> Anonymous 01/05/09(Mon)12:33 No.3109593
    Learn to ftp. ftp://USER:PASS@SERVER
    >> MX !/i/RCtxw2c 01/05/09(Mon)12:37 No.3109614
    so how long before your temporary ban expires?
    >> m9(ಠдಠ) !K.WeEabo0o 01/05/09(Mon)12:42 No.3109643
         File :1231177366.png-(163 KB, 600x828, fgsfds.png)
    163 KB
    I know how ftp works. My ban wasn't caused by my incompetence, but by the server asking me for the password several times while I was browsing and firefox for attempting anonymous logins. I guess my fault for being lazy and using firefox.

    No idea.
    >> Anonymous 01/05/09(Mon)12:43 No.3109653
    Can't you just reset your IP? Or are you on a static one?
    >> Anonymous 01/05/09(Mon)12:44 No.3109660
    If you always preface the server with USER:PASS it doesn't do that, but obviously you can't comprehend that.
    >> m9(ಠдಠ) !K.WeEabo0o 01/05/09(Mon)12:47 No.3109679
         File :1231177663.png-(372 KB, 800x900, garei.png)
    372 KB
    I guess I should. Not a static ip.
    >> Anonymous 01/05/09(Mon)12:49 No.3109694

    /r/ the name of the ahkneemayh these women are from
    >> Anonymous 01/05/09(Mon)12:50 No.3109704
    for those of you upping pic sets: For god's sake, rar them!
    >> Anonymous 01/05/09(Mon)12:51 No.3109706

    >> Anonymous 01/05/09(Mon)12:51 No.3109708
    Lynnete Bishop from Strike Witches
    Bossu from Minami-ke
    Yomi and Kagura from ga-rei-zero
    >> Anonymous 01/05/09(Mon)12:53 No.3109717
         File :1231177981.jpg-(35 KB, 467x470, relevant to my interests.jpg)
    35 KB
    >> Anonymous 01/05/09(Mon)12:55 No.3109730
    i have 1.11gb of ebooks and 13kb/s upload

    enjoy your wait
    >> Anonymous 01/05/09(Mon)12:55 No.3109732

    thank you anon-chan\

    now off to watch some ANIME LIKE LOL xDDDDDDDDDDD
    >> Anonymous 01/05/09(Mon)12:57 No.3109742
    Uploading all my /tg/ books.
    No, I'm not sure why.
    >> Anonymous 01/05/09(Mon)12:58 No.3109752
    Trust me, it's not.
    >> Anonymous 01/05/09(Mon)13:00 No.3109764
         File :1231178405.jpg-(34 KB, 335x473, Sheeple.jpg)
    34 KB
    lol What sad fucker uploaded 9/11 conspiracy ebooks?
    Jesus Christ.
    >> Anonymous 01/05/09(Mon)13:01 No.3109771
    nevermind, i get dc'ed telling me i have too many connections open from one ip.
    failftp is fail
    >> Anonymous 01/05/09(Mon)13:02 No.3109778
         File :1231178560.png-(15 KB, 367x448, untitled.png)
    15 KB
    >> Anonymous 01/05/09(Mon)13:03 No.3109791
    Can someone please organize the ebook section? I would, but for some reason I don't have permission to make folders and move shit.
    >> Anonymous 01/05/09(Mon)13:03 No.3109793
    You're doing it wrong
    >> Anonymous 01/05/09(Mon)13:05 No.3109802
    Delete all this conspiracy shit, or at least put it in its own folder.
    >> Anonymous 01/05/09(Mon)13:05 No.3109804
    >> Anonymous 01/05/09(Mon)13:05 No.3109806

    >> Anonymous 01/05/09(Mon)13:07 No.3109822
    I know it may be different language but its so close to english but isn't.
    What is it?
    >> Anonymous 01/05/09(Mon)13:09 No.3109844
    dutch you ignorant fuck
    >> Wallpaper Guy. 01/05/09(Mon)13:10 No.3109855

    You see zondag and you're saying something about JANUARI?
    >> Anonymous 01/05/09(Mon)13:13 No.3109873
         File :1231179191.png-(53 KB, 808x627, untitled.png)
    53 KB

    -Incomplete files will be deleted.
    -If you upload video and my vlc can't play it, it gets deleted.
    -If you upload archives and my winrar can't open it, it gets deleted.
    -I know IP bans can be evaded but they're easy to dish out.
    -Max clients =32, bandwidth is 1MB/Sec up and 1MB/Sec down, diskspace is only 24GB.
    -Please don't upload stuff that is common (I like Lucky Star, but) and takes a lot of space.
    >> Anonymous 01/05/09(Mon)13:13 No.3109880
    Dutch has so many english words.
    It like when I was in mauritius. The spoke the same language as canadians.
    >> Anonymous 01/05/09(Mon)13:16 No.3109906

    Oh, and mister 'dennou coil': why do your uploads end up incomplete all the time?
    >> Anonymous 01/05/09(Mon)13:18 No.3109917
    Since there is so little space, should we not upload large, high quality movies?
    >> !WiNdowsNME 01/05/09(Mon)13:19 No.3109929
    Hooray, an FTP that's not macfaggotry.

    Should I pack up and upload Quake II? ~600MB unpacked..
    >> Anonymous 01/05/09(Mon)13:21 No.3109940

    I keep getting 550 errors and the like, currently 1 and 25 are broken and the rest are being reuploaded. When those 2 are deleted I'll reupload them too.
    >> Anonymous 01/05/09(Mon)13:21 No.3109944
         File :1231179681.jpg-(43 KB, 640x480, seras lolwut.jpg)
    43 KB
    >diskspace is only 24GB.
    >> ASDFanon !otnRSDkuZA 01/05/09(Mon)13:22 No.3109961
    Damn I have 6gb of computer ebooks. everything from ajax to xml, including telecomms, electronics and CISCO stuff.

    If anyone wants anything specific to a language/discipline, just say so (I already put a few crappy Cisco ones in there).
    >> Anonymous 01/05/09(Mon)13:29 No.3110009
    Ebooks Uploaded:
    Beginners Guide to Growing Marijuana
    DMT The Spirit Molecule
    The Salvia Divinorum Growers Guide
    >> Anonymous 01/05/09(Mon)13:33 No.3110032
    wat, I uploaded Audiosurf and it doesn't have a virus. Using NOD32, latest definitions, never had any problems.

    Also I'm IP b& so I can't check it because IE8 in Win7 was being a faggot and wouldn't accept my password.
    >> Anonymous 01/05/09(Mon)13:33 No.3110044

    Serves you right.
    >> Anonymous 01/05/09(Mon)13:35 No.3110058
    I tried tidying up a bit, but it seems moving files is not permitted.
    >> Anonymous 01/05/09(Mon)13:39 No.3110082
    Well shit. My connection was refused due to too many users, and when I tried to check again I got temp b& for too many failed connections. How long till I can connect again?
    >> !WiNdowsNME 01/05/09(Mon)13:42 No.3110110
    Uploading quake2.7z, ~248 MB

    Approximately 40 minutes until it's finished
    >> !WiNdowsNME 01/05/09(Mon)13:43 No.3110115
    Nevermind it got cut off lololo
    >> Anonymous 01/05/09(Mon)13:43 No.3110118
    Uploading House Rulez, great electropop band.
    >> Anonymous 01/05/09(Mon)13:43 No.3110121
    where is windows optimozor?
    >> Pulsar !!jHt2BQk6jxE 01/05/09(Mon)13:45 No.3110132

    Dude, you got any good shit on distributed computing with Linux? Like setting up (Beowulf) Clusters.
    >> !WiNdowsNME 01/05/09(Mon)13:45 No.3110139
    Response: 150 Connection accepted
    Response: 226 Transfer OK
    Command: PASV
    Response: 227 Entering Passive Mode (145,116,226,175,59,249)
    Command: APPE Quake2.7z
    Response: 550 Permission denied
    Error: Critical error
    Command: APPE Wetrix_(U)_(!).v64
    Response: 550 Permission denied
    Error: Critical error
    FFFF I think his hard drive is full.
    >> Anonymous 01/05/09(Mon)13:50 No.3110187
    OP, if you only have 24GB of space I should probably stop uploading Dennou Coil and you should delete it, you don't really have the space for all of it.
    >> Anonymous 01/05/09(Mon)13:51 No.3110194
    This was cool until it failed.
    >> Anonymous 01/05/09(Mon)13:52 No.3110202

    Well somebody uploaded a bunch of weeaboo shit, so I'm not surprised.
    >> Anonymous 01/05/09(Mon)13:52 No.3110207

    ^clearly a member or the illuminati elite
    >> Anonymous 01/05/09(Mon)13:53 No.3110215
    I think it originally was in its own folder
    >> Anonymous 01/05/09(Mon)13:54 No.3110220
    Because vidya gaems take up little space
    >> !WiNdowsNME 01/05/09(Mon)13:55 No.3110228
    Wetrix is only 8 MB :(
    >> Anonymous 01/05/09(Mon)13:56 No.3110231
    er... I'm still uploading stuff, so it ain't full...
    >> Anonymous 01/05/09(Mon)14:00 No.3110273
    uploading viruses disguised as music
    >> Anonymous 01/05/09(Mon)14:02 No.3110288
    If anyone has any mandarin chinese (I guess textbooks or books in chinese) books I would be ecstatic if you could upload them. I'm going to be taking a class on the language and I've noticed there aren't that many resources for it (compared to the other standard languages at least.)
    >> Anonymous 01/05/09(Mon)14:02 No.3110291

    They're better than weeaboo faggotry
    >> Anonymous 01/05/09(Mon)14:05 No.3110318

    I've got my year 1 Chinese lessons somewhere on this comp, hold on and I'll up them. These go with the PC Tung books that most British unis use for their Chinese classes.
    >> Anonymous 01/05/09(Mon)14:13 No.3110372
    Enjoy the hidden directories OP.
    >> Anonymous 01/05/09(Mon)14:14 No.3110381
         File :1231182848.jpg-(9 KB, 200x250, villa.jpg)
    9 KB
    I've given you some new mod/chiptune songs to listen to, and also, I uploaded "bach_viv_fuga.mp3".
    >> Anonymous 01/05/09(Mon)14:16 No.3110397
    >no virus
    i see what you did there
    >> Anonymous 01/05/09(Mon)14:17 No.3110403
    In case you didn't notice, OP isn't the FTP owner.
    >> Anonymous 01/05/09(Mon)14:20 No.3110416
    oh lulz.
    >> Anonymous 01/05/09(Mon)14:23 No.3110445
    Giving /g/ access to an FTP is never a good idea. Admin is going to have a FUCK TON of hidden, un-deletable directories and files.
    >> Anonymous 01/05/09(Mon)14:23 No.3110448
    Why so conspiracies?
    >> Anonymous 01/05/09(Mon)14:26 No.3110488
    If the FTP isn't the OP's, then whose is it?
    >> Anonymous 01/05/09(Mon)14:31 No.3110539
    Some random guy came by and said 'Hey here's an FTP'
    >> Anonymous 01/05/09(Mon)14:32 No.3110549
    Keep up the good work, OP.
    Some fuck deleted all the cool 8bit music in the last day or so. :(
    >> Anonymous 01/05/09(Mon)14:35 No.3110566

    FTP admin should set it up so that anon can add content but not delete it
    >> Anonymous 01/05/09(Mon)14:38 No.3110593


    It's chiptune you faggot scene kid.
    >> Anonymous 01/05/09(Mon)14:41 No.3110613
    Not all 8 bit music is chiptunes, you cock slopping faggot.

    >> Dr. Manhattan !tcaTime1/M 01/05/09(Mon)14:42 No.3110616
    New IRC channel, since Tab is a faggot

    In Firefox with chatzilla: /attach irc.rizon.net /join #/g/FTP
    In mIRC: File > New Server > Rizon /join #/g/FTP
    >> speedlolita !!vKMkwh8b8HE 01/05/09(Mon)14:42 No.3110617
    Do you have any idea what you're talking about at all?

    Genuine chiptunes are made using 8-bit hardware, Atari, Commodore, Game Boy, NES and such.
    >> Britfag !HUZZAH/HAw 01/05/09(Mon)14:44 No.3110637

    >Not all 8 bit music is chiptunes

    But all 8 bit music is shit.
    >> speedlolita !!vKMkwh8b8HE 01/05/09(Mon)14:47 No.3110653
    >> !WiNdowsNME 01/05/09(Mon)14:49 No.3110669
    Listen to the "Comic Bakery remix.xm" that's in the FTP.
    >> Anonymous 01/05/09(Mon)14:49 No.3110671
    I don't make fun of your J-pop, do I?
    >> Anonymous 01/05/09(Mon)14:57 No.3110746
    Someone mentioned last night his name was Snake, OP is just reminding newfags about it. And why are we changing subject to Tab's FTP?
    >> Anonymous 01/05/09(Mon)14:59 No.3110755
    I just downloaded a MAYBELLINE ad, WTF?!

    >> Anonymous 01/05/09(Mon)15:01 No.3110769
    Fuck you dirty limey
    >> Anonymous 01/05/09(Mon)15:01 No.3110771
    stop uploading shit guys, srlsy
    >> Anonymous 01/05/09(Mon)15:03 No.3110780
    Enjoy your shitty ftp, faggots. I'll be uploading all my awesome files to usenet.
    >> Anonymous 01/05/09(Mon)15:07 No.3110812
    can someone upload Princess Tutu to the anime folder?, please.
    >> Anonymous 01/05/09(Mon)15:10 No.3110838
    Maybe he's born with it.
    >> Anonymous 01/05/09(Mon)15:11 No.3110852
    Maybe it's Maybelline
    >> Anonymous 01/05/09(Mon)15:11 No.3110853


    brb firing up Newsleecher :)
    >> Anonymous 01/05/09(Mon)15:12 No.3110866
    oooh, a fap folder under vids. I wonder what i just put in it. I don't think /g/ would like it though. she's too old.
    >> Anonymous 01/05/09(Mon)15:14 No.3110882

    you are aware that most non-us isp's block usenet access, right?
    >> Anonymous 01/05/09(Mon)15:14 No.3110883
    hey fellow dutchfag, got any gud cp in there?
    >> Anonymous 01/05/09(Mon)15:14 No.3110884
    According to /g/, 16 is too old.
    >> Anonymous 01/05/09(Mon)15:15 No.3110895

    Which newsgroups?
    >> Cancer that is killing /g/ !zkraGArAss 01/05/09(Mon)15:15 No.3110896
    15:14:02] [R] 421 Too many users are connected, please try again later.
    >> Anonymous 01/05/09(Mon)15:16 No.3110902
    wget -r ftp://anon:ymous@notebookvanmartijn.dyndns.org/

    to the rescue
    >> Anonymous 01/05/09(Mon)15:17 No.3110911
    >Index of ftp://notebookvanmartijn.dyndns.org/.hurr/durr/murr/blur/wurr/

    >> Anonymous 01/05/09(Mon)15:19 No.3110926
    No they don't. You're retarded.
    >> Dr. Manhattan !tcaTime1/M 01/05/09(Mon)15:22 No.3110941
    Uploaded Dead Space Comics and the game guide. Someone /r/ed downfall, but that's on my other computer and it'll be a while
    >> Anonymous 01/05/09(Mon)15:23 No.3110949
         File :1231186990.jpg-(91 KB, 863x800, anime2.jpg)
    91 KB
    OP here. This thread won't delete for some reason. OK, the FTP has to go down... yeah, it sucks. My stupid family want to use the stupid internet.

    So thanks for all the warez, and I'll catch you some other time.
    >> Anonymous 01/05/09(Mon)15:23 No.3110956
    You're not the OP. I am.
    >> Anonymous 01/05/09(Mon)15:24 No.3110960
    When I saw [conspiracy] I just kept on scrolling.
    >> !Nigger/OcE 01/05/09(Mon)15:25 No.3110969
    bumping to say I added a bunch of wallpapers last night
    >> Anonymous 01/05/09(Mon)15:30 No.3111007
    Someone please upload an anti virus.
    Something good like Kaspersky or NOD please.
    >> Cancer that is killing /g/ !zkraGArAss 01/05/09(Mon)15:31 No.3111016
    Uploading every episode of Bill Nye
    >> Anonymous 01/05/09(Mon)15:32 No.3111022
    Just use Common Sense 2009, it should already be installed.
    >> Anonymous 01/05/09(Mon)15:37 No.3111060

    you have just asked /g/ for an executable file. It also seems you would be willing to execute it.

    how stupid can people get?
    >> Anonymous 01/05/09(Mon)15:37 No.3111064
    Normally I would completely agree with you, but a friend passed me a Red Alert2 disk and I had to play it.
    Turns out it has some trojan in it.
    >> Anonymous 01/05/09(Mon)15:38 No.3111073
    i no wut a fag rite
    >> Anonymous 01/05/09(Mon)15:40 No.3111087
    If you had Common Sense running it would have immediately quarantined and disposed of any pirated content from computer-illiterate friends.
    >> Anonymous 01/05/09(Mon)15:41 No.3111092
         File :1231188061.png-(14 KB, 242x221, 1229848513570.png)
    14 KB
    >Something good like Kaspersky or NOD please.
    >good like Kaspersky or NOD
    >good like NOD
    >> Anonymous 01/05/09(Mon)15:42 No.3111101
    WTf is wrong with Nod32?
    >> Anonymous 01/05/09(Mon)15:45 No.3111119
    try "shit don't work".
    >> Afrohorse !ztez2Z0qEY 01/05/09(Mon)15:46 No.3111125
    Not loading for me.
    >> Anonymous 01/05/09(Mon)15:51 No.3111140

    they do, and have done for long. but i'm in no mood to argue about it.

    uploaded READ-THIS.txt to programs.
    >> Anonymous 01/05/09(Mon)15:57 No.3111152
    Name one ISP that blocks usenet.
    >> Anonymous 01/05/09(Mon)16:03 No.3111167
    Personally, I contribute to alt.binaries.dvd.anime the most.

    I also contribute to the groups covered by alt-bin.com whenever I can.
    >> Anonymous 01/05/09(Mon)16:03 No.3111168
    you high? it's not resource-intensive at all, but there hasn't been a working crack in a while.
    >> Anonymous 01/05/09(Mon)16:03 No.3111169
    pass isn't working for me
    >> Anonymous 01/05/09(Mon)16:04 No.3111178
    >> Anonymous 01/05/09(Mon)16:05 No.3111182
    >> Anonymous 01/05/09(Mon)16:12 No.3111210
    yeah, I tried re-upping those Infected Mushroom .flac albums again after you deleted it, and it failed again. I give up.
    >> Anonymous 01/05/09(Mon)16:13 No.3111217
    Firstly, Comcast is an American ISP.

    Secondly, Comcast doesn't block usenet.
    >> Anonymous 01/05/09(Mon)16:14 No.3111225

    No it doesn't, it just doesn't come with a subscription to usenet anymore. There's a big difference.
    >> Anonymous 01/05/09(Mon)16:15 No.3111228
         File :1231190115.png-(87 KB, 1526x728, gba_tbs.png)
    87 KB
    uploading the best turn-based strategy games ever made for the gba. have fun playing them.
    >> Anonymous 01/05/09(Mon)16:16 No.3111231
    Thanks very much, good sir. :)
    >> Anonymous 01/05/09(Mon)16:17 No.3111241
    the fuck? I can skim through the folders with firefox, but when trying filezilla all I'm getting is
    Response: 550 No connections allowed from your IP
    >> Anonymous 01/05/09(Mon)16:19 No.3111248
    wrong password fffffff
    every time i try to open a new file my browser requests the pass again
    i could only open one pic
    >> Anonymous 01/05/09(Mon)16:25 No.3111271
    how does i upload too???
    >> Anonymous 01/05/09(Mon)16:28 No.3111291

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