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  • Blotter updated: 01/01/09

  • File :1230876002.jpg-(196 KB, 949x1312, 122932766893.jpg)
    196 KB Anonymous 01/02/09(Fri)01:00 No.3080927  
    It occurs to me that /g/ collectively knows nothing about technology. There are a handful of individual posters who know what they're talking about, and the rest simply parrot the party line without a clue what they're talking about, or why they're saying what they're saying.

    Given the number of OS war threads, you'd assume every poster had a semi-functional knowledge of the three most popular OS', but you'd be wrong. Those with tripcodes aren't left out of this either, in fact they're often the main offenders.

    Since plenty of people come here for advice, I think this should be addressed, so how about this:

    If OP says something that ticks you off because of something YOU know about technology, and you feel the need to reprimand him, do so, and explain why.

    But if OP says something /g/ has always said is wrong, but you personally have no experience dealing with, you're just contributing to an ignorant circle-jerk by responding.

    Many of the most commonly held beliefs on this board are completely bogus and incorrect, and I don't mean the matter of opinion ones like Intel>AMD or whatever.

    As always, follow the golden rule-
    Nothing you learn on 4chan will make you more knowledgeable on a given topic, ever.
    >> SECURE !zo7fVkvYdY 01/02/09(Fri)01:02 No.3080938
    1/10 for getting my reply
    >> !Fa/g/mUz1. 01/02/09(Fri)01:02 No.3080939
         File :1230876141.png-(21 KB, 1024x960, 1228185574660.png)
    21 KB
    >> !SAGeFeLdFE 01/02/09(Fri)01:04 No.3080955
    >> Anonymous 01/02/09(Fri)01:06 No.3080968
    What? How do you know that we don't know what we are talking about? The only possible way you could get this assumption is if you knew that people were actually doing this. The only way to know if someone is actually doing it is knowing that you in fact do it. So why don't you shut up. Not all of us post what others have said like you. I don't even view /g/ enough to get knowledge of what /g/ likes as a mass and I'm assuming a lot of people don't either because this board is kind of shitty and boring.
    >> Cancer thats killing /g/ 01/02/09(Fri)01:07 No.3080974
    >It occurs to me that /g/ collectively knows nothing about technology

    I just finished my A+ I agree completely.
    >> EMAG-EHT-TSOL-UOY !AWEsomEEEE 01/02/09(Fri)01:07 No.3080977

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