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File: 1354268656142.jpg-(52 KB, 448x383, 1352009478611.jpg)
52 KB
/g/ humor thread?
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45 KB
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105 KB
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1.95 MB
I don't have much in my /g/ folder
lol they had to test all of them
File: 1354268932985.jpg-(244 KB, 540x437, stop_posting_abit_motherboard1.jpg)
244 KB
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342 KB
no, just stop

these threads are never funny

they are year old reposts


every time


File: 1354269055101.jpg-(361 KB, 700x719, 1328010673236.jpg)
361 KB
Ye must decide what is better.

Year old reposts?

Or desktop circlejerks / pretending to be the little girl.

annnnnnnnnnnnd.... GO

only a year....? how long have u been here for lol.
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575 KB
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60 KB
I'd plug everything in that picture properly, if you see what I mean.
Damn, I need to get some Mayo.
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145 KB
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361 KB
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187 KB
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141 KB
I cringed.
>buying ps3 games

what a loser
File: 1354269503450.jpg-(396 KB, 1920x996, download-more-ram.jpg)
396 KB
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155 KB
Looking fine.
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196 KB
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63 KB
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83 KB

Using that keyboard must automatically give you cancer or something...
I guarantee you this is a girl.
File: 1354269774536.gif-(1.77 MB, 320x180, apple_customers.gif)
1.77 MB
It was so funny I forgot to laugh.
File: 1354269810505.png-(212 KB, 520x519, BTW_I'm_A_Grill.png)
212 KB
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25 KB
I never forget to laugh, I got use to remind myself.
File: 1354269888227.jpg-(348 KB, 1272x706, gman.jpg)
348 KB
i liek starcraft ones
File: 1354269922513.jpg-(129 KB, 604x453, I..what.jpg)
129 KB
ahahahaha. its funny cause its true
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204 KB
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525 KB
Oh dear.

LOL out loud

What's going on in this one?
/g/ will fall for this
no CPU cooling.
CPU HSF mounted into a case instead of cpu inself
File: 1354270327587.jpg-(51 KB, 580x316, adam sandler standing nex(...).jpg)
51 KB
File: 1354270361639.gif-(553 KB, 400x384, #swag.gif)
553 KB
>/g/ tumor thread?
File: 1354270392722.jpg-(26 KB, 300x310, bill gates funny.jpg)
26 KB

Just found this.
File: 1354270423823.png-(39 KB, 660x440, actual apple patent.png)
39 KB
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366 KB
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111 KB
I lost it
thats not a fig
File: 1354270611785.jpg-(110 KB, 600x480, bill gates kills african (...).jpg)
110 KB
>>29480581 →
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28 KB
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160 KB
How do I get this theme for Metro???
Just made me sad.
File: 1354270713790.jpg-(193 KB, 500x354, feature creep.jpg)
193 KB
looks like the default one
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137 KB
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55 KB
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118 KB
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42 KB
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70 KB
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188 KB
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1.25 MB
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61 KB
Who's this inelite?
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346 KB
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870 KB
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19 KB
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41 KB
>CTRL+L to quit
>Highlights the URL bar in every other browser

Whoever designed that was a master troll.
File: 1354271170233.png-(1.16 MB, 700x1094, led guide.png)
1.16 MB
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42 KB
nice tits
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45 KB
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35 KB
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54 KB
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28 KB
Try using Firefox for Linux
>Ctrl+Q to quit
>Right next to Ctrl+W which I use all the time
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287 KB
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76 KB
Same on Opera for Linux.

I disabled it though, I don't think it would be much of a problem on a proper keyboard but on this laptop it's fucking retarded.
File: 1354271388620.jpg-(80 KB, 630x420, microsoft shitting on windows.jpg)
80 KB
Bind ctlr+q to empty action.
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499 KB
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52 KB
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331 KB
pls stop
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33 KB
This isn't /g/ humour.
This is just despair.

>don't get it?
>the geeks do!
>dvorak layout
>try to paste something on irc
>w is right next to v
So many times...
File: 1354271550112.gif-(536 KB, 268x205, penis.gif)
536 KB
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12 KB
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131 KB
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192 KB
That's clever. I'm going to introduce this to my workplace.
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43 KB
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6 KB
At least Opera lets you change the keybinds easily like any sane program.
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84 KB
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18 KB

You brought this upon yourself, Jim.
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275 KB
>not eating them separately

fucking plebs

Fucking stupid. Now it's going past the bread on the top and overlapping arbitrarily in the center areas.
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292 KB
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123 KB
Is his 'circular ham' somesort of American thing?
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206 KB
That was a fun day.
So does firefox, just edit the source.

It's bologna.
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92 KB
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104 KB
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67 KB
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73 KB
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130 KB
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141 KB
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124 KB
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48 KB
>linux processor
Every fucking time.
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953 KB
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33 KB
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176 KB
I remember this guy. pretty nice fellow

damn I want this but cant find it
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186 KB
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24 KB
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464 KB
Where is the joke? That seems like an extremely realistic description of this website.
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588 KB
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22 KB
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117 KB
This is actually good.

If "le meme faces" hadn't become so widespread amongst normalfags, 4chan would like them.
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423 KB
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72 KB
I really like the words "angry for fun"

That SERIOUSLY describes much of 4chan.
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257 KB
xcyjd ln.ao.
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112 KB
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114 KB
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107 KB
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107 KB
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120 KB
I want to kill myself.
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113 KB
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114 KB
These are so pretentious

Why do you guys keep posting my hand.
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83 KB
>on your apple device
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126 KB
I fucking hate you, Oneechan.
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107 KB
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120 KB
I don't think I have been this enraged by an image in a long, long time.
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114 KB
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116 KB
Fucking stop this
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202 KB
Of all of the things, of all the most retarded things, this is absolutely grand spanking full retard.
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118 KB
>Decimal is more accurate than a fraction.
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116 KB
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113 KB
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119 KB
>flash drive

im out
these are like posts of revelations I had when I was a KID.

nice grammar
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110 KB
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116 KB
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119 KB
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104 KB
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115 KB
>cellular phone
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112 KB
And that is how the dedicated shitposter finally managed to find the source of ultimate /g/ rustling. The end.
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109 KB
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554 KB
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119 KB
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109 KB
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53 KB
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120 KB
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111 KB
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84 KB
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106 KB
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111 KB
Critics have described /g/'s 'The Nerd Girl' as "quirky" and "adorkable". "Fun for the whole family." "On par with Chuck Lorre"
I helped the guy that is making that write the letter. So great to see it posted here, now.
File: 1354273376160.png-(4 KB, 184x232, are upset.png)
4 KB
Bill Nye isn't popular anymore, he spoke out against religion and that made him an instant outcast in american society.
Shame. Americans.
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73 KB
To her defense, she's not all too bad looking. Not in that picture, at any rate.
File: 1354273848539.png-(803 KB, 1024x562, fbi - 4chan.png)
803 KB
Ctrl+W actually makes it stop.
You are so le nerdy XD
i feel so uncomfortable watching this, why
Ha, I recognise that shop.
You're imagining having to connect all those wires.
My abit mobo's never stopped POSTing tho..they were the sturdiest motherboards i've ever owned
I never liked fractions.

Dohoho. =w=
>4chan would like them.
Newfriend, may i just remind that 4chan invented those back in the day.
File: 1354274989885.png-(829 KB, 1366x768, such a nerd.png)
829 KB
>What is independent discovery
Yes, and now if you post one (non-ironically) you'll get 50 (non-ironic) ">>>/reddit/" or "le memes xD" replies.
But it does. Even if it is not technically more accurate, it gives that feel of accuracy.
only if you're a pleb.
Writing '0.040650406504065...' is just annoying for anyone to read it instead of 5/123
But I sometimes wrote fractions instead of decimals because it felt more accurate... and usually was.
It's less accurate, especially with recurring numbers.
I mean when you have like two or three decimals after the period.

Jeeze. Of course fractions are better for huge stuff.
no, this is a philosophical question.

if you have a pizza and cut it into 3, there is no universe where you would describe that as .33333333333...
File: 1354275728905.png-(348 KB, 449x401, girlsgiggling.png)
348 KB
>he doesn't even relise that

[spoiler]ps3 has no games[/spoiler]
you mean you would write 0.125 instead of 1/8?

My heart used to leap in school when I got a rational number as an answer. It always felt more satisfying to write.
PS3 has the best exclusive interactive movies.
Yush. I would.

This is about normal numbers, yo.
you're mental

how do you know how much proportion of a whole you have

i remember that nigger
File: 1354276317260.jpg-(2.53 MB, 1281x4568, 1353182568461.jpg)
2.53 MB
File: 1354276415355.jpg-(49 KB, 717x428, 1353281361030.jpg)
49 KB
I divide the stuff after the dot with 10^n where n is the amount of decimals.

I like short decimal answers like .5 and so on.
>He doesn't realize that /g/ has no spoilers
File: 1354276681812.png-(406 KB, 800x581, Y3_30ba.png)
406 KB
I lost my appetite.
This is beautiful.
>they should be able to without everyone telling them how dangerous or gross it is

I don't understand this logic.
>hey, I'm taking part in a forum to discuss things, but please don't tell me about x y or z if it's something negative

different strokes for different folks I guess
The real joke here it's a gaming laptop.
fraction and decimals have completely different uses. your preferences are completely unscientific.

The fuck do you call them, then?

Is that an asian version of Sarah Jessica Parker?
i love you /g/
File: 1354279938721.jpg-(152 KB, 665x1404, 1343147616847.jpg)
152 KB
Fucking casual.

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