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Why do you keep using this /g/ ?
Windows in general is deprecated, all proprietary software is deprecated.
>>29366440 (OP)
Because it has a neat way to organise my programs, it has a sleek UI with reflections and the like, its tried and tested, its best for muh games, Gabe hates it, its no good for business and I like my OS to shut down rather than hybrid sleep or hibernate.
because windows 8 is a nightmare :(
>>29366440 (OP)
>tfw fully activated free Win 8 Pro copy
Because windows 8 is a tablet OS that is glitchy as fuck. Most drivers/programs/games do not support it yet.
I did the same,Microsoft is giving out free Windows 8 Media Center keys,great xmass present!
>glitchy as fuck

>implying Microsoft won't fork window 7 for businesses and stuff. Or are they seriously going to try to push that stupid inefficient Metro UI and shit as a viable DE for businesses and schools?
I hope they are doing this on purpose just to say that they sold more copies.
>being scared of Windows 8
Anon, we don't bite
Its obvious they did it on purpose.
Wait what the shit? Sauce!
Do you know that you actually work on the desktop, right? You only see the start screen when your computer boots up.
Gabe hates windows 7? doesn't sound right.
Windows 8 shuts down completely faggot.
Reflections? Are you twelve?
Do you live under a rock?
Google it Anon,it's been all over /g/ for the last week.
hahaha retard can't use compatibility mode what a fucking idiot
Try month. I had it working the day after release.
Windows 8 compatibility mode barely works asshat.
It's been all over /g/ for the last week but we've known about it for months.
Why are you all so late?
I meant Gabe hates Windows 8.

>Windows 8 actually does not fully shut down when you press -Shut down-, as it saves the boot kernel so that it will boot faster next time.

No, I just like a good looking UI thanks.
Because it has better gaymen performance (which is the only thing I use Widows for)
How does it not fully shut down? It uses no power whatsoever after shutting down. It is not a hibernate. It simply uses a more efficient method.

It's an hybrid mode, you fucking retards. You can change it to fully shut down.

>Few performance issues are more important than how long it takes your computer to start up and be ready to use. Windows 8 makes bigger advances in this yardstick than any operating system in memory. Of course, our tests involved clean OS installations, and startup time can be affected by apps you install that load code during startup, such as antivirus. But this, too, is more of a problem for Windows 7, since Windows 8 saves the system state and memory contents to a file on disk, and simply reloads it on reboot, rather than initiating everything all over again.

It hibernates. It never fully shuts down.
>>29366440 (OP)

Some people hate innovation.
I'm aware it can be changed, but I expect a button that says "shut down" to actually "shut down".the PC as a default.
>>29366440 (OP)
Because its stil better than 8.
So how is it that I can unplug my computer and still have it start up just as fast? It's not a hibernate because it still shuts off completely while saving a log file of everything running. Stop being a fucking idiot.
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Because Microsofts even version releases always suck and have serious holes that need patching before I considering using them.

ME and Vista were basically beta releases for the much more stable XP and Windows 7. I'll wait for a service pack at least before considering it.
Stop talking about things you don't know, you are making a fool of yourself.
>provides sources

I can put my laptop in Hibernate, take the battery out, then resume on AC power or when I put the battery back in. Doesn't stop it being a hibernate/hybrid boot.


See: >>29366717
Unplugging the computer would effectively stop it from receiving power. Without power, hibernation does not work. However, I maintain my fast boot times even when I unplug. Stop being delusional.

17' CRT Master Race
That is not hibernation. Stop being stoopid.
Hibernation is a low power state.
>Hibernation needs power

Why do laptops hibernate by default when power runs out or becomes low faggot?

You're a fucking moron.
I'm making a video of me hibernating my laptop, removing the battery then plugging in back in

You are a fucking moron.
That's sleepng dip shit.
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and then there's this faggot
It does use power, however it uses very little and there is always enough stored in the capacitors to keep it working.
Holy shit the jimmies
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>mfw when pic related

Yep, I'm mad.


>inb4 lel i trol u
>inb4 i was only pretending
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I love you.
Thank you anon. May I ask why?
because I'm gay
OMG the stupidity in this thread is astounding

hibernate does not use ANY POWER. hibernate saves everything in RAM to the HD and then completely shuts off the computer. when you turn it back on it resumes from hibernation reloading everything from the stored RAM file back INTO RAM which makes your computer appear that it never shut down.

jesus fuck man, if you dont know how to turn your computer on and off and understand WHAT HAPPENS when you do this then you need to fucking an hero and stay off the internet

>power stored in capacitors
>low power state

Because you actually made the video
pictures speak louder than words, and I made a moving once here: >>29367150

I wouldn't say something and then not go through with it. That would be lying.
holy shit calm down

I made a moving one here:>>29367055
oh my, what pointy feminine hands you have...
I know, I have small hands and feet and need to cut my nails.

I'm a UK size 8
and not a girl...
Because i remember the Windows Production Cycle.

Windows 7 was good, which means that the next windows will be shit tier.
Your'e retarded.
your gay pattern is broken by ME, xp media, and a few others I dont feel like looking up
>Windows 2000 - Good
>Windows M.E. - Shit
>Windows XP - Good
>Windows Vista - Shit
>Windows 7 - Best and fastest selling OS in history

Nope, he's not retarded.
fuck off.
>your'e retarded

Please see: >>29367314

XP Media was an edition of XP, much like Ultimate is a version of XP/7

They do not count.
You're missing a couple of version, captain.

>Windows M.E. - Shit
Full retard.
Maybe you should take a look at how well adopted 2000 was for business and how secure it was compared to 98SE which preceded it and M.E. Which followed it.
Enjoy Windows 8 remaining at SP1 FOREVER.
please see: >>29367358

ME was terrible and everyone knows it. The only thing it brought to the table was System Restore
Windows 8 doesn't even have a service pack. Windows 7 will be stuck at SP1 forever though.
because windows 7>windows 8
By that logic you should be using Windows XP since Windows XP > Windows 7 > Windows 8.
I didn't upgrade to Vista from XP, and I won't upgrade to 8 from 7.
Nothing worthwhile from what I have.
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>Windows is good only for desktop gaming and working
>Windows 8 ditches that to become a shit-tier tablet OS
Wrong, dumbass. The way hibernation works is it takes all processes from the memory and puts them on the HDD. On the next boot, it puts them back into the memory. Get your facts straight-I can hibernate for over a week without putting a battery in.
windows 7>windows XP
where is this option?
I can;t find it.I mean system settings in power options.
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Windows 8 is superior, I hate it when autists bitch about metro, kindly go hang yourself. You don't need to use metro. You don't need to use apps. You can easily create a shutdown button, one that can perform a full shutdown as well. Metro is far more efficient because touch users now aren't at a disadvantage, nor are PC users. You can use Windows 8 like a tablet OS or a desktop OS, or both if you wish. I find it easier to find things with the new start menu. With free third party apps you can get a classic style start menu.
Not to mention all of the new features in Windows 8.

My video established this,
Windows 7 just works.
give me some of these new features that are worth upgrading for
Look them in Wikipedia, there's a whole article for them.

It's exactly where is shown in the picture.
>its not called Metro
>You shouldn't have to create a shutdown button
>Windows based tablets will take years to penetrate the market
>shouldn't have to use third party software to achieve basic functionality

Argument debunked in 4 lines, please go away shill.
>You don't need to use metro. You don't need to use apps

or u can just use windows 7

You fucking retards, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Features_new_to_Windows_8. An OS is not just the UI.
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>new features in Windows 8

Such as?
with features i will NEVER use
All I heard was
>oh no I have to do work
I guess there's the extended multi-monitor support and uhh, USB 3.0 support.
Not worth upgrading for.
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xDDDD deprecated

ur mums deprecated oh shit #burn
>upgrading your operating system just to make more work for yourself with no significant benefits
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>I have to do wasteful work in order to do work in a less efficient and less intuitive way
Storage spaces, file history, you can pause file transfers, DX11.1, the new Task Manager, Performance monitor.
Who cares what I call it, same thing. You don't need to create one, just stop bitching about where the shutdown button is. Win+I > Power > Shutdown. It doesn't matter if the tablets will take a while, some exist and will now be much better with Windows 8 as well as desktops. You don't need a third party program to achieve basic functionality, the new start menu is superior.
You can, but like I said, there are many new features in Windows 8 that make the upgrade worthwhile.
Better SSD functionality.
Better multicore CPU support.

Lol you have no say in anything poorfag
You mean more efficient.
check the list faggot
>better multicore CPU support
tell me more about this
>but like I said, there are many new features in Windows 8 that make the upgrade worthwhile.

no there isn't
>Its Modern UI
>I shouldn't have to do key combinations, it should take two clicks
>A wall full of Fisher Price is neither neat organised nor professional

Argument debunked again, you sound like a tripfag who conveniently forgot his trip.
This is an X61s. With a 12" @ 1024x768 screen it is the most comfy ThinkPad I own.
It uses multiple cores on boot. That's it. When you're in the OS, there is no difference between 7 and 8.
And here I am, using Windows 95 with a 56k dial up modem, browsing 4chan with Internet Explorer 4.0.
>actually buying a thinkpad
I see you fell for /g/'s tricks too?
>implying that's the same as ignoring every other unnecessary incremental update
I remember everyone hating on Aero,now everyone loves Aero.
Now everyone Hates Metro,by the time Windows 9 arrives everyone'll love Metro.
People hate innovation,especially people with autism and /g/ is filled with autists.
Also things Linux had WAY before Windows. Those copy-cats need to get their act together.
why is it called windows 8 it's not even 2008?
Windows 7 was 2009
The task manager and file explorer are things everyone uses don't deny that. Also while it doesn't list it on that page windows 8 is more resource effecient, better optimized, and boots faster. Those are things you will use as well. And I willing to bet at some point you will use image mounting, and usb 3.0 which are features of windows 8.

You can say windows 8 isn't worth it, and at full or even the none discounted upgrade price I would agree, but don't deny that these are features that are unavoidable.

because 8 seven nine
Windows 7 wasn't released in 2007.

We'll all remember that year, 200Vista though won't we?
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>Storage spaces, file history, you can pause file transfers, DX11.1, the new Task Manager, Performance monitor.

Of this the only one that is relevant to gaymen is DX11.1 and no one will use that shit anyway. Also all of this "features" are useless to any normal user.

I guess I will just instead upgrade to Linux then.

In that case Windows XP should have been Windows 1
I install my chipset drivers
USB3.0 works

Ribbon on Explorer.exe is a joke.

I use MagicDisc because it supports more formats to mount and is superior

Argument debunked again.
Lets just get something straight here. The only thing Linux did not have before Windows 8 was the same touch capabilities (some OSs do much better with touch screens), that hybrid shutdown shit, and the worst UI since Windows 3.1.
>Windows 7 was 2009
Now it's so 2009.
all those things u listed i already have on 7, and i also have USB 3.0
>express interest in gaymen
>"upgrade" to Linux

Boy are you going to be disappointed.
Windows 8 will support newer Direct X versions.
Your GPU and your eyes will love this.
Steam, bitches!
Steam on Linux, bitches!
>Implying OpenGL is even remotely relavent in the gaymen market
>Implying every game is going to be ported to OpenGL. You will have less games than steam on OS X currently does faggot.
What do you think the PS3 and Wii U are using.
>No DirectX 9/10/11
>Nothing aside from the Unreal and Source Engine will run on Linux

Enjoy your maximum of 20 quality games
Good thing this is a tech board and everyone here is competent enough to disable features they don't like such as this right?
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Actually I will keep Windows 7 installed for games that are not ported to Linux.

Though I play Valve games a lot so it would be nice to have upgraded performance.
>implying /g/ hasn't become /v/ 2.0 with build threads, Friday with Charlie, and why doesn't BO II werk on my Core2Duo laptop

Please stop

According to that logic it should be impossible to port games from the Xbox to any other console.
/g/ still uses anti-virus apps.
There's no way the bulk of /g/ has any clue on how to tweak Windows 8 to run fast and smooth
That's because only Xbox exclusives use DX9 faggot.

Other consoles use OpenCL or whatever.
The ps3's userbase is infinitely larger than the gaming GNU/Linux userbase. Nobody is going to work for no profit.

The PS3 userbase and games library was non-existent at launch.

If Linux provides better stability and performance than Windows for popular games like CS or DOTA2, then Windows is finished as a gaming platform.
PROTIP: Just as it's going to take more than EA and Valve's support for a complete exodus of Macintosh gaming, it's going to take more than Valve and a few other independents for a complete exodus of Linux gaming.
just because the os is open doesn't mean that the programs have to be
because I can't create dem content on a tablet
everybody in the world knew what the ps3 was after it launched because of the success of the ps2. GNU/Linux has no such success. GNU/Linux is virtually unknown to the world right now.

The problem with OSX is that only a tiny minority of hipsters use that shit-tier OS.

In the other hand any idiot can install a Linux distro on their PCs.
Maybe you shouldn't have to do keystrokes, but it would take less time which is what autists like you bitch about all the time. If you want 2 clicks guess what? Make a shortcut. Your argument is invalid, going around in circles with conflicting arguments. The new start menu is like the new space to put your icons like you'd have on your desktop, without being a desktop because
>icons on desktop
[citation needed]
Do you live under a rock? OS X is extremely popular and linux is not. Linux is nonexistent as far as the general population goes.
don't have to be limited to a MS platform to use it
better performance
DX10+ are tiny visual upgrades
Because I'm too lazy to get Windows 8.
>GNU/Linux is virtually unknown to the world right now.

That doesn't matter.

Android was unknown when it came now and guess what? Now they have a majority of the mobile market.

What matters is that people want to use the software, and we know that most people want to play their games with better performance.
>Defending Linux
>Calls Mac OS fanbase a tiny minority of hipsters use a shit-tier OS

>In [sic] the other hand any idiot can install a Linux distro on their PCs
Not really. Drivers are still a pain in the rear end to work with and it's still easier to keep running Windows and play games on that.

I'm also unsure as to how open Linux's fanbase is going to be to new users who have no idea what they're doing.
i have a laptop with win8 and a desktop with win7
win8 has decided to stop updating for some reason and it's rather annoying
First off windows 8 has mounted any image I have tried to mount, it does so without running an extra program. It does so automatically when I click the iso allow me immediate access this is something good to have. You didn't even bother to deny you would use the task manager which is better in windows 8, because you know I was right there. Nor did you bother to mention the optimizations because you knew I was right there as well. As for usb 3.0 I never said it didn't work in 7 I said it worked natively in 8 which you didn't debunk at all. And the ribbon isn't that stupid at all, mine doesn't display unless I specifically click on one of the options at the top like view. And then it gives me access to options like showing file extensions, or showing hidden folders without having to take the time to go into the control panel.

Again not saying it is worth the money, but these are features everyone will use.

You do not all the things I listed. You have file explorer and task manager but they aren't as good as the ones in 8. The task manager for one in windows 8 does a lot of things the one in 7 doesn't by default such as showing the disk usage, and network usage of each program, or showing your startup programs and how much they will affect your boot. Those may seem trivial but that wasn't my argument, it was simply that it has new features that everyone will use.
>use multiple cores on boot
>still slower than 7 because even more bloat
Most people want games and an interface that's straightforward. It also helps if the userbase isn't infested with elitist assholes.
>Look at these new features that do practically nothing!
>It's truly worth spending time and effort upgrading for these!
better performance if the drivers were more supporting of opengl, however it is used much less and I don't feel "limited" by a MS platform, in fact I feel free since I can run DX and OpenGL games.
Android was successful shortly after release. GNU/Linux is going on a century of being a neckbeard OS

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