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FBI confirmed for most knowledgeable hackers on the planet
XP Home and Cmatrix. Better start praying now hackers.
>that ancient dell
>that ancient XP
>that baldness

Oh it's happening alright.
> 2 mATX on top of each other.

>dat cmatrix in the background
is that a tv, as a monitor? with the matrix on?
well this guy certainly knows his stuff
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491 KB
We hacker now?
This just looks like a really bad movie.
Jesus christ, can we please just get rid of this fucking word? It's fucking retarded.
That isn't a real image is it?

Does Fox really think so little of their viewers' intelligence?
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>windows xp with profile screen
Dat sum CSI shit right there man!
they look like mitx to me

i have always hated that word.
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>he kind of looks like Morpheus from the matrix
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165 KB
1337 haxors
>Does Fox really think so little of their viewers' intelligence?

None of their viewers have intelligence.
haha saved
FBI confirmed for neckbeards
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guize peep my battlestation
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2.99 MB
>>29325808 (OP)
I lost my shit.
>fox viewers

ya dun goofed.
fucking saved
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187 KB
We hacker now.
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link to the video?
is t-that b-bad dragon?
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
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my sides
le fancy fancy face le XD
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Le lulzsec you moron.

Have you guys not heard the leaked phone tapes where they talked about lulzsec/anon? The FBI knows what's up. But their motives make it look like they are retarded sometimes. If you think otherwise you're kidding yourself.
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> /g/

That's insulting.
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where's the fucking link?
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Monitoring thread
le new me-me is le born
lel posting it to nien geeg.
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Vemacs I don't know who you are but I hope you get raped by 60 niggers
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I'm the guy who shopped the original image
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99 KB
u r so cool m8
thanks for the oc!!!!!
le upboats xD
Guys guys guize, most /g/entoomen are redditors as well
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132 KB
kill yourself
If I am not redditor, am I not a /g/ent?
>that huge, shitty "Westinghouse" TV being used as a monitor
Jesus christ why.
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offended is me
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Best thread on /g/
literally this
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977 KB
Rose it hot.
Don't talk shit about Reddit.
disgusting redditfags trying to fit in
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19 KB
>They have a dedicated board for talking about us.

I-I don't know what to think...
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ITT: /g/ realizes they all pretend to hate le reddit even though they go there
Fair enough.

The more you know.
btw im a girl :3
pls respond
stay safe
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
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I don't have photoshop installed on my laptop, could someone photoshop him watching lucky star?
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22 KB

I am not a redditor.
Aaaand back on topic.
>only 60FPS
my trinitron is laughing at you.
nice one
fucking touhou
lol, fuck you :)
ohmagawd Imma grill too :3333
It's capped.
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15 KB
>Imma grill too
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886 KB
This man knows his technology.
I rice this thread.
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What am I doing on this thread.
Lost fucking hard.
one or two are not.
>dat 160fps
For a second I thought they were tears
best thread i've seen all day
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14 KB
This vemacs guy is a huge faggot.

Plays minecraft and shit, codes in java (but fails hard at that).
Yeah no the FBI aren't that stupid, /b/ is just script kiddies

Everyone knows the REAL masterminds are on /d/ with topics usingg binary signals (dickgirl thread = 1, everything else = 0 [spoiler]hand-holding = 2[/spoiler])
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...they aren't tears?

The only reason FOX News has viewers at all is because people can change channels. If they were stuck without that ability, they'd never come across that network.

As for intelligence, that's gotta be a trick question: you used that word in the same sentence as FOX News, ha ha, jokes on me.
>binary signals
The most delicious of tears.
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481 KB
/r/ stallman or sussman shoop
Someone please shoop Galaga on the big monitor behind that FBI dude, just had that idea from The Avengers.
Now this is the time for me to fap for Boku no Pico.
do it yourself faggot
where is the video of this?
asdfjklh I still love that movie
toasten enan elpic brad
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366 KB
Pic's name related.
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50 KB
i fucking lost it!
>implying that isn't most of /g/
srsly tho, if he fails at java, apparently he wrote a plugin that has 5k downloads or so
i could swear the girl was a lot more attractive...
After getting a shit load of help from stackoverflow.
All my feels. dat nostalgia
i don't know about you, but 20 lines out of 1400 lines doesn't seem like a lot of help
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You have to make it somewhat believable. Some idiot might actually fall for this one.
post it on /b/ , then just wait and see.
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fix the blue shizz behind his head first
Agent smith would make more sense.
dead thread?
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i imagine FBI cybersquad like every other government employee: diversity hired equal opportunity idiot who just wants a paycheck

such a shame, an elite squad of hackers wouldve been cool but the matrix screen saver confirms my suspicions
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Best I can do.
it looks worse than the other one
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Im crying man

Give the image some artifacts around the monitors. Make it look legit.
it's to post it on fucking /b/, is not like they will notice shit
post and link
They know how change screensaver in linux.
Only a true hacker could know such a thing.
People always link to the original thread (from /b/) in cases like these.
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Your friendly neighborhood spider-shoop
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Rly i am


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