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dumping rms pics
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Do you have the picture of him where his in the mountains wearing a hoody, sitting on a rock?
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RMS uses GNewStep.
Portage is full of non-free software.
Question from a noob here, what license should I use for my software? I would like people to make their own versions if they wanted to but I don't want people to make money off of it or use it in closed source software.
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richard swagman
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Thanks man. Dude looks like a motherfucking gangster.
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if you disallow people selling then it's not software
Yeah sorry, got all up in it for a sec.
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Don't worry. Your code's probably so shitty that nobody would be able to make money out of it even if they tried.
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You'll need a copyleft license like GPL if you don't want it used in anything nonfree/proprietary.

If you choose a license that forbids selling, it's not free software.

Take a copyleft license and add a clause saying that it may only be redistributed for noncommercial purposes. You are allowed to write your own license you know.
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ironic that pepsi is just as bad as coke but he still drinks it
s/it/it and any modified versions
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if dick storman is so smart why does he dress like a flood victim?
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>copyrighting a picture of rms
shig a dig
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you don't know bout swag
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Did anyone ever email rms and ask him what's up with the computer in the background?
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they were freeing it aka installing gnewsense or something
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He prefers to stay at other people's houses to sleep on their furniture and use their internet instead of going to an hotel. He's rather Jewish in that regard.
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He prefers that to someone else paying for a hotel. It's not about money. All his expenses are covered by whoever he's speaking for. It's all in the rider.
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>>29324639 (OP)
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Ah, I see. His requests are often bizarre though.
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and im going to bed
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What's he doing to that shota?
Seriously. Nearly all guest speakers for non profits will ask you to pay basic travel expenses, hardly unreasonable
me too
That file name I cant stop giggling.
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oh god, is he dating Willem Dafoe again
this guy seems like a fat disgusting blob. stop worrying about software so much and lose that gut for fuck sakes.
That sweater..jesus

I'm surprised nobody has made hime a wiki, Chris Chan style filled with his mannerisms and history
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Fucking love the filenames, keep it up Anon

captcha:richard sternsua
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I've read about three in one hand, but when did he learn how to use four?
Probably learned it from friend in Boston.

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Let me guess, forks don't respect his freedom?
10/10 would bang
No, he's hacking.

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Why is he ALWAYS and I repeat ALWAYS wearing that red shirt?
He was demonstrating what a hack is.
>implying he didn't also fuck the guy on the left
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>implying he wasn't just spying on the two fucking each other
It's like Chris's striped polo, he probably has multiples
>Not all my shirts are red or purple, but many are. I like those colors.

>not piping curl or wget -O-

rms disapproves
rms confirmed for above average amplitude
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he looked better without the beard
>Steve Jobs wears the same ugly turtleneck and jeans for 20 years
So stylish, so minimal. What a hero
>Mr Stallman wears the same sylish shirt sewn from free trade fibres in free conditions
eww what a gross old man

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Sometimes he mixes it up with a green shirt.
>So stylish, so minimal. What a hero
said no gentleman ever
Yeah that's probably true.
Well okay.
I never said they were ugly or anything but it just seems to me he wears them allot or at least on photo's.
RMS is a fat disgusting jew. Jobs was fit and in shape.
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And look at this number. He's definitely exhibiting his inner fashionista right here.
Stallman may he been born a Jew, but Jobs out jewed him in every way. You're right though, he was looking pretty good towards the end
>his fat distorts the geometric pattern
Damn, he's so pear shaped
why do both /v/ and /g/ worship a fat guy with a beard?
>in shape
right before he died of thinness?
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1.59 MB
If Steve was so fit and in shape, why is he dead?
Missing father figures growing up? Latent homosex? Guess we like Ritchie too
Because PC
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>Latent homosex


Where is that? Cologne?
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I've run out of Stallman pics for the time being.
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suddenly the thread turned handsome
>dat filename
My sides
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100 KB
It seriously looks like he has pissed in his pants though.
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Fucking stop saying "My sides".
>Being this upset
Jobs was also born a Jew.
He just didn't know it for many years (He was adopted)

That's why Apple invested so heavily in Israel a few years before his death.

You are so fucking reported. I can't believe you bring this shit in here again and again and again. "OH MY GOD MY SIDES ARE MOVING ON THEIR OWN HAHA SIDES XD ZOMGROFLMFAO!!11!!" You listen here you underaged shitdicked little cumguzzler: THIS. ISN'T. FUNNY. It's not cute or charming or something that gives people a smile, it's a waste of time, a waste of space, and an eyesore. You make me worry, really really really worry about the state of my generation. Where the hell is our world gonna go if it's run by shit-stained cuntminds like you that have NO originality and NO creative drive AT ALL. You contribute nothing at all to this board, nothing at all to your fellow peers. You are worse than a dumbass my asinine little friend, you are a black hole of faggotry and stupidity. You suck in the people around you and corrupt them with your cancerous posts. Your very existence is robbing this world of all things good. Leave this place, sell your computer, give the money to someone with brains who can wisely use it, and then kill yourself you waste of life. Die.
my sides!
muh sdies
>You are so fucking reported.

gentoo is shit and you are shit for using it

ur mums shit

haha faggit
I installed gentoo in your mum's pussy

lol no reply?

littel homo must be cryeng

fuk u

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