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I'm currently hosting the second 4chan Q&A/PMQ session here for the next few hours.

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what are you guys asking for for christmas? I need some god damn ideas.
a big 'ol bag of [spoiler]dicks[/spoiler]
a boyfriend with a large penis
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What are you, 12?
A tablet
My mom asked if I wanted the Nexus 7 (she has seen me look at it on the Internet a few times) and I told her I'd rather just get some money so that I can add a bit more and get the nexus 10.
My dad just gives me puzzle boxes with cash in them now. Also, stocking with hueg fruit and stuff because that's what he got growing up.
Underageb& thread

I don't ask anything because I'm over 18 and I have a job.
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>that feel when I haven't gotten a Christmas present in 5 years ;_;
Black Ops 2

not even trolling or 15 years old, I played it at my friends the other day and I actually enjoyed it. Never liked any CoD before...
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Even my grandparents (~70 years old) still give each other presents.
It has nothing to do with age, it's about showing love for each other.

I feel sorry for you.
A gun.

>le edgy face.
Asking for christmas?

My dad was a jehovah witness. There was no such thing as christmas. I never got christmas gifts and now I'm an adult, I see it a bit pointless to ask for gifts, specially when I can't give anything.

I guess if I had to ask for something though, maybe a Wii U. Shit's expensive for a peasant like me.
I want a cheap laptop, but not too cheap. Something with at least a i3 Ivy bridge CPU or some AMD APU for some *decent* lowtier gaming performance. Doesn't even have to be a laptop. But even on clearance I imagine something like that would be too expensive for our blood lol
Arduino kit, new SSD, new watch.
>celebrating a pagan tradition
Are you a murrikan?
Dragon Dildoes
I can't believe you're still on here!
The pagans who early Christianity copied were European.
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This or G19
New computer.
Pretty darn good.
Maybe you're american, home of the consumerist whore shitfest. Here Christmas is still a traditional familiar holiday.
Is anyone here seriously buying a Wii U?
But Christmas isn't really popular nowadays in yurop.
guys what's the difference between a HDD and an SSD

pros/cons etc
But love is just a simulated emotion.
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ssd is better in every way minus the life span but they're getting better
I have the one pictured. The G93.
I love it. It is comfortable, has great quality and the battery lasts a while(plus a decent range even through walls).
>shitty retarded gayman headsets
The price per gig is getting pretty good now too.
but how are they better??

7 years here, come at me bro.
He is in the Wii version, because otherwise it would have fucked up the motion controls.

Fun fact: He is left handed in the Gamecube version of Twilight Princess. That's not that fun part though. In order to make him left handed in the Gamecube version, they mirrored THE ENTIRE WORLD, and not just his character model. Everything is flipped in the Gamecube version just because they felt like it would suit a left handed Link more, and they wanted it to stay true to the other games.

You don't celebrate Christmas? Also, I know the origin of Christmas very well. I get the feeling that you're somehow trying to insult me by suggesting that Christmas is not a christian tradition, and I can somewhat agree (mostly copied from Saturnalia). I am an atheist and honestly don't care what the origin is, or what religion it currently belongs to.

I assume you don't use a 7 day week because it is based on ancient cultures and religions as well. Or do you? You hypocrite...
+More space
-Easier to break due to moving parts
-Slow read/write
-Larger, if that even matters

+Fast read/write(store your OS on there and you can boot up in a few seconds)
+No moving parts, less prone to breaking
-More expensive
-Less memory
They're insanely fast in comparison.
Why not? Who are you anyway?
way faster
I've been saving up for an iPhhone 5 with my coin jar money. I'm almost there. Fuck layaway.
Nothing, but they'll inevitably get me something. Meanwhile, Amazon is doing a Black Friday week of sales, I'll pick up gifts for folk there.
like the rest of them.
An SSD is much much MUCH faster, uses less power and won't break if you for example drop it.

The drawback is that the dollar:GB ratio is far worse. A 128GB SSD costs a bit more than a fast 1TB HDD, or a slow 2TB HDD.

It's very common to have one ~60 or ~128GB SSD for your operating system and most common programs (web browsing, maybe a few games, your office suite and so on) and then install the big majority of programs on a fast 1TB hard drive. That way you get performance for the programs which need it, and lots of space for all the other things.
A new laptop :B Need one for school.

>Nikon D3200 + 5 lenses - Confirmed bought already
>Bitfenix Prodigy - Confirmed
>Asus Z77 mobo - Confirmed
>i5 2500 - Confirmed
>Phantek White CPU cooler - Confirmed
>16 gigs of Random Access Memory - Confirmed
>120mm Fan x3, 230mm Fan - Confirmed
>Samsung 830 256 gig SSD - Confirmed
>2 TB WD HF - Confirmed

I love knowing what I'm getting for christmas.
>Z77 MBO
>Not 2500K
How will you pay for a data plan?

It's the K, I'm not typing it's full name out.
Some kind of headphones.
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Are your parents ultra rich?

I hope I get this 150€ monitor and 50€ for a new full price game.
The same could be said for all emotions...

Actually, the life span of SSDs gets lower and lower.
It shouldn't be a problem though. If you're like the average person, you will write about 10GB of data to your C: each day. If you write that much, then a normal 128GB MLC drive (like the Samsung 830, Crucial m4, Intel 510, OCZ Vertex 4 and so on) will last you about 35 years before SMART says that your drive is finished (as in, you can't write to it anymore, still read though). However, SMART usually underestimate the life of the cells and you might be able to get 40 years out of it, or even more.

The whole "SSDs have limited write cycles" hysteria is overblown.


The majority of SSDs die for other reasons, like firmware bugs or the parts breaking, which can happen to HDDs as well.

The total cost is like ~900 for the parts and ~1200 for the camera. I don't get gifts throughout the year, just christmas.
>$2100 in presents

normal people don't get presents throughout the year either, buddy.
>>29174636 (OP)

It is quite hard once you have grown up and gotten a good job as you tend to just buy stuff as you go along through the year. Anything you don't just buy yourself you feel guilty asking for as it's either quite expensive or rather pointless.
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I get mostly for christmas 200€ and I mean 50€ of mom and dad, 50 of grandpa+grandma 1 50 of grandma/pa 2 and 50 of my uncle&aunt ;_;

pls adopt
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The only thing I want isn't really /g/ related and is also impossible to find
Nothing because I'm not 12 years old.
look at this stone cold killa
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Im gonna buy myself a Nexus 4

I'm also waiting for my Silvia S13 to arrive at port in a couple weeks.
Excited as fuck for that. Gonna get some temporary insurance for the weekend and go hoon around in it in the snow driftan and slidan
Grow up, child.
Asking for presents is stupid imo, part of (most of) the fun is coming up with present from nothing, and being truly surprised when you open your. It's not fun if you already know what you'll get.
Pathetic, if you think celebrating Christmas is for kids than you are beyond autistic.
and a Nexus 4
so excited to take it to my nieces house for gayman night
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a gf
I´m looking for a stereo, but don´t know which I should go for



My grandma loves me cause I was the only one in my family to join the military and follow in her footsteps etc etc, so she gets me stuff. Glad I don't have to deal with it anymore though.
Did you fail English class, kid?
>tfw need to buy gifts for boring people with no hobbies or interests
I have the same headset, I wanted to be able to walk around while wearing it.

Range is really nice. My desktop is on the second floor, and I get good sound everywhere on the first floor except around the running microwave, or in the room with the router. Sadly, I cannot get any signal from my basement, and I cannot go more than 20-30 feet out the door before it stops getting anything.

Anyways, I never ask for anything. If I want something I just buy it. People claim I am very hard to shop for.
That's only fun when you manage to come up with something the person actually wants or needs. It's easier to just tell each other what you want and guarantee you get something useful. I would agree that giving and receiving presents at all is kind of pointless, but it's unavoidable so whatever. Might as well ask for something you were already planning on getting.
get them something interesting to ignite new hobbies
WiiU because I'm a sucker for Nintendo shit
No, I didn't actually. People like you are honestly unbearable.
my birthday is a week after Christmas. so no, i don't get presents throughout the year. yes, i'm jelly of your rich relatives.
What shitty ass lenses are you getting if you're getting 5 for around $600?
Go fuck yourself.

In my family we tend to exchange small cheap tat as surprises and a bigger gift talked about between the recipient and giver.
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I built a new PC with my own money over the fall. But I'm still using my old monitor. Asking for a new monitor.

Way overdue as this is my current monitor.

Any suggestions to what I should ask for?
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>artificial love
Nexus 10.
Not for christmas per se, but I'm going to get it as soon as the 32 GB model comes back in stock.

It's black friday sale and my dads new wife is a manager of a camera store. HOOKUPS.
I kind of already bought myself my christmas presents..

>new PSU (650w antec)
>2 U2412Ms
>dock for my thinkpad
still need a new desk chair though, and I'm waiting for some black friday deals on the 660Ti
Even with those hookups you couldn't get a body better than the D3200?
I just want a not completely flaming gaymer to cuddle with.....
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Samsung Galaxy S3
I can't actually decide between a Nexus 4 and a WiiU
I already own a decent Android device, so I'll probably just get a WiiU
Maybe a 670, I kind of want a 5-string bass guitar though.
Why SGS3 and not Nexus 4?

No. It was the body I wanted anyway. This is my first DSLR, don't want to go too crazy, just getting the equivalent lenses that I have on my manual.
People in 1st world countries want LTE.
>Buying an outdated phone with poor custom ROM support.
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What are you doing that's so important where you'd need to sacrifice having a good phone for LTE?
Radeon 7950 and possibly a new hard drive.
Because I can get the S3 a lot cheaper in a promotion where I'm buying it, and also they don't sell the Nexus 4 there.
wow, that actually made me a bit depressed
maybe I should set a fire in the fireplace tonight with my gf
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I cannot wait.
Gathering the cash up now.
Well all I'll do with custom ROMs is put Cyanogenmod on it.
Audio Technica ATH M50s
you know you are supposed to buy presents for other people, right?

TP was a Gamecube game, they flipped i twhen they ported it to the Wii because most people are right-handed.
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b-but anon... i don't exist.... outside of the 2D world
On this note, does anyone know where I may find the best offer on a APU Or ivy bridge system? Laptop or otherwise
I want to get a tablet /g/, what should I get? I've been looking at a nexus 7
Probably a Dell Inspiron 17 special edition
Anybody here to confirm it's a good pc (or at least sufficient to smooyhly run modern vidya, not necessarily in HD) or am I going full retard ?
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you wish
My family doesn't understand that I'm 20 and don't need anything. They constantly hound me for ideas and it makes me feel bad because then I have to buy them something to.

Seriously, I fucking hate that part of Christmas sometimes.
100 euros, so I can buy the watch I want.
Or a 2TB external HDD.
We'll see.
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pic related.
by modern, I meant recent, but you understood, of course
clothes, a car wheel and a good meal.

I want an X201t but I'll be getting that once I sell my macbook
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A pair of Grado SR-60i headphones.
I just bought a new laptop in september because my old one died, parents are yelling at my that they need to buy me an xmas gift and a graduation gift and I have to think of something
I hate this shit
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A Nexus 7
yo my /g/ hommie slices
should i get this
>>29174636 (OP)
A Sansa Clip+.
I'm poor as fuck.
nexus 4, 7 and 10
all hail our botnet overlords!
hope you don't like going outside with them
really fucking comfy
a++ sq

shitty noise cancellation
upgrade laptop?
SSD and max the ram.
I steal my mother's hard earned money to buy shit throughout the year. Basically my gift for Christmas and my Birthday is to just not feel guilty about doing what I do every paycheck.

I just turned 23. Just so you can know my raw pathetic levels...
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but it's only one little 'k'.. and you bothered to type everything else out.

> confirmed for newb wannabe liar
what genres would you recommend them for?
Not even a D5 series? You're going to find the 3200 extremely limiting if you ever decide to go beyond taking pictures of flowers on auto mode.
a 60hz 22 inch monitor runs for 150 bucks, can find cheap on black Friday or Craigslist. I got one for 60 bucks on Craigslist.
A set of logitech z506 speakers and a new desk.
I'll maybe buy some wall art and make my place look less shitty.
Family is poor so will not get anything. I'll stick with this thinkpad. Old faithful has served me so well. Perhaps I can spoil myself and get a nice mousepad

Anyway, i'll be heading north to parents' for the holidays
>celebrating a comercialized, quasi-religious holiday
u2312hm or some other ultrasharp.
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f-fuck you anon.
>celebrating a day where people give you shit
hell yeah motherfucker. er, though, I suppose I have to get shit for other people now, too. Fuck I miss being 6.
>That wonderful feeling when you weren't expecting to be asked for a wishlist
>That shitty feeling when all you want are socks and books

I guess I could use a new webcam or microphone
>implying it's not a perfect holiday to jew out on rich and religious relatives who believe buying expensive gifts pleases jesus

i miss being a kid
>>29174636 (OP)
I'm gonna ask for a new ass, my current one already has a hole in it...

captcha: tachpyr called
i hate christmas

im constantly harassed to come up with presents

id rather just buy what i want when i want, i dont want people wasting money on me, fuck
>hope you don't like going outside with them
Mainly for indoor use.
>really fucking comfy
That's what I've heard.
>a++ sq
Yeah? Excellent.
>shitty noise cancellation
I figured as much. They look really cool, though.
bump, can anyone advise me on what tablet to get?
My orignial clip was well worth the $50 ~3 years ago. Since they're even cheaper, support microSD, you'll be in business. Rockbox might be worth a try.

I'm curious too. It seems like the Nexus 7 is the way to go.

A Nexus 7.
Not sure if I should get myself a Galaxy S3 or the new S3 Mini which is getting released next week.. Leaning towards the Mini though.
Mini has awful specs
Like, S1 specs.
Any suggestion for a laptop ? (no shitty netbook or ultraslim ultrauseless machine)
can anyone with a n7 tell me how "washed out" the colours appear, at all? I was left unimpressed by anandtech's review of the display and that's one of the main things keeping me from pulling the trigger, but if it's subjectively not that bad it could be forgiven.

...I should really get off my lazy ass and judge for myself in compusa sometime.
nexus 10 + dollars. or + nexus 4. that'd be nice.
note 2 nigga
why are manufacturers still trying to put snapdragon s3 chips in phones? Jesus qualcomm charges like $15 for s4 kraits now don't they? I remember seeing a review of some russian phone put out by acer that had a fucking 5" 1080p screen but that stupid year old chipset, what the hell?
Newegg, Amazon, TigerDirect, NCIX.
Isn't Black Friday and Cyber Monday coming up pretty soon? Might be able to get a good deal during that time.
Exactly what I wanted, but replace the SSD with a second 570HD (because wondrous 2way SLI)
>less prone to breaking
They can still die or fail, I seen two do just that so far
I don't have one, but I've played with one and honestly the screen looks fine.
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Want one of these. Waiting on the 32GB to come back into stock.
The new iMac if it's released by then.
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a /g/ related item id want for christmas is a new pc case + 16GB ram and Samsung 830 128GB SSD
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Whenever I ask for tech for my birthday or Christmas it just goes over my family's head and they just give me cash. Except for my one sister who refuses to give me money as a present on the basis of it not being personal, which I can understand, but she doesn't know me well enough at all to select gifts that I'm remotely interested in. I digress though, I'll probably end up with a 7850 or a PS Vita, I haven't decided yet.
>Perhaps I can spoil myself and get a nice mousepad
I think I know the perfect present for you anon.

Get the S3
Probably going to ask for a new phone. Currently I have some really shitty free phone and was gonna asked for android phone.

What's the best phone to get other than the Note 2? I'm on Verizon and can't get the N4
Do you want to be able to use it with one hand?
Nexus 7

Do you want a big screen and do not necessarily care about being able to use it with one hand?
Nexus 10

Do you absolutely need/want Office and a keyboard?
Surface RT

Will you mainly use it to show other people how cool and hip you are?
Something 120Hz because smooth cursor movement and divisible by 24
You can use a nexus 10 in one hand pretty easily. It's light as fuck
Well either the Galaxy S3 or the One X.
120hz monitors are overpriced.
Which SSD brands are the most reliable?
*One X+
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You can hold it with one hand, yes (will be quite uncomfortable and heavy after even a short period of time) but good luck actually using it.
Intel > Samsung = Crucial > rest > shit > OCZ
>one x/+

anyway droid dna if you want screen and mediocre everything else, droid razr maxx HD if you want battery life and mediocre everything else, note 2 for an all around good performer, or s3 if the note 2 is 2big4u, also an all around good performer.
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A grand, or 2 690s.

We will see.
>holding it with both hands
>what a fantastic tablet
>need to open something
>try to hold it with one hand and operate it with the other
>tablet crashes to the ground from the immense weight, shattering the screen into a million pieces
>the ground shakes
>a chasm opens up, the ghost of steve jobs rises up from the earth

That's funny since its essentially just a few different maps and textures.
Is the only difference between the 10 and 7 the screen size?
Is there anywhere else to buy the 10 other than google themselves? It's sold out in the UK and amazon doesn't have them
An ipad is heavier than a Nexus 10
Why don't you give someone love for christmas? Two birds with one stone
I fucking love Christmas. I am 32 years old and I still fucking love Christmas. I love the lights, the food, the tree, the music, and of course the presents. I don't give a shit what people get me. I do, however, love buying gifts for other people. I especially love getting gifts for people who are notoriously hard to shop for. It is a bit of a sport, trying to get them the perfect gift. I try to get things that are unusual. If the recipient knows that the object you get them exists, then you have failed. It should be something they have never thought of, but also something that they would love.
>try to explain this to the ghost of steve jobs
>reality distortion field activates
>you are ripped to a thousand pieces and reassembled again
>one of your ribs is missing
>jobs holds it, and crafts it into an ipad 4th generation that is 1 gram lighter than the nexus 10
i love you
Actually you got the gamecube/wii thing the opposite way around.
Seriously, I'm not religious but who turns down free shit and food with your family?
A raise.
Wiimote with nunchuck and Android PSP-style tablet.
Someone that has no family?
thinkpad X131e
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>with your family
32GB Nexus 7.

>asus z77
good depending on which it is

lol not 2500k idiot, you should be going 3570k with z77 anyway

>phantek white cpu cooler
not needed for locked cpu

>16 gigs of ram

>writing ram as "Random Access Memory"
lol, you don't even need to capitalise anyway

>120mm fan x3, 230mm fan
lol HAF X are you 12?

>830 256 gig

>western digital
lol, hitachi > seagate > (few others) > wd > *
wtf is "hf"?

confirmed for spoiled kid who can't do research
I do those things but nor because jeewzus died, I do it with new years or death of a beloved one (because they were there and we loved them, not because they died)
Holding a 600 gram device with one hand over a long period of time gets tiring even if you're a body builder.

What I mean is that with the Nexus 10, you basically have to use both hands when using it. One to hold it, and one to interact with the screen.
With the Nexus 7, you can hold and interact with the same hand (not the whole screen though, but a big part of it).
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Either a load of Dosh to help me through my second term at Uni.

Or Dosh and a bottle of Fireball Whiskey.
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Money to build a desktop
A laptop for school
Beyerdynamic DT880 and some sort of amp
64gb microSD
[spoiler]a gf[/spoiler]

A new phone or some ikea furniture for my battlestation would be nice too
Realistically I'll get $100-$150, some fruit and a little trinket or two
a marisa
>>29174636 (OP)
either xbox 360 with 5 games or ps3 with 5 games. or you can just get me a 42" HD TV or a secondary 22" monitor. i have so many things i want yet no money to get them. fuck!
Begone plebe.
Get the PS3.
>>29174636 (OP)
> Console
> 42' 1080p monitors

Money, so I can buy something for myself tomorrow, tomorrow's my 21st birthday ;_;
An xbox360 controller for my pc. I'm thinking that I could get a ps2 to usb converter to use my ds2 controller though cause it's cheaper.
New monitor
New pair of clarks
4 noctura fans
8 more gigs of ram since my grandma doesn't want to give me money and I have 2 open slots to wth why not
Happy birthday anon :3c
>>29174636 (OP)
>what are you guys asking for for christmas? I need some god damn ideas.
underage thread

Would you care to post some examples of obscure gifts you've given before? I could use some inspiration.
Happy early birthday, don't forget to shave
I want a nice turntable so I can listen and collect vinyls, and rip to what.cd.
>he doesn't still exchange gifts
>Not getting Western drives
>Recommends chink drives
I bet you bought a chinkpad instead of an asus lappy didn't you?
>INB4 I don't have a lappy
Go to a actual college you aspie faggot.

Maybe will ask for some /g/ stuff. Probably a book on HTML5 and CSS3. Recommendations?
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I'm getting some comics from friends, and possibly buying some kid-friendly ones for the kids in my family.

I was offered a Nexus 7, but I asked for the money instead.
Saving for some hardware with christmas money (and more comics), and hoping to get some posters printed.

[spoiler]There's no Christmas thread on /co/.
don't thinkpads have higher build quality than asus laptops

this is coming from a G53JW owner
I am scared that my parents might get me an Ipad or another tablet which is completely useless to me.


>install air video
>stream tv/movies from your computer
>use it as an e-reader
>play games if you're into that
I just ordered this:

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A GTX 680, with an appropriate PSU, and a PE4L 2.1b adapter, because fuck having a complete gaming set up.
Actually, WD drives have lots of firmware problems. Hitachi drives are best because they have the highest platter density, run quieter and work with RAID on all drives.
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>buy good GPU and PSU
>plug GPU into laptop

are you a wizard
a tdk boombox
so i can blast my tunes at the beach
>iOS 6
well, if it's iOS 5
Well yes, but Asus' laptops have better build quality than most others and it most certainly won't break anytime soon, ThinkPads do however, have a better build quality but it's barely worth it, unless you plan on dropping your laptop from a skyscraper and then burning it your asus will be fine
no. it's called doing research. now gimme money.
I'm 29 and my parents still get me Christmas gifts, and I them. Since I'm hard to buy for they usually just give me $1,000 cash in addition to some small items. I typically only get them a gift worth ~$300, but this year I'm going all out and building them a very nice ~$1,000 PC since theirs is very slow.
what would a tablet be good for?
i guess reading manga would be nice.
would 7 inch be enough for that?
what other uses does a tablet have?
THe one that shits in diapers
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I'm getting this for my boyfriend.
You get a tablet if you don't have a smartphone but want to do that sort of mobile shit on the go with a more comfortable screen.
Something tells me you aren't female.
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What country are you from?
but what is that sort of mobile shit on the go?
i have no idea what you can use it for.
what do people actually use their smartphones for?
oh wowo
I need new underwear, mine currently suck.
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I use mine to masturbate to furry midget porn on the go.
>>29174636 (OP)
I'm looking to get someone a Kindle Paperwhite. She would love it!

Oh, and I think she plans on getting a Nokia 820 so maybe some accessories to go with.
Of course not.
A new pair of black dress shoes
A bottle of The Balverie 18
Jew gold

And that's pretty much it.
We've had one or two actual females visit /g/. They don't stay long...
>must be the smell of Cheetos and ball sweat
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Don't tell her, but I'm getting the watch on the left here for my girlfriend for Christmas.

Me, there's not much I really want besides maybe a nice camera? Or a cheap, small projector.
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This. Or else an Eee Pad Transformer, I haven't decided yet.
really late to the party
That's a little expensive for Christmas, anon.
Why would you willingly choose a 820 over a 920?
Kindle Fire, Dishonored for 360, Two Worlds 2 for 360, and money, which I'm most likely going to use to buy a PSP and a couple games.
OP here, I just got books for C and Python, just in case.
Technics 1210/1200 is the way to go, even used from a reputable ebay seller is great value for money,

i found one battered, bruised and had no tone arm and i did a bit of /diy/ and restored it to its former glory.

they are almost indestructible, think the nokia 3310 of the turntable world
i have a job and i have all the shit i want/need

maybe ill buy some good headphones with any money i may get from family.
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hd station so i can hook my phone up to my tv and watch movies with my flash drive
Oops a bit late to reply now.

>Nexus 7<
Dimensions - 198.5x120x10.5mm
Weight - 340 grams
Screen - 7" 1280x800 IPS screen (216 PPI)
Storage - 16 or 32GB of storage
RAM - 1GB of RAM
Connectivity - WiFi, bluetooth, NFC, accelerometer, gyro, proximity, GPS and compass.
Camera - 1.2MP front facing camera. No back camera.
CPU - Quad core Cortex A9 CPU clocked at 1.2GHz.
Battery - 4325mAh battery.
Price - 199 or 249 USD depending on storage.

>Nexus 10<
Dimensions - 263.8x177.8x8.9mm
Weight - 603 grams
Screen - 10" 2560x1600 Super PLS screen (300PPI)
Storage - 16 or 32GB of storage
RAM - 2GB of RAM
Connectivity - WiFi (dual MIMO antennas), bluetooth, NFC, accelerometer, gyro, proximity, GPS (with GLONASS support) and compass.
Camera - 5MP rear facing camera. 1.9MP front facing camera
CPU - Dual core Cortex A15 CPU clocked at 1.7GHz (will perform better than the 1.2GHz quad core at most things)
Battery - 9000mAh
Price - 399 or 499 USD depending on storage.
I asked my mother for a dragon dildo
An Xbox 360
She used mine over the weekend and liked most things about it, but she did not like the size. So I suggested that she check out the 820 even though she'd be getting a not-so-nice screen, smaller battery, etc.
should I get my mum a Nexus 7

she wanted a thing for e books, and she gets me to download TV shows sometimes, so I think she'd be able to get a lot out of it
peace on earth and maybe super for my SNESmetroid. :)
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yeah I know, but no one ever notices the ones that do stay here because they're not attention whores.
Can't decide between;
Wii U + Mario
Filco Majestouch 2 Ninja + Zowie AM Mouse
GTX 680 (I'd have to pay towards it)
3DS XL (Already got a 3DS)

Also getting a RPi and most likely typical shit like socks, tshirts etc.
I want to trick out my car, give it a new paint job, new wheels, new exhaust, new in car dash with GPS...
Ugh, I had forgotten about "her".
I'm thinking about getting either a medium Chance flared, or large Chance unflared. I also have my eye on Mary and Crackers.

Oh, and sheef underwear. Shit's kawaii as fuck.
what car are we talking about
how long are you planning on keeping it
>furry shit
oh god don't you ever have anyone over to your home
do you have no shame
Wh!te Girl, turnip and DMH were all non-attentionwhores and nice to talk to.
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>>29174636 (OP)
>MFW I'm just going to get cash so I can upgrade my rig to FM2 and DDR3

I built my rig JUST BEFORE DDR2 prices skyrocketed, I would just upgrade my ram and CPU, but now it's cheaper just to replace everything.
2004 Volkswagen Jetta

Don't ask me what engine, I don't know which one.

I plan on keeping it forever till it dies on me really. I'm a college student so its not like I plan on buying a new car anytime soon.
I never thought wh!te girl was really a girl. how odd.
I don't remember the others.
>dat dock
I loved my old droid razr's car dock, thing was so cool and useful. I kinda wish a standalone dock for my bedside for my S3 now, as my cat keeps knocking it on the floor when I sleep and it's starting to show some serious signs of wear.
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I'm overdue for a camcorder upgrade.
>not using DSLRs
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I love christmas because i can eat a ton of fucking good food, and i'm always totally drunk and destroyed, i dont give a fuck of presents, i have all that i need. Picture semi-related.
What's the difference between a DSLR and a camcorder for videos?
Looking to pick up another computer to replace my dying laptop. Hopefully something with an i5/i7, at least 500GB and 6GB+ RAM but that's what Black Friday will be used for this year it seems.
quickfire rapid
2tb or higher external hdd

i only have USB2.0 ports, but i honestly don't care about slow transfers. I have become very patient with 1megabit down internet
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What are you, some kind of faggot? Step up your game, son.
I only drink lafroog sorry
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64GB Samsung 830 would be neat

Kinda think I need a new psu. My Bestec 250W doesnt inspire confidence and it is a few years old now with a lot of hours put into it.

Some new headphones would be neat. I think JVC has some nice ones around the $30-40 mark (ive seen then in some headphone guides)

I kinda want a Kill-A-Watt as well. I just want to measure everythings power usage. Sort of like when I go over other peoples house and run a speedtest, just to see what they've got.

A Logitech G400 would probably be a nice upgrade from my $12 Logitech M100.
>not 120GB+
Step up pleeb
>>29174636 (OP)
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Should I? I'm nervous for some reason.
>all these people getting hundreds of dollars for Christmas and complaining

Christmas is about family, and turkey. but mostly turkey.
Can't. None of those green pieces of cloth.
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>not ham
Do you even thanksgiving?
Ham, turkey. possibly duck, a BBQ with Sausages, burgers, chicken, dim sims
no, I'm Australian. Christmas is mostly spent outside in the sun, by a BBQ
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Nothing. I have to buy my own things.
>>29174636 (OP)

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>not tofurkey
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Some liquid cooling stuff. Wii U so I can play the new HD Zelda when it comes out (shit looks legit).
Probably a case for my Nexus 7, and a pair of PortaPros.
Holy shit. We just give each other gifts worth about £20-30. Gifts are rarely just what you wanted, so why spend so much money on them? Consumerism at it's finest.
Christmas in Australia is often very hot. Whereas the northern hemisphere is in the middle of winter, Australians are baking in summer heat. It is not unusual to have Christmas Day well into the mid 30 degrees Celsius, or near 100 degrees Fahrenheit.

A traditional meal includes a turkey dinner, with ham, and pork. A flaming Christmas plum pudding is added for dessert. In the Australian gold rushes, Christmas puddings often contained a gold nugget. Today a small favor is baked inside. Whoever finds this knows s/he will enjoy good luck. Another treat is Mince Pies.
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I want an Eva 3.0 bluray

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