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Why can't we get nice windows boxes like the japs do?
>Buying shit software because of its packaging
Oh Japan...
Gook logic.
Japan gets the both.
Is the other theme out yet? Last I checked only Yuu's was leaked.
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>>29167643 (OP)
>Sweet memory

This is why I love Japan.
Maybe they should start implementing this for the rest of the world. It may make me stop pirating the OS.
fuck u
Why would you buy it anyway?
Ours look nicer. I an tell you now that most adults in Japan would frown upon receiving that in store.
Sales show they frowned upon both boxes, so there you go.
fuck off weeboo faggot
Not the left boxes.

The left boxes sold out.
>>29167643 (OP)
no us company wants repackage this garbage like the japs do (like dsp)
there was some talk about a ghost thread with Ai stuff but I never got to see it. The guy reporting it said the link to the file was down anyway.
That's how Apple makes their money in the United States.
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So all those shitty anime personifications of operating systems are official or something?
Well, that's the only one we need.
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It's not only Japan, mate.
bumping this question

I always thought they were fake
No, not all, just since Windows 7.
very few are official.
Can i import one of these japanese windows 8 and have it work fine?
You'll probably need to download the English (or whatever) language pack after installing it (no charge) but, yeah, should be fine.
7 is when Microsoft started endorsing them. They even made one for silverlight even though no one uses it.
I don't think there's any difference beside the box art.
Is silverlight-tan flash's little sister that gets shit on every time?
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they're repackaged versions by a seperate company (dsp in this case).
There is no Flash-tan.
There are some theme files and whatnot, and a Wedge Touch Mouse.
Just googled it. Silverlight-tan is cute.

It was a joke.
>implying ghost poop
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Linux-tan is sexy
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Do you know where you are?

I think i've seen this anime

Do YOU know where you are?
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GNU-tan is ...
>posting on a weeaboo website with an official weeaboo mascot getting rectumrustled when people are weeaboos

Do you know anything about this website or do you just come here for LE EPIC MEEMEES?

I'm not even a weaboo either.
Does these include hug pillow cover? I would buy.
Claudia for Azure, five different ones for Bing, and a handful for... I'm not sure what division this is, but stuff like Small Business Center and whatever by the Eureka Seven guy.
What do you think the /g/ stands for? The word "technology" doesn't start with a "g".
.. going to get forced into bestiality and double penetration.
"fuck your shit I'm in a gnu suit"
>What do you think the /g/ stands for?
It obviously stands for GNU
it does in japanese
>Range Murata OS-tans
Oh god I need these
That's only the otaku version. The general retail version of Win8 doesn't look much different from other releases.

It could be changed to "gijitsu" (with 技術), but it's just a leftover from guro.

>we oldfag weeaboo now
Those bulls are making the "shiggy diggy" face?
not sure if you guys are just joking or simply don't know anything.
The only 'sweet' memory you'll get is the memory of using Windows 7.
fuck off, tripfag
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Metrard, as always, is superior.
do they sell windows 7 boxes with anime girls on them?
>there are people using the word weaboo unironically on 4chan
It should wordfilter back to wapanese at this point.
>Not knowing that's just a PreCure

yes. and different characters in different places so otaku will buy both.
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how rude
I must purchase these operating systems!
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No, not him, Kenichi Yoshida
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With a pastied nappy and Metro UI.

I think the idea is that (s)he is retarded and thus incontinent.
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lazy copy/paste job
I'm not sure this girl even has a name.
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totally not lain, nope
Lain's an Applefag isn't she? Show references Copland and whatnot.
yea, there's a few apple references in there, in its defence, apple was cooler back then
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We tool lain, compiled her from source and stripped of proprietary bear suit. That's how GNU-tan came along.
Wasn't Copland Apple's Longhorn?
i'd tool lain, if you know what i mean
No, I don't.
>sweet memory
lol wut
can someone explain?
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>>29167643 (OP)
>Windows 8 Pro

implying any company will upgrade to this tablet toy os bullshit.. my sides
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>posting on a weeaboo website with an official weeaboo mascot getting rectumrustled when people are weeaboos
This rancid old argument belongs in the garbage.
>website starts with just animu and randum boards
>evolves more and more categories over the years
>people still too retarded to compartmentalize their interests so they adopt the idea of "home boards" and cross-post unrelated shit because "muh culture"
Memories of windows 7 are the only sweet thing in this os.
>implying companies with retail store boxes
You are literally retarded.
If you don't like it, leave.
You first, pal.
there are plenty of non anime themed technology boards

look, we even have j-list adds over the entire website. this is a website for weeaboos. If you dont like it go away.
it's not that it's anime, it's that it's a shit thread with awful opinions
You get a Naname figurine (from the stockpile they didn't sell) and a stick of gun glue.
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Stop using ads and mascots to justify your autismal inability to discuss things on the appropriate board.
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every board has OT threads and they're usually quality
Muh Culture: The Image Macro
>implying the best threads on any board aren't the off topic ones

The on topic threads on any board are full of trolls, you have to go away from the proper board to get a good discussion on this website.

Besides this is clearly a windows fucking 8 thread whats wrong with you?
So it's true what Murakami said about the Japanese culture being permanently trapped in adolescence and never able to grow into adults.
You bitch about /b/ shit showing up here but not /a/ shit.
Therein lies the complete bias and idiocy of these arguments.
When you pick and choose what off-topic BS is okay to post here you are policing the board with muh culture rather than following the established guidelines put in place by the administrator.
Try going to any other forum on the internet and posting in the wrong topic and the post will be moved because they actually give a shit, but here you post off-topic simply because you can get away with it.
In short, you are shitposters and this tired argument has to go.
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Sounds more like a Google shill is grasping at straws for excuses to have a perfectly legitimate Windows thread deleted.

Have you not figured this out yet?
This isn't really a Win8 thread it's a thread about how Japan plasters their box art with moeshit.
It's akin to /v/'s threads about how "superior" european box art for games is.
In this case it's one /g/entooman longing to have his boxes covered in lolis.
>>29167643 (OP)
they put anime on their boxes? Fucking hell microsoft...
A "ghost thread"?
because /b/ keeps shit that doesn't belong on other boards
also if you thinks this is shitposting you should use sage
you now realize most of /g/ are /a/ posters as well.
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Sage is not a downvoting mechanism.
>using sage to protest other posts
That's not what sage is for. Stop trying to user-moderate, this isn't Reddit.
>complaining about sage

He doesn't want to bump the thread. That's what sage is for.

>B-but in glorious nippon the honorable men use sage as a politeness, not like baka gaijin!
It's for not bumping. You use it when you don't want to bump for whatever reason.
yeah but fucking weeaboos man. Such faggots.
no but it prevents shit threads from being bumped
at least on /a/ shit threads are sages while /g/ talks continuously about the same shit
And every post in response that isn't will make entirely pointless.

It's almost as if you shouldn't reply at all to threads you don't like! Or report them if they're actually breaking rules.
Instead of posting in a thread that you don't like and putting sage in the email field, wouldn't it make much better sense to just not post in the thread?
That's what nokosage is for. You don't have to announce your sage, because doing so is the same as shouting "Hey, fuck you!" which doesn't contribute anything and constitutes shitposting.

It may function the same way, but the cultural trappings of sage on English imageboards are wholly different. I never suggested using it like the Japs do.

I just said it didn't downvote anything.
Sage isn't meant to be used like that all that does is encourage others to post in the thread. If a thread is shit don't post in it.
>you now realize
I realized that the first time I ever went to /g/.

When expecting other people will post in the thread regardless of your sage post, and especially when your post will likely trigger a response, there's no point in saging. It's become especially useless on faster-paced boards.
I dont bitch about anything. Ive been coming to this website since 2004 and ive never once thought there should be any sort of moderation anywhere. Its moderation that ruins things. It is the open and organic nature of 4chan that allows it to thrive.
Shut up, moot. Also you've been here since 2003, stop trying to act new.
>If a thread is shit don't post in it.
But i must if someone is wrong
So there is no os-tan pillows?
>B-but other people will bump!

So what? He doesn't want to bump it and now neither do I. Cry about this sage. Bump it if you want. I won't.
All right then.
>It is the open and organic nature of 4chan that allows it to thrive.

Used to be true. Now it's dying because the influx of new people is killing out the existing culture like Mexicans killing out Americans, Muslims killing Europeans, or Americans killing Indians.
Will do.
>influx of new people
But 4chan's user count is on a downward trend.
A slight downward trend from the original posters leaving. This place belongs to meme spouters from the anon is legion and /sp/ normalfag crowds now. You can see it in the anti-weeaboo, anti-anime, pro-normalfag, "alpha vs beta" posts on every board
The question thus becomes "Where did all the original posters go?"
>>29167643 (OP)
japanese one looks like for little girls and pedos
rest of the world looks like for businessmen
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i don't think so
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>windows 8
pick one
>late-mid May
>the day of No Sages
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If I knew I wouldn't be here. Maybe they all killed themselves. I might if I see anymore /sp/ shit tier memes being spammed on every board with ignorant pride.
i said it looks for
not its for
The scary thing? Most of them probably became normalfags and left, having better things to do with their lives.
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I considered the possibility that some got married, got jobs and have kids now but that thought is too horrifying. But then I read on /jp/ that most of them aren't even real NEETs or weirdos, they just pretend because they think it's all a big joke. The genuine people here have replaced by frauds and pretenders.
B-but muh piss bottles
How are people finding W8?
Or they've been drowned out by the massive influx of phonies, but continue to post with bitter irony -- acting like they're in on, and not actually, the joke.

>muh anything
Isn't this one of those /sp/ tier memes? It's very new. I still remember when "x, y, etc." was our ISHYGDDT.
It's /pol/ saying. I wouldn't even call it a meme.
the UI is garbage , the OS has some performance enhancements but it's still has NTFS so it's shit
That's the saddest part. This place was once a refuge for people who didn't fit in anywhere else but then it became a fashionable and trendy place for the assholes they hated to come hang out. /sp/ and /fit/ are prime examples of where 4chan went wrong. They were meant to contain those kinds of people but they only served as welcome mats for more of them.
I have a shitty old prebuilt that I use as a crappy secondary machine, reckon it'd be worth putting it on?
Not without some kind of non-Intel GPU.

Or a Wolfdale-era Intel GPU, but then it wouldn't be that old or crappy.
I found Windows 8 ran better than Windows 7 on my old Pentium 4

That said I'm probably just better off getting rid of the thing entirely and replacing it with an i3 or something.
It's a rampant Pentium 4 3GHz with a collosal 1GB or random access memory.
Why not put XP, since windows 7/8 main advantage is better usage of multicore processors
Or GNU/Linux
google shill leave
Does it even support NX? 8 won't even install if it doesn't.
XP end of life is in a year and a half
W7 runs alright on it at the moment, and the UI is so much easier on the eyes than XP.
Never used Linux. Is there much of a learning curve? Never felt the need to branch out into other OSs as OSX does just what I want.
Maybe I could install it on a partition see how it goes. Would you recommend one?
Usually debian runs fine on old hardware , but you should try maybe xubuntu

>XP end of life is in a year and a half
Better than nothing , or there is server 2003 which has a year more of support and uses 76 mb of ram at startup
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Oh hi Anon-kun. Would you like some cookies?
>8 cookies
those mesmerizing rainbow eyes
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the glare on that tablet is fucking horrible
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Japan is the master race.
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>window has 8 panes
>plant has 8 leaves
>windows logo shapes everywhere.
>8 shapes everywhere.

Microsoft confirmed for subliminal advertising.
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What the fuck?
If you're an anti-weeaboo you should go to reddit. You'll be in better company there.
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>>29167643 (OP)
It's simple: In japan moe characters attract people in general, in the rest of the world they scare away pople. Sure, anime freaks like most of /g/ like them, but your average people are just going to start thinking that it's some Japanese windows knockoff and not the real thing.

ITT: People living in the belief that "the average 4chan user == the average person".
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You guys need to get out more.
Which Win 8 tan would you impregnate?
The short haired on or the long haired one?
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Short, although I prefer the blue haired.
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watch out we got an alpha over here
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>blue haired
But that's superior win7-tan.
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>Compact Disc
As per Microsoft tradition, the Yuu and Ai killed Nanami and then devoured her corpse in the succession ritual.
So where is my OS X-tan?
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Sometimes, just sometimes I forget this is a site for weaboos.

During those times I mistake this for being a good site.
Is it hard for you to post on boards that are not /b/?
Gook is viet, you nigger.
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What are you doing with your life?
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Making lots of money.
AND they come with that touchpad thing...
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oh ess ten ten point eight
built on new technology technology
Are you shitting me
That's got to be the laziest...
>not keeping a large stash of technology technology for your technology
"OS X" is the name of the operating system, the version number is separate
Ahaha those eyes are worse than Kanon.
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Keep it up.
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wat lazy
So why should I not get Windows 8?
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Do any Japanese browse /g/? Like university students, or do they just stick to 2chan?
Please don't start this in this thread.
A few Japanese actually like us more because we're not nearly as backward or hostile as they can be.

Most of them stick to 2chan because there they can all hate everyone who isn't Japanese together.
Why should you buy it?
no, 4chins is americlap only website
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>we're not nearly as backward or hostile
I find that hard to believe, but I guess wouldn't know

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