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What's with computer nerds and tea drinking? I see comments all the time on blogs and forums about people warming up with a cup of tea or almost spitting out their tea in laughter. It's really weird.
>>29104581 (OP)
just a hipster thing
Tea is delicious, coffee tastes like shit.
>>29104581 (OP)
tfw im turkish
been drinking tea since i was 5
>drinking non organic tea
>drinking pesticides
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>not drinking glorious ea
I also like Coffee
> not drinking tap water
Green tea is wonderful. It perks you up without the jitters of coffee or energy drinks.

Black coffee is an acquired taste. If I could find decaf coffee that tastes as good as regular coffee then I buy it in a heartbeat.
>not brewing your own coffee
>drinking decaf
you people disgust me
Tea tastes good, and many people drink it, not just nerds, old people or the health-conscious.
I'm from the south.
How much green tea do you drink?
>not drinking green tea in the morning
>not drinking rooibos in the afternoon
>not drinking rooibos in the evening
>not drinking green tea at night
>not having coffee now and then

I do brew it you fool and I DON'T drink decaf because of the crappy taste. Read the post properly next time you fucking idiot.
> Tea tastes good, and many people drink it, not just nerds, old people or the health-conscious.
... the caffeine addicts.
You ever smoke it?
It makes you feel good too.
Is all southern tea loaded down with sugar or is that just a stereotype?

all of this minus the coffee.

Rooibos is great. Green is great. I've never liked coffee.

But I drink energy drinks too when I'm planning on gaming till late at night.
>green tea at night

>at night
where does one buy a horse so high?
but you've drank decaf, and from what it read, it seemed like you have been drinking instant coffee
I don't really see the correlation between being a "nerd" and drinking tea. That being said, I'm British, so everyone drinks tea here regardless of the time of day.
Not all of it, but sweet tea pretty much runs through my veins.
I had no idea
There's very little caffeine in green tea.
If you knew anything about chemistry you would know that almost all pesticides are organic.
Aye, but rooibos is definitely an acquired taste. Disliked the first cup, but quickly started to enjoy it as much as green tea.

Builder's tea ('normal tea') is fine too, except the aftertaste.
>>29104581 (OP)
>What's with computer nerds and tea drinking?

Computer nerds drink water too, and beer and all sorts of things. And so does everyone else.
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I prefer tea to coffee most of the time because most coffee on my uni's campus is really terrible, and tea doesn't leave that weird taste in my mouth that coffee does.

That being said, there's this really good coffee shop that I frequent were I get a latte and biscotti di Prato.

Decaf comes in grounded coffee and I've had decaf once before. You're not honestly admitting that you hate something even though you've never tried it?

I think you mean Earl Grey, I've never heard anyone call it builder's tea before.
read this while drinking longjing, brewed perfectly in yixing pot@73C

its addictive, i dont even drink plain water or milk anymore just tea, morning lunch dinner, it makes everything taste so much better
The only thing I drink is milk, water, and on a rare occasion juice.
>>29104581 (OP)
im british
As a child, I was friends with a family who had moved from Texas. Sweet tea ran through their veins as well. It tastes good, but it was just too sweet (at least how they made it) for me to drink daily.
>I think you mean Earl Grey, I've never heard anyone call it builder's tea before.

It's pretty mild, but yeah, still, the reason I don't drink it all day is because a caffeine dependency develops. Not coffee-tier feeling-absolutely-dead-upon-awakening, but still a notable dependency.
u wot m8
Were they dandies? I'm imagining dandies.
What's your point?
No they were hard working farmers. Not a dandy in the bunch as far as I know.

pick one
Offices offer 2 drinks usually cause they are cheap. Tea and coffee. People fidget when they program and like to drink anything. If you drink coffee all day you get the diarrhea shits. Same with energy drinks.
>be only Kenyan kid in my CS program here at CMU
>tfw Americans always question my tea drinking whenever i'm writing code and doing homework
>tfw Americans enjoy pleb tier coffee and frown upon tea for reasons unknown

I'll never understand it. Tea is pleasin- no, tea enraptures the soul. Coffee just tastes like industrial waste
I just drink water.
because caffeine is a smart drug
a strong one, but addictive & with lots of unpleasant sides
>What's your point?

The point is that everyone with nonsense to spread abuses the term "organic" as if it means that food grown with pesticides is not organic. All foods are organic. Pesticides are organic. That's how they work. Nicotine is a natural pesticide, and it's organic.

Because they all have carbon atoms. That's what organic really means, not the bullshit term bandied about by morons.
I drink coffee in the morning, and tea the rest of the day. I just like tea.
what is a builders brew?
Do caffeine addicts really drink tea? There's so much more energy to be gained from energy drinks, black coffee and caffeine pills
you are a superior human being, that is why
at work (software engineering), the majority of my co-workers seems to prefer tea over coffee.
I can't relate to them though - I drink over 4 liters of water a day (/fit/) and a shitload of coffee to stay awake like a true code monkey
Half of all known organic compounds are carcinogenic, so yeah the term shouldn't be taken literally.

Kenyan Black Orthodox is absolutely the best black tea out there...
I can't believe those CS students are such plebs. Everyone I knew in CS at school drank both coffee and tea (and energy drinks during rough times)
You learn something new every day.

It's great, though i prefer Earl Grey

>energy drinks

Only drink these during those weekend, hobby hackathons accompanied by breakbeat techno music and other things gleaned from watching 'Hackers', during the weekday, it's usually tea or soda.

>tfw you wish deep down that you were the first person ever to use the handle 'ZeroCool' online
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>has never had god-tier coffee
do you even into life bro?
>(and energy drinks during rough times)

Monster has the same amount of caffeine as coffee.

And coffee is better for you. I drink mine black, whether hot or over ice.

coffee rustles my intestinal jimmies.
I like coffee and tea, but you can drink a lot more tea than coffee because lolacid and lolteethstaining.

Earl Grey is God tier tea.

There's even a monument of him where I live.
brush your teeth nigger
>drinking hot tea

Iced tea master race, here.

[spoiler]Naw, I also like hot tea, but iced tea is what I mainly drink. Texasfag and all that shit.[/spoiler]
>>29104581 (OP)
I drink tazo because I just happen to have a rack of it.
I forgot how I got it.
You can only drink so much coffee before its bitterness and acidity really gets to you.
>brush your teeth after drinking a beverage that's highly acidic
>implying that doesn't wear the enamel even more
iced tea is pretty boss, mango ice tea man, that refreshment...
>smoking green tea
>not freebasing coffee
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Builder's tea is the crush-tear-curled feces that British people drink.

Finest Tippy Golden Flowery Orange Pekoe master race reporting in.
I get stains from tea. My dentist told me to rinse after drinking, but that's a little hard since I always have a cuppa on my desk all day. I guess I just have to pay for regular scraping ;_;
>not drinking rising sun lemonade tea with boba

>>29104581 (OP)
everyone but amerifats drink tea at their computer
>living in a north European city without a single tea stand
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The anglosphere confirmed for worst tea culture
Personally I thought "Lord Terabyte" sounded cool. Then I googled it and found a torrent fag used it.
Get water bottle and a spitter.
>Be me drink coffee like what you thought was a normal person.
>Coffee gives me the worst stomach aches 90% of the time.
>Been drinking tea for about 6 weeks now and love it way more than coffee.

Black tea + about a teaspoon of honey master race reporting in
I spend most of my waking life in front of my computer and I don't remember the last time I drank hot tea. And I feel like coffee fits the stereotype better?
Recipe for good tea:
>good leaves
>combine in pot

Recipe for good coffee:
>good beans
>expensive ass coffee maker
>coffee everywhere
>want milk?
>milk everywhere
>tiny amount that goes stale and cold if you hesitate for too seconds
>you now have a shitload of stuff to clean

I love both coffee and tea, but tea usually wins in terms of convenience
I got a bag of sencha from my local coffee shop. It's fucking delicious and was fairly cheap.
That's uncouth.
>people actually drink tea made with leaves

giraffe tier scum
American coffee must probably taste like shit just as their beer. If they also can't appreciate a good tea then I think they are beyond salvation.

You don't grind up your beans ahead of time and stick them in the freezer?

>spill coffee everywhere
>spill milk everywhere

And you don't spill the hot water for your tea? You should. On your nads.

Coffee >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
>>>>>>>> tea

>boiling water for your tea

Sun tea mother fucker. Put the tea in a bowl of warm water, let brew until water is a brownish gold. Put sugar in a container, fill with hot water, shake, fill with brewed tea, mix, fill with cold water, mix, put it fridge.
>just as their beer

I didn't realize that there were still retards trying to troll people with this line.

2/10 for nostalgia
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>drinking what niggers drink
>American coffee must probably taste like shit just as their beer.

Which beer?

>1,989 total breweries operated for some or all of 2011, the highest total since the 1880s.
pick one.
coffee is difficult to get to a drinkable taste.

tea can be consumed raw practicly

Sorry your beer doesn't taste like shit. Instead it tastes like piss.
>Sorry your beer doesn't taste like shit. Instead it tastes like piss.

No, that's Australian beer.
holding a mug with two hands like that is the gayest thing ever
>not using stevia extract for coffee and tea
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I just thought this was appropriate
moot, give us a /t/ board already.

and I mean REAL t, not this torrents shit.
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defiling the sacred drink with filthy sugar or sweetener
>Which beer?

All those still trying to make cheap lagger mixed with corns.
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Has anyone tried postfermented tea? I'm curious as fuck, but I can't find a good source.

Also, what green tea process is best? Steaming or panning?
I've seen moot make tea threads on /ck/. But I'd actually like to see a proper tea culture board.


There is nothing WORSE than instant coffee. Holy fucking shit that stuff is junk, fucking junk. So awful that just seeing it mentioned PISSES THE ABSOLUTE SHIT OUT OF ME.

fuck instant coffee.
I don't live far off from you anon, lets be frundz
diet Dr.pepper > all
>drinking artificially sweetened drinks
>not drinking naturally sweetened low-calorie drinks
That's fucking gross dude.
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>Earl Grey is God tier tea.
Fuck no! Flavouring should never be added to tea. The only excuse for drinking that shit is actually being in space and the replicator being out of everything else.

If you're gonna do diet dr pepper...

Half dr pepper, half regular coke > diet dr pepper

er, I meant half diet dr pepper.
>>29104581 (OP)
It's a more feminine drink, for those who are what you would call... "pussies".
It's the most drunken drink in the world you uncivilized soda drinking faglord.
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>They think Darjeeling isn't the best tea
> Flavouring should never be added to tea
Look at this hipster.
Darjeeling is good shit.
Water mint can be good in some teas. Not peppermint, though, it ruins the flavour of the tea.
Darjeeling is good, but don't forget Assam and the Japanese greens.
> freezing coffee
Not that I know, but isn't that awful? Moisture would crystallize on the grounds and change the taste and brewing properties.
If you need to add stuff to the tea you have bad tea and you should feel bad.
Correct. I hand grind my beans before every pot. It's the only way.
shhhh dont let the hipsters know about it

they could make us look bad
>Not that I know, but isn't that awful?

No, because what makes coffee taste awful is the aromatics that evaporate after grinding. It's also why old coffee tastes bad.

The freezing keeps this from happening.

>implying there's enough water in roasted coffee beans for significant ice crystals

It's not the moisture in the coffee, it's the moisture from the air inside the fridge. Even dry things that are in sealed containers get freezerburn.
I buy only canned coffee and it tastes fine to me.
>pretentious tea drinkers
>green tea
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uncultured American detected
i use tea in phrases, but i drink coffee
What is wrong with you?
I'm a britfag, so I'd be out of place to not drink it.
PG tips are fucking disgusting, fucking Yorkshire tea is best
Well I hate coffe, soda makes you fat and diet soda gives you cancer.

So what's left?
this, i used to drink coffee with 2 sugars but tea tastes better without, especially if you brew it properly
darjeeling isnt too bad
>>29104581 (OP)
tea is better than coffee. It also keeps you up longer, if you need it to. Coffee is ok, but it's mostly plebian amerifags that drink it.
Betafaggots like tea for some reason. The internet attracts betas.

I think the attraction of tea is it's like coffee but it allows the pretend-british beta faggot drinking it to think they don't rely on caffeine to function normally, and it allows tasteless pussies to avoid icky yucky bitter coffee because all they can handle is chamomile and 1% milk and agave fucking nectar.
Rail caffeine powder and drink sparkling water and whole milk (not combined).
i used to drink coffee and would have to stop drinking it after a while because of caffeine addiction, i dont have that with tea, despite the fact that i leave the teabag in to add strength
natural diet sodas
Did you somehow miss all the british hate in this thread? British people wouldn't know tea if it pissed down their throats.

That's a completely different plant, unrelated to Camellia sinensis.
If I have to 'acquire' the taste, it's shit. Tea is healthier and naturally tastes better than coffee.
>British people wouldn't know tea if it pissed down their throats

twinings would like to have a word with you
black tea also tastes much cleaner than coffee
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>not drinking elder tier, top-of-the-line, power rank of one, glorious water
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>mfw I can't drink coffee from this country because the coffee brands that Americans usually drink tastes fucking terrible

I have been spoiled by my family's coffee beans from when I used to visit Central America.

Now I just drink water or jasmine infused green tea.
a teacher of mine was a coffee addict. He couldn't keep drinking it, though, because it made him shudder and sweat. Now he drinks tea.
Twinings is blended, flavoured shit. And even if they did sell decent tea, the cretins would just ruin it in their dirty mugs with their milk and sugar.
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>not drinking this master race tea

Earl Grey is an abomination created to mask the lousy drinking water in Northumberland.
you mean all of twinings tea is flavoured, all 30 or so blends?
>green tea

mmmmm MMMM!

i do love green tea.
>green tea
>implying that's a thing
Two different green teas aren't even remotely comparable across traditions. You should be more specific.
yerba mate master race
Different plant, unrelated to master species Camellia sinensis.
I just spit out my tea, thanks op.
>>29104581 (OP)

Tea is awesome. A few months back I was playing wow and raiding with my guild when I told them brb, gonna make some tea. When I came back, they all assumed I was 60 years old.
mouth cancer incomming!
Because I'm British.

We all drink Tea here. It's a sophisticated drink.

In the afternoon if I'm feeling a bit low I take a coffee instead.
i drink it warm.

>The mechanism is believed to be due to the effect of temperature and the evidence to support this association is strong.[15]

>The increased risk, rather than stemming from the mate itself, could be credited to the high temperatures in which the mate is consumed in its most traditional way, the chimarrão.
... so then, is coffee out amongst the new and fashionable Apple product computer nerd hipster set?
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>drinking anything with high levels of caffeine

Welcome to 2008 lamestreamer.
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pick one
>It's a sophisticated drink
seems a bone-headed remark, isn't it the most commonly consumed liquid after water, among humans? next you'll be saying that walking is a sophisticated activity. (which is only partially true).
I drank black coffee all the time for the past 7 years or so, but now it fucking hurts the shit out of my stomach if I do so I drink tea.
Californian coffee drinker here, had two Brit roommates for a year, so much fucking tea was consumed.
>using a term like lamestreamer

... so then, you are a tea drinker? Do you wear chunky plastic glasses too?
Fruit and vegetable juices.
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Oh, but it is.
Iced tea and Cane Sugar Dr. Pepper are master race drinks.

I want to smack his ass
are k-cup teas any good?
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No. Not only is it bad tea, it's a ripoff and it's bad for the environment.

TGFOP is the only way to go.
All the coffee haters in this thread: try making cold brew coffee. Take 1 cup coffee grounds to 4 cups room temperature water, mix them together (stirring until there's no puck on top, you will have to check it after the first hour or so), and let sit for 24 hours. Then filter and drink. You'll love it. It isn't bitter and acidic like hot brew coffee, it's sweet and smooth.
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>>29104581 (OP)

Because tea soothes the soul. It massages our emotional wounds much like soaking in a warm steamy hot tub after a hard day of working. The best part about making tea is the process of making it.

>putting fresh clean water in a kettle
>cranking up heat
>begins to boil
>steam gently trickles out
>pour sugar, a teaspoon of raw honey, some hot water
>stir mmmmmm
>omg just look at the tea bag inch its sack into that water
>steam has an aroma of plant scent
>put face above cup
>feel the aroma of steam have sex with my face
>go on laptop
>listen to Mozart
>browse reddit.com/r/technology
>so much information
>tea in left hand keeping me company
>so warm, I love you tea
>>29104581 (OP)
I like iced tea. Does that count?
But I drink both.

coffee in the morning, and after I get off work

Tea for everything else

Loose leaf. Do it.
>not drinking reverse osmosis filtered water
A decent RO system is only $300. Initial cost + replacement filters averaged over a decade is $70/year. Why don't you have one?
Sperglords are more susceptible to reverse ethnocentrism because of the alienation caused by their autism. Tea is a deference to other cultures.
>implying the water doesn't go through an RO process before even hitting your tap
Has anyone heard of this abomination teavana? *sips chai spice casually*
>>browse reddit.com/r/technology
did not see that coming
Arizona sweet tea>
Stupidly expensive. There's many high quality loose leaf tea vendors online.
I drink tea because I'm British. Just finished a pint of tea, u wot m9.
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お〜いお茶 is the best, I'll go through 2 liters a day
you faggots disgust me
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Guess what guys, drinking too much tea gives you kidney stones.

>drinking too much tea gives you kidney stones

Drinking too much of anything with caffeine in it without drinking enough water to counterbalance the effects of prolonged dehydration on the kidneys will.

Hell, just not drinking enough water will.
lol ok
>Go to H-E-B to get groceries
>Look for some delicious black tea
>It’s all shitty green tea, off-brand “Earl Grey,” and Celestial Seasonings

Meh, the “Irish Breakfast Tea” is okay.

That is a stupid way to look at things.
Basically: "If you can't do something, give up"
you probably watch anime and are the whitest fucking boy in school too arne't you
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OP's post seemed like total bs to me until I remembered the glass of green tea sitting a few inches from my hand.
Uh, no...

That logic might apply if he was talking about something that gives him a benefit but if it's drinking something just for the sake of drinking something, that doesn't even taste right to you at first, then that's just for ego and possibly the stupidest reason to do anything, ever.

More like, “If you can’t do something pointless that you don’t really care to do anyway, why bother?”
I don't really watch anime, nor am I still in school. I am pretty white though.
>but if it's drinking something just for the sake of drinking something, that doesn't even taste right to you at first, then that's just for ego and possibly the stupidest reason to do anything, ever.
like most alcohol
Stop getting mad at tea.
Alcohol gets you drunk.
Alcohol at least has a social aspect and it gets you buzzed.

Drinking black coffee over tea when you like tea and dislike black coffee is just utter idiocy.
I remember when Snapple used to make mint tea. It was glorious.
Tea contains high amounts of oxalic acid which make the kidney stones easier to form. So it has a higher risk than other foods maybe except coke.

Inb4 tea drinkers in denial

>which make the kidney stones easier to form

“Makes kidney stones easier to form” does not equate to “causes kidney stones to form.”
This, so much this. Grew up near Dallas and my grandmother would put (it felt like) half a pound of sugar in every pitcher of tea she made. It has ruined any other form of sweet tea for me. They all taste like bland water.

As a Texan, I can’t fathom the appeal of sweetened iced tea. It’s just nasty.
As an Englishman, I can safely say it's because tea is the nectar of the Gods. We had to conquer India to get the shit, it's good stuff.

Coffee does benefit you. Drinking it black also has its perks. No need to worry about milk/cream, sugar, other shit like caramel etc

People seem to think an acquired taste translates to "after 100 or so experiences"
I have never had a cup of tea that had anything more than a barely discernible taste. 99% of the time it just tastes like hot water.
leave the teabag in longer

>glorious tea
>drinking it with milk like a disgusting whore

>drinking caffeine
>drinking caffeine
>not snorting it
>drinking caffeine
>not snorting it
>with your bhole
>>29104581 (OP)
Because every computer nerd is a weeaboo and weeaboos drink tea because that's what their waifu does on his Chinese cartoon

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