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Late. Bored.

>>28251398 (OP)
You have too much money bro
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In the process of moving stuff around.
College dorm if you're wondering
$50 for both speakers and they're powered by a Dayton Audio DTA-100
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>>28251398 (OP)
i am so jelly
>>28251398 (OP)
>shit tier studio monitors in home theatre setup

Wired to act as independent center channels for when downloaded movies have shit sound.

99% of the time I dont use them.

>no grills
Fuck yeah!
If there's one thing i cant fucking stand, it's people who have speakers that dwarf their monitor. I hate you all.
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I suppose I can interrupt my breakfast to post.
>>28251398 (OP)
How much did that cost, where do you live and
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Your name et al is clearly readable.
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Why the fuck is the bezel on that tv so fucking large?
Speakers I presume

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I need new pics...
It's ancient. Honestly, barely 720p. It masks the horrible lack of anti-aliasing on the ps truple though, at least.
No idea, Denver

Why what???
I like you. Do you study Philosophy at a Uni or just private?
ausfag here, where can i buy some good simple plain tables like that?
Why thank you. :3 Just something I pick up now and then in my spare time to fill the void that other people might fill with religion.
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>>28251398 (OP)

I like that setup.
That's a couple of Ikea GALANT.
No Ikea down there, ausbro?
What monitor is that and whats the resolution?
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>>28251398 (OP)
First time I see your entire flat. Looks great.

AKG K242HD brofist!
Mine are K142HD, but brofist for AKG I guess?
Damn that looks comfy. Even though you have a full-sized keyboard, it looks great.

What mic is that?
>>28251398 (OP)
>no room treatment
>iMac + shitty mouse + shitty keyboard


Your place looks comfy though.
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I like to smoke
>>28251398 (OP)
The place where I occasionally masturbate

I like your style. If I find a pic of my system on this machine I might post, though I don't have room treatment yet either
not anywhere close im afraid.
What monitors are those?
Are you still in highschool? Going through your reddit posts, I'm getting a strong sense of <18.
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11:17 here.
Bedfordshire here.
about 20 minutes away from Milton Keynes
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Salford representing bro.

didn't realise there were so many britfags on /g/
what keyboard is that
sidewinder x4
I think he has said before it's from dealextreme, for teamspeak or something.
there's only three of us haha
4. newcastle reporting in.
Stretford here
five, it's like a party in here.
Auschwitz here, from Germany.


Lel so edgy xD

It's a Trust Starzz, just a microphone for teamspeak. Works well though for the price.
That is far more offensive than any amount of dodgy Geography/History
I'm very curious but what do you do for a living?

six, although not far from being a scotchfag
I used to be an irefag...
those were the days

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Hold my hand, I'm about to watch Expendables 2.
>those were the days
I don't miss how stupidly expensive every thing was. Lived in Fermanagh and then Cavan for most of my life. Over in Lancashire now though.
>in Germany
Not yet. Got out of bed less than an hour ago.

Raining outside, it was too comfy in the bed.

I'll finish the movie and listen to them before I go through my youtube list.
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Hi boys
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afternoon folks.
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I did my best fixing that whitebalance.

Unless you now had some moodlights.
Good afternoon. Looking good, as always!
why would you want to do that? well, whatever floats your boat I guess
I don't like when the whitebalance is off completely :(

But if you have some colored lamps, I'm okay with it.
I actually prefer the warmth in the original.

For years I have been jealous of that room.
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Hello my Hello Kitty loving Senpai
Yo bro!

Took this shot a few days ago
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Poorfag reporting in.

>vita on desk
>halfway decent compter

Why do you sit on the floor and work?
All you need now is a fleshlight mounted on a loli pillow/poster!

He does this attention troll every day so everyone goes


So he doesn't need to cry himself to sleep.
Do you have any suggestions on what one that I should get?
I don't have one myself, yet.

But I am 100% sure you can order some loli specific ones from Japan.

Ask in /a/!


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Student command station activate.

I did manage the cables now and got some more engineering books and mango. But other than that nothing changed.
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And my lovely Philips AF410 with built in amp.

Can I be an audiophile too?
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Get on my level.
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Welcome to England.
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Why would I? Anything I need fits and I have room to spare.
>that tiny CRT

What's the console to the left of it?
get out
What's wrong with my 9 incher?

And it's a PC Engine Core Grafx II.
How does it feel every day trying to open those drawers with wires infront of it getting in your way?
>Not using an FD Trinitron WEGA
They don't get in the way.

The bottom 3 drawers are full of manga anyway.

Why would I use some consumer level crap?
sorry i'm new from /v/
LCDs are better anyway
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They're really not.
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Well, because gaming on a tiny monitor is handicapping your performance?
>>28251398 (OP)
>not a single wire to be seen
>horrible monitor setup
>paper thin keyboard

What are you, some kind of gay?
It isn't really all that tiny though.

I used to have one of these, very poor quality LCD.

>bunch of PAL garbage

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>That PS2

Absolutely disgusting.
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I'm looking for it, looking for it. No sight of it. I see the PS3.

>notice pink monstrosity

I'm a girl, jelly? :3
Post hands!
Jesus, Expendables 2. I am smiling more than when I'm watching a comedy.

Wanna fuck?
clean,nicely set-up
>LG brand TV
>not Samsung master race

Nope, not at all. I actually feel a little sorry for you.
I hope you don't stack your records like that when you're not taking a picture.
They're both awful brands.

I'd like the owner of that station to post how awful their Master System 2 looks via RF on their TV.
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>not supporting cancer research

>pleb brand vs pleb brand
Wow, what a tough choice
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mines way better than your piece of shit
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You could at least have one worthwhile thing.
>small desk
>not a thinkpad
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Just took these.
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Nice bitfenix prodigy
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While that whole setup is disgusting I do like the oscilloscope.
Oh actually, I do. It's only 11 records in total, and I keep the records themselves clean. Not enough to warp them at all. I wish I had the space to properly display them.
how old are you?
That desk cant be healthy for your right arm. Enjoy having getting a mouse arm.
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Ruddy hell. Nice IBM L170 and scope, I suppose. But damn, yer shop's messier than mine!
17 (The toys have been there for years, I'm too lazy to throw them out)
You realise you have to be 18 to post on 4chan son.
Hey Furry, got any new projects you been working on?
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I lost my master system cable but here's NES
how did you get so good at... the things... that... you do...
And you consider that acceptable?

You should AT LEAST swap out the PPU and use an XRGB device to upscale and scanline.
Stay plebian
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Some day I need to take a pic of the other side of the room.

Actually, being a medical engineering student I had to calculate the ergonomics of my setup once. My setup was almost ideal in terms of sitting and resting the arms on my input devices, and the raised screen was pretty damn close to the accepted norm.

It looks like shit, but it's okay and well within norms. Had this type of desk 8+ years and nothing in that vein ever happened.
You've probably answered this questions too many times.

But what are you using to power those JBL speakers?

I'm looking at a pair of Yamaha NS-200M at the moment.
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Not really, but I do have material to write up three blog posts (the guts of this thing, a speaker re-foaming project and the final restoration of my Pioneer SX-950). It's just a matter of getting around to it.

I'm not even particularly good at "the things that I do", but what I do know comes from years of reading (a couple of years in school included), experimenting and above all, a stable interest.
Heh I have two of the monitors in that image.
what is your blog?
Which two?
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Nice choice in speakers! I'd love to own a set of Yamaha monitors some day, they're generally far more accurate than American speakers. What are you going to be paying for them?

Anyhow, I'm using the tower of components you see in the picture to power them. The main power amplifier is the Luxman M-120A (top, picture related), with the Luxman L-120A only doing preamp work (despite having an almost identical power amplifier built into it - because I can). The only reason for using this amplifier combination above any other is that it simply is the objectively best performing system that I own.

Any recommendations on Online Tutorials or Books?I have an idea of electricity but not really about the electronic components and how they work.
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>Persona 4 running on a tiny CRT
Took a new picture.

I know it's a prefab. Though there is just the case, PSU; CPU and hard drive that remains from it. Everything else has been changed.
Waiting for Christmas to get more things.
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AND forgot the picture, whoop whoop.
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I'm terrible at sources I'm afraid, as most of my really basic electronics knowledge was taught to me by a friend. However, one of the best resources that I know about is ESP; http://sound.westhost.com/ . His articles on audio amplifiers cover a fair amount of the basics. Coupled with a simple circuit simulator like http://www.falstad.com/circuit/ , you can learn a lot. Wikipedia is also a good resource, as well as audio-related forums like DIYAudio and Audiokarma.

That dog is adorable.
I've bought a "junk" Neo Geo AES that I'm going to completely overhaul. New cartridge slots, new caps, and then go from there depending on what else is wrong with it, if anything.

I'll laugh if it's simple as the fuse being blown.

Also got a Commodore 1081 monitor that have vertical field collapse after a short duration, hopefully replacing the caps on the vertical deflection circuit will fix it, if not I may have to replace the IC too.

I've considered buying a "faulty" amplifier off eBay to troubleshoot and fix for personal use too, fixing stuff is pretty fun.
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Yeah you rarely see something this nice up for auction here.

They are currently at 800 SEK, 2 days left. I'd guess they'd go for at least 2800-3500SEK.

I can't go that far at the moment though.

I would need something like yours to drive them too.

Problem is that I don't have pre-amp on this A/V receiver. So I'd have to use the 3.5mm output from the PC..

I will still bid on the speakers and simply wait till I can get an amp.

They look to be in excellent condition too, it will be a rough bidding war.
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When are you going to get rid of the Lenovo prebuilt?
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>fixing stuff is pretty fun
Damn right it is! Bro-fist.

DAMN. Those look NICE! I wish I could get my hands on them!

As for your amplification, I don't think you need anything better than a decent AV receiver. As long as you can disable all high/low-pass filters and so forth, it should do just fine. Most AV receivers aside from the bottom-of-the-barrel ones are pretty nice, discrete designs.
Is the one on the far right a Dell SE198WFP? I use to use two of those for my main monitors a few years ago in till one got a dead pixel right in the middle. I also have something very similar to the next one on the left.
Also nice wallpaper.
There's only 2 people bidding on them currently, they sure want them equally much!

I got 3000SEK to burn.

I just realized the speakers were at 6ohm, my A/V receiver pulls out 130W at 6ohm. I bet it only manages 90-100w properly though.

I was sure it was only 80w or so max on the receiver. Jolly surprise.

It's the Pioneer VSX-421, so it is cheap.

And good lord they are huge. Fetched a measuring tape.

I'd be having both a subwoofer and speakers too large for my room.
Those are fucking handsome speakers. Would never put the grills on if I had a pair
Yes it is. It's a bit small, but otherwise a good monitor.

The next one to the left is a LG W2361. It was cheap and it shows. It died once and I had to replace all the capacitors in the power supply board.
know anything about vectrex consoles?
i have one of the early models i found for $7 that has loud buzzing from the speaker and a broken left axis on the joystick and it dosent reset to center
What Sub do you have?
Spartan here. You guys are a bunch of losers and nerds.

That is all.
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XTZ 99 w12.16

Side by side with my old subwoofer which belong to my current speakers.
mah nigga
Why that subwoofer?
I also dont find info on your old system.
When I have enough money, it might be a while. (Actually maybe spring time when i get my) Financial aid, should be around $400

Because a poor man was going to get married and he wasn't allowed to keep his beauty of a subwoofer.

I got it for 2800 SEK when it's sold for 3600SEK ish new.

It was less than half a year old too.

My speakers that I'm using are from an old swedish Sonab brand, I can't find much about it either. I got the sub, a center and 2 more speakers lying around.
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Why the fuck not. Lets see what ya got /g/...
why don't you build a pair of stands and go full 5.1? fantastic shit if you can do the correct ITU setup, your room might allow something close to that from what I've seen on here
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And I thought my Sony Trinitron was small. But thats a sexy ass unit bro.
Chrome metal wire rack *bro-fist!*
Well, now that I think of it, I can actually place the rear speakers at a good place now.

But I can't use the center speaker without making it all look shitty.

The receiver fits where it is. And if I place the center speaker on the shelf I use for the screen, I'd be forced to put the screen on top of the center speakers, which puts it way too high.

It's too confined to make proper use of a full 5.1 setup.
nice feet and lit taste
plz be my bf
center speaker isn't that important.
on most receivers (or soundcards) you can just route the center signal to the R and L and be done with it.
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What lens do you use for the fisheye shots?
I suppose I could try using my rear speakers again. Had them on the old battlestation, but they were so weak with this receiver iirc. Must've been a setting. Sounded like shit.

Samyang 8mm f/3.5. Samyang are good if you're on a budget, but they are all manual focus and aperture.
Manual is fine, thanks I'll invest in one... one day
That's a nice Bitfenix case you've got there. What specs does it have?
>pc engine
>tiny crt
>persona 4 running
Can I marry you?
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hehe that was nice, my sister and her waifu made a surprise visit, brought me a belated birthday present - newtons cradle and an amusingly covered notebook
I love that coffee mug
Ika Musume ^__^
Those NSF chrome shelves are the best. I must have a dozen in my garage. They last forever.
True that, the ones that I have been finding at Lowes and Homedepot these days are shit though. The older ones I got like 4 years ago are sturdy as fuck. I use them with a large piece of plywood between 2 of them as a desk. Thing is sturdy enough to stand on
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Cometh at one

Shame I haven't a better camera to hand
I know exactly where and who you are.
Why do you people using these Sony CRTs?
I'm not asking that in the typical condescending 4chan fashion.
I'm just wondering. Is there something good about them? I understand that running PS2 games and such at their native res would look better than upscaling, but why the CRTs and whatnot?
>I understand that running PS2 games and such at their native res would look better than upscaling
That. And they're last forever. There's no reason to get something new just for the sake of getting something new when you already have something that does the job.
where is that

So do a few other people in the world I'd wager, I'm not on the run trying to hide or anything
You aware that every console in both those pictures doesn't produce a scale higher then standard def. Upscaling standard def content isn't gonna make it any better. In fact its going to start to look worse. Plus Sony CRT are the best standards for the time. Bar none.
Another great one is old Commodore monitors. I have one from around 89 I think runs great. I have tried many times to kill it and it will just not die

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