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Do you think the U.S would be far more advanced technologically speaking if things had turned out differently in World War II and we had had 50 years of glorious National Socialist rule by now? Would we have reached the stars?
Depends, we sure wouldn't have any vidya.

Bullshit. The nazis weren't against fun.
internet tough guy

Vy not? Der Fuhrer vas an avid conniseuer of all sorts of entertainment. A wonderful dancer, too.

But nazis were against things that decreased productivity or social interaction.
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Is Pigna nazi?

Vidya promotes seclusion.
Fun in that era consisted interacting with other people in some way.
If any fascist shit started here I would be there in meat space to deal with you no worries. But my country doesn't have cockroaches like you.
>playing vidya for the single-player
Just promote multiplayer games.

Hold on. First of all, since when the fuck is vidya technology? We constantly tell people who come here wanting to talk about games to go to >>>/v/ or >>>/tg/. Video games aren't technology.

Anyway. What the 3rd Reich prohibited wasn't all kinds of fun. What they prohibited were Jewish films which promoted race mixing, homosexuality, laziness, and mischief. They were onto something since you can't turn on the TV or watch a movie nowadays without seeing beautiful Aryan woman scooting around with Negroid apes or two faggots kissing each other and raising kids. You can't turn on the radio without those same apes rapping about being on welfare and shooting people. And guess who makes all that shit that brainwashes our kids into thinking any of that is okay?

That's all they banned. Hitler and Goebbels knew Hollywood had turned into a Jewish hive of scum and villainy, so they started up a German-centric film industry and banned Negroid Jazz music.

It's like your /pol/ squeezed into a thick concentrate.
Film, music, and art in general would have likely suffered by being reduced to propaganda. Look how well the Weimar Republic was doing before WWII.
>Negroid Jazz music
Lost it
Would have been shame for the Jazz, really.

That's the most racist thing i've ever read that didn't have the word "nigger" or "kike" in it.
>so they started up a German-centric film industry and banned Negroid Jazz music.
There already WAS a German-centric film industry. It was busy making films like The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari and Dr. Mabuse. Really influential stuff. The Nazis did nothing but ruin it.
>watching TV
Nope, Einstein was born Jewish. They would have killed him, denying us any theory of spacetime and as such things such as GPS and space travel would be nigh impossible.
The Nazis would have allowed video games, it would have been endless military shooters that brainwash the kids to support their glorious war machine.

exactly like Call of Duty does, so nothing much would be different on the gaming front.
Call of the Fuhrer 4, where every level is No Russian.

Does it make me a racist if that's kind of why I don't like to watch American movies or TV shows? At least in most of my animu, there's only ethnic Japanese. I get disgusted when I see a white woman dating a black man in shows, or seeing all those gays parading around in shows like Glee and Modern Family
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And stop posting shit every fucking day.
> U.S would be far more advanced technologically speaking

what you talking about, the whole of NASA is the brainchild of the Nazis,. the first people to land on the moon were the Germans.

without the Nazis Americas space program would be on the same level as Australias.
Nazi were against anything that doesn't please them.
In science, you have to consider all hypothesis, and accept facts even if they don't fit with your ideology.
Nazi would have been horrible at science.
That's what makes America great. We take the best of the best from every different country and blow shit up so hard that people land on the moon.
How the hell the nazis will conquer USA in the first place??
It's ridiculous.
>without the Nazis Americas space program would be on the same level as Australias.

In my opinion putting kangaroos on the moon is a great achievement.

That's why they were the first to mass produce jet powered planes?
How about the rockets?

> Decades of research into the cranial structures of the various races have show that the Mongoloid and the Indo-European brains are all around more conductive to consistently higher intelligence than the Negroid brain
> It gets called "racist science" and is discarded, i.e scientists basically stick their head in the sand

Like we're any better.
They had plans to bomb it.
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I think that's what you were talking about. Plus the way the multicuralists have smeared the good name of James D Watson, who co discovered the DNA structure, simply because Watson wasn't afraid to tell the truth about racial differences and inferiorities.

Multiculturalist kikes*
>Nazi would have been horrible at science.
>implying germany wasn't the most scientifically and technologically country at that time
A) nazis had no designs on conquering the US, they deludedly thought we would sit out WWII, and be trading partners with them afterwards.

B) their fettishism of mechanical perfection kept them pretty far back technologically. They were blowing resources on making things so perfectly fit, that contemporary machines couldn't make them, so they needed to be made by hand. The US didn't have that fettish, so we blew by them to more advanced tech, accepting that build components would not be mechanically perfect.

So, no. We would be back in a 1930s or 40s mentality of tech being small scale, uber precise and expensive productions. That means no transistor or semiconductor computers, no moon landing, no internet, no jews (who built a whole lot of those things).
It gets discarded because it doesn't matter. Are we going to deny them certain jobs or put them in special camps or something? Of course not. "Black people are dumb" simply isn't very important.

If you read the personal journals, or listen to post war lectures or interviews with said german scientists, they talk about the immense pressure they were under (both governmental and societal) to produce such findings. They admitted they tweaked data, cherry picked it, and crafted the outcomes to fit the regime.

> Deny them certain jobs

If they can't do it, why not? The Civil Rights Act of 1964 and affirmative action has destroyed this once great nation of ours

> Special camps

They seem to do that to themselves just fine. See: Detroit, Newark NJ, Washington D.C, Compton, etc
You call spending money on defence doing some science? Let me laugh at you.
What tells you that they wouldn't have stop supporting innovation and technology after winning the war?

They haven't prove anything.
And if your convinced just by some biased data produced by so called "scientifics" to prove somehow their point, then I can assure you that you don't know shit about science.
Define inferiorities.
Are you implying only coloured people are touched by inferiorities?
Hitler did everything wrong.

He could have smashed the british expedition corps which was on the french cost but NOOO Paris Paris let's get Paris yey yey baguette baguette

The world would, sadly, be a better place with a global fascistic government
Black people: strong but not so intelligent.
White people: average
Asian people: High Tier
Well he is a eugenicist, lets assume he means handicaps.
Retarded people actually believe that.
I'm calling bull on modern warfare 3.
yuri should've just killed that Russian nigger in no russian.

w/e, it's call of duty....

Whazza madda? You happen to be black?
Great argumentation.
Asian People: Intelligent and ambitious but still somehow manage to be irrelevant
they were rice farmers far too long. now they're only #1 in niches
The fun fact is that you don't hold any knid of argumentation either.
But I think it is sensibly more reasonable to think that not everything is either black or white (no play on words) and that actually some black people are clever than whites, and some whites are stronger than some black people.
Categorizing people by stereotypes isn't a very scientific procedure.
Hence why I call people who believe in that retards.
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>this thread
>some black people are clever than whites
Whatever you say, negroid subhuman.
>Whatever you say
Well, that was expected from you.

I'm white btw.
Well you're talking about mutations. There will always be exceptions but we're talking about the averages.

The genetics of a african were having another evolution as caucasians and asians. This is like the difference between dog breeds. This is only biology. People who don't want to believe in this facts aren't retarded as you would call them. I would call them manipulated because everything in this term is denounced as rascism.
I am not a rascist either because I don't hate human beings of another tribe. But I believe in the facts of biology.

>misstyped captcah FUCKING JEWS

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