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ITT: stories about your computer retarded friends/family

>get call from uncle
>"police locked my computer it shows a warning and I have to pay"
>"it's a virus uncle, ignore it and clean your pc"
>"I think I visited a wrong site I should format it all, how do I do that"
>"If you really did anything wrong formatting won't help, I can remotly take over the pc and run a virusscanner for you"
>remote into pc
>run virus scanner
>521 different infections
>"what the fuck did you do with this machine uncle?!"
>"I did nothing, just browsed, I think I checked a wrong tickbox on a website"

I got that virus when I was browsing javjunkies. Shamefur dispray.
>fresh install
>go to toilet ( 4min tops)
>get back and aunt has IE open with 2 toolbars

How that is even possible, I to this day do not know.
>anon, printer is broken
>is it turned on
>yes please come fix
>drive to her place, printer isn't turned on, powercord is plugged out
>using Windows

yeah you are all pretty dum
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>installing gnu/linux on grandpa computer
>I will delete all your data, anything you'd like to keep?
>no go ahead
>proceed to the installation
>he asks me where are his bookmarks
>he forgot his mail password
Worked as a tech for geek squad for 4 years while I was getting my B.S. Oh the stories i could tell
Do tell
>not being specific with the elderly
>not asking about bookmarks,passwords,emails,pictures

Just charge them money when they ask for help.
>aunt checking her mail
>uninstalls photoshop in the process
Yeah, I fucked up. It's all fixed now.
>Work at electronics store
>Sold TV and surround
>Guy calls 1 hour later and says it doesn't work
>Is super pissed and demands we drive home to his house
>"Did you plug it in?"
>"Of course I did!"
>Drive to his house after work
>It's not plugged in
>It works fine
Dear god where to begin

Aside, I worked in a Best Buy in rural-ish Tennessee, so rednecks, rednecks everywhere

>Old man comes up to counter
>"I would like to get me some of that internet"
>ok sir, your options are blah blah blah
>"slow the hell down son, how much does it cost per pound??"

Got this one all the time:

>minding my own bushiness fixing shit
>"I want to return this god damn computer, I can't get the internet on it!?!?!"
>do you have wifi in your home?
>"what the hell is that, it says Toshiba Satellite on the side, it's supposed to get the internets everywhere!"
fuck the green texting but here are a few more

One time had a guy flip the fuck out on me because the HDD in his Macbook Pro died. His stage one shit loss was over the fact his mac broke at all since he was under the impression they were laser cut from diamonds and never ever suffered hardware failure. We get past that, I go back and grab a WD Black drive off the shelf to fix it, He ignites stage 2 of the shit storm that we don't carry "Apple Hard drives" and the one I was trying to sell him was obviously of lesser quality

One time had a lady call the store and cuss out every manager in the building because she had just bought a computer and she couldnt get any video out. Her "electrician, who was also a computer guy", said the video card was bad, and he knew way more than anyone in the store possibly could, he was wiring her home network because we would have fucked it up that she wasn't coming back to the store to fix it rant resulted in me driving 45 minutes to her house to find that this computer guy hadn't switched the video imput from VGA to HDMI
I actually have another one

>Scruffy looking guy enters store
>Says there's something wrong with his phone
>"When I talk to my girlfriend I keep hearing a clicking sound. I'm pretty sure it's the newspapers listening to our conversation"
>"Uh huh?"
>"Well make it stop"
>Go over to work station and tap my keyboard
>"Should be fixed now, if it persists call your mobile phone service"


>Drug addict comes in with Laptop he's bought
>"Can you give me the keys to the laptop"
>"What, like the password?"
>"No, the keys, I want to open it"
>"I don't have any keys for your laptop"
>"But I want to open it and sell the parts"
>"Do what you want with it"
>"So it's okay if I do it?"
>"Do whatever you want with it."
>"Well could you at least delete me from your machine?"
>"No. I can't do that"
>"Fine, but don't tell anyone"

Same guy

>"If open these speakers and take out a part, will it still work?"
>"Probably not"
>I work(ed) at a small computer repair shop, ca. 2005
>customer brought in her laptop
>wanted us to format the hard drive and reinstall XP
>she said "no need to backup anything"
>I took her laptop and powered it up
>dozens of Word files on the desktop
>it's a book manuscript
>(I forgot what the book was about)
>hundreds of pages of text and images in total
>I call her and ask if she really *really* doesn't want any backups
>"No, no need to backup anything"
>I ask her if she understands that her book manuscript will be gone after this
>"It doesn't matter"
>few hours later
>hard drive formatted, XP reinstalled, all updates installed, everything works
>she picks up the lappy and leaves
>next day
>she comes back and asks where her book manuscript is
>her "priceless unfinished book that should go to print in six months"
>"You said no backups when I asked" I told her
>she starts to sob
>she didn't understand what format & reinstall really meant
>I let her cry for a few minutes
>then I pulled out the DVD I burned just before formatting the drive
>I backed up that damn manuscript, every singe file I could find
>gave the disc to her
>she didn't even thank me
>my boss thanked me, though
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my best computer retard stories involve my current boss at my current job at a pc repair/used pc store. he isn't quite a redneck but is from the midwest and dumber then shit. he is a small business owner and i'm the only other employee. so it works out good since i actually know my shit to an extent.
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Did you get a raise ?
My mom is the best. I told her to just Google it when she has problems, and well, she does. I know, holy shit, can you imagine?
tell some fun stories
Here is a conversation I had with a friend a few days ago.

>He's downloaded upotte
>Says he cant change the subtitles to english
>Tell him how to do so in mpc
>"where is that"
>Ask him what video player he has
>I said video player you idiot
>Taking him ages to reply
>"I just told you you retard"
>Oh my god I'm going to go to your house and strangle you
>ask him if its vlc, wmp, or mpc
>"How do I tell"
>Give up on that and ask him if he still has the link to the torrent
>He links it to me
>Top left corner says "Non-English-translated Anime"
>Tell him he is fucking retarded and he should learn how to read
>"I didn't know it wasn't translated"
>It's on the top left corner of the page you fucking retard
>Tell him to look next time
>4 hours later "I have media player classic btw"
Of course not.

In retrospect, I should have burned multiple copies. I was afraid that she'd be back one day asking for "backups", but she never came back. I don't know if she ever finished her book. I wish I could remember its name.

Or maybe I should have kept the disc.
Not like mine.

IT support would be a desirable job if people would google their problems first.
>she didn't even thank me
If true, you sir are a saint, and she is a fucking cuntfaced bitch.
Had this happen all the time. People would swear up and down that they needed no backups, would decline it multiple times, including in writing.

would come in sobbing after a format asking where all their data went
Guys, i was thinking, what if in 20 years, when we have kids about our age now, will they be writing on message boards about how incompetent we are with computers?
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>buy iPhone 4
>get home, DOA speaker
>drive back to store, demanding one that isn't DOA'd
>mfw "sorry sir you might have broken it" when it had not even any fingerprints on it and was still in the box with all plastic on it

That's kind of an odd way to treat someone you call a "friend".
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>4 hours later "I have media player classic btw"

We are friends, he knows I'm just messing around with him, he does the same thing to me.

Not the parents from /g/. There are people parental age that know how to use a computer and probably know more than some of the people on this board. And there are people who are around the general age of /g/ who don't know anything about computers. The difference is that computers are more commonplace now than back when my/your parents were our age.
I once told my mom to read each screen when installing new software, to avoid installing unneeded shit, and to google it first to check if it was known for having malware or spyware.

She hasn't had any problem in over two years now. She doesn't call for help either, she now knows how to look up stuff. I still check her pc every six months or so, but it's always perfectly clean.

Feels good (to not get calls for help every week).
>Little brother puts a password on his brand new win7 machine
>Forgets it the same day
>I don't know how to fix this
>Decide to reformat
>Finish reformatting
>He immediately puts a password on it
>Tell him to make a recovery disk in case it's forgotten
>"Nah I'll remember it this time"
>Less than a week later he's forgotten again
>Great aunt wants norton uninstalled
>takes it into local staples or whatever
>they tell her they will do it and to come back tomorrow
>she goes back the next day
>her computer is reformatted
>she looks in the task bar
>sees the norton logo
>she asks "whats that"
>"your antivirus, ma'am"

also after seeing lots of these stories it makes me not wonder why tech support always asks us if the thing is plugged in
I told my uncle the exact same thing, some people are just fucking retarded when it comes to anything computer related?

>Get invited to family do.
>Don't want to go but come along anyway.
>Dad wants me to fix his computer in front of his friends.
>Fix it.
>What was wrong.
>Oh you don't want me to say out loud...
>It can't be that bad.
>Fine, you got a virus off of visiting some "free porn site" I can show you the history if you want.
>Kicked out
>never bothered to go to family events again.
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This becoming true. I wish it with all my soul.
Your dad is an idiot, also good on you for not having to go to family shit anymore.

I'm the last one alive in my family, only my parents left - and Only having to fix their shit now and then is something I can handle.

Your dad sounds uncool, how does he even have friends?
What difference does it make if your network tech knows two programming languages?
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>Bearded dude with swords
Stallman - our embarrassing god
xkcd must be one of the holy books then
There's something wrong with you if you work with computers and you don't.
That means they invested some minimum amount of time in learning how stuff works.
They're probably more competent than any other person you could get on the phone.
Absolutely no difference at all.
Stallman looks like a bloated joke that nobody is laughing at. Seriously if you're going to run around and try to make yourself the face of a movement, at least make yourself presentable.
Knowing two programming language imply that the person is smart enough to be able to understand network tech, since most programming is a logical algorithm written in code.
computer repair /=/ computer programming
I know how to grow several types of plants so obviously I am the most qualified to help fix your cookware.
A prime example of why I ALWAYS move an easy transfer file to an external HDD before formatting somebody's computer.
Fuck people are stupid sometimes.
What movement? The sobbing-because-I-get-no-credits-movement?
GNU project
If you already work in a cookware fixing hotline, knowing how to grow several plants may indicate that you're interested in the subject from more than one angle and are indeed more qualified.

Of course actually working in a cookware fixing hotline is mandatory for that assumption to make sense.
That's what I said.
Irrelevant. If you care about computers as a whole you would have taken some interest in how they are programmed.
ITT: people who can't program.
he's (probably) not an idiot and know what he's talking about.

The friends on his side are mainly colleagues and most of them there were my mothers friends.
>trying to get a job with a guy I know.

>Really desperate for cash

>Take a small tempt job running cables for a large department store, only giving me 60 bucks, but what ever.

>Reviewing the work order that I just barely got the day before even after I explicitly told them to get it to me at least a week in advance.

>They want me to run rj-11 cables to a 66 block and I have absolutely no experience doing that

>"Woah hold up." I call the guys up and tell them that they never mentioned this and i'm not going to do a project with something I don't feel comfortable doing.

>"You're really throwing us under the bus, the project is tomarrow."

>"Hey I know let me refer you to a guy I know who I know can do this, again, really sorry."

>Two days pass

>Get a call from the guy i've been trying to get work for, scolding me for trying to do contract work, never mentions the job i've been trying to get with him.

>Friend who works there tells me the whole incident turned him off to me so i'm SOL.

Well fuck him then.
ITT: Butthurt programmers trying to act superior
>kids in 20
>our age

Son, bad news. You are rather young still.
That sounds like a fuck up on this companies side. You asked for details early and they throw this shit at you the day before it's due and expect things to be peachy? Fuck that. The most professional thing to do was to refer the work to another person you know, if that guy is going to hold it against you for helping him get more work then you're better off not wasting your time at his business.
But we are superior by, you know, being educated in the field.
>implying i'm not educated in my professional field.

ITT: people who can't code.
It's not hard to learn to program you know. Try it. It's not too late.
Looks like you failed your programming classes.
X /=/
O !==
What is this, Javascript?
Flipping burgers doesn't require much knowledge, brah.
The best part was this company was really butthurt about it. Even though if it wasn't for me they'd have never found another guy to do this work. I'm told they were super pissed off at me.

Next time do what you're fucking freelancers ask if you don't want any problems.
>thinks that syntax is only used in Javascript
Please stop, you're only showing everyone just how stupid you are.
>making coffee and using a copying machine
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mfw Windows fags blame anyone but Microsoft
ITT: Faggot programmers, and faggot IT techs arguing.

Faggots the whole lot of you.
Not gonna happen. In fact, it seems that we're in the generation that will understand computers more than any other (well, the next two or three). Reason being, we grew up when computers were glorified scripted calculators with a word processor and watched it evolve into a magical handheld device of wonder. The next few generations will consist mostly of people that see computers as "I want this task done and it does it for me" and nothing more.
Enlighten us.
>being a <insert profession>fag
>being a nothing
choose one
For example:
It makes me sad that this might be true.
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>talking shit about PHP
>on a PHP board
Which part of Tennessee
>implying 4chan isn't shit
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>having kids
>tech knowledge advancing as tech advances
the opposite is true

Because being a code monkey is the only job that requires any mental fortitude or is worth doing.

What an asshole.
Remember your first computer? Didn't matter if it was a 486 or a ZX Spectrum. The manual or help files had enough information on how to make your own programs.
Remember how each computer had standard Parallel or RS232 serial interfaces? And how you could easily wire up your own hardware to interface with the PC?
Even having DOS installed meant you could easily hack some cables on a DB25 connector and write a QBasic program to do whatever you wanted.

The computer was mostly "open".

Compare with computers nowadays.
Everything is proprietary
Everything is run on firmware
Everything is closed
Interfaces require licenses or hard to implement, heavily software-dependent.

Shit's gonna get worse with time. With all the point and click, most people knows its way around word, internet and says to themselves that they can use a computer. Until windows or other GUI crashes, gets a CLI prompt and they run in fear.

Computing changed, it's now catered to the sheeps making advanced computing harder than ever.
>every job that requires programming must be like what I hear about code monkeys from TV
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Forgot the MSDOS Help capture.
It's showing how to make your own Interlink cable. The DOS HELP showing how to make useful hardware.
Now I know why /g/ is so shitty. It's filled with a bunch of IT morons who can't even code.
>Because being a code monkey is the only job that requires any mental fortitude or is worth doing
Engineering? R&D? Possibly law?

Not much else, to be honest. Even med is just following extremely specific formulas and procedures, if they were required to think creatively (like on House, lol) we'd have a lot more deaths. Most jobs can actually be formalised into procedural tasks, maybe one day we'll replace everyone except engineers, programmers and scientists with machines.
>Little brother turns 12
>Mom thinks it's a great idea to surprise him with his very own computer
>Gets him a shiny MacBook
>He starts shaking his dickity to poorly drawn pony videos
>Dad commits suicide
>Mom hangs herself
>Ponies killed my parents
skynet be praised
>>27549459 (OP)
>If you really did anything wrong formatting won't help,
Are you an idiot?
use ophcrack
>Even med is just following extremely specific formulas and procedures

No, no it isn't

My father is a software engineer, as are half my friends.

Oddly enough, none of them know how to use drafting software, apply tolerances/fits, design cams, design a sheet metal part or any of the other things I was trained to do.

They know that I've forgotten more about my job than they will ever know because they aren't autistic douchebags with an inferiority complex who belittles any profession other than programming.
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No, you are, formatting only removes the "link" to the files, not the actual files.
If cops come busting in, they'll surely know about file recovery. Clearly you don't.

>mfw this idiot hasn't even heard about 8 runs of DBAN
Wow, what an idiotic statement. Being a pilot, which is highly procedural profession, creative reasoning is still required, mostly in abnormal situations.
yeah but not all hardware was "free" like that, hell, for some to even use it you needed to get a licence, switching the component out to another computer? Another license and shit wasn't cheap back then either.
i get your point, but there are several virus species out there who can survive reformating.
>implying pilots couldn't easily be replaced by computers
Same as my mom.

> A relative of mine
> "PCs get outdated so fast, you need to buy a new one every 2 years"
> spends shitloads of money on a mediocre PC
> "hurr, how can i send email, durr?"
> used a 56k modem until 3-4 years ago
God damn you and burger man might have actually nailed it for dumbest things said in the thread.
Man, the hobbyists sure are asspained today.
oh hey look the thread went to shit
that was fun while it lasted
>fisting your mom

Last I checked, /g/ is for technology in general, not just programming.

>>Browsing porn sites with scripting and Java enabled

Are you fucking retarded?
Goddamn rookie bullshit right there.
Fuck, how old are you guys, really?
>Not footing your mom
You're not reformatting correctly then.
Man, you just made my day brighter.
>/g/ is for technology in general
Yeah man, desktop threads rule!

Hey, let's talk about the linux distributions we installed by following guides!

My first computer ran DOS and I'm only 24.

First kid on the block to have access to a computer. Didn't get into hardware until much later, however.

In the meantime, an interesting thread about the possibilities of additive manufacturing or electroactive polymers 404's with one bump and no replies.
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Sure, some might change your BIOS, or perhaps get in the "recovery partition" that many computers have. But it's much more likely IMO that they'll survive the antivirus than that they will survive a reformatting.

pic related
Sorry but /g/ is not really made of experts. On anything. Maybe gaming hardware, or Stallman rants.
If 4chan is shit.

Why are you even here? Do you like shit?
>med following extremely specific formula and procedures
What's this shit I'm reading?
what was the name of the book?
>implying viruses can be fixed only by formatting.

kids, there are several thousands of free decent antivirus software on the internet, your pc is as good as clean if you know where to find decent and know how to use them.
Well I'm the same age and I can't say this. Oh fucking well.

You don't need to be an expert to discuss a subject.

There's an old adage my father told me when I was very young that has stuck with me: "An expert is someone who knows more and more about less and less until they know everything about nothing".

I'm not an "expert" in my field, I'm a professional.
>work at a small business computer repair shop
>guy comes in asking why his computer won't connect to the internet
>ask him before I start that once you agree for me to do work on your system its 80$ for the first hour regardless if I actually used the entire our, ie (5 minutes = 80$, 45 minutes= 80$) and so on.
>signs form and what not
>go into back, start up machine
>doesn't connect
>see little light on laptop for wireless card is orange, must mean its off
>all the while this guy is looking at me in the back twiddling with it
>press orange light button
>turns blue
>W7 pops up with nearby networks
>bring it back to him
>asks me what was wrong
>tell him his wireless card was turned off temporarily but now works, just don't press that button, orange = off, blue = on
>charge him 80$
>starts flipping shit on how much of a ripoff I am
>show him the contract he signed with his address and errything
>opens wallet
>gets blank look
>I dun have moneez
>thats ok I'll bill your address
>storms the fuck out pissed as shit
Man, I grew up using DOS and knew how to program simple shit using VBasic when I was 10. Every single teacher I knew since Elementary school were hoping that I would grow up in the programming industry.

Went to Med school.

The thing is, my father was studying comp. sci. back when they still used punchcards.

It's kindof amazing they managed to afford the computer, honestly... We were on a shoestring budget at the time.

Now he makes 180k+ a year.

Have you considered merging the two?

Congratulations, your father taught you how to justify being uneducated.

Just because you aren't well versed in a field doesn't mean it's something to brag about.
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> "PCs get outdated so fast, you need to buy a new one every 2 years"
This is a story from a friend, so I am unsure if it is true, but definately sounds true.
>Friend is tech support guy
>Helping a blonde lady
>Asks about viruses
>Explains they're like the immune system, with an antivirus being the anti-bodies
>Gets a call from her saying her computer wotn turn on
>Finds several viruses
>Checks her download history
>She downloaded viruses from different locations
>Asks her why in a totally level-headed way
>"You said it was like the immune system, so I downloaded 'less deadly' versions of the viruses to train the system"

Something like that.
Well what do you know, maybe I would if I could.

Or just help it push through the medical association.
sort of a bad analogy, I wouldn't even use anti-bodies in that

>a virus is literally like a virus for your own body, it does bad things to it, anti-virus systems help keep them away
>internet explorer crashes on start up, dad asks me to fix it
>tell dad that its because its a crap browser
>yells that he doesn't give a shit, he likes it and he hates cunts like me telling me what he should do
>tell him some reasons why ie is bad and why he might like another browser, asking him what he likes about ie (that its homepage was set to bbc news) and telling him that any browser can be set up to do that
>tells me to shut the fuck up and threatens to punch me in the face if i don't
>later on he's asking me for some advice on software development and a project his friends business is working on
>tell him he won't like my advice as it was similar to what i said earlier
>he tells me its different because its work

he's a fucking retard.
Are you Batman?

My father taught me to be a well balanced individual.

How many doors do you have open for you? Because I have too many to count.

>in 20 years, when we have kids our age now

I think you read that wrong.
I'm not having kids that early that are 22 when I'm 42, no thanks.

>on a shoestring budget at the time

I was in a similar situation. Living in rentals and with one rusted-out decade old car, my dad managed to keep a reasonably up to date computer around since the early 80's.
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>be 16
>sis (12) comes into room
>ask if cord is plugged in
>ask her to make sure
>comes back "YEA IT IS UR A DICK"
>go see, cord is just on the socket, not plugged in

about 5 mins later...

>ask if she typed it correctly and tried at least once more
>go see, type her pass, just werks
>slap her in the face and leave
>family lulz ensues, I get grounded

On the up side, she eventually realized her error and only asks for help with anything if she is truly incapable of doing it alone. I'm proud to say that she can now successfully build a pc from parts and has installed windows multiple times - this from a girl who is not into /g/ at all and is an athlete.
>writing the name of your supercomputer vertically

I guess IBM is just being hipster or something
>can get a job anywhere
>that job will always be relying on experts

Congrats on being the middleman no matter where you go
I'm 30. My first computer was a Commadore 64 then an Amiga 500. I read Amiga DOS and fucked around with some Amiga Basic programming demos when I was 8 years old.
>My father taught me to be a well balanced individual.
Knowing about computers doesn't disallow you from knowing about other things as well. Regardless, lack of knowledge in a field is still absolutely nothing to be proud of. You should be striving for growth, not being complacent in mediocrity.
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>sis (12) comes into room

...is she hot?
ITT: DURR. Imma so smurt wid da komputa. Urvry1 elze iz da stoopid! HURR

I hope that when your car breaks down the mechanic laughs at you for being such an idiot and tells you to fix it yourself.
You sound like an angry teenager who is buttmad that his Dad dislikes what you like and doesn't like being pushed around. I would completely understand that, and if he was about to hit you then I would call Social Services.
not technology, deal with it

>cashier at a large retailer, a bit more classy than wal-mart
>scanning fast as shit on my lane, customers in other lines are aggravated they have to wait on slow indian ladies while i tear shit up
>glancing down my line to see who's coming, guess what i see
>big family of niggers, two fat she-niggers screaming and hollering so loud i can already hear it
>oh my god
>everything they have is frozen/microwaveable, pizzas and donuts and snacks out the ass
>say hi how are you in a polite way
>"huh" without looking at me
>shrug it off, start scanning fast as fuck
>"well everythings on the screen, i need to move fast since we are busy, if theres any probl-"
>slow down a little, they end up having 3 carts with all the shit they have with their 5 nigglets
>expect them to pay with EBT (food stamps) as most low-income niggers do
>nope, personal check
>laugh before even picking it up, already pissed
>put check in machine, declined.
>other nigger hands me a check, already know its going to get declined and that they will walk out embarrassed.
>it declined both your checks
>happily trot off without offering to move their carts out of my line, apologizing or anything sincere
>their kids start crying about why they aren't taking the ice cream they picked out
>held up my line for 15 minutes with hooting and hollering, customers are as annoyed as i am
Hah same here. We lived in a fucking van and as soon as we got an apartment my dad somehow managed to afford a Commadore with 2x disk drives.
>can now successfully build a pc from parts
It's Legos for adults

>has installed windows multiple times
How is this an accomplishment at all? It's easier than installing a video game these days. You just put the disk in, turn it on, and press "next" until you have a desktop.
>Implying you can't buy a handheld diagnostic device and a manual that covers every single part of the car.

That's not how a small business works, your boss should have fired you. The key to running a small business is to maintain a customer base so that you always have work and always have money coming in, otherwise you will get outrun by major companies. If rumor spreads that your shop is a ripoff, say goodbye to your small business.
She will be in a few years.

>She will be too old in a few years.

This. Mechanics nowadays have it too easy compared before.

Unless said car is already >15 years old.
Okay then, please name a member of your family who is otherwise completely tech impaired and can do these. Yea, thought so.

>programmers are smarter than anyone in the medical field

lol, keep dreaming sperg
name one of yours that couldn't do it without watching/following a youtube video the entire time
Anyone who can read, can install windows

And anyone who can order parts online, and can follow a video guide on youtube can put said parts together.
She's actually 17 now, this happened a while ago. And yes, she's hot, she's a professional athlete.
Sorry forgot to check my replies, I completely agree, although I have a nonsensical analogical comparison a lot of the time so I generally avoid analogies and if I can't explain something I just try a different way or give up.
All of them.
You didn't give me time to answer.
My 12 year old macfag brother has done both of these.
To build a pc from parts, you just follow the step-by-step instructions that always come with the mobo. It's easier than cooking an omelette.
Installing windows is putting the disk in, resetting it, and then pressing "next" until you have a desktop.
>neightboor ask me to help with new ipad he buy for his son
>"hurr it doesnt work"
>went to check it out
> mfw no OS installed
> "you need to restore it with itunes"
> " what is itunes?"

this is the level of Apple users.
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How the fuck do you get no OS on a new iPad?
I'm calling bullshit.
My parents know fuck all about computers, and I don't exactly have loads of knowledge I just spend quite a lot of time with my computer and have developed decent common sense, but I've managed to impart enough of my knowledge onto them to make sure they don't let this shit happen, I taught them how to use Malwarebytes, and they rarely come up with any infections. I don't know how people find this shit so fucking hard.
hope they don't let you breed, you seem to think its a big deal but its really not. i hope you dont brag about it to people, anyone who isn't retarded and in your family will just laugh

yep hes an apple user himself and considers himself smart. When in fact, hes just as dumb as the others
>"Hello, I'm here because my car won't work"
>"Did you check the gas tank?"
>"Of course I did! What do you think I am, an idiot?" [rant for 5 minutes]
>check the gas tank
>it's empty. Fill it. The car works fine
You don't see much people doing this right?
Pretty sure his point was that all of his family members can do it because they aren't mentally retarded..

Personally I am pretty sure most of my family could do this except maybe my mother.

Keep at it with teaching your sister about computer related things. My older brother was a dick and wouldn't even let me into his room. When he was away I would sneak onto his computer because I was too young for one of my own and play games and stuff on it. I wish he would have taught me things and let me hang out with him though, I had to learn everything on my own and him and I are not close at all. ;_; Don't be like that, bond with your sister, trust me!
Please stop living in a world where non-tech people don't think of computers as eldritch devices conjured into existence by mystical gnomes in another dimension. 90% of people have no idea what the inside of a computer looks like and don't even realize that an OS is something you install. For proof, please read this thread and/or take a look around you and ask a random person what the difference between a cpu and a partition is.
As long as you know and are willing to admit that they've forgotten more about their jobs than you will ever know.
So what? I don't think I've ever even touched a steering wheel in my life, so I pretty much expect to be sub-retard with cars. The thing is I don't think I know shit and could just admit when I'm wrong if I did claim to know shit.
Possibly aPad. But it's too fucking stupid nonetheless.
No offense but why would a software engineer need to know any of that shit unless he was developing software for mechanical engineers.
> dad's friend asks me for help with his PC
> says his screen is hard to read after buying new monitor
> installed a 17" 1600x900 monitor, his old monitor was a 20" 1680x1050, it does indeed look like shit
>change resolution
>get paid $50
>ask a question
>get a direct answer
>get pissed and start using ad hominem
Work experience

>have BSc in CS and getting my MSc
>working part time as ticketing booth with other people, print tickets and whatever for different shows and sport matches
>have two booths with 5-6 computers + a normal printer (beside ticket printer for each station) each booth
>normal printer in one booth doesn't work anymore
>I am in position, selling tickets and shit
>dick around on windows (xp) while no customer on the line
>go to "install new device" -> "printer" -> automatically installed
>my boss finds out and starts ranting to me that I shouldn't have done it because I could've broken something etc etc
>show her that it works and she asks me to do the same for all computers
>another day, get located to other booth
>printer only works as long as all the computers are all turned on (beause each computer is hooked to the following in a line until the last one connected to the printer, if one pc goes down the others can't access printer anymore)
>always a pain in the ass because we have to print shit at the end of the day and some faggot always turns off a PC and we have to wait hours to finish
>offer to help and fix printer like I did for other booth
>"No anon, you could break something. We can't let you do this"

>mfw I got a BSc in CS and getting a MSc and still people don't trust me with computers

what the fuck, seriously
What's up with America and its shitty families? Family means something in the rest of the world, civilized or no.

i'm not mad at all, im 20 and my dad has anger issues. His responses were pretty much standard, everyday responses. I just found it stupid that he asked for my help, then refused it, then asked for it again, then accepted it. I fixed it in the end as well. plus he knows about homepages and how to set them, i think he just wanted a reason to shout.

You have to buy special devices for certain brands/types of cars that you can specifically get into the computer of that certain car to scan the codes of it to figure out what's wrong with it. And they are not cheap. As a mechanic nowadays, you either work for a dealer which pays absolute shit. Or you pray you get a job with a small business on commission. Or as a last resort, you start your own repair business and go broke trying to afford all of the tools needed to fix cars nowadays.

My dad has owned a car repair business for at least 30 years. Every story in this thread, just change it from "technology" to "cars", and my dad has similar stories, but worse. Especially from people trying to fix their car themselves.

I'm well versed in more than just one field.

If you want to be the one guy who knows everything about a single obscure programming language and absolute shit in everything else, that's your prerogative.
The family unit in America is under attack by the left wing.
I have noticed this also.
I think his point was that a mechanic now days can just plug in a serial port and know whats wrong instantly. Or look up how to replace something in a book with step by step instructions a 12 year old could follow.

Of course. It's a two way street.
Wow. That was heartwarming.
uh-huh, and what about changes made? a compromised system is not to be trusted. and there are no viruses that live outside the filesystem, it just apears that way because dumbasses make backups after shit is infected then reinfect the clean machine by restoring infected backups
This is what I meant. >>27551820

And even my 2003 CR-V has a manual on how to repair it properly. Included are the names/labels of the parts to be ordered for easier organization.

Of course, when doing it though one would really need to have some supplies beforehand.
>ask a random person what the difference between a cpu and a partition is.
This is not on the same level as following step-by-step instructions or pressing "next".
Face it, faggot, putting together a computer and installing Windows takes no skill. I'm not saying the average Joe is a computer expert, or even knows specifics, but you're a fucking loon if you think the average person couldn't put together some parts given very specific directions.

Your average person cannot afford the tools in order to fix a car though. Plus it takes a bit more than just reading a book and plugging a tool in. There's such a thing as someone who is a mechanic, and someone who is a GOOD mechanic that can wrap their head around car related problems.

Think of it like, Geek Squad compared to uhh, a network engineer or something (someone give a better example).

But anyway, it's not as easy as you think. I have heard lots of stories of people who buy the books and the code readers, but still have no idea what the fuck they are doing and manage to completely fuck up their car.
>Granddad wants me to remove Norton
>Uninstall that piece of shit software
>It asks me to reboot the computer
>Sysmain.dll is missing
>Umm okay download that Sysmain.dll from my laptop and put it on a usb drive and copy it over
>Tapi32.dll is missing
>.dll is missing
>Fuck it reinstall Windows

Fucking Norton has always been shit.
Are you talking about the Judeo-Christian definition of family and marriage?

Do you have the expertise to properly disassemble, replace a component and then reassemble it?

Even stuff like properly torquing a bolt.

Hell, I bet 9/10 of you guys can't read a vernier scale.
>If you want to be the one guy who knows everything about a single obscure programming language and absolute shit in everything else, that's your prerogative.
Strawman. You can continue trying to make competence in a field analogous to knowing nothing about anything else, but that doesn't make it so.

Enjoy your "jack of all trades, master of none" status, even though the "all trades" is still incredibly arguable.
Oh don't remind me, some people in my country actually believe this.

I think you have too much faith in the average intelligence of humanity, sir. I'm sorry.

Not to mention some car repair work requires you to know how to skillfully weld.

You're jumping to the extreme opposite of "expert".

I most interested in new manufacturing technologies, materials, transportation (look up ground effect vehicles, for instance), ergonomics, prosthetics, firearms and all sorts of other fields all surrounding mechanical engineering.
Fuck you man, thats why i was wordless when i saw there was no OS.
Idk, maybe they reset the ipad while attempting to make it work?

Oh god, welding is a whole other kettle of fish.

I've had a conversation with a guy who thought he was THE SHIT at welding because he did a small soldering job in shop class, but he didn't even know what arc welding was.
I paid 35 for my diagnostic unit from walmart.

I own a torque wrench and replaced the entire engine in my 1995 Jetta Volkswagen with zero prior experience using only the manual. No idea what a vernier scale is.
>I think his point was that a mechanic now days can just plug in a serial port and know whats wrong instantly.
Right, because "no reading from throttle position sensor" always means that the TPS is defective.
It can't be that the wiring harness is bad, or that the inputs on the computer itself burnt out.

Sorry, the on-board diagnostics may start you in the right direction, but that's all they do. They don't pinpoint the problem accurately.

Or hell, look at aluminum welding. The shit doesn't even change colour. One second it's fine, the next you have a huge fucking gouge in it because you fucking liquefied it.

Link it. How many cars can it be used on?
>internship for school with a very cool boss in a local computer shop
>woman comes in, asks us to fix her printer
>after fiddling and cleaning it out a bit, it works again
>woman comes back, boss asks €15 for the repairs
>she starts to freak out and demands us to tell her why this isn't free
>"Well madam, we put time into fixing this for you, this isn't a charity."
>she demands we hand it over for free
>boss refuses
>she leaves in a hissy fit

>two days later, she arrives with her fucking lawyer
>boss explains everything to her, and makes the lawyer sign some papers that he was indeed in the right
>woman loses her shit, probably loses a lot more than €15 for contacting her lawyer with this shit
>we burst out laughing and we couldn't stop for a good hour or two
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It works on quite a few volkswagens. they only had like 2 in the store I bought the cheaper one cbf to find it online.
I apologise, I generally subject distasteful comments about someone as a typical teenager responce. Apparently I was wrong, and I wish you luck with your Dad. I used to have mild anger problems, but I control them through meditation (the kind that makes you feel at peace, not floating).
They're fairly universal since OBD-II kicked in in 1996.
The problem with comparing fixing cars to fixing computers is, unless you buy a completely unreliable car, or it is very old and wasn't maintained well, you shouldn't have any major repairs needed, mostly all maintenance anyone could do, some people rather wouldn't and rather pay for it. Now if someone starts misusing it and something goes completely wrong or breaks, its not unexpected.

With computers, you don't need to but still should do regular maintenance, that is one thing way too many people avoid doing. The thing is, when people are misusing computers, clicking random shit and getting viruses, they seem to think that is "normal use" and while it quite clearly isn't.

If you abuse or fuck around (without knowing what you're doing) with your computer, just as if you abuse or fuck around (without knowing what you're doing) with a car, shit can and will go wrong and get ready to either do it yourself, learn how to or pay for someone to help.

When fixing a computer, people not knowing anything in the topic shouldn't be telling the person fixing it how they think it should be done any more than you shouldn't be telling your mechanic how you want them to work on your car and what you think they should do to fix it.
>she didn't even thank me
That's what you get for being nice. Here's how it should have gone.

>she comes back and asks where her book manuscript is
>her "priceless unfinished book that should go to print in six months"
>"You said no backups when I asked" I told her
>she starts to sob
>she didn't understand what format & reinstall really meant
>I let her cry for a few minutes
>"So how valuable was that manuscript to you?"
>"A lot! I spent years of my life writing it! I'd give anything to get them back!"
>"Oh, don't worry then. I made backups of the entire system. Of course since you told me they weren't necessary I don't see why I should give them to you. Perhaps you'd be willing to do me a few favours?"
(use your imagination for the rest)

>linking to an image in an imageboard
>not posting an image

are you fucking retarded?
Just googled to find it and all I see on walmart.com are really expensive ones that work on "all blah or newer" cars. Bought mine back in 2004 and don't have it anymore so I have no idea what brand it was.
Tangentially related

A few years ago, I worked at computer shop in Florida. One day I received a call asking for the owner, so I handed my boss the phone:
>what? my god... ok... ok.. Yeah, I'll be there. Yeah, you too, take care. Thank you for calling
He hangs up phone, looks at me, says
>That was my brother in-law. My sister's dead.
He picks up the phone again, dials, and hangs up after a while. He repeats this at least three times.He dials a final time:
>Hey Cheri? You hear about Carla? Yeah, yeah, i'm ok, thank you. Listen, I'm trying to get in touch with Dan but his number's disconnected, you got his number by any chance?
Cheri's reply makes him pale. He finishes the call, hangs up, and tells me:
>That was my brother's ex-wife. She says my brother died 3 years ago. Nobody fucking told me.
>>"So how valuable was that manuscript to you?"
>>"A lot! I spent years of my life writing it! I'd give anything to get them back!"
>>"Oh, don't worry then. I made backups of the entire system. Of course since you told me they weren't necessary I don't see why I should give them to you. Perhaps you'd be willing to do me a few favours?"

are you fucking stupid? This is how you do it if you don't want to get sued for blackmail:

>she starts to sob
>she didn't understand what format & reinstall really meant
>I let her cry for a few minutes
>I tell her it's actually possible to recover her data from the wiped partition
>tell her it's not easy and it's going to cost a little more
>she agrees
>tell her to come back in a few days
>when she does, give her the backups I had already taken prior formatting
>she pays for the "extra" job
How did he not know for 3 years?
Please, make a torrent of that book.

Some people are just not close with their siblings and move away from each other and never really have any reason to talk to each other. It happens.
Fine, you want car stories:
>perform annual state safety inspection on customer's car
>car passes, no problems
>two days later, customer returns complaining that a light bulb blew out
>blames me, says I should have noticed it was about to blow
>me: "do you know in advance when light bulbs are going top blow at home?"
>him: ...

>customer has work done on car
>returns two weeks later, fuming
>lost a hubcap
>him: I've had that car twelve years, put over 150,000 miles on it and I never lost a hubcap until you worked on it two weeks ago!
>me: don't you think you were about due to lose one?
no, what he should have done was

>she comes back and asks where her book manuscript is
>her "priceless unfinished book that should go to print in six months"
>"You said no backups when I asked" I told her
>she starts to sob
>she didn't understand what format & reinstall really meant
>I let her cry for a few minutes
>"So how valuable was that manuscript to you?"
>"A lot! I spent years of my life writing it! I'd give anything to get them back!"
>"Well we do have a guy trained in some of that FBI computer cryptology, maybe he could recover it for you, it would cost more though"
>copy files off backup
His entire family shared some mutual contempt for each other that they never kept in contact. His parents had passed away a while ago.
yeah, see
Oh, that's even a better idea!
>Don't worry ma'am, I copied your book before deleting it... no, unfortunately _I_ don't have a copy anymore. I put it in a zip file along with a few interracial porn movies and posted it as a torrent file online. Let's see if you can find it. Don't worry, those guys in the forum always seed for months, so that won't be any problem.
First computer we had at home was a Macintosh II
I was 4.
Daddy had to sell my stepmom to Russians so he could pay for the glorious thing. Damn I wish that box was still around.
>Brother comes to me saying "YouTube videos won't load"
>"Fine, let me see"
>I sit down at his laptop and the first thing I see is mywebsearch.
>Also about 20 fucking tabs loaded
>Try and load the virus scanner I put on there on purpose. It won't load.
>Get out MalwareBytes and Spybot S&D.
>Find 40+ viruses
>replaced a 20" 1680x1050
>with a 17" 1600x900
>(beause each computer is hooked to the following in a line until the last one connected to the printer, if one pc goes down the others can't access printer anymore)
daisy chain

I once found over 3000 viruses on a friend's computer.
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>"windows is better for programming than osx because you have easier access to the source code"
>tfw you use GNU/Linux and someone asks if it's a virus
I miss finding viruses. Like it has been years since I scanned a computer and found a shit load of them.

It's like popping a zit. So fucking satisfying.

I actually lurk near the computer shop in my local mall and offer to fix any software issues of anyone who comes near the store with a laptop for free

Here's a little greentext story for you

>Be 16
>Don't know much about computers
>Bring Windows 7 laptop to computer repair shop in mall
>It's running slowly, even after new SSD, fresh install, reseated/tried new RAM
>Computer shop offers free inspection and diagnosis
>Give them my laptop
>"We'll call you when we're done"
>6 days later
>Fed up, go to the shop
>"We forgot to call, sorry. You need to reinstall the OS
>I find out later it was a bad charger
>Running slowly
>Bad charger

No offense but you sound like a fucking moron.

It was an HP machine. HP chargers suck.


What makes you think that? I'm not getting defensive, just curious.

underage much?

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