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→ News Post: "Better Moderation" ←

File: 1346712680142.gif-(7 KB, 629x290, gee-needs-a-sticky.gif)
7 KB
/g/ NEEDS a sticky.

There are SO many threads on /g/ that are reposts of reposts of reposts:

- Help me buy a laptop
- Help me build a computer
- Help me find a good keyboard / mouse / gamepad
- Help me find good headphones
- What is Linux and how do i install it?
- etc.

If you, the moderator of this board care about post quality even one tiny bit, you NEED to make a sticky for /g/. This sticky needs to catch people's attention by using large text or something, and it should have a comprehensive list of guides (e.g. FalconGuide) and answers to frequently asked questions.

I strongly believe that having an informative and visible sticky would help EVERYONE out, and would improve the quality of posts on the board substantially. Maybe, if we get a sticky up that answers all of these questions that get asked 100 times a day, we can use this board for its intended purpose: discussing technology!

If you support the idea of a sticky for /g/, you know what to do. Click Reply, and tell the mod(s) why /g/ needs a sticky, and keep this thread alive. Feel free to save the image and repost it whenever you want. (If you make a minor edit to the image, like adding a pixel of green, you won't get that "File already posted" error.)

Also, no.
mod do it.
or just quit your job
no thanks
We already had this discussion many times, with the result each time of >>>/q/.
the Gentoomen site does some of this
We had a sticky.
Don't know what happened to it.
go to /q/ you fucking moron
i vote there should be a sticky
for what, that is yet to be decided

We just need the Falcon Guide stickied like last year.

Without them, there would be no threads on /g/.
>/g/ needs a sticky!
>yeah someone should make one!
>more general discussion on how we need a sticky
nobody makes one
I forgot about /q/ until I clicked that newspost, derp


the same thread, on /q/
the only sticky we need on /g/ is a link to a /g/ wiki
we need fucking falconguide stickied again
it really cut down on the build threads and improved the ones that were stupid. the only reason it was taken down is because of anal-ravaged mods and anons who think they have a monopoly on the "perfect build". it was good enough for plebs, anyone who is a /g/ regular would do their own build by themselves anyways.
/o/ has a first motorcycle guide because because /o/ got tired of hearing "wat bike gud"

I dont think it'll make a difference
there will still be posts of "what you think"
shit, I google'd how to build a pc and all that shit and came to /g/ after to ask what they think of it after,

You mean like /fit/? Because nobody ignores that sticky.

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