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    File :1226100063.jpg-(104 KB, 1024x768, wat.jpg)
    104 KB Rustic antiquity 11/07/08(Fri)18:21 No.2627792  
    how does portal render so quickly infinity?
    >> That Faggot Who Keeps Posting Kaworu/Shinji Pics !LYNGx8MuKY 11/07/08(Fri)18:22 No.2627797
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    It doesn't. In most cases, recursive rendering through portals is limited to 2 instances by default. This can be (pointlessly) increased if the user wishes though, resulting in a pretty significant performance hit.
    >> Anonymous 11/07/08(Fri)18:22 No.2627798
    wtf where are your AA I se corners everywhere
    >> !Nigger/OcE 11/07/08(Fri)18:22 No.2627801
    It doesn't render infinite depth.
    >> Anonymous 11/07/08(Fri)18:22 No.2627802
    I believe the answer is cocks.
    >> Rustic antiquity 11/07/08(Fri)18:25 No.2627818
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    i can see that theres only 2 portals when i look in the blue portal but when i look in the orange portal there seems to be more than 2 portals..
    >> Anonymous 11/07/08(Fri)18:25 No.2627821
    and after that, it just essentially copypastes for a bit if i remember correctly.
    >> Anonymous 11/07/08(Fri)18:36 No.2627903
    It will render a max of 9 I think, after that it just shows a blurry screenshot of the 9th portal.
    >> MacFaggatron !!PySga/uYCc9 11/07/08(Fri)18:38 No.2627913
    It sure is /v/ in here.
    >> Anonymous 11/07/08(Fri)18:45 No.2627953
    talking about performance in a program.
    >> Anonymous 11/07/08(Fri)18:47 No.2627963
    This. I vaguely recall a developer's commentary that says so.
    >> Anonymous 11/07/08(Fri)18:51 No.2627990
    Raytracing would be > * for Portal 2.
    >> That Faggot Who Keeps Posting Kaworu/Shinji Pics !LYNGx8MuKY 11/07/08(Fri)18:54 No.2628003
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    It would be fuck all for system requirements. The main draw of Source games is that pretty much any computer worth more than $100 can run them just fine.
    >> Anonymous 11/07/08(Fri)18:58 No.2628021
    do you manually post all those pics or do you have something set up to randomly post Kaworu/Shinji?
    >> Anonymous 11/07/08(Fri)19:00 No.2628030
    Badly and slowly, to be honest. That shit runs fast just because the graphics are so bland (as in very little geometry).

    As people have already said, watch the commentary. It just renders the scene again, using the stencil buffer to clip it (it clears the stencil buffer and draws the portal oval in it, then draws the scene with stencil testing enabled). It does this recursively (the oval is drawn summing 1 to the stencil buffer on each iteration, then draws only where stencil matches the pass number, so if two ovals intersect it draws only over their intersection).

    For a proper implementation of portals (and I'm not talking just about graphics performance, but also featureset, versatility, and physics interaction), look at Prey. Shame that as usual the better game gets the worse tech and vice-versa.

    Also on OP's pic you can clearly see that only the first two iterations are real, the rest are faked by drawing the image over and over.
    >> That Faggot Who Keeps Posting Kaworu/Shinji Pics !LYNGx8MuKY 11/07/08(Fri)19:01 No.2628035
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    I do it manually. Once I find one I like particularly well (which sometimes takes a while because I have an extensive collection to weed through), I select it and continue on my merry way. I once considered having an automated process for doing this, but I don't like just posting a random pic, I only like posting the pics I really like.
    >> That Faggot Who Keeps Posting Kaworu/Shinji Pics !LYNGx8MuKY 11/07/08(Fri)19:06 No.2628066
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    That's not to say that they didn't pull off something very believable, though. I really liked the execution. The physics bubble approach makes sense for the Source engine, the drawing method is great considering the amount of time they worked on it, and overall, the gameplay isn't hurt at all by not using "true" portals.

    Prey was an astounding game considering the level of worldly interactions. Not just the portals, but the gravity for the small planetoid objects and all the other nonsense that happened. I really enjoyed it.
    >> Anonymous 11/07/08(Fri)19:18 No.2628128

    Well, it was adequate, albeit barely.

    When I played with it a little bit I started noticing problems where if you pick up an object and move it through a portal while holding it and keeping an eye at the other end, it looked really bad; and also you could "feel" the fragility of the physics bubble approach. In Prey, portals were truly seamless (and free-shaped). In fact, at some places there weren't visual hints of their existence and it was impossible to tell they were there.

    Moreover since placing portals requires significant preprocessing you can't realistically move them or anything of that sort. I think that did hurt the game, if by omission.
    >> Anonymous 11/07/08(Fri)19:19 No.2628131
         File :1226103550.png-(230 KB, 875x730, dukemirror.png)
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    once you understand what was done in 1997 you will understand what was done in 2007
    >> Anonymous 11/07/08(Fri)19:22 No.2628151
    Play the game with developer's commentary
    >> Anonymous 11/07/08(Fri)19:23 No.2628168

    I'm sorry to break it for you but mirrors != portals.

    Also, there were "portals" back in the first Unreal, and probably in earlier games that I don't know about. They looked as good as modern ones but didn't handle physics seamlessly (they just grossly teleported stuff).

    Physics iteration is where the real challenge is at. Rendering is pretty easy.
    >> Anonymous 11/07/08(Fri)19:25 No.2628180

    > I'm sorry to break it for you but mirrors != portals.

    (Although rendering might implement them as such, the "physics iteration" point still stands. In any case the Build engine was a raytracer, not a rasterizer, so it's kind of different)

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