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Razors are technology.

How do you shave your pubes? Electric? Manual? Combination?
I'm not gay, so, I don't.
Slighty offtopic question. What technology can I use to get rid of hemmorhoids? I want to shave my legs and dress like a cute little girl but I'm embarrassed because of this problem.
Something called a doctor dude. Go to one.

He might give you a free prostate exam.
Preparation H
I don't shave it, I cut it with scissors, and if /g/ don't do that at least, you're all fucking disgusting.
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Reminds me

I need to shave my ass again.
I want to shave but I have a girlfriend, If I randomly turned up with shaved legs, balls and chest she'll easily pick up I'm a bit weird in the head... If she hasn't realised already.

Go to the doctor, that shit is not to mess around with.
Yeh, I just trim it with a pair of scissors every two months or so.
I will consider more should I ever get myself into a sexual relationship, but until then I don't see the benefit.
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I'm considering laser hair removal, is it a good idea?
I don't want to pay for razors every few months.
Cut with scissors.
No boyfriend? No casual flings? Can't be asked to go through that effort for myself.
kill yourself you mentally ill piece of shit
I use an epilator.

Offtopic: Anyone got a picture with sammy's face in it?
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Thank you for satisfying my curiosity. There's another Sammy that posts on soc, I was wondering if they were the same person.

The answer is no.
Shoo, back to /b/ ♥
Manual shave as my girlfriend likes it better that way, before that I used to trim it. Same goes for my ass and chest.

I don't understand half of this stuff anyway ;_;
Apparently /g/ Sammy accidentally ODd...
I heard. I just want to know if it's actually true or not. Damn my curiosity.
I reckon he's in an institution getting psychiatric help. Unless I see an obituary..
>psychiatric help

For what?
Hi sammy, we are glad to see you have/are a new tripfag with the same technology interests.
Please, kill yourself again.

Depression I guess. Don't know actually, he told /g/ about his home situation and things. Doesn't seem healthy to me.

I'm not sammy ♥
I have a similar problem, I don't want to have a doctor touch my anus.
O'really? Newtripfag with sammy knowledge and sammy whoring, like sammy was doing as anon for months?
Please sammy, don't insult the hive.
Don't worry, a doctor touching your anus won't make you gay. Just man up and deal with it...
Not sammy, dear ♥ Sammy would've posted proof already.
I shave my entire body with a manual shaver and pick off any areas I missed with an electric one once I'm out of the shower.

I end up taking very long showers.
>can't see shit in showers
You girlfriend must be/must have a dirty cunt if she doesn't want a clean shaven man. Grow some balls.
Where does /g/ buy their long socks?
Who says I can either? It's not just you nearsighted folk, it's the farsighted people like myself as well :|

I can't even read the labels on my shampoo and conditioner when in the shower, so I either have to memorize which is which based on the shape or vaguely try to make out letters and word length on the labels. I really wish they'd just put a big "C" on conditioner and an "S" on shampoo so I don't have to try squinting to discern letters.

As for shaving, I don't even use my eyes to tell if an area's shaved - it looks the same whether it is or isn't. However, feeling the area and watching how water trails over it is a nice way of finding out.
Ooh, thanks for the tips. I can still see the labels. But it also helps buying stuff with different colours ♥
Depends on the brand, and I'm picky about what I buy since I spend a lot of time on my hair. Some are nice and have different colors, some are inverted (shampoo has the lid on top, conditioner on the bottom), and some are just completely identical. It is nice when they're different colors though, so I can just remember the color.

By the way, you wouldn't happen to have any experience with hormones, would you? I'm looking to start a non-regimented HRT to make myself a little more femme, but I have no idea where to start.
If you didn't get it the treatment before you hit puberty, you're doing it wrong.
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Western countries don't even allow this.
I live in Australia and we can't even ask for them till we're 13 and then we need both parents permission, divorced/separated or not.

We then have to go through up to 6 months of therapy before finally being put on a wait list for an endocrinologist which can take up to 5 months to get the first appointment before seeing them 3-4 more times.

Then we can finally get HRT.

I came out as trans at 16, finally started seeing the therapist just as I turned 17

>Mfw I'm 18 and still waiting for that fucking endocrinologist
Is everyone on /g/ a tranny?

I can't speak for everyone, but I actually am. >>25456563
I'm not a fucking gorilla Jesus Christ, if my girlfriend liked men like that I'd send her to a zoo!
thats awesome. Your country forces you to walk around looking like an idiot for years and years making you think you'll get to see an endocrinologist
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I don't shave, I trim. Picture related. Works even better on pits.
This. Thing is made of fucking miracles. You're done in like 30 seconds.
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Traps do nothing for me.

Can't there be any (cute) /g/eeks that are just guys who like guys? Please?

Picture related, preferably minus the Macbook.
Guys who don't look like girls disgust me.

I'll try that.
>razor clogged with hairs
>doesn't shave for shit

That better fix that.

Pretty much. Doesn't help that if you attempt suicide, some therapists may postpone it even further.

>Not getting anywhere
>Just want to die
>Therapists: Well now you have to wait even longer

Australian logic.
Some are, but there are many reasons why a /g/entleman would want to dress up.

All this talk really makes me want to take out my trap gear. I have some really nice summer dresses, but I'm not sure if I want to have my neighbours think I'm weirder than strictly necessary.
If you can look like a girl you could try pulling it off like you're your own sister or girlfriend.
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>my neighbour's face when
He has a tractor and is pretty handy with clearing my driveway during winter, so I'd rather not have things get weird between us, or I'll have to learn to lift heavy things like snow shovels.
Maybe it'll work out differently and he'll want to stick it in your ass.
That's almost worth a try.
I heard a tractor being anally inserted is quite painful.
I lol'd but by "it" I meant his cock.
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I don't have any electric shaver so I go with manual shaving + tweezing.
because of how the hair grows back with shaving, I only do it when I have to go cosplay or wear a skirt.
I really can't decide between the neckbeard look or the trap look. They feel pretty mutually exclusive. The former is a lot less work, but the latter looks a lot nicer.
What about a normal guy look? But I'm pretty sure you aren't getting cock/pussy with the neckbear look.
Shaving is very feminine.
is that you?
I haven't shaved my pubes in over a year,
/g/ is very feminine

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