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/g/ humor thread.

Fuck yeah.
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OP that isn't funny.
Who has a computer that asks monthly to back up data?
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114 KB
OP kill yourself
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1.1 MB
startx, x is broken lol
>dude you're logged in as root
>you have everything stored under fucking /root. you don't have a /home partition, you have a separate fucking /root partition.
>why do you have a 300mb folder full of colortest scripts
>that doesn't even
>but that's
>okay bye
># startx
>>X is broken lol
# LS - A
>>zsh: LS: command not found

Arch linux™
Holy shit.
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Must be an old picture
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>/g/ related photos on Windows partition

Ughhhhh here goes
the movie was from 2001 so yeah.
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somebody with a harddive named dat ass
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Fucking LInux gives the tinyest thumbnail previews I can't tell what any of these photos are but who cares I DON'T GIVE A FUCK
No Japs on his board?
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So it looks like that was a katamari forever joke... if anyone has played that game... it would make sense.
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Ish probably better if chu just went to bed.

One of the things I miss about Windows.
I wish that pic was true.
>help me decide
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I dislike GPL.
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this feel...
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blind posting via linux

I have a friend who refuses to use any sort of keyboard short cuts.

Its infuriating. When looking up the details to shit.
He won't even "Ctrl+F" He' just skims everything in huge articles and inevitably misses what we're looking for.
>not understanding the GPL
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wow cliché.
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I understand what it is trying to do, but I believe it is doing it in all the wrong ways.
The tilda.
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>not having a sense of humor
>Comparing software to real property
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D'aww, look at the little babby!
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I like tilde~

Did I mention I use arch?
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It is called an analogy.
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MFW I use Fedora and am practically homeless

Did I mention I use arch?
I'd give matsuri one.
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Except it doesn't work very well when you are comparing to something like that, with software having infinite copies and all that.

It would make more sense if instead of objects it was being compared to blue prints.
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1.28 MB
This picture makes me laugh every time I see it.

I mean the timing is just so perfect. Like on Planet Earth when the great white shark jumps out of the water and eats the seal. The precision on this is equal to that.
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So is IGNUcius the seal or the shark?
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Software is not just about the software but also about the developers time and so on.
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33 KB
>This thread.
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And so would be the blueprints about their time.
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2.16 MB
Blueprints do not act like viruses, infecting everything that touches them.
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10/10 would laugh again!
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I don't get what is the problem with arch? Install took 15 minutes. Everything worked fine. Install stuff from AUR, from packages, from abs, etc all the time. It all works nothing breaks.
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That is always so cute
If that was created in Minecraft, they should be ashamed.
Son, if that isn't MineTest, I'm disappointed.
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whaaa. That does not make sense.
Can anyone else not get minetest to compile anymore?

I tried installing it once, on the one computer I had in the house, and it took me to black screen and I had no fucking clue what to do.

So I assume at this point, I should have entered "startx"

but I also assume it doesn't come with proprietary graphic and wifi drivers, which I need to run my computer.

Can you confirm?
That is, unless your blueprint is that of a virus, or some chemical compound, at which point, the built (ie compiled) thing would.
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Arch linux is a minimal distribution, so it doesn't come wthout X and window managers, etc. You have to install them.
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I can't get it to compile on my server, but my laptop compiles it fine.

Anyone have more like this?
Not him, but from what I know from minimally installing Ubuntu, you have to download X and a few other things, then type startX
Why would you ever want Dilbert comics?
>Madfaggot who can't afford $530

Enjoy being poor

Sent from my MacBook Air.
but arch isn't hard to install at all. Seriously it's just babby tier interactive auto installer. 15minutes tops.
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That is gay. Why doesn't /g/ get behind shit like FreeBSD as an experienced distro, rather than shitposting Arch this, Arch that?
Get a load of this guy

Dilbert comics are great! The question is why wouldn't you want Dilbert comics?
Typical mac users are long-lived and eternally youthful? Good to know.
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That comic is like 3 years old you dumbass.

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Dilbert can be funny
FreeBSD doesn't come out of the box with x either, you have to install it.
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I have a few comics actually.
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Yes but it's a much stronger distro to use. I've never heard anyone say a bad word about it.
Wait till it gets popular.
I don't quite get the C++ one.
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>flower pot

FreeBSD doesn't respect your freedom
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the fact that Neru does things it's own way is annoying to you is fine but after reading the docs for 5 minutes it's simpler than ubuntu
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why not use xinit directly, takes up less entries in the process table
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I don't know why this one makes me laugh every time.
We ain't using Gnome 2 anymore, son.
Hey, OS X has the spinneh cube too.
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I'm using Linux so I ahve to guess what pictures I'm posting because the fucking preview is the size of a pizel
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I have documentation?
More like the schematics for a shoe.
Then CSS should be a double sided paintbrush.
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I wish this wasn't the last "WHY X IS GREAT" picture :*(
>be on /g/, using my Gentoo rig powered by QUADFIRE 7970s and an i7 2600k, when knock at cave door
>push a couple old Pentium 4s against the door (those things are just so damn handy)
>begin waddling towards escape hatch
>cops shooting the door, screaming MURIKA FUCK YEAH
>be Canadian, quite confused
>continue waddling as fast as I can
>cops break door down
>they begin sprinting towards me
>one gets caught in my intranet
>fuck that was an expensive cable it's hard to get them that long
>cop begins shooting me
>dive behind Fermi pile
>Fermis burst into flames, buying me time
>grab my Thinkpad
>escape hatch blocked by cans
>prepare for final stand
>cop comes around corner
>nail her on the head with my Thinkpad
>Thinkpad 1 SWAT helmet 0
>another cop rounds corner
>shoots me
>absorbed in my fat, bounces off
>this angers me
>release the bear
>Guardian Neckbear leaps from neck and begins biting cop
>throw GNU/Hurd kernel DVDs at him
>he dies from disgust
>cop jumps through can pile
>falls onto my pile of dragon dildos
>runs back out screaming
>jump in my get-away pedovan
>mom runs out of house
>rev up car
>cop cars begin coming around corner
>speed off
>they chase me
>they have no drivers and crash into poles
>an entire polish parade
>1.7% of the parade survive
>more cops behind me
>helicopter appears above me
>it's rotational velociodencity begins to degrade as it comes closer to my giant dog-shapped pedovan
>it bluescreens

>automated script start purging private encryption keys
>RMS singing song start playing on speakers 500% volume
>countdown initiated
>in 2 moves I eject ALL discs in a magazine
>run towards window
>jump out on soft landing spot
>through gate
>lock on other side to prevent chasers from coming following
>dump cellphone in trash can while running
>bike in garage across the street
>in 1 minute I'm 1.5 Km way
>countdown complete
>house detonates
>smuggling myself into Russia now

Nice try government.
lol, that's my worst nightmare.
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24 KB
Oh god, I cried laughing.

d-did I just read the last part of that pasta?
Those two are seperate pastas
>font rendering
Seriously stfu right now before I summon demons from hell. Yeah, I'm a fucking wizard and I already have your ip, address, family names, friend names, and I have a team of highly-trained monkey ninjas ready to kill them all on my command. I swear to fucking got if you say that shit again I will slit your fucking throat. You think my jimmies are just a little rustled? Just you wait motherfucker, just you wait. You should be shitting your pants right about now, knowing that a wizard and monkey-ninjas are after your fucking head. Perpare to die, shithead. Prepare to fucking die.

Made in MS Paint, where fucks go to die.
File: 1338667539359.gif-(52 KB, 811x800, every_ip_address_ever.gif)
52 KB
thats the reason i dont have a wallpaper/background
>needs IP Address or monkeys
>possesses "jimmies"
>summons his demons from "hell"
Right, whatever you say.
What in Davy Jones' locker did ye just bark at me, ye scurvy bilgerat? I'll have ye know I be the meanest cutthroat on the seven seas, and I've led numerous raids on fishing villages, and raped over 300 wenches. I be trained in hit-and-run pillaging and be the deadliest with a pistol of all the captains on the high seas. Ye be nothing to me but another source o' swag. I'll have yer guts for garters and keel haul ye like never been done before, hear me true. You think ye can hide behind your newfangled computing device? Think twice on that, scallywag. As we parley I be contacting my secret network o' pirates across the sea and yer port is being tracked right now so ye better prepare for the typhoon, weevil. The kind o' monsoon that'll wipe ye off the map. You're sharkbait, fool. I can sail anywhere, in any waters, and can kill ye in o'er seven hundred ways, and that be just with me hook and fist. Not only do I be top o' the line with a cutlass, but I have an entire pirate fleet at my beck and call and I'll damned sure use it all to wipe yer arse off o' the world, ye dog. If only ye had had the foresight to know what devilish wrath your jibe was about to incur, ye might have belayed the comment. But ye couldn't, ye didn't, and now ye'll pay the ultimate toll, you buffoon. I'll shit fury all over ye and ye'll drown in the depths o' it. You're fish food now, lad.
You motherfucker.

I'm going to personally flay you alive in salt, chloroform you, hit your head with a hammer, give you leukemia, and after many other punishments, kill you.

Then I'm going to dance on your grave and laugh happily. The whole world will rejoice your death.
What the flip d¬id thee just flipping gabble about me, thine miniscule bitch? I’ll have thee know I bested the most prestigious jousting class in the whole of Camelot, and I hath been involved in numerous secret marches on behalf of his Majesty, King Arthur, and I hath over 300 confirmed victories on horseback. I am trained in castle of gorilla warfare and I am indeed the highest ranking joustee in the entire land of Great Britannia.Thee are nothing to me but another false crossbearer. I will joust thine shambles with precision the likes of which hath never been observed in the King’s lands, mark my flipping words! Thou think thou can escape retribution by shouting that hogwash at me from afar? I implore thee to think again, peasant. As we converse I am contacting my secretive network of knights across the realm and thine footsteps are being traced right now, so thou best prepare thineself for the storm, pig-maggot! The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing thou call your armour. Thou art a flipping dead man. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill thou in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare lance. Not only am I extensively trained in mounted combat, but I hath access to the entire arsenal of the Kings Royal Army, and I shall use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable derriere off the face of the realm, thou miniscule feaces. If only thou could have foreseen what unholy retribution your little “clever” challenge was about to bring down upon thee, maybe thou would have held thee flipping tongue. But thou couldn’t, thou didn’t, and now thee art paying the price, you godd¬amn fool. I shall s¬hit fury all over thou britches and thee will drown in it. Thou art flipping dead, child.
but what about IPv6?
fukken saved
What in tarnation did you just say about me hombre? I'll have you reckon I learn't me real good in the old west, and I've been on more prairies hogtyin me heathens than you know bout buddy.I done wrastled me up 300 scoundrels, and I know how to use this here 6 shooter everwhich way! Im sheriff in these here parts ,Consarnit! You ain't nothin to me but another dagnum yellabelly. I'll clean your clock rightfast, and you won't reckon what hit ya, Now you listen good, you think you can come round here and tell me whatfer? Well you better think again damn it, Right as we speak my possie is closing in, Tracking your there computer all across this here frontier. And you better git while the gittins good. Yesir, you better amscre compdre, fore were forced ta get mean, or you'll be six feet under by sunup. Yesir now we can duel like gentlemen or I can use ol'betsy here to shoot the smile right off yer face 6 ,9 to 1 ways from sunday. Not only do i have with me here these pistols but being law and order round here i got me a whole heep o' guns and I'll use em if need be. I think if you only knew what snakes you were winding up , youda came wearing gloves partner. But ya could't , ya didn't and now mister , you're gonna pay the price dag-gumit,It's gona be raining bullets like cats and dogs all over here in a minute. You're a goner partner.
that's the joke
Hey Fedora bro, welcome to the club.
>Minding my own business and installing OpenBSD on my router
>Mama starts yelling from downstairs
>"What is it mama?"
>Go downstairs
>Find that there is taco sauce on the monitor
>Tostadas on the keyboard
>Tortillas in the optical drive
>Salsa in the heatsink
>Guacamole on the southbridge
>Burritos in the case fan
>Beans cooking on the Fermi
>Tacos in the PSU
>Fuck it, I'll buy her a Mac
>Go to Apple store
>Considering purchasing an iMac
>Steve Jobs is there
>Talks to me about the iMac
>I get really hyped for the iMac
>Decide to buy it on the spot
>Reach for my wallet
>Suddenly, spaghetti spills out of my pocket
>There's spaghetti on the floor
>Everybody walk the dinosaur
>Try to clean it all up
>I look down
>There's fur in the spaghetti, leading to the realization that I am a bear
>Beans cooking on the Fermi
Every fucking time
You're right. It doesn't make sense. If only the source material were more coherent.
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little proprietry bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the FSF, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Apple patents, and I have over 300 confirmed bug fixes. I am trained in Free Software Evangelizing and I'm the top code contributer for the entire GNU HURD. You are nothing to me but just another compile time error. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am building a GUI using GTK+ and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can decompile you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my Model M. Not only am I extensively trained in EMACS, but I have access to the entire arsenal of LISP functions and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit Freedom all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking debugged, kiddo.
fukken saved
File: 1338668110532.png-(27 KB, 485x270, wisdom_of_the_ancients.png)
27 KB
>don't know how to watermark gifs
File: 1338668156272.png-(1.15 MB, 751x786, YOU CANT HACK ME I HAVE NORTON.png)
1.15 MB
I live in a first world country, good luck contending with a moderately modern armed Naval fleet.
>implying pirates can summon weather anomalies
>2012 having only one hook ishigdedurt
>Implying the Gentoo masterrace is dumb enough to have a waifu
Just kill yourself.
Should I feel bad that I know exactly what doujin that is from? I even considered making an image out of that page.
>Implying the Waifu masterrace is dumb enough to have a gentoo
Just kill yourself.
>Talking about pirates as though they weren't supreme overlords who hail from the heavens

I shiggy diggy.
I know right.

It had to be done.
Well... Sauce? Please respond.
Please leave this place and never return.
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I have the whole thing and i'll dump it ITT because mods=fags fuck the police
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There are no mods on /g/.
his favorite shirt color is red not blue...
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I am thinking about trying fedora after using ubuntu for a little more than a year.
Do you think it's a good idea?
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>Fucking LInux gives the tinyest thumbnail previews
Kernels give thumbnail previews?
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657 KB
Flipped my shit.

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Can you rar and upload somewhere?
Without a kernel a computer would have a hard time doing much of anything.
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its almost done, not very long
My Windows 7 does quite fine without one.
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Linux is the name of the kernel and the colloquial name used for the operating system when one is not talking about a distribution in particular. Quit being autistic. =w=
>You will never be a cute trap sexroid
File: 1338669089707.jpg-(104 KB, 960x638, winxp..jpg)
104 KB
Go ahead and try it, if you don't like it you can always switch back.

But I would recommend throwing Cinnamon over Gnome 3.
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I don't get this.

My sides.

This picture is fucking flawed to shit.
Sure, but thumbnails are hardly tied to the operating system. There are many file managers you can use on linux.
Just install it next to your current /home. 10GB should be more than enough. If you don't like it it's practically no effort to revert.
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Nice, a Melitta teapot.

That's the source of the Utah teapot model, one of the oldest and most common stock models in computer graphics.
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I laughed. But that was horrible.
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442 KB
>Kitchen Computer

Chu's still acting kind of silly about this. You know what they meant when they said Linux. ;_;

I kind of agreed with the interjection until I read the response to it. Then I realized how lame the interjection actually is.
I haven't read the response but I'm guessing it's along the lines of
>implying gnu plus linux plus gnome plus apt etc etc
the fuck man...
rar and upload please
>You know what they meant when they said Linux
Yes I do, I'm not even the same person who raised that point. It's still dumb to say that linux gives you small thumbnails. That's an issue with the file manager, not the operating system.
I feel sorry for those two.
>real men don't need directions
What about the arch wiki and man pages?
I's seen that teapot a lot.

It was a lengthy "Linus-Torvalds"-reply. Not sure if it was written by Torvalds or not.

Computers are complicated. It is easy to say wrong stuff.
Fuck off you shitposting attention-whoring tripnigger.
I'm sure your post is gonna inspire him to do just that.
There is a flawed belief that gets thrown around a lot around here where anons assume that people with tripcodes do nothing but whore for the attention of the anonymous user base. On the contrary, the only reason I'd ever actually lobby for your attention is if you also had a tripcode identity.

Anonymous posts mean nothing to me or ultimately to anyone. They are, regardless of opinion or poise, just a river of generic shit that flows in one ear and out the other. The opinions of established identities mean a great deal more and are far more beneficial to the community. Having a tripcode is a way for users' statements and opinions to be remembered for future reference. This adds an element of personal responsibility to each post, something any mature adult would be comfortable with. Remaining anonymous is only a means to alleviate yourself from that responsibility so you can disassociate your personal identity from the river of generic anonymous shitposting.

This difference is precisely why so many anonymous posters cry and snivel at people with tripcodes. Tripcode users get more attention, deservedly, for their posts because they are not afraid of taking responsibility for what they wish to say. This is why posts from tripcode identified users are ultimately and universally worth greater consideration than those from anonymous users.

Honestly, the real reason why you don't get a tripcode yourself is because you're too cowardly to showcase your opinions outside of hiding.
why are you here then faggot
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Go post on facebook then
Man I remember making this shit.
>inb4 Archfags being buttmad
Hi there!

You seem to have made a bit of a mistake in your post. Luckily, the users of 4chan are always willing to help you clear this problem right up! You appear to have used a tripcode when posting, but your identity has nothing at all to do with the conversation! Whoops! You should always remember to stop using your tripcode when the thread it was used for is gone, unless another one is started! Posting with a tripcode when it isn't necessary is poor form. You should always try to post anonymously, unless your identity is absolutely vital to the post that you're making!

Now, there's no need to thank me - I'm just doing my bit to help you get used to the anonymous image-board culture!
what's that image from?
Women need computers too.
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Facebook has silly registrations and loads of posting limitations. Imageboards were meant to make posting easy and available.

I could read arch-posts like that all day.

Not sure.
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>ctrl+f anonymous
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>The opinions of established identities mean a great deal more
An argument or position should be judged on its own merits. That's the entire point of being anonymous. Disregarding it because it's from anonymous is an ad hominem- "it's wrong because I don't know you."
Due to extensive research done by the Fourchan University of Science, diamond has been confirmed as the the hardest metal known the man. The research is as follows.

Pocket-protected scientists built a wall of iron and crashed a diamond car into it at 400 miles per hour, and the car was unharmed.

They then built a wall out of diamond and crashed a car made of iron moving at 400 miles an out into the wall, and the wall came out fine.

They then crashed a diamond car made of 400 miles per hour into a wall, and there were no survivors.

They crashed 400 miles per hour into a diamond travelling at iron car. Western New York was powerless for hours.

They rammed a wall of metal into a 400 mile per hour made of diamond, and the resulting explosion shifted the earth's orbit 400 million miles away from the sun, saving the earth from a meteor the size of a small Washington suburb that was hurtling towards midwestern Prussia at 400 billion miles per hour.

They shot a diamond made of iron at a car moving at 400 walls per hour, and as a result caused two wayward airplanes to lose track of their bearings, and make a fatal crash with two buildings in downtown New York.

They spun 400 miles at diamond into iron per wall. The results were inconclusive.

Finally, they placed 400 diamonds per hour in front of a car made of wall travelling at miles, and the result proved without a doubt that diamonds were the hardest metal of all time, if not just the hardest metal known the man.
>I kind of agreed with the interjection until I read the response to it. Then I realized how lame the interjection actually is.
In Torvald's (if that really was him) opinion, the kernel is an operating system onto itself. If you disagree, then the interjection is perfectly valid.
Tripcodies are /g/'s hipsters. Its the same stupid stuff over and over.
Fuck anime. It can eat a dick. If the only difference between quality in anime is whichever pile of shit animation creates the new trope to be lampooned 50-fold and which lampoons the trope 50-fold, then you are dealing with a medium that's primarily concerned with being uncreative dickbags, and is, in short, only suitable for the kind of useless shifty fucks who are too ugly/inept to have friends and a life, or those who feel like it makes them more 'unique' and 'interesting'. Guess what, jackass? Everyone is a boring fuck. Stop trying to define yourself by a commercial production of a goddamn cartoon. I don't give a fuck if you like it, I really don't. But I don't want to see it. It's why people fucking hate furries, it's why people hate weeaboos, it's why people hate hipsters and emos.

They can't shut the fuck up and be by themselves. If I wanted to see your dumb anime shit, I would go and look for it, don't bring that bullshit to a motherfucking TECHNOLOGY FORUM.

In return, I won't clutter up the fucking place with what -I- like either. Why don't weeaboos fucking understand this concept? People won't give a fuck if you stop trying to shove your shit down their throat.
almost raged
Sweet copypasta, bro. If any of you seriously agree with this, please leave this place and fuck off to some forum.
What Stallman making his own distribution and calling it GNU/Linux?
I'm surprised it took /g/ so long to figure out it was a pasta.

I've been colecting them over the time, so far I've got about 50
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>my screencap has been reposted
I'm such a proud father.
ok, that's it Macs should get their own board
now, seeing as it is a Fashion conscious take on Technology, it should be a combination of /fa/shion and technolo/g/y
/fag/-Apple Technology
God dammit /g/. You've completely fucked my life. My fucking family hates me now and my brother-in-law punched me in the face and broke my glasses and it's all because of you.

I was at a family get together at my mom's house and my sister and her husband came in from the west coast and I hadn't seen her in 5 years when their daughter was 2 years old.

So I was playing with my niece and she was the most adorable, playful little girl you'd ever met and my sister and her husband asked what I thought of her and I said "she's an adorable little loli that's for sure".

Next thing I know I'm punched in the face and my uncle and my step father are pulling my brother-in-law off me and he's fucking yelling "I'll kill you, you fucking pedophile faggot". My mom's screaming and asking what's wrong and my brother-in-law yells "this little faggot just called my daughter a loli." And my mother asked "what's a loli" and he said "it's a code word pedophiles use on the internet for little girls. This faggot's a pedophile." Then all fucking hell breaks loose and nobody will fucking listen to me and then my step father says "It would probably be a good idea for you to leave now before you get your ass kicked".

WTF! It was a fucking slip of the tongue. I'm not even a pedofag. I fucking moralfag all the CP threads by reporting them. I don't even like loli hentai. The only porn that really gets me off are traps. But because of one stupid fucking slip of the tongue from hanging out on /g/ my family fucking hates me now.
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>What Stallman
That was meant to be
>What about Stallman

This is not making sense to me.
PC gaming is DEAD! Really guys it has died and now no one plays games on the PC any more! I am serious it is dead, and to prove that all I need to ask is: Did you or any of your friends ever play a game on the PC recently? If you say no then that proves that PC gaming is dead. If you say yes then you are a damn liar because PC gaming is DEAD, and you are lying because you have no proof or evidence, and THAT PROVES PC GAMING IS DEAD!

Really, if you take a look at the recent games for the PC then you will see that many of them sell less than 1m copies (pathetic!) and that PROVES that PC gaming is DEAD! And some PC games are so casual that they get more than 1m sales (lol casuals), and that further proves that PC gaming is DEAD!

So stop using PC for games, only consoles are meant to play games that is why they are called PCs. If they were meant for games they would be called PGs: Personal Gamestations. That also proves that PC gaming is DEAD!

Only consoles have good games anyway, all the PC games are horrible, and this is why PC gaming is dead. Besides, who would play games on a PC? PCs are meant for browsing the web and editing documents and that is why they come with a mouse and keyboard.

PC gaming is dead, so stop playing games on a PC. It is not fun to play games on a PC, because it is a dead platform. If you or anyone else think that PC gaming is fun then you are deluded, because it isn't.

So stop playing games on the PC because that is stupid and PC gaming is DEAD!
Welcome to the anti-thesis of p2p. Sharing amongst the Elite Users only.
Filesharing Imperialism at its finest.
Congrats, you and your ilk have done more to kill the spirit of p2p than all of the media industry cartels together.
Sorry, p2p is about sharing with everyone and not just those select few you deem worthy.
You either decide to share, or you don't. Who you share with and what they do with what you share with them is irrelevant.
Private trackers have made p2p a fascist elitist status circus.
All this artificial pomp, VIPs and Powerusers, trackers which must not be named, meh.
Ratios, rules, regulations, blah.
All you've done is create a class of filesharers with an extremely over inflated sense of self-importance.
Selling accounts, hit n runs? You guys created that stuff.
Before all this private tracker cloak and dagger soap opera nonsense there were no accounts to sell, no invites to swap, only swarms, huge swarms, of thousands of peers sharing files with ALL.
No, you guys have most definitely damaged p2p, compartmentalized it, made it a good old boys club.
You keep the goodies for just you and your club mates and tough shit if you're not "IN".
Don't worry, mine is definitely a very unpopular opinion here, the invite whores will be scrambling for your approval in droves.
People who sit here and bitch about software freedom all day aren't actually enjoying their freedom of life. They sit there in their basement bitching about "freedom" to people on the internet. They're wasting their lives. While on the other hand people who don't give a fuck about how they can't see the source code of applications they use at work or school, are out enjoying the better things that life has to offer. Go ahead, tell me how awesome your life is, sitting here, bitching at people about how their freedoms are being taken away because they can't freely distribute the code of the applications they use, every day of your life without coming into contact with a woman for the rest of your life. If autistic fuck Stallman had his way, every person would be forced to code their entire lives despite that not being what they enjoy doing in life, and living off of shitty food and barely scraping by. There's more to life than the fucking source code.
This is genius.
>No one knows who wrote TrueCrypt.
>No one knows who maintains TC.
>Moderators on the TC forum ban users who ask questions.
>TC claims to be based on Encryption for the Masses (E4M). They also claim to be open source, but do not maintain public CVS/SVN repositories and do not issue change logs.
>They ban folks from the forums who ask for change logs or an old source code.
>They also silently change binaries (md5 hashes change) with no explanation... zero.
>The Trademark is held by a man in the Czech Republic ((REGISTRANT) Tesarik, David INDIVIDUAL CZECH REPUBLIC Taussigova 1170/5 Praha CZECH REPUBLIC 18200.)
>Domains are registered private by proxy.
>Some folks claim it has a backdoor. Who Knows?
>These guys say they can find TC volumes:
>at college
>have a brand new Thinkpad
>everybody else is using ipads, or some cheaper tablet, a few macbooks
>professer is a huge macfag
>tells us mac is the future and we are stupid if we don't get a mac
>tell him he is wrong
>he pulls me up to compare my laptop to his macbook
>mine is faster, and better in every way
>starts getting mad
>he pours water over mine by "accident"
>"oh no! your 90's laptop is dead! you had better go buy a new macbook after class today!"
"Actually, this is a $2000 top of the range thinkpad, and it's water proof"
>hold my still running laptop over his macbook and the water drains onto his and kills his
>"the fuck did you just do? GET OUT OF MY CLASS!"
>tried to get me expelled
>they look at the security footage
>come back next week and see a new lecturer.
>he's a huge Linux/open source fag
>has Richard Stallman picture on his thinkpad
>work for comcast
>going over to some guy's house to setup internet
>suburban neighborhood
>knock on door
>guy's mom opens the door
>Hi, come on in, my son's waiting upstairs
>go upstairs
>room is a fucking mess, two plates on the table, cables everywhere
>fat mid-twenties neckbeard sitting in a beatup office chair
>he has dual monitors, ricer case with lights and transparent panel
>tells me "I could do it myself but the comcast guy said it was necessary to have you come over"
>I go over to his computer
>seems to be at a tty, not logged in
>"can you login for me?"
>fat guy begrudgingly logs in
>clearly a unix prompt with no X
>fat guy thinks I'm confused: "this isn't windows, it's an OS you probably never even heard of called "leenux" and there's no GUI because it's made for programmers and advanced users"
>I go over to the keyboard and type 'uname -a'
>he's using ubuntu
>I hit ctrl-alt-f7
>it works
>fat guy:"what are you dooooing"
>gnome comes up with all his weeaboo loli porn thumbnails still open
>fat guy pushes me away, turns off the computer and starts yelling at me that he's going to report me
>work at coffee shop
>customers slowly trickle in one morning after opening
>most have Mac laptops
>all buy coffee and food as they sit around working quietly
>guy in Hummer pulls up
>parks in handicapped spot directly in front of store
>comes in, orders small coffee, walks over to corner table and puts it down
>walks outside, starts carting in pieces of a desktop PC
>21" TN display (viewing angle was almost nonexistent)
>full tower case
>model m keyboard
>never-seen-again USB ball mouse
>after 20 minutes he's finished carting his PC in and has it setup
>hummer still parked in handicapped spot
>takes one drink from his now-cold coffee
>grimaces, throws it out
>walks up to counter, asks for tap water
>proceeds to play World of Warcraft
>speakers turned up way too high for shared space
>politely ask him to turn them down, get angry stare and silence in return
>other customers, previously quietly working away, start pointedly looking at him
>other customers slowly leave until only HummerWinner is left
>keeps getting refills on his water, never buys anything
>guy comes back every day for a week
>same shit each time
>store closes a couple months later due to salesdive
>What about Stallman making his own distribution and calling it GNU/Linux?
Stallman started the GNU project back in the 80s, for the purpose of creating a fully libre operating system. By the early 90s, they had done that, except for a functional kernel, an admittedly vital part (but not the only part) of an operating system. Linux was released, and it was libre, thus completing the requirements for a fully complete operating system. This operating system is called GNU/Linux, because it is basically the GNU operating system with Linux added. Some distributions of this operating system, like Debian, pay homage to this by calling it, in Debian's case, "Debian GNU/Linux". Others, like Ubuntu, don't, and call it, in Ubuntu's case, "Ubuntu Linux," downplaying GNU's vital part in the complete system.
hahahahahah o man thats priceless
1984 to be exact.
Except that GNU is not a very large part of the system if you look at amount of time/code.

GCC is probably closing in on notable, but all the other small stuff? Nuuu... Not compared to the kernel.
saw this like a year ago
copy pasta so hard
No shit.
I'm dumping a few.
Linux is the engine, and vital parts of a car.
GNU is the seats, radio, cup holder and seat belts.
>be on /g/, using my Gentoo rig powered by QUADFIRE 7970s and an i7 2600k, when knock at cave door
>push a couple old Pentium 4s against the door (those things are just so damn handy)
>begin waddling towards escape hatch
>cops shooting the door, screaming MURIKA FUCK YEAH
>be Canadian, quite confused
>continue waddling as fast as I can
>cops break door down
>they begin sprinting towards me
>one gets caught in my intranet
>fuck that was an expensive cable it's hard to get them that long
>cop begins shooting me
>dive behind Fermi pile
>Fermis burst into flames, buying me time
>grab my Thinkpad
>escape hatch blocked by cans
>prepare for final stand
>cop comes around corner
>nail her on the head with my Thinkpad
>Thinkpad 1 SWAT helmet 0
>another cop rounds corner
>shoots me
>absorbed in my fat, bounces off
>this angers me
>release the bear
>Guardian Neckbear leaps from neck and begins biting cop
>throw GNU/Hurd kernel DVDs at him
>he dies from disgust
>cop jumps through can pile
>falls onto my pile of dragon dildos
>runs back out screaming
>jump in my get-away pedovan
>mom runs out of house
>rev up car
>cop cars begin coming around corner
>speed off
>they chase me
>they have no drivers and crash into poles
>an entire polish parade
>1.7% of the parade survive
>more cops behind me
>helicopter appears above me
>it's rotational velociodencity begins to degrade as it comes closer to my giant dog-shapped pedovan
>it bluescreens
>jump out of door
>hit the floor
>because I tripped

I think you may have missed the memo.
Fucking love this one.
The GNU in Linux is not an operating system unto itself. It's basic userland utilities needed for a full operating system as defined by POSIX.

The Linux itself is not an operating system unto itself unless you're using an archaic definition. It's a kernel that does nothing except maybe act as an old batch OS on its own.
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>small thumbnail previews
If you're counting lines of code, GNU is WAY more than Linux in a typical distro. Whether SLOC is a meaningful metric is a separate discussion.
I want to believe
More like Linux being the engine, and GNU the rest of the car. X would be the seats, radio, cup holder and seat belts.
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Is this the Opera marketshare, or what is it?

I can see large thumbnails whiel using the filemanager, but not while selecting which file to upload. ;_;

But is not most of the GNU stuff tools and utilities?
Holy shit, I know someone who uses KDE with that background at my robotics club. He opens a terminal and types "cat /dev/urandom" and he says he's hacking.

Yields on some nvidia thing, fuck, I don't remember
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Why did you name pictures of Merry "Yume"
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>but not while selecting which file to upload.
You don't get a image preview on the right after clicking on an image?
>But is not most of the GNU stuff tools and utilities?
Look under "All GNU packages". Off the top of my head, some fairly vital ones are glibc, the coreutils, GTK+, bash, and gcc. GNOME and GIMP are also in fairly widespread use.
I have no idea. x_x I named the first ones y-something, and then named the subsequent ones based on how the name would lead to them being sorted.

I's in the process of capping new ones and using proper names. =w=

You have to select the files one by one to find the one?


You should feel bad.
Though I guess it has some packages.
I still find it silly to demand it to be called GNU/ though.
Welcome to... Actually I forget when this was first brought up, but it was long ago. So there.
this feel, all day... especially with wacom tablet

>this is the perfect line I'm drawing, it's amazing, this is it!!!!.... it's fucked, thanks kitty.
TC is open source...
>You should feel bad.
For mentioning GIMP?
>I still find it silly to demand it to be called GNU/ though.
Why would you call the entire OS by the name of the kernel?
Because the name "Linux" has become associated by basically everyone with Linux as an operating system. It would be silly to go all rage-mode and change that when it is not an important mis-naming or anything.
>TC is open source...
Depends on how you define "open source". It doesn't meet the Open Source Definition or the Free Software Definition. Wikipedia classifies the license as "freeware / Source available". Your usage of "open source" to simply mean that the source code is available is precisely why Stallmanites prefer the term "free software".
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>norskar som grälar programmering
the fuck are you talking about?

Can you download the source?

Open source

Does it have some retarded limiting license to enforce your agenda?
GNU software
>Because the name "Linux" has become associated by basically everyone with Linux as an operating system.
Common usage is not necessarily correct usage.
>it is not an important mis-naming
But it is! To quote the Wikipedia article on the controversy:
>In continuing to speak on the subject, in 2010, Stallman stated that naming is not simply a matter of giving equal mention to the GNU Project. Because the system is more widely referred as "Linux" people tend to "think it's all Linux, that it was all started by Mr. Torvalds in 1991, and they think it all comes from his vision of life, and that's the really bad problem".
If you were going to pick just one name for the system, it would be GNU, not Linux. But since they both are extremely vital, GNU/Linux or GNU+Linux is the proper name.
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>/g/ humor

>that fucking comic sans

I raged 5/10
Your meaning of the term "open source" simply means that the source code is publicly available. According to The Open Source Definition, the term means much more than that:

The fact that people's usage of the term "open source" can differ so widely, is precisely why we should be using the term "libre software" instead.
>Kitchen Computer
>Mary's Computer

I see wut you did thar Microsoft
Neru is a fucking newfag.
Even I know about 1.7 woodscrews and I only come here when I'm fed up with /jp/
>Common usage is not necessarily correct usage.
But it is better to just decide it shall be named that than to go all neckbear-rage and try to get everyone to change to a name there is huge disputes about.

So it all comes down to Stallman being unhappy because he is not as famous as Linus?
>Not available in HTML5
I'm not getting shitty flash so can you tell me the humor?
>I'm not getting shitty flash so can you tell me the humor?
Your autism is the humor.
Open Source = Confirmed not Botnet

That's all I care about.
>The Open Source Definition.

Well fuck me. People are not satisfied with "THE SOURCE IS FUCKING OPEN" these days, are they.
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I will release my stuff under WTFPL/BSD instead of GPL because GPL is just as evil as what they claim proprietary software is.
>But it is better to just decide it shall be named that than to go all neckbear-rage and try to get everyone to change to a name there is huge disputes about.
It's not enough for me to go from door to door telling people about it, but it certainly is worth putting in the personal effort to correct my own nomenclature and occasionally point it out to others.

>So it all comes down to Stallman being unhappy because he is not as famous as Linus?
>In response to suggestions that Stallman's renaming efforts stem from egotism or personal pique, Stallman has responded that his interest is not in giving credit to himself, but to the GNU Project: "Some people think that it's because I want my ego to be fed. Of course, I'm not asking you to call it 'Stallmanix'." Stallman has admitted to irritation, although he believes it to be justified in response to seeing "an idealistic project stymied and made ineffective, because people don't usually give it the credit for what it has done," concluding "If you're an idealist like me, that can ruin your whole decade."
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I'm sorry but no one asked.
I already release my stuff under the WTFPL.
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>Open Source = Confirmed not Botnet
There has been no thorough code review of TrueCrypt. You can not be sure whether or not it contains a backdoor.
If you're going to be engaging in discussions about free software and open source, you should at least educate yourself in the basic terminology.
Ish called implicitly asking.

Yay =w=

But GNU is basically Stallman. It is just something Stallman uses to indirectly boost his ego without strictly speaking boosting his own ego.
Just because the source is available doesn't make it immune from being a botnet, seeing how most people don't even check or compile from source. The version that's distributed directly from the author could be compiled from an entirely different version of the sourcecode that could be riddled with hundreds of extra lines of code that get stripped from the source released to the public
I... I just got that. Holy shit that is funny.
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are you a nice anon who can 7z that horo folder and upload it somewhere?
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>is it behind, is it front?
>it's inside
>is it behind?

What the actual fuck? Who doesn't know what inside means?
She thought the monitor was the PC, and since it's pretty much flat, wanted to know if it was attached to the back or front.
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I started crying from laughing, not even kidding.
Her problem is that she doesn't listen to anything that might threaten to change how she views the world. She's probably a Christian too.
>But GNU is basically Stallman.
Oh wow. You went from giving Stallman no credit to giving Stallman way too much credit. Stallman's hasn't coded for GNU for more than a decade, and saying that "GNU is basically Stallman" is robbing credit from the great many contributors to the GNU project. Stallman is the head of the Free Software Foundation and the founder of the GNU project, but GNU is certainly not "basically Stallman", just like Windows is not "basically Bill Gates".
>It is just something Stallman uses to indirectly boost his ego without strictly speaking boosting his own ego.
Keep the personal attacks to yourself please.
Why is there a dragon dildo in that image? What is the cosmos trying to tell us?
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># LS - A
>>zsh: LS: command not found

Lost it there.
Linux is an OS, GNU is not. It's that simple, folks!
It's the pillars of creation nigger
>implying there shouldn't be arrows pointing everywhere
I can understand stupidity, but I will never understand aggressive stupidity.
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I use windows because of [spoiler]Vidya Gaems[/spoiler]. bring on the hate.
I bet a coke bottle would be easier to open.

What's a creation nigger?
I don't get the flower pot one.
>Havinig a retard family
It's meant to show that those who write HTML are retarded, and instead of turning in the assignment he gave him a flower pot.
We care?
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Licensing is serious business.

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