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UK FAG here, just received a letter from my ISP (BT):

Dear MR XYZ,

It has recently come to our attention that you have large amounts of encrypted traffic going to and from your IP at various times, normally shortly after visiting the IP, which we believe to be a site currently banned in the United Kingdom under copyright act (lots of boring details here including court judgments) more commonly known as "The Pirate Bay".

As you are aware using torrent services for illegal purposes on our network is against the terms of service you agreed to in your contract.

Could you please confirm to us within 14 days whether these large volumes of data are infact bit torrent downloads, and if so itemize each one.

(Next page contains list of downloads, estimated sizes and times).

Many Thanks

XYZ (British Telecom)

WHAT DO?!? I know they can’t tell what the data was because I only use encrypted torrents and a VPN to do my downloading but still…wtf?!?!
Well clearly you were not using the VPN since they know the downloads were hitting TPB
lol britfags...

BT are fucking retards, dealing with them on a daily basis makes my head hurt... unfortunately there is only them and AT&t which offer the kind of WAN services i need.
I'd ignore it. If they're asking you, they don't know.
They couldn't tell that you connected to TPB if you used a VPN properly.

>not using BT's free access to Giganews, which they don't monitor at all
I shiggy diggy.

Time for a new ISP bro.
Reply with a list of Linux ISOs.


Cancel current subscription, move to Virgin.
>As you are aware using torrent services for illegal purposes on our network is against the terms of service you agreed to in your contract.
Tell them you only downloaded legal torrents.
>Could you please confirm to us within 14 days whether these large volumes of data are infact bit torrent downloads, and if so itemize each one.

Reminds me of the time the social security office mailed my Mom, who was receiving an extra check because I was still a high school student, and asked her for any money that was not spent on me to be sent back to them.

What the fuck are you talking about? Any ISP can resell BT Wholesale services.

Going with BT Retail is full retard.
holy shit it really is Airstrip One. that must seriously be terrifying.

Be more careful; your regular connection might be giving you away. Get a VPS and torrent your shit to the remote server and then download the file with FTP

Virgin are far worse. Ideally, OP should go for a small ISP that resells TalkTalk.
Do this. Seems pretty foolproof.
Troll detected, a true Britfag would use "itemise".
How the fuck do they know you were going to the pirate bay if you're using a VPN? Shouldn't the ISP see only the VPN IP at all times?
Do not reply.
OP forgot to check the "Send all traffic over VPN" box OR he is trolling.
OP Here
>Troll detected, a true Britfag would use "itemise".

My spellcheck is set to American.

>How the fuck do they know you were going to the pirate bay if you're using a VPN?

I was only using the VPN for downloading, not for searching TPB and getting the magnet links. I didn't think BT would get 1 & 1 and make 2.
>please send us incriminating evidence
Oh jesus christ. COME ON GOVERNMENT.
>not knowing about Oxford spelling
>not using a VPN for EVERYTHING

Shiggy diggy bing bang doozie doo
Does Tor use a VPN automatically?
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Send them this picture

>torrenting over ToR
For real, OP, just find every linux distro or collection of public domain works on there and claim that's what you were visiting.
Take a picture of the letter or you're a troll.
>website banned in the United Kingdom
>banning websites
lol europe.
dont even respond, since they dont know what you were downloading, and since you have no judgement against you, and the torrents from TPB are DHT only now, you have no obligation to respond, and they have no legal grounds(no ToS violation) to cut you off.
OP Again

I just phoned BT, waited for hours to speak to an Indian who told me that if I don't reply, within the 14 days, then they'll terminate my contract & connection and I'll get put on an ISP blacklist whereby no ISP is allowed to serve me in the UK. So I guess I'll be going with the advice above and saying they were legal torrents, Linux distro's or somthing...

Thanks for the help anyway, at least it's not too serious and I'm not panicking anymore.
>where no ISP is ALLOWED to serve me in the UK
Are TalkTalk any better for privacy?
I know they still havn't blocked tpb in UK even now the deadline has passed
Why? I thought Tor was secure.
Too slow for torrents.
Jesus christ, how can that even be legal?
It's not meant to be used for bittorrent traffic you selfish prick.

Do you know how Tor works? It's slow as fuck. Using it for torrenting or downloading large files is downright dumb.

Don't do it. Ever.

No such thing exists. I'm a third line engineer for a small UK ISP. We only play lip service to those American organisations.
volunteers run exit nodes.
a) you get them warning letters and get nodes cut off
B) you slow down the network for everyone else
C) It's slow as balls and therefore undesirable to torrent on
>I'll get put on an ISP blacklist whereby no ISP is allowed to serve me in the UK

I call bullshit. All ISPs want your money, they are just threating empty air, and you should let them cut you off, since its a violation of human rights for them to monitor your internet traffic in the manner they did. Talk to a lawyer.
>Torrent with VPN in a linux VM

Did they actually use this word?

Under yet another nanny state law "blacklist" is deemed a racist term, sue them for racism OP. You will win, its England.
it's secure but it's uses for information, to browse, not to download. You destroy the service for people using for what it was designed for.
Could you tell me more about the ISP you work for? I'm looking for a decent small ISP instead of the usual Virign/Sky etc The smaller ones seem to be more relaxed about stuff
>blacklist is deemed a racist term
Even Europe can't be this ridiculous, I demand verification.
>a) you get them warning letters and get nodes cut off

Well considering that the NSA runs 20% of the TOR exit nodes I don't see how that's an issue?
OP you can say you bought games off of humble bundle as it only costs a minimum of 1p and you can download by torrents. That should account for a few gigabytes.
No, never.

Say you connect to a corporate extranet and a corporate vpn and you can't disclose the content. Also threaten to sue if you are being wiretapped unlawfully
Just tell them that you are not downloading torrents. If they ask what you WERE downloading, tell them that's none of their business.

They can only prove you visited the Piratebay, and that you had a large volume of traffic afterwards, what that traffic was, they don't know. The evidence is completely circumstantial. And not everything on the piratebay is illegal in the first place even if they could prove you visited the site.

I thought it applied to all of England, turns out it only effects the police.
To whom it may concern,

As you are well aware, using the BitTorrent protocol is a standard and most effective procedure for the legal distribution of GNU/Linux distributions.

That you have accused myself of partaking in the sharing of illegal content has given me strong urges to abandon your network in favour of your largest competitor, Virgin Media.

I assume your well meaning but incorrect team will issue the required apology for wasting my time in such in this matter.

Kind Regards,



Or just say nothing and let them fuck around.
how is it possible?
google search on "ISP blacklist uk users" returns nothing
Unless they put the blacklist thing on paper, ignore it.
move to a different ISP
>in this matter
>Live in Australia
>Been pirating for years
>Same ISP
>No form of encryption
>Not one warning from ISP

Are your jimmies rustled?
This is true in the States as well. I torrent a LOT, have for years, never received a letter, never been throttled, and my ISP has never been on a list of ISPs that the MAFIAA approach to work with them in their fucking sue the money out of everyone campaigns.
Lie that it was bunch of free software, just name couple of loonix images etc.

Then change ISP

It's a business ISP, so there's no first line support. We're ridiculously expensive though £40 for ADSL2+, £130 for 2Mbps SDSL etc.

As I'm on our website, I shall not be naming the ISP but I will give you a low down of the piracy duty jobs that the support technicians go through.

>American company sends ISP the copyright infringement letter requesting we cut them off or warn them
>ISP forwards letter on to end user. This is the vital step as the blame is now officially passed on to the end user. The ISP is no longer liable for the infringment
>Some people respond, some don't. We don't give a fuck either way, we aren't cutting people off. We're not internet police, we've got better things to do.
Where is the photo of the letter OP? The longer this thread goes on the more made up it seems.
try: "for wasting my time in this manner."
BeThere is pretty good
>Could you please confirm to us within 14 days whether these large volumes of data are infact bit torrent downloads, and if so itemize each one.
just send them some legit torrent bullshit like linux ISOs
have fun with your dial up speeds
This reminds me of a light/dark UI skin discussion in a forum that sounded amusingly racist. "I don't like dark skin, I think white is better."

>Live in AMERICA
>Been pirating for years
>Same ISP
>No form of encryption
>Not one warning from ISP

Are YOUR jimmies rustled?
Make sure to add some bullshit about the superiority of GNU/Linux. I mean, if you're going to troll some trolls, you might as well go all the way in.

Exactly the fucking same here.

For a country that is supposedly nearly as bad as the UK in terms of censorship, my ISP has let a lot of shit slide.
Yes my mistake, typed it too quickly.

OP Do you even have proof of this shit?
Will check it out, you use them yourself?


I bet you think 100Mbps is amazing, as well.

Face it - ADSL2 is like the dial-up of 2012.

"Very recently, I have been encountering many Linux distributions. It's apart of my religion since I now go to the church of Richard Stallman of Later day Saints. It is a superior operating system compared to Windows or Mac OS because it represents my freedom."
Oh god, so much this.
Tell them you were downloading linux distros, then, by way of elaborating, use the Stallman copypasta.
Preface it by saying something like "Well, I've been saying Linux, but there's something you need to understand."
It's because our piracy laws are practically non-existant. Censorship is still rampant(mostly media, i.e games etc).
fuck the letter, just send them a HUGE, like great big print out of trollface, and then in size 2 font, on the very middle, put in a list of linux ISOs, in wingdings.
I live in England and I've pirated about 1TB worth of stuff since I've been with Virgin Media last year. Not had a single letter or anything, no throttling at all. It seems to be luck of the draw.
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>Could you please confirm to us within 14 days whether these large volumes of data are infact bit torrent downloads, and if so itemize each one.
You gotta be trolling OP, nobody does that.
>if I don't reply, within the 14 days, then they'll terminate my contract & connection and I'll get put on an ISP blacklist whereby no ISP is allowed to serve me in the UK.
yup OP confirmed for troll
integrate stallman pasta somehow
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>in wingdings
You deserve to go to jail for using BT, OP.
nah, I use sky because we get TV from them and 20mbps broadband is only an extra £5/m, so we do it. They're pretty good, not had any letters/downtime yet, but I've heard only good things about BeThere and they're supposedly the best value if you don't have sky tv
I never said it was good, It's still nothing like dialup.

Besides, FiOS is being rolled out now, so bite me faggot.
>because it represents my freedom."
>represents my freedom
shiggy diggy doo
>taking down whole websites
lol 'murrika
OP Here
>yup OP confirmed for troll

Seriously I'm not trolling, I was so stressed this morning over it I look terrible now. Some of the funny comments here have helped me out a bit.

I like the:

>Make sure to add some bullshit about the superiority of GNU/Linux

Think I'll do this. Any more ideas?
>print out of trollface
that kinda feels like something a redditor would do.
i think just writing a list of GNU/Linux distros in comic sans shoud be enough.
Oh, but I'm

OP isn't the troll. The UK is.
How about you upload the letter to prove it?
>FiOS is being rolled out now

FiOS rollout was halted some time ago, with Verizon saying they wanted to focus more on penetration percentage now, and not just houses/places past.

I used TPB to download Ubuntu Server and some anime. I wonder if they'll send me this.

Yeah I'm moving to a new house and I don't own a tv and I won't need a landline phone.
Canadia is irrelevant. Nobody cares about Canadia.
>be American
>sew Canadian flag onto backpack and clothes
>me Canadian now
sounds like BeThere will be your best bet then

No. FiOS is still being rolled out here because it's being funded by the Government.
I think /g/ should collaboratively write this guy a letter!
Just sending the letter in an unreadable font would be hilarious enough, since they would have no idea what the hell to do with it, and it would still satisfy their conditions.


Steve Jobs' Ghost
If you were using a VPN, how do they know you were contacting the pirate bay?

I don't know what rights you have in England... but here is a decent reply.

"Greetings BT,

I apologize for the mis-understanding and I assure you I was not using torrent services for illegal purposes.

My line of work requires downloading each version of particular linux OS distributions. Unfortunately, I do not have the time to itemize each file. If you require me to do so I will have to charge $XX.XX per.

Disregard the trollface but do the rest of this for sure. If you're going to include trollface, either make it tiny in a corner or very light.
Dear faggot
fuck u i pirate
Dear BT

It just came to my attention that you're spying on me. I had a hunch, that's why all my traffic is encrypted.

You mentioned all my shady traffics starts shortly after I visit Funky stuff, you say it's the IP of the banned "The Pirate Bay" site? I just tried to access it, it says it's banned :(

Nevertheless, I've been sharing (downloading and uploading) royalty free music and videos, linux distributions and my huge collection of pictures I took during my stay in Hungary. That's quite a miracle I'm even able to share the pictures from Hungary. Have you heard for their "fire water"? Man, we were so smashed, I woke up the day after with a hangover the size of russia, with my camera attached to my arm with the wristband. Luckily it was still working, with a million random and funny pics on it. Looked like we had a good time, so I made a torrent and decided to share it. You may wonder why I encrypt that... well, why the fuck not? All my traffic is encrypted, be it MSN conversations or torrenting, just because I can. Is it a crime? I didn't think so.

Any more questions, hot shot?

Best regards,


That's my response to them. Bloody wankers. Feel free to use any part of it for your response OP, sharing is caring. Cheers!
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just a scare tactic, tell them the data is work related, they can't tell if it's true or not

also, consider using the piratebay onion site instead for searching/getting magnets, it's also untracable

it's a lot more tor-friendly now that it uses magnets

4 point Gothic
>charge $XX.XX per.
do it OP
you might make money
I think OP should write them a 4 page long tinfoil hat-like rambling.

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>come to our attention that you have large amounts of encrypted traffic going to and from your IP at various times
>shortly after visiting the IP
> and if so itemize each one.
> I'll get put on an ISP blacklist whereby no ISP is allowed to serve me in the UK.

Who would believe any of this shit?
1 point windings
or this:
I do this, the price is 5Mb/s ADSL :(
that would work, but doesn't solve the issue, as the ISP can still tell with that that you are accessing TPB
Pics or it didn't happen
Connect to The Pirate Bay and then take a picture of yourself with a thumbs up with the monitor in full view showing how ineffective their block really is.
somehow integrate the gorilla warfare pasta.
Win. Do it, OP.
0 point Comic Sans
inverted point1 bold impact
anybody whos familiar with the UK?

Good shit here. Don't be spiteful. It doesn't work.
better yet, make a single mention of FLAC then let the rest of the letter be about rotational velocidencity.

as long as its an itemized list, it satisfies their conditions, thus, the font size does not matter, as long as its an unreadable font.
also add in
>1,7% yield
FUD by Op.

Encrypted torrents through VPN can't be monitored by your ISP just like that.

And if they require "itemized" lists of files, they would ask for self-incrimination.
Windings. As big as possible. One GNU/Linux distro per page.
send it through as a freedom-respecting ODF libreoffice writer document, and in an unsuitable freedom-respecting font, like 6pt terminus
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fuck it, just make a 20 page letter with every /g/ copypasta and meme shoved in there.
also include traps somehowe
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that would be pricey, but sending a reem of paper in a box to them would be quite the satisfactory thing.
read the thread fucktard.
OP better get started
So torrenting is really illegal now?
Guilty until proven innocent?

Fuck this. ISPs are not the police.

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