ITT: We all pretend we're on Slashdot
Cool! I get to be 19 and skinny again? that's the only difference.
>>25227347frosty piss! nuke from orbit! RMS! M$!What was the article about?
>>25227347Insightful: (+64) : herp derp
>Reddit>/.it's all the same bullshit
Didn't you read the OP's history, he is obviously a troll.
>>25227424Apparently you didn't read the entire article, did you ? It's obvious that he's a sure source of information. Besides, I work at Microsoft, all my point are valid.
>>25227347I used to always get FIRST POSTbut then I took an arrow in the knee.
>>25227424you insensitive clod!
>>25227478Why is this rated "funny", this should be rated "insightful".
>>25227478boat parent funny!
>>25227452Yeah for this story, you are just karma whoring for your next big troll fest.
what is slashdot
... do we run linux?
I never posted on Slashdot. The few times I went there, all I could think about is how much groupthink and faggotry there was.Kinda like Reddit.
COMPLETE ARTICLE POASTED FOR KARMA POINTSWHEN 3 YEAR OLD RETARD FGALSRKG ARLGKAREG LEAR GEALRKG REALGKREA GLKREA GLREK GLREWKG EWORGOEWR GREWIJG IREWJG OWQEKR)OWQE GFOJ VJG IREWGJ IEWJ IEWJG IREWJG IREWJG IREWJG IREWJG IREJGIoa kfoask cakcoq oir ngoewirng ewoirng oirewng oewng ewong orewingoirewgnrew oignrew ogireng oiewrng oirewng orewingorewi goina pomdv podxmv por gq pomd vpao mgepro mpo mgpamg pewormg pewmg pqormg pre mgpqom gpqomr gpoe mgporm gpqromg pqo mgpqormgqpormg qprigj qprig qprog q[p g[qokg [q kg [qrokg q[r kqpij oqi goih vpoiaopi jgpqoi jgrpqow jgqwAnd that's how I tought my dog to use Ubuntu.
Hmm... Does the new code tag allow you to page-widen?
I didn't read TFA but I for one welcome our new Natalie Portman overlord.
>>25227347Once again [insert faggy mod name here] shat a story that was like 2 days old just to get more karma. And once again the title is misleading... if misleading was a synonym for "totally made up".I miss the real slashdot.
Fuck, slashdot has turned to shit.High IDs everywhere..,It's like if we where in 4chan...
Is this what /g/ has come to? Netcraft confirms it, 4chan is dead.
Op is a faggot.
>>25227762Go back to 4chan.
woah guys when did we get a theme that looks like /g/?
>>25227805How did you post a picture? Are you a Mod?
>>25227895becuause he runs asdjlasdj laksjd lkajsd ljas lkjasldj laskdjlka jlkasdj lkasjdlkajs kasdjkl ajdk jaksdjlasdjlasj laksjd lkajd lkajlsdjk alsjd lkasjd lkajsdlj alksjd lajsldkjaslkdj lkjaslkdjlak jlaksjdlkasjdlkjas lajdlkajsdlja jalskdjlakjsdlak j
4chan is to slashdot what reddit is to 4chan. Think about it.
>>25227895>2012>Posting as AC
About six months ago, I was overexerting myself trying to get rid of a terrible virus on a client's PC (I own a PC repair shop and have been fixing computers for over 10 years). Given my level of expertise, I thought I'd be able to get rid of it fairly quickly and without hassle, but as was made evident by my colossal failure, I was horribly, horribly wrong.I couldn't remove the virus no matter what method I used. I tried all the latest anti-virus software and all the usual tricks, but it was all in vain. Failure after failure, my life was slowly being sucked away as I spent more and more of my time trying to get rid of this otherworldly virus.Frustrated and stressed by my own failure, I began distancing myself from my wife and children. After a few days, I began verbally abusing them, and it eventually escalated into physical abuse. I was slowly losing what remaining sanity I had left. If this had continued for much longer, it is highly probable that I would have committed suicide. A mere shell of what I once was, I barricaded myself in my bedroom and cried myself to sleep for days on end.
That's when it happened: I found MyCleanPC []! I installed MyCleanPC [] right on the client's PC, ran a scan, and it immediately got rid of all the viruses without a single problem. MyCleanPC [] accomplished in record time what I was unable to accomplish after a full week. Wow! Such a thing!MyCleanPC [] is outstanding! My client's computer is running faster than ever! I highly recommend you install MyCleanPC [] right this minuteness, run a scan, and then boost your PC speed in record time! MyCleanPC [] came through with flying colours where no one else could!My client's response? "MyCleanPC [] totally cleaned up my system, and increased my speed!" All the PC repair professionals are using MyCleanPC [] to solve all of their problems. This should be reason enough for you to switch to MyCleanPC []! It'll speed up your computer, rid it of all viruses, and you'll be able to work productively again! Wow!Even if you're not having any obvious computer problems, you could still be in danger. That's why I very highly recommend that you still use MyCleanPC []. After all, it will boost your PC & internet speed to levels you never would think are possible!MyCleanPC: For a Cleaner, Safer PC. []
>>25227980Why didn't you just wipe and reformat?
Fucking 7-digit UIDs knowing nothing at fucking all, as always.3-4-5-6 DUIDs rule!
>>25227944I could already tell you this one. 4chan was GNAA/Trolltalk.Slashdot is one of the original spawning grounds of 4chan's ideals, just like 4chan is the spawning grounds of most of Reddit's ideals.Yea, can you tell I know all three sites rather intimately?
>>25228041You're an oldfag, and therefor, probably and gentleman. I'm too young and only know 4chan, Slashdot and reddit. I'm no redditor, but an active 4chan user and a Slashdot lurker, that's still a pretty good source of information, no matter what shitfest happens in the comments.
>>25228128+3 Interesting
>>25228128>gentlemanNo way in hell am I one. I'm one of the most offensive fuckers on slashdot and have had Secret Service called upon me for my comments.I am most certainly oldskool.
>>25228437> AM NOT GENTLEMAN, AM FUCKERHrm, I think this guy's legit. (Roomed with one of the slashdot founders in Sunnyvale back when it was starting out, but thought it was for faggots at the time)
>>25228437>and have had Secret Service called upon me for my comments
They used to say that all the people from Slashdot went to Digg.A while later they said that all the people from Digg went to reddit.Then they said that all the people from reddit went to 4chan.So I think we don't really have to pretend we're Slashdot, because WE ARE