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Why do I keep getting trolled by you faggots?
>thinly veiled browser troll thread
>165 processes
>My Ganoo/Lunix computer uses less even though Lunix in general uses more then Windoze
2/10 you need more botnets.
14981249 botnets
>8 billion botnet

Why do I keep getting trolled by you faggots?
You're computer wont manage memory the same way if you had 2GB, when you have 8GB.
You don't need it... Just because it's getting used doesn't mean it's needed.
>even though Lunix in general uses more then Windoz
This statement is totally meaningless. I don't think you know much about Linux.
needs moar botnet
~sent from my chromium master race browser
>op is a fag

Is Aion any good OP?
>run full blown OS with 80MB's
>uses more than 'Windoze'
botnet supporter
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Dumbass, your system is shit because you installled iTunes.

iTunes trashes windows installations.
watcha gon' do 'bout it, faggot?
>165 processes
>google chrome
Sounds about right.
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It's free
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mah nigga
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Stop that
Processes: 165
Does Chrome take free RAM into account?

ie: will it reduce its own footprint when you're running our of RAM?
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Glorious 16GB DDR3 1866MHz User here.

Also, off-topic, but what does /g/ think of Zune as a Media player?
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>165 process

I think it's you who is just not good with computers.
30 million? Ha!

Dude, Mozilla has around Chrome's marketshare and they have over 400 Million users.
>Google Chrome

Found your problem right here. Close some tabs first from many to just one or two.

or even better

close Google Chrome if you want to focus on gaming so much.

If you really want to multitask I suggest you double your RAM from 8GB to 16GB. It will help you a whole lot.
I hope you are joking. Why aren't you using foobar.
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it's pay2win
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am i doing it rite
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I used to use Foobar. But then my friend asked me to install Zune so he could update his phone, so I did and I quite like the interface.
>more than 50 processes
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It would be more than enough if you didn't use Chrome. Seriously.
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Even I'm using less of my ram and I only have 3 gigs.
Hah, I got a gig and a half of ram and I only use 300 while idling.
>horrible ram management
So change the interface in foobar to something you like even more, it's customizable. I think Zune is bloated, and doesn't work well with huge libraries. But that's just my opinion.
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var i=[];for(;;)i.push(i);
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True say, I think Zune is a bit TOO white, and I havn't found a way to change that. You're right, I'll download foobar right now and try and find that skin I used to use.
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Explain. Someone. Please.
>using more than 150MB
I shiggy diggy.
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Someone is trying to force a meme.

Nothing to see here folks.
Why is Steam such a bloated piece of shit? I love the service, but seriously, it should never need more than 50 megs of ram when not in use. It's pretty much a fancy web browser that can only handle one website.
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You niggers are doing it wrong.
You seen the OS X version? If you haven't, check it up. You won't care about 150MB of RAM after that.

All the freedom-denying Digital Restrictions Management needs RAM you know.
I haven't, no, since don't use OSX and don't really care to. I'm excited for the Linux version, but I really hope it's not fucked up.
some guy spamming /g/ with a shitty "meme" and same fagging loads of replied to himself.

as seen here:

made himself a tripcode for credibility without realising you can easily tell it was never used before on the /g/ archives.

most likely a lonely man child desperate for attention. report as spam and move on.
Also, iTunes must be uninstalled via some ancient rituals. Otherwise, it'll completely fuck your installation.
It uses about 1GB of RAM on OS X. Have fun with that Linux version.

I'm using standard FF, not nightly/aurora.
Also, I'm using DexPot so my RAM use on Explorer is slightly higher.
Holy fuck, how!? Considering they've been working on the Linux version for a while, hopefully it won't be as rushed as I would assume the Mac port was. Also, at least with Linux, you can make the OS run under 100 megs, whereas with Win 7, I've never had the core OS below 500 megs.
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Why does the 64bit version of Nightly use so much more RAM...
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That OS X version has had updates itself, chief. People hoping for Steam on Linux are in for an unpleasant surprise.

Money on horrible font rendering, bad UI that jerks around, and obscene RAM use. Oh not to mention, it's Ubuntu only. So much bloat it could float a boat across a moat to gloat it's, inanely colourful but obsolete, coat.
I got the memory consumption to 495MB before, but never lower.
Because it's unsuitable for everyday browsing.
They pulled it off the mainpage for a reason.
You are doing it wrong.
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>9000 hours in CS5
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Because it's nightly?
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Fix that font rendering it assaults my autism.
It looks great to me.
Suggest a better renderer?
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>More than 50 processes

>ow processes from all use
The fuck are you doing.
That isn't troll.

1.5GB is pretty normal for firefox.
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I'm happy with 8GB.

64x Nightly is a bit of a whore, actually.

I had 3 tabs open when I took my screenshot.
No it's not.
>bawww why do you actually use your computer baww
Id replace explorerframe, but I deleted the theme folder and i'm too lazy to reinstall. It only happens with buttons with admin logo so I dont really give a fuck

Why is there an AVG icon in that button?
If any program did that to my system it would get uninstalled immediately.
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Umm thats not you....
>steam using 6MB
I laughed at those tabs.

Oh, it isn't?

I thought that explaining the problem on one line and then describing my own experience on another line would already state that since I posted a screenshot just two posts earlier. But, I guess it wasn't clear enough.


tl;dr lrn2fnctnlrdng?
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This shit isn't funny. Go back to reddit.

Holy fuck that interface looks really nice dude.
>2,000 tabs
Why am I getting trolled by you?
Did you misquote?
I'll presume you misquoted.
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I replaced the icons.

I haven't done anything.

Yeah, I meant >>25207534
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These threads are great. we need more.
>Google crash handler
God this is terrible
>Start Chrome
>6 processes immediately
Calm down man, chrome uses that ram for [spoiler]image rendering[/spoiler].

You mean six security processes start immediately, you guys don't know how hard Google tries for you guys.
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How is it even possible to get that much?
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Why does that look so nice? Where is it from?
Hi, Lisa.
that's metro-styled task manager

Lisa I love you. :3

Windows 8 does some cool stuff.
It's the new Windows 8 task manager
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Windows 8 is shit, metro is shit


Metro is so nice.

How is 8 anyways?
>Judging an OS simply by it's UI
No you
This is why I fucking hate Metro, at first glance it looks "nice" then on the second glass its ugly as shit.

Ignoring the fact that the interfaces itself looks boring as shit, there so much empty space with NOTHING to show off "lolminimalistic" Information density is a good thing, to a certain extent. Metro went from decent density to "free space everywhere" and it feels unusable to me.
Pretty fantastic if you can handle metro. Boot times are a joy to behold. It's really buggy fight now. Can't wait for the next release.

And using on a tablet is actually pretty amazing too.
When's Windows 8 going to actually release? Or at least a consumer preview that's close to the final build?
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nigger cant read

windows will always suck until they just eliminate all backwords compatibility and have some sort of fucking package/library management system that's not the registry
winsxs folder, enough said

Would using it as a primary OS be a bad idea?
>there so much empty space with NOTHING to show off
>implying a ui is supposed to show off itself
The main focus should be the program at hand.
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From the consumer end? the differences from 7 are exaggerated. looks a bit nicer, some things are in weirdly more awkward places. you should see the file transfer dialog, it's *beautiful*
I am. (poster of that original task manager pic)
seems pretty rock stable to me. but apparently that other dude disagrees.
The Consumer Preview (=beta) is already out and can be downloaded. The next thing is the Release Preview (=RC) which is expected to be released in the coming week. Windows 8 will be released by the end of the year.
It's ugly as shit.
All it does is add a tiny graph that shows how inefficient your USB 2.0 connection is
Right now, yes. It's really really buggy, and driver support is also poor. That might change with the release that is coming on Friday, so just wait till then if you're considering it.
>3 calculator processes

good god op, what are you calculating?
that's an improvement on stock/teracopy/whatever.
Source or fuck off you stupid faggot

He's backtracing you right fucking now, run! RUN!
>Shitty Korean MMOs

Get the fuck out.

>thinking anyone you told to get the fuck out ever left

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we have a picture of win7 taskmanager, and win 8 taskmanager right here in the thread.
I'm not seeing this extra blank space, if anything the win8 one offers more info in less space.

Myself and the 7 windows installations I completely destroyed over the course of 4 years.

I was a fucking stupid kid with an ipod back then. So then I had the bright idea of not installing itunes on my 8th clean-install of windows, and guess what? I didn't need to re-install windows after 3 fucking months.

iTunes is an everincreasingly bloated piece of shit that impermates itself into every nook and cranny of your computer, taking over all your file associations and browser plugins.

I don't know why we don't complain about it more often. IT'S FUCKING SHIT.
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>2 gigs of memory
>using only 400 mb right now

Why does /g/ keep trying to tell me it's not enough?
>iTunes is an everincreasingly bloated piece of shit that impermates itself into every nook and cranny of your computer, taking over all your file associations and browser plugins.

It does more than bonjour?
Use a real OS.
>is enough of an idiot to install itunes
>probably enough of an idiot to fuck up computer in other ways
anecdotal evidence is dodgy here.
iTunes installed for two years. Nothing wrong with my pc yet

problem faggot? maybe you should look after your pc more and quit blaming the program and start blaming yourself you worthless piece of shit
B-b-but it does what I need it to do!
>not having 12 gigs of RAM
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I don't know, I dropped it since Version 10.
It does like to replace your browser plugins with Quicktime Free.

>sorry you need quicktime pro to download audio files

>not providing any evidence other than "fuck you guy"

Alright, go install the latest itunes package and enjoy getting fucked in the ass by Steve Job's dead dessicated corpse.
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>huge amounts of mad detected
>over an apple program that's known to be bloated as fuck

iTunes didn't screw up your Windows install, it's ridiculous to even consider it.

Why should I provide source when that other guy didn't? He's talking out of his arse
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oh, chrome...

i think op's system just works because it's so bloated even the trojan and spywares are blocking eachother to do anything. it's now one of the most secure systems on the internet.

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Alright, enjoy your iTunes.
I'm not gonna stop you from getting fucked in the anus if that's what you enjoy.
Then why is the windows version of iTunes such a slow behemoth of a program?
Because they want you to think Windows is dum so you can switch to Mac.
It's pure genius.
>itunes messing up your windows install is stupid
itunes is shit. but you're also a moron.
Considering you have zero proof to show me you are full of shit. Enjoy fucking up your OS and blaming it on a program and not a user error.
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firefox and steam are the worst offenders but 4 gb is plenty
ok, guy.
Alright, explain to me how I like to fuck up my OS?
You clearly know me better than I know myself.

I'm waiting.
It's your os not mine. How should I know, retard?

Fucking trip fag.
we do know you better than you know yourself.
dunnings-kruger effect. people can be too stupid to know they're stupid.
Which is also listed as >chrome.exe
>dunnings-kruger effect. people can be too stupid to know they're stupid.
It's a built-in selfpreservation mechanism.
What possible benefit can you get from knowing you're as stupid as a brick?

Because you keep telling me otherwise, nigger.
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I use 4GB of RAM, and it's more than enough, even with the amount of gaming I do.
Evolutionary traits do not work that way
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Alright /g/ I'm gonna go make pork chops
Keep worrying about 100 MB of memory, nerds
You forget that natural selection no longer exists in today's world.

It's a proven fact that stupid people have more children than people of average intelligence.
Guess what, I can claim iTunes worked 100% well on all my Windows boxes and it would be just as credible as what you're saying.

Fucking idiot.
I dare you to try it.

Try the iTunes challenge.

See how long it takes for your computer to turn to shit.
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RAM is so cheap, if you use/need/want more just go for it.
Define shit.

I've had itunes on my pc for 3 years now and have zero problems. Please do explain that.

Go on. I'm waiting.
promoting shitty coding by thinking it's okay to do horrible memory management since ram is cheep
he dismisses counterexamples and you're still arguing with him. the troll, stop feeding.
I bet you're one of those inane fucks that calls their Mac a PC, huh?

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