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Sup /g/, are there any 2TB drives on the market that are not slow as fuck/brittle as fuck and also don't cost a gorillion dollars?
Please respond
I have a pair of Hitachi Deskstars. They have been reliable thus far.

I run them in a mirror.
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>Deadpool and his grenade.jpg
Seagate bought samsung's HDD division. The spinpoint brand will be gone next product cycle

Does this mean all Spinpoints currently made are shitty?
if you think that Seagate HDDs are shitty.

Never used one, are they?
Customer support is yes.
WELL SHIT. Oh well.

I have a bunch of Western Digital 1-2 TB HDDs. None have failed in 3 years of service and they seem decent quality enough. Should really check how if or how many bad sectors I have on each so I don't have any surprises.

Fortunately I have a wooden desk to knock on, thank you very much.
I don't like WD consumer drives because I'm obsessive and run all my drives in a mirror
I bought a used one and it was a mistake. Lots of shit wrong with it. Apparently lots of users have problems with seagates.
It still works, for now though...
Western Digital and Seagate are now the only choices? Well then that makes it a no brainer. Either buy Western Digital or enjoy your hard drive breaking after a few months.
Western Digital. Just don't get the Green versions of their hard drives.
Yeah, I can understand that. Still, quality ain't bad at all from my experience, and I don't care about RAIDing them or anything since I have too much data for it to be affordable, though I'm tempted to pick up a NAS.

Instead, however, I have a script that I run once so often that throws the current directory tree into a text file on all of my hard drives, so if one dies I know exactly what shit I need to replace. Good enough for me.
I have one Seagate, a 500GB from back before they acquired Maxtor. Ever since Seagate bought Maxtor, their drives have sucked.
Toshiba still makes drives

There is a huge land grab going on right now
Seagate took samsung, WD picked up hitachi, Seagate grabbed lacie

I wonder what is next
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>mfw I checked prices and a 2TB WD Caviar Black is 280 fucking dollars where I live
The more data you have, the more important things like redundancy and backup are.
What's wrong with Green anyway? I have one 1 TB one and it's fine, albeit about as fast as I paid for.
There isn't anything wrong with green drives.

There is a problem with using them as your primary HDD, as their performance is teh suck in such an application.

As a data drive that you infrequently access, they are great.
I've got a 2tb WD caviar drive. Cost me around 120 (cad). Im only using it for media and it does the job quick enough...For the price of a black drive you could get a small ssd and a 2tb drive if you shop around
I'd buy more HDDs, no problem despite the cost, but I'm running out of internal SATA ports on my mobo, despite having a shit ton.

Just to back my shit up I'd need 2-3 2 TB HDDs. No clue if my WD Greens/Blacks are RAID-viable in the first place, or how to construct said array and add drives to it.

Exactly why I have a WD Black as my primary drive and a bunch of WD Greens for data storage.
Their greens are just the lower tier parts left over from making blacks. You either get lucky or you don't.

I had a 2TB green that died on me after a month. I had to immediately stuff it in the freezer and order a black to replace it. When the black came in, I popped the green into my SATA hotswap bay and put an icepack on top, then I quickly transferred the entire contents over. I lost a lot of data in the end, but it was all replaceable. I then sent the Green to WD for warranty replacement and have it sitting on a shelf. I plan on using it to back up my very important rare shit that I wouldn't be able to re-torrent, but I keep procrastinating. I am unsure whether I truly want to use a green as my redundant backup given their propensity to die at random.
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>mfw I have 3.5 TB of data and nothing to back it up on
>And I only have one hard drive bay left in my case

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