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why didn't we send a /g/entoomen to this meeting?
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What are you talking about? /g/ is on the left, crouching.
Where is /pol/?
>no blonde haired blue eyed neo-nazi wearing a nazi uniform carrying a nazi flag
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>no /x/
you kidding?

by not joining that social shitfest, i actually have more respect for this board
but/g/ is on left (img1) and on the right (img2)
/x/ barricaded herself in her basement and was afraid to come out.
>/ic/ looking at /v/
>implying games are art
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What in god's name is this faggotory?
/G/ is the guy on the left with the keyboard.
Boards I frequent besides /g/ didn't show up.

Fucking /g/.
>mfw /fit/ doesn't even lift
>dat /e/

>implying stormfags don't look like the /vg/ guy and are at least 40yrs old
>Implying /fit/ lifts
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i would have raped /e/
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>mfw /k/.
>mfw /fit/.
>mfw those pics.
Is the demon-girl /d/ or /tg/?
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>he brought a keyboard
Good man, good man.
I'd fuck /co/ and /fa/
Oh god i would rape her till her eyes pop out.
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0/10 would not bang
Anyone notice /o/ carrying a camera and nothing else?
Fuck these people are stupid, can't even shit right IRL.
if you've ever been on soc, that shouldn't be a surprise to you
The odd part is /g/ is probably one of the better looking of the bunch.

no homo
im inclined to believe these are fake and gay. i sincerely hope they are.
true facts, him and /co/ no homo.
>fake and gay
where is /o/

>DAT /d/
lel i bet u disliked and likes justin beibers penis
H-h-here we go
>no /mu/
>no potato headed lady or thom yorke look alike
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/e/ - hell yea

/d/ - no futa? da fuck?
I'm guessing the get ups are self-parodies.

Dat kawaii /a/.
Someone on /fit/ posted this
Supposedly the /e/ girl.
iirc all of them are from /cgl/ or /soc/ and don't even browse their respective boards.
What's the source for all this nonsense? It's clear the meetup was at a con of some sort...do we know which one?
Is that even a mechanical keyboard? If not, then he weren't even trying.
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Ugh, Think I'll pass on this /e/ girl
>this is spreading to other boards like wildfire

why am I not surprised
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>/a/ dressed as a trap

Also, where is /cm/?
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I am on the same website as these creatures
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which board is this shirtless fat guy

seems fitting
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>/v/ on his GBASP
This is some cosplay event, I bet most of them don't even frequent the boards they are dressed as.
Shouldn't be hard to find the event though, since it seems pretty recent.
this thread is now about raping /e/ and /a/ because at least half of you are traps
and that all because she saw her coffe cup moving.
What does /6/ have to do with this?
It seems /cgl/ orchestrated this, most of them are from there.
I just want to see more pictures.
That /fa/ swagger
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I think /k/ looks more like this
>meeting in public

You faggots are worse than /b/
can somebody go to /e/ and tell this chick that she is the hottest thing I've seen in this dumphole called 4chan?
a true /g/ would wear his tinfoil hat
i am disappoint

also this
They are from /cgl/, as in cosplaying "boards".
oh you
Errybody get the fuck in here and demand pictures, I want to see more.
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x is the girl with the skull on her shirt

>/v/ playing video games

These people are clearly clueless and have never visited the fucking board.
/g/ is just a board for newegg buying guides. That should have dressed him as a newegg employee.

But clearly /cgl/ doesn't know about that.
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I'll represent /g/ next time.
that behemoth is going to devour those two women next to her


u gonna cosplay as a jew in nazi uniform?
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That's a nazi uniform? I thought that was an M. Bison/Vega costume

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