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Shit that pisses you off, Technology Edition.

>friend wants to try Linux
>recommend Xubuntu
>"Great, now how do I install this windows 7 theme?"
>"Whats wrong with my computer?"
>"It has a virus-"
>"Oh no, it has a cold? Where do I give it medicine"
>Can you fix my iPod
>"my computer is running slow"
>lemme see here...
>12 toolbars on IE
http://boards.4chan.org gives you the chance to tell the whole world what's pissing you off! It's instant, free and guaranteed anonymous, so you can really let rip! You don't even need to be a member!
We don't care who or what you talk about - the more pissed off you are, the better! You are free to use whatever words you want - including profanity, obscenity and blasphemy, and references to other people's geneology, sexual proclivities or bodily functions.
We have some rules that you might want to read before you get started,
or if you hate rules you can abuse us for making them.
As a bonus, you get to read about what's pissing off the rest of the world... so go fuck yourselves!
>My computer is very slow and keeps giving me error messages and restarts
>Ok, let me take a look
>over 9000 Antivirus programs installed
All of my why.jpeg.exe
>why is my mouse pointer moving in the wrong direction
>why it is hard to press the buttons with the palm of my hand
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>Finish job, deliver to idiot boss
>"Good. Now I want to add irrelevant stuff, so I can take credit for this"
>"Why can't I open it in Word?"
>It was a photoshop file
STFU you stinky fucking jew and get the fuck out you mother fucking faggot. Suck my giant cock you slut.
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Why aren't you at your post sucking cock for money? Do I have to slap another hoe?

I approve this message
>not copying your messages before hand
This is why exclusively using quick-reply is fucking stupid.
>using quick reply
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Xfce comes with windows like themes.
Redmond and RedmondXP
I think there is also an aeroesque thing, but not sure about that.

Just set that up and change some of the icons to windows ones and he'll be none the wiser.
>yfw the first time I came here was after google searching for forums with the most traffic
>mfw seeing 4chan.org at #2
>mfw seeing 12342351q2r3434331 traffic, 10k users
>mfw I clicked and "signed up" before trying to post

I don't even remember what #1 was
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#1 is gaia
>"fix my computer"
>start fixing, installing programs i need, uninstalling crap they installed that is slowing it down/useless like shit antivirus and "pc doctor"
>"anon why are you uninstalling that i paid for that/that is how my computer stays clean"
>"no it isnt its bogging it down i am installing better stuff for you"
>"how much that gonna cost?"
>"nothing mse is free and so if the other programs i am using"
>"free stuff sucks norton is good i paid for it my friend works for them and says they are good"
>"your friend lied to you to make money"
>"anon you dont know what you are doing ill just take it to office depot"

only time i ever wanted to strangle someone... glad my other clients arent this dumb
unexpected nostalgia

that's not current, is it?
Almost same thing happened to me, but luckily the phrase "It's what I have on my computer" and having the same computer for 10 years running Windows 7 also might have helped changed their mind. They returned the software the next day.
was no changing this dudes mind, and he was trying to get me to work on it for free, it would have taken me hours to back his shit up, and reinstall everything right. no fucking way, i am cheap but not that cheap, i wanted 45 bucks for the whole thing and he said no. last i checked office depot still has it and hes a few hundred deep in costs.
4chan - 94341 Users
seems current 4chan had a huge usersurge through reddit and the media
>Why is my computer stupid?
>I have a HP Pavilion dv2000 laptop.
>Is there something wrong or did i choose a wrong brand? I had a Sony VISO before this one, it had XP and it did crazy stuff too.
>Should of I gone with a MAC?
>computer running slow
ill correct my statement just checked the 4chan stats
holy crap 4chan is much bigger then i thought
You should have written a list of all the problems and a guide on "not being retarded on the computer".
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Just gotta not fix their shit, bro.

I fix shit for people only if they have confidence in the fact that I wont steer them wrong. If you do shit for free for someone who doesn't have confidence in you then they might do shit like question you about something they are un/missinformed about or blame you for a problem that they encounter sometime after you change their stuff.

People are crazy.
Yup, my idiot brother's wife wasted 1200 dollars in fixing a laptop at best buy, She would not come and let me fix it, now my bro understands and brings me his stuff. There also people who say "Oh you can do it, I can do it too" next day spend half a day on the phone trying to fix their mistakes
I'll never understand how people who only use their computers for casual web browsing, music, and photos manage to fuck up their computers to the point that they need to call Geek Squad.
>working helpdesk
>"I just got a new rollout"
>"My email doesn't work
>Is there an error message?
>Look in all programs/Microsoft office/Outlook 2010
>"hangs up"

>Now I have to put together a ticket for this shit.
he was the only bad egg
Fucking this. I never understood how my dad manages to break his computer so much. I've got addons to prevent him from downloading exes, mse scans daily, updates auto install, noscript stops any malware attempts.

Idk. I fucking give up sometimes. I'm not sure what else I can do.
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>"Can you help me adjust the font size in outlook"
>You have to go through like 8 menus for each individual section of outlook
>they can't figure out how to open the remote control software for you
password admin account
let hem user guest
It worked for me
>Hey Anon, can you fix my computer?
>Sure, Do you know the model or anything like that?
>Uhh...it's white, I got it for christmas, and I think it's a Mac, I dunno, if the keyboard is white does it mean it's a Mac?
Porn. Endless porn surfing.
Upgrade him to Professional and use GPOs to keep him from doing stupid shit. You don't need a domain or anything for that.
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I'm the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, kiddo.

wat nigg.jpg.tng.uber
>Year of the Lord 2012
>Still using pasta
>Not using song: http://vocaroo.com/i/s0jO8xRn52Xl
Well, that is a problem. I guess now we have to teach them what the safe tube sites are.
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Already limited account

He uses 7 Ultimate. I don't know what a GPO is.
I would imagine someone would take the fucking time out of their day to write "Guerilla" instead of fucking gorilla

Install 7 Ultimate
Set up AppLocker using local security policies
Create the default exe policy, and allow only those locations (Program Files, Windows, System32) basically
Stops any of that other shit from running.
>gorilla warfare
every time
Shame I could never discuss that with my own father. I just gave him an old computer to use and left it at that.
Fags at school that make their password:


so that they can run their hand across the keyboard to enter their password.
>Dad's buddy owns a computer store
>Ask him about linux
>He only uses windows because it is the most popular
>He tells me that I probably only use linux for games.
>My head explodes from the irony
>Just say "yeah" and he walks away
Retards at schools that consider "hacking" getting onto facebook, or typing fast.
>not using kiddo.mp4
>i shiggy-diggy-wiggy-bliggy-shoobydoobidyy
Are you new here son?
>grandpa calls up, computer is fucked
>he drops it off
>10,000 toolbars
>install Arch Linux
>compile everything from source
>get superior rolling release minimal system
>force all daemons and proessces, x windows, etc required to be manually started (like they SHOULD BE)
>return laptop
>he calls up
Fucking old people, just die already.
But that shit sucks.

I would even like to do a Vocaloid version of that.
>There also people who say "Oh you can do it, I can do it too" next day spend half a day on the phone trying to fix their mistakes

That reminds me of a story from a while back... sister's boyfriend having some issue, I delete a device and let the system reinstall it when it reboots, the dude is watching me. All goes well.

I find out that a month later he had some problem and thought he'd fix it himself, by going into device manager and deleting pretty much all devices. And he didn't have an install disc.
I honestly don't dislike those sort of people. Would give A for effort, at least they are willing to learn.

Excuse me waiter, this pasta is stale.
I fucking hate kids saying

just die already

pure shit
People that claim modern Linux distributions are hard.

>friend needs to use computer
>have guest account set up just for this purpose
>take 5 mins to explain the UI to friend
>friend uses it to browse around internet, check facebook, and download something to flash drive
>relinquishes use of computer without incident
As opposed to...?
What was that one kid called, the one who thought he was hot shit because he knew python?
Nef Quintero?
Ah, yes. The "hacker".
reminded me of him. I was going to post the image but looks like I don't have it saved.
That kid makes me lol every time,
>"Genouses at Apple"
>"Mother fucker I can hack your facebook like that"
That's not the point though, these retards think its so easy a monkey can do it. I would agree if they sat there and asked questions not just sat there and think that they are smarter about computers when they have had no experience
People that assume that because you are knowledgeable with computers, you are immediately a "hacker" and can do "cool hacking stuff"

>Boot up computer
>Plug in flash drive
>"Anon, are you hacking again?"
>fuck you
LMAO, I have been through this word per word
Oh, those are fun.

>open xterm
>type "cmatrix"
>"Anon is you a hackor?"
You can't expect old people to have something they're used to to be completely replaced with something they can't handle. Fuck you for installing Arch Linux, you could have at least riced it to suit your grandpa's simplicity.
i showed a friend something in terminal, something basic like htop or whatever.

later, i was asking him what kind of rig he had & he was afraid to tell me, cause he thought i was going to 'steal his internet'
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It's copypasta, and I in no way hold the fact that you didn't know this against you.
Or, our workplace has a filter on their public wifi, and whenever I walk in, a co worker asks, "Hey anon, can you hack into the wifi for me so I can get on facebook?"

First of all, you have a smartphone right there.
Second of all, fuck you.
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>Demonstrate memory editing by using cheat engine to change a score value on a facebook game

>People message me asking if I was the one who "hacked the Playstation Network" and they were telling me they would pay me to hack Facebook/Twitter accounts
Maybe he meant stealing his wi-fi?
I've gotten offers like that before, and with nothing but a name.
Ahh the old, "hack x for me" conversations.
Most common people have never touched Linux, so they assume it must be hard to use based off what they've heard of it.
To fix your problem, we need more exposure.
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>get enough information about someone to guess the security questions on facebook
>sell the information
That's <spoiler>actually a good idea</spoiler>
The choice is yours
Most common people have never even heard of Linux, so yeah, we really do need more exposure.
Probably something like that. Even though I told him my wireless card didn't have nearly the range to reach his house.

he was a pretty paranoid dude too, he's on all sorts of benzos & shit for anxiety problems
>Free day back in high school
>Watching movie that wasn't on DVD yet on laptop
>"I thought that comes out next week"
>Fuck y-
>"Omg Anon you're such a hacker stop it already I heard jailbreaking was illegal you should stop"
That must have been quite a while back, nowadays even elementary schoolers can into digital piracy.
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all of my this
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I lol'd so hard.
This happened to me so many times.
This year I was already asked twice for recommendations on buying a laptop. They both said "I wanna a mac cuz it's white and pretty xD" when they don't even know how to properly work with a windows machine.
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Friend thinks he is a hacker

>Guy fawkes mask
ex girlfriend
>"You like linux so much, I want it on my computer!"
>She just wants to do what I'm doing :/
>Burn her ubuntu disk
>She calls for help that night partitioning hard drive
>I tell her anything ntfs is Windows 7, she can resize it with gparted, format the free space as ext4 and make a swap space, and install ubuntu that way.
>"Wait wat?"
>Tell her she's never done this before, I'll do it for her tomorrow
>Next day
>It won't start up
>She wiped the disk
>Hated Ubuntu
>Blamed me forever for deleting Windows
Wait, why did you let her install it? Should have just let her play around with a LiveCD that had persistence.
I can only think of Common Sense 2012 better than MSE
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>Be in final year of High School
>One of the 'popular guys' comes up to me
>"Anon, how hard is it to hack?"
>"Hack what?..."
>"The web."
>"You mean like Facebook?"
>"Yeah, but also like credit cards and stuff."
>"You think if I could hack credit cards I'd still be here and tell you how?"
>"Well, yeah."

He thought that hacking credit cards and facebooks would be his job for the rest of his life and he would just take a little bit out of every credit card and put it into his account and call it "Bank Fee" so no one would notice.

>IT1010 class
>Easy early prereq for my major
>Really REALLY Chinese teacher
>The whole class is Microsoft Office
>Ask her if I can do the homework just as well with OpenOffice
>"Wass dat?"
>It's what I have on linux.
>She announces to the class:
>"Shum of you may be wanraring, Wass Rinux? Werr Rinux ish short of a geeky operaring shyshtem dat nerds use to pray compura games!"
I laughed so hard I almost shat myself.
She went on to show us a shady site where you can buy MSOffice for only 80 dollars. She called it "De Urtimate Shtear!"
Welcome to fucking college.
I thought the Chinese pronounced the 'r' like 'l' and the Japanese pronounced the 'l' like 'r'. At least, this seems to be the stereotype with Spanish-speaking Chinese.
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I saved it
It all depends on the version of IE. If it's version 9, I'm surprised, since I have used IE9 alongside Opera and it has never crashed.
That's because you are ignorant of av-comparatives.org
Read their pdf's. Eset currently one of the best, all have fallen since a year ago.
I told her to leave it alone! I have no clue what she did. I did tell her she could play on the Live CD, but I warned her to back away from gparted if she didn't know what to do with it.
tl;dr She accidentally blunk her hard drive and blamed me.
10/10 post and song would read and listen again.
That's new
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No, chinese have both l and r sounds, eg Ling-ling the panda. Japanese have no L, or TH for that matter, so McDonalds becomes Macadonorosu or something like that
Holy shit, this is amazing.
What happened to "Technology Edition"?
Gparted kills windows when shrinking partitions, you're a tard for not knowing that. You defrag then shrink the windows partition from within windows. Your (imaginary) girlfriend is right to be pissed.
Makudonaruso, probably.
>10 years
>Windows 7 = 2009
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It's actually マクドナルドor マック for short。
>see daily facebook status updates "I was hacked - I didn't write that stuff, LOL Josh, fuck you."

>people thinking hacking = walking away from their signed in FB.
>3000 times more secure
>Able to measure security
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My sides.

I was dumb for not thinking about ド. Thanks for pointing that out.
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>what is hyperbole?

Seems legit.
>Friend of mine
>Not one of the best friends, but friend enough to want to help, and lives near my house.

>At phone
[Friend]: I heard you're good with computers
[Me]: So-so. I know how to mess with my machine, just this.
>Almost said "and I know how to read..."
[Friend]: HALP ME PLS! My computer doesn't work properly!
[Me]: Ok, what's the problem?
[Me]: I mean, the symptoms...
[Friend]: Hah. It pops up some annoying messages every time I use the internet, then computer lags and freeze.
[Me]: which browser?
[Friend]: what's a browser?
[Me]: ...your "internet" is some blue E, right?

Shortening the story, both his XP installation and pendrive were almost a breeding lab for viruses, since he deactived the antivirus because it popped out too much "ERRY TIEM I PUT MY PENDRIVE SO I DEACTIVED IT".
People sure are dumb.
>Have friend who did exactly that
>Install AVG for her, perform full scan
>One corrupted executable, nothing else found

All of my wat.
AVG is the first thing I install when I'm using someone else's computer.
Yeah, Native Japanese people just drop the 'th' sound for a hard 'do' sound very often.

R/L is usually generalized into 'L'. So for example in English 'reed' would become 'リード' which is just 'leed'.

The other hipsters attempt to pronounce 'r' and end up with a sloppy noise.
I always use Nod32 (trial)
>working on a group research project
>looking for something specific on a page
>ctrl+f to find it
>bro are you a hacker?
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>Make this joke/troll tutorial on "how to become a computer hacker"
>Think people will realize it's a joke
>Almost 1 million views, retards constantly sending me messages on helping them to become a hacker

I don't know. I can only assume the 'warnings' weren't actually warnings.

She since bought an ipad because they keyboard on her laptop was slightly broken (spilt something on it) so I think an accurate technical judgement may be a bit much to ask.

And yes, I did explain that keyboards are cheap and easy to replace.
You are an idiot. Did I say windows 7 came with my pc? it came with windows xp and is running windows 7, an upgrade most people see as a good computer to be able to run a recent OS. Dumbass
>>25097371 = 3/4 of the bullshit I encounter
>Pokemon B/W 2
>I like keyboards! They are cheap and easy to replace!
Yes, you are right. I used too much the English pronunciation when writing in Katakana.

>The other hipsters attempt to pronounce 'r' and end up with a sloppy noise.

I bet. My Japanese teacher is hilarious when he's pronouncing the English. He even makes mistakes himself when writing in Katakana. Like New York he wrote ニュウユウコ, and mistakes like that.
>10 years running Windows 7


>Implying you didn't post that and just wanted views.

>IN THE YEAR OF 2011 + 1

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>How to use L33TSP34K
Are you Bleeep?
Group Policy option
I don't know dude, I only use Common Sense 2012.
Some viruses etc. do implant themselves in those folders.
And no install is necessary.
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>10 year old pc running windows
get withit.jpeg
hey guys is it me or are Captchas becoming harder to determine the fakes
>*windows 7
I'm waiting for the day that this becomes popular outside of 4chan.
Like where? 9fag?
Hell no! Maybe outside the Internet, like being played at a concert as an encore. Or perhaps setting this as the background music at a presidential convention.
>tfw Republican cock-wielding politicians hears this
Well he did mention toolbars. AFAIK, IE 9 can't into toolbars so they were likely running an older version. Any version of IE other than 9 is slow as fuck.

For a moment there I thought you were describing nextgenhacker101's video. You know, the one in which he "hacks" google by traceip'ing it...
I can Imagine this becoming a popular navy chant.
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I applaud your courage at mentioning the obvious.
>"hey anon im looking to buy a new laptop. can you make any recommendations for me?"
>do a little research, bring up links to a couple of reasonably priced laptops (around 400-700), all with specs appropriate for what they're gonna do on the machine (typically facebook, skype, e-mail, browsing, etc.)
>"oh thanks anon! you're the best!"
>find out few months later that they went out and bought a $1200 MacBook Pro
>$1200 facebook machine
>Hey check out this cool thing I found on reddit/tumblr xD
This year 2 people asked me to recommend them some laptops. Two happy people with a proper laptop, avoiding the "AW, MAX R SO COOOOL".
Yeah, that's the best antivirus out there.
2nd is MSE.
Most common people have never heard of things other than OSX and Windows (before 2001, Mac OS and Windows), so we REALLY need more exposure.
Though of course Ubuntu is the wrong way to go.
That has been me right there since 3rd grade.
>Though of course Ubuntu is the wrong way to go.
What do you suggest, then? And why do you think Ubuntu is the wrong way to go? I was introduced to linux through Ubuntu.
Apparently not, according to >>25098807

I'm the guy who posted the link. I'm planning on doing a Vocaloid version of that for the masses. If it gets enough views maybe it would be shown on a 3D concert featuring Miku.
Only a bit.

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