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On Sunday we rolled out new HTML for 4chan's imageboards. The new code validates HTML5/CSS3, the design should appear exactly the same, pages should load slightly faster (especially long threads), and extension/user script/archive developers should have a much easier job parsing our pages. This is the first time in approximately ten years that it has been updated.

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We are still working through a few bugs with the new code. Please report any bugs you find to newhtml@4chan.org.

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>After months of negotiation, Johannes Caspar, a German data protection official, forced Google to show him exactly what its Street View cars had been collecting from potentially millions of his fellow citizens. Snippets of e-mails, photographs, passwords, chat messages, postings on Web sites and social networks — all sorts of private Internet communications — were casually scooped up as the specially equipped cars photographed the world’s streets.

How does it feel knowing Google can just stroll through your front lawn stealing your data?
jokes on them - I don't have a lawn
>Not having any encryption whatsoever on your wireless
>Complaining your data was intercepted

Are you fucking kidding me?
>waste away looking up gay animu hentai
>hate on company that you used to look up gay animu hentai
How's it feel to inflate you non-existing self importance?
>not using WPA2
So they did this shit with their cars?

>not using FreeRADIUS EAP

So sick of you smug assholes thinking WPA2 is somehow significantly better than WPA. SPOILER ALERT: It isn't.
Jokes on them, I live in the boonies.

How else, with Android phones? :D

No srsly, they probably sat together and thought "how can we harvest more data at the same time. there must be ways!"
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Prease exprain.
That thing on top of the car looks like something a super villain would build.
"Don't bother to hide data from us, we'll get it anyway."
Google, Inc.
ICS = open source
iOS = not open source

my jimmies remain unrustled
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It's only a camera, nothing more. Move along.
Sounds like the Shadow Broker.
I have nothing to hide really.
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>using public wi-fi without using an SSL/TLS connection

They'll find something.
You're on 4chan. That itself is something to hide.
EAP or WPA sucking cawks?

Anyway... here's what SOHO godtier looks like:
1. Old PC with two ethernet NICs running pfSense
2. Shit tier Linksys N router that's using "WPA2 ENTERPRISE"... enterprise meaning that the router doesn't have any involvement in the crypto process
3. Setup FreeRADIUS on the pfSense box, or maybe a "service oriented" VM on a home server.

EAP in a nutshell

>yo dawg i heard you like encryption, so we put your MSCHAPV2 keys inside a diffie hellman TTLS tunnel
Uh-huh, and I build home made bombs for the good of mankind.

It's called an OpenVPN VPS server in Sweden... look into it.
>Not locking your door.
>Complaining someone walked in and took all your stuff.
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Congratulations, you've just entered our v& raffle! Now move along, citizen.
>If you give me six lines written by the hand of the most honest of men, I will find something in them which will hang him.
>Cardinal Richelieu

>reeligious hogwash

I don't get the problem, just don't do anything illegal.
why do we have 2 threads of the same news?
BAHAHAHAHA Google, they control the entire fucking internet and they need to wardrive to snoop on people. Google confirmed for full retard.
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>mfw I live in the boonies
Really? I can accept that maybe some people didn't have WPA or even WEP enabled, but "snippets of e-mails"? What e-mail service doesn't use SSL?
Partially encrypted ones.

Like yahoo.

Hail the Party Van!

>Looks outside

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......is Yahoo still around?
well then they deserve this shit then. some people still use hotmail
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Yahoo, are you fucking kidding me?

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