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>pulling an all-nighter because otherwise you'd sleep through your alarms and not go to lectures

You too, eh?

>set phone alarm
>put it on the other side of the room
>now have to wake up, walk across room to turn it off

fool proof
>not being a NEET

What's it like being a slave?

Sup, me?
All nighter here..Irishfag, currently 3:37am
>not going back to bed right after
I'm no longer in school but I remember that chair well.
>do that
>still so fucking foggy in the morning I go back to bed, "just 5 minutes"
>a few hours later...
Krautfag, 4:48 (obviously)
>Able to wake up from something as simple as a phone alarm.
I am so envious of you. Sleeping pills every night. Stimulant pills every morning. I seriously needed to get one of those ridiculous alarms that physically attacks you...
>not letting it go off
And then

>going to lectures
>literally head hanging and going to sleep every 5 minutes with spurs of semi-wakeness in between
>learn fucking nothing
>waste of time
>go home after the first few hours

Oh lawdy.
>still so fucking foggy in the morning I go back to bed, "just 5 minutes"
>a few hours later.

i'm all kinds of mad. seriously that SHIT HAPPENS TO ME ALL THE DAM TIME
>going to lectures
>literally head hanging and going to sleep every 5 minutes with spurs of semi-wakeness in between
>learn fucking nothing

dude, i think, i think you might really be me. this is getting scary.
I forgot

>students all around me think I'm on fucking crack
>Going to uni
Hahahaha fagoot
I tried using my phone alarm once instead of having someone physically shake me awake. I woke up 30 minutes after the alarm started going off, and it didn't stop.

What the fuck is that supposed to mean? Are you a newfag?

My phone is really fucking loud. And it vibrates.
what he means is

>alarm goes off
>crawl out of bed
>start getting dressed
>decide to sit down in a chair
>fall asleep sitting down
>wake up 3 hours later, missing all lectures
It's the newest epic meme borned :DD
Ask /jp/ about it :--D
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always pull one at nighter.
Just set multiple alarms.

>red digit alarm clock

Have them all go off 30 seconds apart. The confusion will force you to get up.
>put on Comfortably Numb
>stayed up all night Saturday
>got to1030 Sunday morning went to bed after setting alarm for 1400
>alarm went off, got out of bed to turn it off, went back to bed
>got up at 2230 on Sunday now doing another all nighter
>now 0400 BST and I'm working later today so I'll have to resist going to bed during the day
>have monthly social event at 1900

So my options are:
- sleep through work, I freelance from home, but I have a client that may email/call during in the day.
- Stay up till I've finished work but miss social event
- Go to bed at around 1100 and get up in time to go to social event
- fuck it and stay up for both work and said event which means I'll be home around midnight
You're fucked.

I just have to be at lectures, and run some errands, that's all. And lectures here are non-compulsory, and we have no coursework.

It's all exams at the end of the semester.
Why are we so retarded the moment we wake up?

The night before we tell ourselves we won't sleep in, we're going to get up no matter what, and when we do we completely forget and fuck up.
>those few moments right when you wake up and you don't remember who you are
>and how much of a fuck up you are
Haha I fucking know that feel.

Except i'm not really a fuckup.
I tell myself over and over again in my head: I will wake up at 7 AM. Fall asleep. Wake up. Miraculously, its 7 AM.
well... n-neither am i!

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Haha, good one, chap.

Good one.



try taking half a sleeping pill
I find if I take a whole one I'm ridiculously drowsy all day
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>>and how much of a fuck up you are

>that feel when i actually went as far as to fail out of a proper 4 year university because i kept sleeping through my lectures

i'd literally wake up at 3 PM, and go to bed at 2 AM each day
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4:15 reporting in.
Did that in my first year, fucked up, doing fine now.
>The night before we tell ourselves we won't sleep in
It's more wishful thinking that really. You want it to happen, but it most likely won;t

>and when we do we completely forget and fuck up.
I don't forget I just can't be motivated too drag myself out of bed. Though this is probably biologically related with REM sleep cycles and that. I mean wake up at the right time and it's a no motivation needed situation, I just get up.
it kind of blows but at the end of the day it's the same thing except you have some money instead of no money
It's 5:22 here, I don't think I have a choice in this matter.
having money master race reporting in
Hallo Freund.

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It's just trying to justify the, by that point much needed and craved, need to sleep. But it's ok, because by my books sleeping a healthy amount is more important than 1 lecture, as long as you get back on track ASAP.

Picture related?
I find if I wake up naturally then it usually takes no motivation to get up
try leaving your curtains open a bit so your room is bright in the morning
i always stay up sunday nights to listen to r/a/dio
>i'd literally wake up at 3 PM, and go to bed at 2 AM each day
I've found I have to be awake a minimum of 12 hours to be able to go to sleep, and even still it can take a while. I reminisce of times I've gone t bed tired enough to fall asleep in minutes.

>that feel when you know your just about to fall asleep
(I don't mean the myoclonic jerk thing, I hate that)
Not midnight yet, but I'm going to be up until like 6 writing a paper. I always do this to myself. I have 3 other papers all due in the next 2 days
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I'm no german, man.
Thankfully I have nothing to do today so going without sleep shouldn't cause too many problems.
I had a 37 hour day last week to finish my report
when I finished, I couldn't even go to sleep because I had to prepare for a lab the following day

shit was so brutal

Fellow insomniac Britfag?

>that feel when I have an exam on Tuesday that starts at 9:30 and I'm probably either going to miss it or do it on no sleep at all

It sucks now but it feels so good once it's over. Still have to write about 13-14 more pages in total before midnight on Tuesday/Wednesday. Then exams start. It sucks because I haven't done the "research" yet either. At least one of them is a group thing and I'm going to push it all on them because I coded practically the entire project myself(one of those semester long projects)

>that feel when you realise you're starting to fall asleep, but you start worrying because if you think about it too much you'll wake up

And then I'm awake for another hour.
Not an insomniac, just teenage hyposomnia. Not a big deal; I stay up for 30 hours~ or so if I have to fix my sleeping pattern.
>May 13, 2012
>Not being finished with your semester already

Shit, my finals were the very first week of the month. Graduation was on the 4th.
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>not having class during the spring term
you may be graduated, but
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>wake up
>turn off phone alarm
>break toe walking back to bed

>5 hours later

>wake up 5 hours late to class and with a broken bleed toe that has stained the bed
>That feel when I start hearing non existant sounds after only staying up for 24 hours.
I'm such a fucking casual.
>January - May
>Not the spring semester

The fuck are you on about?
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>tfw I have my last math class/final tomorrow and then I'm done with that shit forever

Fuck. Yea.
at my university,
Sept-Dec is Fall
Jan-Apr is Winter
May-Aug is Spring
Emma Stone mouth thread?

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