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  • File: 1336704801.png-(92 KB, 222x204, 1336361956332.png)
    92 KB Anonymous 05/10/12(Thu)22:53 No.24782327  
    >be taking a class way out of my league in uni
    >fail everything
    >I mean I got a 52 on the midterm
    >failed both papers I had to do
    >pretty much gave up
    >take final exam and hand in paper one last time
    >just checked my grade I got a "B"
    >not even a "B-"
    >a "B"

    Post your school wtf moments /b/
    >> Anonymous 05/10/12(Thu)22:53 No.24782334

    damn it meant /g/
    >> Anonymous 05/10/12(Thu)22:54 No.24782344
    >> Neru !!1w71MODVJlH 05/10/12(Thu)22:55 No.24782355
         File: 1336704918.jpg-(244 KB, 364x375, YumeDough2.jpg)
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    I slept my way through high school and ended up with an average of C.
    >> Anonymous 05/10/12(Thu)22:56 No.24782389
    Richard Hammond is a handsome man.
    >> Anonymous 05/10/12(Thu)22:57 No.24782404

    Yeah and that's why I was surprised I got into a University. I was preparing for an F, or maybe a D if I was lucky. Damn, that was close. Oh well, next semester I'll study harder.

    >> Anonymous 05/10/12(Thu)22:58 No.24782408
    >Take class that sounds fun and easy
    >Its a boring lecture
    >hundreds attend
    >Nothing but one exam at the end
    >Take notes at first, but slow down
    >Study the night before
    >mfw the final exam is just a long essay on everything you learned
    >naturally slow writer
    >time is 1 hour, 1 second over = F
    >Time is over, add period
    >TA tells me I failed
    >Walk down to ask for forgiveness, they refuse
    >They dont even know my name
    >Slip booklet into a stack of hundreds
    >Run out of room
    >Never caught
    >Final grade: A
    >> Anonymous 05/10/12(Thu)22:58 No.24782412
    >Go to top school
    >work hard, graduate top of the class
    >have sex with all female students
    >they get pregnant
    >run away
    >> Neru !!1w71MODVJlH 05/10/12(Thu)22:59 No.24782437
    High school is weird.

    One hour exam? Seriously?
    >> Anonymous 05/10/12(Thu)23:00 No.24782443
    >go to top school
    >install gentoo
    >become one with the linux kernel
    >> Anonymous 05/10/12(Thu)23:00 No.24782452
    We all read that comic. You're a huge faggot for pretending you came up with that idea.
    >> Neru !!1w71MODVJlH 05/10/12(Thu)23:01 No.24782465
    I never read a comic like that.
    >> Anonymous 05/10/12(Thu)23:01 No.24782468
    no, its just an old joke where the teacher doesn't know the student's name so they slip in their test and they have no idea which to give an F.
    >> Anonymous 05/10/12(Thu)23:02 No.24782479
    >Not three hour exams like we have in Philosophy
    I'm jelly. What subject and course were you taking?
    >> Anonymous 05/10/12(Thu)23:02 No.24782486
    >go to spain to talk to kids
    >heart attack
    >tell them DNR because their machines use closed sourced software
    >I would rather die than use non free software
    >> Anonymous 05/10/12(Thu)23:03 No.24782507
         File: 1336705426.png-(47 KB, 429x410, trollface-civil.png)
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    >Take '5th year' graduate course that is only offered once every five years under an awesome professor during 2nd year
    >Didn't have any of the four pre-requisists
    >Work my ass off 30hrs/week minimum dedicate to the course
    >Get highest mark beating out 6 graduate students and 13 fourth year undergrads
    >Grad student complains that I didn't have the required courses.
    >Professor: "Yet he didn't fail the midterm like you did."
    >> Anonymous 05/10/12(Thu)23:03 No.24782510
    >French class in high school
    >Taking a test
    >"Write all answers in French"
    >Write half the answers in English
    >Teacher marks them all correct
    She got fired 2 years later. Apparently she wasn't actually licensed or something. I don't remember.
    >> Anonymous 05/10/12(Thu)23:05 No.24782526
         File: 1336705505.jpg-(26 KB, 259x220, crazy dog.jpg)
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    >Bust my ass aceing every class in my last 4 semesters
    >GPA goes down
    >> Anonymous 05/10/12(Thu)23:06 No.24782539
         File: 1336705563.jpg-(29 KB, 396x384, 1322155412270.jpg)
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    >goes to school in japan/china/taiwan
    >7am to 11 pm, lunch break, then 8pm to 11pm
    >uses the time in between to visit friends and hang out

    >move to murrika
    >8am to 4pm
    >bumfuck nowhere
    >fall into depression
    >end up on 4chan

    >barely got my shit together and now in a shitty state college with debt
    >> Anonymous 05/10/12(Thu)23:06 No.24782545
    >offered once every five years
    wtf course is only offered every 5 years?
    >> Anonymous 05/10/12(Thu)23:07 No.24782564

    I once impersonated as a sub in high school...

    I gave my class homework
    >> Anonymous 05/10/12(Thu)23:07 No.24782569
    Might be one of those 'special topic' courses that is the pet project of a professor
    >> Anonymous 05/10/12(Thu)23:08 No.24782580
    >in college
    >professor kills himself after a brutal divorce
    >call in and tell them I took a couple of classes of his and I'd like transcripts for them
    >tell them I got straight As
    >I never took the classes to begin with
    >> Anonymous 05/10/12(Thu)23:08 No.24782584
    Bio-informatics with one of the lead researchers in the field, he only teaches one course a year and that one only every five years.
    >> Anonymous 05/10/12(Thu)23:09 No.24782605
    >study for nothing and do no work since grade 8
    >now halfway through 3rd year of my IT course
    >realise I haven't really learnt anything and I'll have to try and get a job at the end of the year
    How fucked am I?
    >> Anonymous 05/10/12(Thu)23:10 No.24782623

    Fucked like the rest of /g/.

    In other words, you're done.
    >> Anonymous 05/10/12(Thu)23:10 No.24782631
    So are prerequisites actually requirements where you live (in the sense of typically, or at least theoretically, being enforced)? Over here it just means "don't bother taking this course without that knowledge because you'll fail, but if you want to try it anyway and waste your time, have fun".
    >> Neru !!1w71MODVJlH 05/10/12(Thu)23:12 No.24782671
    Where I live you need to document having passed the relevant classes when applying. At least for public universities.
    >> Anonymous 05/10/12(Thu)23:13 No.24782688
    >decide to take philosophy
    >read what we are supposed to
    >take notes
    >never actually study
    >three tests determined your grade
    >only passed because each test had an essay that I aced
    I learned a lesson, fuck philosophy.
    >> Anonymous 05/10/12(Thu)23:13 No.24782692
    1) Can you make really nice (non-powerpoint) slides and sell yourself like a boss?
    2) Can you master any piece of technology, from laptop to server, given two weeks and access to Google?
    3) Can you develop with JS, PHP, or C#?
    4) Are you good with helping people or translating their questions into actual technology savvy questions?

    If you can say yes to any one of 1, 2, or 3, you'll be fine. The more the better. 4 is an asset but will probably put you on the quick list for the chopping block.
    >> Anonymous 05/10/12(Thu)23:15 No.24782730
    I had to get a formed signed by the professor and the dean waiving the requirements, along with a 4-5 page report on why I wanted to take the course.
    >> Anonymous 05/10/12(Thu)23:17 No.24782764
    >> Anonymous 05/10/12(Thu)23:17 No.24782766
         File: 1336706256.jpg-(9 KB, 319x316, 1310581525531.jpg)
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    >do all my homework
    >study, take notes
    >give up much of a social life to study, do homework
    >ignore class complainers - ignore the fuckers that skip out on assignments
    >interact with the teacher
    >have passion for my work
    >teacher admires the passion
    >4.0 every god damn time

    >> Anonymous 05/10/12(Thu)23:18 No.24782783

    I don't like you
    >> Anonymous 05/10/12(Thu)23:20 No.24782813
    oh yeah, I forgot one important thing.

    >make the curve harder for people like you.
    >> Anonymous 05/10/12(Thu)23:20 No.24782822
         File: 1336706452.png-(4 KB, 354x286, 1335671368940.png)
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    >> Anonymous 05/10/12(Thu)23:21 No.24782827
    I had a similar thing, except I drank a lot of beer(usually 'gifts' for writing peoples papers, that weren't worth shit for dick) and had a social life for a 3.91 GPA.

    4.0 was a goal, but I never actually got 100% overall except in courses that I really enjoyed.
    >> Anonymous 05/10/12(Thu)23:22 No.24782855

    Because he's better than you? haha, get used to being a pleb, pleb.
    >> Anonymous 05/10/12(Thu)23:22 No.24782857

    these people we refer to as "satan's cocksuckers"
    >> Anonymous 05/10/12(Thu)23:22 No.24782864
    1 - I can sell anything like a boss. That's what I do to pay my uni bills
    2 - I could do anything with access to Google.
    3 - I can kind of do all of those. Is it a bad thing that I have to Google most of it though? Probably strongest in C#
    4 - People ask me for tech related advice all the time.
    Not so fucked then?
    >> Shen-Long !4LwSZVjZf2 05/10/12(Thu)23:22 No.24782867
    >Be in school
    >Teachers are patronizing
    >I'm bored because the work is mundane and nonsensical (application wise; at least it seemed so then)
    >I start mocking teachers and screwing with them
    >MFW I counted up teachers that have quit within a year of teaching me and it's 18

    I have made more teachers quit than years I was in school... I'm not sure whether I should feel bad or not...
    >> Anonymous 05/10/12(Thu)23:23 No.24782877

    >Not socializing and enjoying college.

    It is the best few years of most peoples lives, and you've missed it.
    Hope the 4.0 is worth it. (It might be, I have no idea)
    >> Anonymous 05/10/12(Thu)23:24 No.24782908
         File: 1336706681.jpg-(74 KB, 471x412, hitler-gas.jpg)
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    I loved doing this, waited until I got into a course with a bunch of slacker brownies(no offense intended to those who do actually work) then study my ass off for tests. Especially for linear scaling only classes.

    >Get 96-98% on both midterm exams
    >Class average: 35~40%
    >Prof only can scale it a few percent
    >Morons drop course
    >> Anonymous 05/10/12(Thu)23:25 No.24782932
         File: 1336706755.jpg-(55 KB, 483x526, beergueuze.jpg)
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    what's to enjoy? I live with my gf. I get sex. You mean I'm missing a bunch of dumb frat boys yelling woo and drinking piss quality beer while I sit at home with my gf drinking aged Belgian ales from wine glasses, having sex, and expanding my knowledge while getting better GPA than you? Yeah, my life sounds horrible.
    >> Anonymous 05/10/12(Thu)23:26 No.24782938

    hahahaha this.

    also, degrees don't mean shit. I thought everyone knew that. I mean, nobody in my field (network security) looks at a resume and says "Sweet Christ he has a bachelors in computer science he must know it all"

    The reality is they look at it and decide you are entry level.
    >> Anonymous 05/10/12(Thu)23:26 No.24782951
    >get straight A's
    >dean's list
    >mfw a congratulatory letter
    >mfw people who skip class to drink and smoke pot all day get scholarships while I get nothing
    >mfw scholarships here are need-based instead of achievement-based

    Feels wtf, man.
    >> Anonymous 05/10/12(Thu)23:27 No.24782978
    You're one evil fucker.
    >> Neru !!1w71MODVJlH 05/10/12(Thu)23:29 No.24783014
    >mfw scholarships here are need-based instead of achievement-based
    That makes sense. If you do not need the money, why should you have it?
    >> Natsuru !!Q914Qr7fB9U 05/10/12(Thu)23:30 No.24783022
    >Be in Human Growth and Development class
    >Talking about transgenderism and gender roles
    >Teacher just looks at me and smiles
    >Burst into treats

    Shit was awkward
    >> Anonymous 05/10/12(Thu)23:31 No.24783038
    >implying it's what you know when you're just getting out of college
    listen, partydog. The job market's full of kids just like you who have perfect GPAs and are willing to be churned and burned for the chance at getting paid minimum wage in the industry. What sets you apart is knowing the nephew of the CFO or taking an internship at the company beforehand to get your foot in the door.

    Congratulations on completely missing the point of college. I hope your degree makes good kindling, because it's going to be worthless in 4 years anyways.
    >> Anonymous 05/10/12(Thu)23:31 No.24783041
         File: 1336707075.jpg-(32 KB, 344x306, 1332633768136.jpg)
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    >be forced to take materials science lab
    >the labs are all on things we haven't learned
    >we aren't allowed to see any of our grades
    >TAs aren't much help
    >most of the class gets 50-60%
    >> Anonymous 05/10/12(Thu)23:32 No.24783058

    what kind of treats?
    >> Anonymous 05/10/12(Thu)23:32 No.24783070
         File: 1336707175.jpg-(3 KB, 126x126, 1287708506133.jpg)
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    >Taking precalc in college
    >F the whole semester
    >Panicking before the final because I know I'm gonna fail
    >Do nothing but study for four days straight. Seriously just wake up, study, and then go to sleep.
    >Get 98 on the final which counts for like 25% of the class grade
    >It also replaces your lowest test grade
    >Professor let everyone make up homework they did poorly on, turn all my 60s and 70s into 100s
    >MFW when I went from an "F" to an "A" with one exam
    >MFW when I got a B+ in calculus I and an A- in calculus II
    >> Anonymous 05/10/12(Thu)23:33 No.24783076
    >implying I'm not already out in the work world
    >implying I don't do it because I actually want an education
    >implying a huge portion of getting good grades for me isn't because I like pissing off people like you getting D's because you thought doing an all night kegger was more important than studying.
    >MFW teacher calls on me for answers and I answer smugly and look at your face.
    >> Shen-Long !4LwSZVjZf2 05/10/12(Thu)23:33 No.24783082
    >Be in an Information Tech class
    >Teacher leaves half way through the year
    >Get a fat greasy autist as a replacement
    >Keeps threatening to kick people off of the course
    >Loathe him and become demotivated
    >Confront him about his idle threats
    >He threatens to kick me off of the course
    >Tell him he's a funny guy
    >Compare him to Ricky Gervais
    I didn't get to finish that course.
    >> Anonymous 05/10/12(Thu)23:33 No.24783083
         File: 1336707210.jpg-(36 KB, 255x255, man-or-woman_nobody-knows.jpg)
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    I posted this before, and now I come back and you're here?


    also can you post some more pics of yourself? I need more.
    >> Natsuru !!Q914Qr7fB9U 05/10/12(Thu)23:34 No.24783091
    Lemon drops

    I don't have any
    >> Anonymous 05/10/12(Thu)23:34 No.24783099
    how horrible

    such a trickster
    >> Anonymous 05/10/12(Thu)23:35 No.24783110

    ahhh oh well I still love you my dear.
    >> Natsuru !!Q914Qr7fB9U 05/10/12(Thu)23:35 No.24783112
    It was pretty awkward

    she wanted to fuck
    >> Anonymous 05/10/12(Thu)23:35 No.24783114
    >get straight A's in school and college
    >do phd in math, with journal publications in the most prestigious conferences
    >first job 300k, with 300k bonus at then end of the year

    lol so much money, wtf
    >> Anonymous 05/10/12(Thu)23:35 No.24783115
    >wanting pics of natsuru
    >> Anonymous 05/10/12(Thu)23:36 No.24783121
    >implying education == good grades
    >mfw you have no face
    >> Natsuru !!Q914Qr7fB9U 05/10/12(Thu)23:36 No.24783124
    Alrighty then, good to know haha

    This nigga
    >> Anonymous 05/10/12(Thu)23:36 No.24783127
    congrats man
    feels good to get grades
    >> Neru !!1w71MODVJlH 05/10/12(Thu)23:37 No.24783143
         File: 1336707452.png-(256 KB, 743x590, OHNO.png)
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    Teachers can kick you off courses? ;_;
    >> Anonymous 05/10/12(Thu)23:37 No.24783145
    >Took literature as an arts elective that is compulsory
    > I hate that teacher as much as he hates me
    > He failed all of my essays on purpose, I have an F average in the aggregate grade for lit
    > During the finals which is the only actual grade that matters (aggregates are for tracking purposes only and does not count toward the final grade) I came out top in class for lit
    > Turns out some folks from Cambridge liked my essays
    > I didn't even put that much effort into the paper because I was prepared to fail
    > I laugh in his face after that

    Feels good man.
    >> Anonymous 05/10/12(Thu)23:37 No.24783151

    You keep saying you like learning a lot in college.

    What we're telling you is college education isn't all it's cracked up to be. really.
    >> Natsuru !!Q914Qr7fB9U 05/10/12(Thu)23:38 No.24783156

    Have you been to college?
    >> Shen-Long !4LwSZVjZf2 05/10/12(Thu)23:38 No.24783162
    He went whining to administration.

    I hope he gets a stroke or some shit; I was doing fine on that course until he showed up.
    >> Anonymous 05/10/12(Thu)23:38 No.24783164
    Yeah they can, they can drop you from there class
    >> Neru !!1w71MODVJlH 05/10/12(Thu)23:39 No.24783169

    That is horrifying.
    >> Anonymous 05/10/12(Thu)23:39 No.24783178
    because kids who are given scholorships end up pissing it away compared to the kids who actually try, regardless if they can technically afford it.

    ever read/watch freakonomics? some research group offered high school kids like $500 per grading period just to bring their grades to all C's or above, along with the chance at winning a big party and getting driven around in a hummer limo. the end result was something around only 10% of kids grades improved with such a large amount of money on the table.

    if I had a $500 incentive each quarter to not drop below a C, i'd sure as fuck spend more time on homework. it may have had to do with the area, though. the school they did it at was a predominantly black district in new jersey.
    >> Natsuru !!Q914Qr7fB9U 05/10/12(Thu)23:39 No.24783179
    Funny story

    Last semester I hated my math teacher because he was a dick

    He failed me

    A week later, he was found dead in his home under mysterious circumstances

    You should probably do that then
    >> Anonymous 05/10/12(Thu)23:40 No.24783196
         File: 1336707637.png-(255 KB, 496x451, 1335731039684.png)
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    > Go to a private school
    > 10 week quarters
    > cram the normal 14 weeks of material in those 10 weeks
    > don't flunk out so much as I changed majors and compared to public uni I can graduate sooner if I transfer
    > all the C's get dropped from gpa
    > start public uni with the same determination to get shit done right I need for private uni
    > work my ass off for As
    > get As
    > find out everyone else got Cs or Bs for doing shit
    > rest of public uni slack the fuck off
    > get Bs
    > mfw everyone else who slacked off got Cs and never anything lower
    >> Shen-Long !4LwSZVjZf2 05/10/12(Thu)23:41 No.24783205
    It's ok, I've acknowledged I can and will be screwed by everyone and everything.

    That was the second course I got kicked off of because the teachers were cunts; got kicked off of a biology course because a teacher kept accusing me of having stolen a book I'd handed back in.

    But it's ok, whenever I try to get anywhere and say they've merely held a grudge against me and have been irrational I get that shit about "teachers are only there to help" like they're altruistic fuckin' saints. They should tell that to the 2 pedophiles that got sacked from that college.
    >> Natsuru !!Q914Qr7fB9U 05/10/12(Thu)23:41 No.24783206
    This is fucked up dude

    There was a kid in the class above me in highschool

    He got over 50 thousand in scholarships

    The first semester, he flunked out and lost everything
    >> Anonymous 05/10/12(Thu)23:41 No.24783211

    >Bitter, hateful about other people having fun.
    >Clearly lacking social skills, spends time bragging on anonymous boards.

    Your life is gonna be shit and unhappy no matter what job you get.
    Which is OK, because you're a dick and you deserve it.

    The unfortunate thing is you'll probably be some poor bastards boss and shit up his life too.
    >> Anonymous 05/10/12(Thu)23:41 No.24783215
    >> Anonymous 05/10/12(Thu)23:42 No.24783220
    /g/ - LiveJournal
    >> Neru !!1w71MODVJlH 05/10/12(Thu)23:45 No.24783271
    I's considering it. I do not think I will have issues with teachers anyways. Teachers do not seem to get angry that easily.

    >A week later, he was found dead in his home under mysterious circumstances
    That was funnier than it should be.

    I guess teachers need somewhere they can exercise power.

    Scholarships are considered loans until you pass here. Then some of it is converted to a scholarship. If you fail it remains a loan and chu have to pay it back.
    >> Natsuru !!Q914Qr7fB9U 05/10/12(Thu)23:47 No.24783304
    that will teach him to fuck with me
    >> Shen-Long !4LwSZVjZf2 05/10/12(Thu)23:47 No.24783306
    Yeah it'd just be nice if they could leave me alone for a change. They can pick on and hate someone else for once; even though I do the whole "tough guy" act face to face I've had retrograde amnesia, twice, have diagnosed OCD, depression and anxiety problems and have issues at home.

    They can pick on the smug fuck wearing £300 clothing for once and get off my case.
    >> Natsuru !!Q914Qr7fB9U 05/10/12(Thu)23:48 No.24783323
    Wow dude

    That kinda sucks
    >> Shen-Long !4LwSZVjZf2 05/10/12(Thu)23:50 No.24783343
    I know right. Oh well, I'm pretty much stalling for time now; I don't expect anything to come of my life so I'm just waiting til I go crazy enough to follow through with suicide. Fun times~ until then I'm gonna keep being slightly loopy.
    >> Natsuru !!Q914Qr7fB9U 05/10/12(Thu)23:51 No.24783362
    You shouldn't do that...

    Just get a simple job

    I'm doing nursing right now, working on dat masters
    >> Shen-Long !4LwSZVjZf2 05/10/12(Thu)23:52 No.24783383
    >get a simple job
    I'd go even more crazy if I resorted to something mundane. It's a little bit of a pity; circumstance can really shit someone up. I got tested a while back and got given an IQ of 154, technically I should have been one of the people influencing the world but fuck that shit.
    >> Natsuru !!Q914Qr7fB9U 05/10/12(Thu)23:54 No.24783405
    Man, that's a tough situation then
    >> Shen-Long !4LwSZVjZf2 05/10/12(Thu)23:55 No.24783419
    Like I said, I'm riding it out. I can't be too far off of going completely batshit; summer is great for it. My OCD causes me to rethink events time and time again, so if I'm left to my own thoughts I repeatedly replay through traumatic experiences and damaging events - and I also play through various outcomes of those events (normally negative).

    So I'll probably go whacky over this summer. Probably.
    >> Anonymous 05/10/12(Thu)23:55 No.24783425
    that's pretty awful circumstance
    that being said, if you reeeeally want to change things then you can, it's just an enormous struggle
    >> Shen-Long !4LwSZVjZf2 05/10/12(Thu)23:57 No.24783456
    I am far beyond that haha, that's ok. Like I said, I'll probably go completely nuts and off myself before 2013; statistics have to come from somewhere right?

    Could be worse. I could be cutting my wrists for attention.
    >> Neru !!1w71MODVJlH 05/10/12(Thu)23:59 No.24783496
    Chu should get into something like anime, cappuccino, maths or so. ;_;
    >> Anonymous 05/10/12(Thu)23:59 No.24783500
    American History since Civil War. Epic bro-tier prof.
    >3 exams
    >3 joke papers
    >weighted all equally
    I forget to do second paper. It's due day of second test.
    Take test in 20 minutes.
    Tell prof I forgot the paper in dorm.
    1.5hr lecture time.
    Writer paper in an hour.
    mfw no face
    >> Anonymous 05/11/12(Fri)00:01 No.24783519
         File: 1336708873.jpg-(451 KB, 3264x2448, 9LlLp.jpg)
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    yeah I kinda suspected, just thought I'd mention it since you hinted at influencing the world

    ah well, best of luck
    >> Anonymous 05/11/12(Fri)00:01 No.24783521
    >> Shen-Long !4LwSZVjZf2 05/11/12(Fri)00:01 No.24783530
    I used to enjoy anime but then made me sad when a series ended; eventually I came to realise it's not reality not an accurate reflection of it. There will be no magical friendship or companionship or a magical solution to the problem. I think it better not to delude myself with it.
    >> Anonymous 05/11/12(Fri)00:05 No.24783595
         File: 1336709115.jpg-(112 KB, 400x300, 1315173598836..jpg)
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    >mfw I'm now finishing college in the same way with a B
    >mfw I will be able to sleep through my job as well since there's an enormous shortage of computer scientists in my country
    >Oh well, next semester I'll study harder
    No you won't
    >> Anonymous 05/11/12(Fri)01:24 No.24784851


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