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    File: 1336270049.jpg-(135 KB, 1200x900, Optimized-photo.jpg)
    135 KB Anonymous 05/05/12(Sat)22:07 No.24673763  
    Data Recovery Stories

    >2 year old HDD 1tb 80% full
    >get new one to be on the safe side and hope to avoid loss of all my files
    >open package from newegg install
    >things so far going Swell
    >"please format to get access" pops up when I try to access all my files on old drive
    >Unable to get fix damage partations of drive
    >been running data recovery for days..

    Anyone els have a similar experience?
    I am expecting this to take another 3 days it least
    >> Anonymous 05/05/12(Sat)22:13 No.24673835
    Not sure if troll or retard.
    >> Anonymous 05/05/12(Sat)22:19 No.24673934
    I'm serious...
    >> Anonymous 05/05/12(Sat)22:21 No.24673967
    why would you format it first?

    If you want to recover stuff then why format it? Sheesh!
    >> Anonymous 05/05/12(Sat)22:23 No.24674015

    I went to delete a single mp3 file in my voice recorder and it deleted the entire folder containing 5 weeks of dictation for my book

    used recuva to get it all back
    >> Anonymous 05/05/12(Sat)22:25 No.24674049
    I tired to recovery the data first but it keep failing "too many bad sectors
    the boot sector was damaged and it was unable to start up. So I decided the best thing to do was to format and pray that I can recovry most of my shit back
    >> Anonymous 05/05/12(Sat)22:27 No.24674068
    i tried recuva before I formated and it wouldnt let me even select the drive
    >> Anonymous 05/05/12(Sat)22:27 No.24674075
    So instead you wiped the FAT/MFT(s) making it wayy harder to recover stuff rather than getting a linux live cd, and using ddrescue to make an image of the drive.
    >> Anonymous 05/05/12(Sat)22:28 No.24674082
    >boot sector was damaged and it was unable to start up
    live os backup format
    >> Anonymous 05/05/12(Sat)22:29 No.24674105
    Looking back now I would have done that, but I am stuck now where Im at and can only hope I get my shit back
    >> Anonymous 05/05/12(Sat)22:30 No.24674123
    tired kept failing after a few minutes
    >> Anonymous 05/05/12(Sat)22:41 No.24674287
    bump for stories

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