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    File: 1335645692.jpg-(41 KB, 500x364, cispa-vote-of-the-day.jpg)
    41 KB Anonymous 04/28/12(Sat)16:41 No.24519707  
    Please mods, admins. can we please get something stickied to all boards or at least /g/ about SISPA?

    this is really important and I don't think this site is paying enough attention to the threat, if you have read sispa you would know this would be the end of 4chan and the end of privacy!
    >> Anonymous 04/28/12(Sat)16:43 No.24519728
    Fuck off. Go back to >>>/b/
    >> Anonymous 04/28/12(Sat)16:43 No.24519735
    CISPA = buy a VPN

    They'd literally have to criminalise encryption to stop it.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/12(Sat)16:43 No.24519741
    Cispa will pass since it doesn't get media attention like sopa
    >> Anonymous 04/28/12(Sat)16:43 No.24519742
    >mfw this post will get no attention

    Srsly tho, sispa is fucked, son.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/12(Sat)16:43 No.24519744
    Simple protests won't help. We need to first exterminate jews in order to get rid of such shit.
    >> Lavender !ezkbwvVwV. 04/28/12(Sat)16:45 No.24519782
    They're not monitoring your traffic, they're looking in servers on US soil.

    Google, 4chan, facebook, twitter, all your e-mail clients

    A few examples
    >> Anonymous 04/28/12(Sat)16:47 No.24519821
    >implying I let any of those companies have any significant information on me.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/12(Sat)16:48 No.24519837
    I'm not a pedophile or a terrorist, so I don't give a damn.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/12(Sat)16:48 No.24519844
    reddit is that way --->
    >> Anonymous 04/28/12(Sat)16:49 No.24519867
    >ecksdee fight the power

    >> Anonymous 04/28/12(Sat)16:50 No.24519870
    Prez Obama says he will veto it.

    He's like a goalkeeper, it's his job to stop bad bills getting over the line.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/12(Sat)16:50 No.24519881
    just use Tor for your dirty stuff
    >> Anonymous 04/28/12(Sat)16:50 No.24519883
    But you are a potential pedophile and terrorist, so you're being watched anyway
    >> Anonymous 04/28/12(Sat)16:51 No.24519903
    except he has veto'd like two bills
    >> Anonymous 04/28/12(Sat)16:51 No.24519910
    Except for the balls he was ordered to pass through by the jewish lobby
    >> Anonymous 04/28/12(Sat)16:51 No.24519912
    >CISPA circlejerking
    >> Anonymous 04/28/12(Sat)16:52 No.24519925
    fuck off
    >> Anonymous 04/28/12(Sat)16:52 No.24519929
    guys if we dont give sispaas much atention as soppa they will pas sit plz guys sticky it
    >> Anonymous 04/28/12(Sat)16:52 No.24519934
    >> Anonymous 04/28/12(Sat)16:53 No.24519951

    >> Anonymous 04/28/12(Sat)16:53 No.24519952
    >and the end of privacy!
    Exclamation points always turn out to be obnoxious and whiny as fuck on the internet.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/12(Sat)16:54 No.24519966

    You post on 4chan, the birthplace of anonymous. More commonly known as terrorists these days.

    You already are a terrorist, how does that make you feel?
    >> Anonymous 04/28/12(Sat)16:55 No.24519985
    Even if that were true, why should I care?
    >> Anonymous 04/28/12(Sat)16:55 No.24519987
         File: 1335646524.jpg-(20 KB, 292x450, carlinderp.jpg)
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    >mfw both when he signed NDAA and when realizing the overall apathy itt
    >> Anonymous 04/28/12(Sat)16:55 No.24519990
    kyke spotted
    >> Anonymous 04/28/12(Sat)16:56 No.24520017
    So can I come to your house and set up cameras?
    You don't mind, do you?
    >> Anonymous 04/28/12(Sat)16:57 No.24520032
    Why Obama is still a president? What the fuck is wrong with you, America?
    >> Anonymous 04/28/12(Sat)16:57 No.24520046
    Anonymous =/= 4chan.

    >anonymous = terrorists
    >> Anonymous 04/28/12(Sat)16:58 No.24520055
    That's right. You're a sheep. You're not supposed to care.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/12(Sat)16:58 No.24520066
    It depends. Who are you and what service would you offer me in return?
    >> Anonymous 04/28/12(Sat)16:59 No.24520079
    Who are you quoting? He didn't say that. Also this site is weird.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/12(Sat)16:59 No.24520082
    >thinking the president does anything
    The president is just a figurehead for a vast, corrupt organisation.
    People vote for whichever figurehead they want speaking to them, while the people who actually have the power just sit pretty.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/12(Sat)16:59 No.24520083
    >he thinks voting matters
    A) We can't just throw out the president because we don't like him
    B) Any candidates that have a chance of winning suck.

    I'm offering you protection. I can alert the cops if a burglar breaks into your house.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/12(Sat)16:59 No.24520084
    because it was either him or a dying crazy old veteran whom would have had a retard for a VP.

    and why he'll win this time? because no one wants a pompous rich mormon prick for their president.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/12(Sat)17:01 No.24520117
    You tinfoil hats nutjobs are so predictable it hurts. Yes, yes, I get it, I'm a "sheeple" and I need to "wake up". *yawn*
    >> Anonymous 04/28/12(Sat)17:02 No.24520139
    I'm not worried about burglars, I live in a quiet town and I have a dog anyway. Thanks but I'll have to refuse your offer.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/12(Sat)17:03 No.24520147
         File: 1335647034.jpg-(117 KB, 311x311, GNU here.jpg)
    117 KB
    >this site is weird.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/12(Sat)17:04 No.24520151
    >i like being oppressed and anyone who doesn't is crazy

    But due to a new law requiring cameras in people's homes, we're going to install them anyway.
    That'll be $250,000.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/12(Sat)17:04 No.24520157
    Well, reality hurts. But that's ok, just take your pills and go back to sleep, my little sheeple.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/12(Sat)17:06 No.24520187

    Bullshit isn't it? That's what the US government will say when they anal rape your privacy, though.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/12(Sat)17:06 No.24520192
    Oh, now you're coming up with some bullshit excuses. This can mean only one thing - you're hiding something.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/12(Sat)17:07 No.24520207
    How am I oppressed? lol

    >But due to a new law requiring cameras in people's homes, we're going to install them anyway.
    Oh dear, that sucks! Oh wait... we're talking about the real world here. Ahah, almost got me there. ;)
    >> Anonymous 04/28/12(Sat)17:07 No.24520209
    It doesn't have to be that way.

    The Presidency was intended to be directly accountable to the people, put in as an executive as a counter against the corruption/oligarchy that is inherent in all forms of government.

    It's the easiest office for the people to take back, if American morons would simply think for themselves and not buy into the left-right bullshit shoveled by mass media.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/12(Sat)17:08 No.24520215
    The fuck does Obama have to do with this. This isn't a monarchy or dictatorship like your backwards ass country, the house passed this. It didn't go through the senate and it's said Obama will veto it.

    Fuck off.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/12(Sat)17:08 No.24520229
    Just like Obongo said he'd veto the NDAA, but then signed it in the middle of the night
    >> Anonymous 04/28/12(Sat)17:09 No.24520234
    What? lol
    >> Anonymous 04/28/12(Sat)17:09 No.24520239
    >they don't do this shit in the real world.

    You're required by law to buy car insurance.
    You can be required by law to by cameras.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/12(Sat)17:10 No.24520253
    What are the best VPNs?
    >> Anonymous 04/28/12(Sat)17:11 No.24520266
    I hear Swedes are pretty good.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/12(Sat)17:11 No.24520280
    Car insurance makes sense to me. Is there a law that requires I buy a camera and install it in my home? I don't think so. It certainly doesn't exist in my country. I don't know, go live in Liberia if you don't like laws, dude.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/12(Sat)17:11 No.24520282
    >> Anonymous 04/28/12(Sat)17:14 No.24520315
    It's called a hypothetical dude.
    It could happen.
    I'm not saying I don't like laws. Can you read? I'm saying the government can pass laws that violate your privacy.

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