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  • File: 1334359521.jpg-(23 KB, 488x351, Apple-1984-Ad[1].jpg)
    23 KB Anonymous 04/13/12(Fri)19:25 No.24197355  
    When did Apple become everything they fought so hard against during the 80s...?
    >> Anonymous 04/13/12(Fri)19:26 No.24197383
    When the money started rolling in.
    >> Anonymous 04/13/12(Fri)19:27 No.24197403



    >implying that wasn't their plan all along
    >> Anonymous 04/13/12(Fri)19:30 No.24197470
    Yep. Apple played the underdog and catered to hackers because it was a sound business strategy during the 80s and 90s. They started selling to the mass market when they'd saturated the educational market for over a decade, so people had grown up using MacOS in school, and then they introduced the iPod. The iPod was a huge improvement over existing MP3 players, OS X was terrible at first but quickly surpassed XP, and the G3/G4/G5 PowerPC hardware was awesome. Then they went Intel and created iOS. The thing is, they're in such a great market position that they basically can't go anywhere but down from here, and unlike Microsoft in the 90s they have a capable rival in mobile (Android), and two superior desktop OSes to contend with (Windows 7 and Linux).
    >> Anonymous 04/13/12(Fri)19:31 No.24197496
    >OS X was terrible at first but quickly surpassed XP

    You must leave now.
    >> Anonymous 04/13/12(Fri)21:20 No.24199408
    >> Anonymous 04/13/12(Fri)21:29 No.24199557
    When Woz left, the hacker culture in Apple left with him.
    >> Anonymous 04/13/12(Fri)22:29 No.24200497
    i mean, technically hes still on payroll for something akin to crumbs, but youre exactly right here fellow /g/entleman
    >> Anonymous 04/13/12(Fri)22:32 No.24200533
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    >as if this isn't the ugliest laptop ever
    >> Anonymous 04/13/12(Fri)22:32 No.24200536
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    since this little bugger
    >> Anonymous 04/13/12(Fri)22:33 No.24200562
    Yea the space clam looks ridiculous, but it was packed with a good deal of neat tech including wifi which was like magic back then.
    >> Anonymous 04/13/12(Fri)22:34 No.24200576
         File: 1334370855.jpg-(78 KB, 360x299, steve-wozniak-blue-box.jpg)
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    If you mean locking down hardware and shit, it was about the time Woz stopped being an active part of the company.
    >> Anonymous 04/13/12(Fri)22:34 No.24200590
    Since 2004.
    >> Anonymous 04/13/12(Fri)22:35 No.24200599
    Dat fisherprice.
    >> Anonymous 04/13/12(Fri)22:37 No.24200627
    Poor woz...
    Betrayed by the one he thought of as his only friend...
    >> Anonymous 04/13/12(Fri)22:39 No.24200667
    >superior desktop OSes
    >Windows 7
    You're right about Linux, but if you think that Windows 7 is a better Desktop OS than OSX, then you are a fucking retard.
    >> Anonymous 04/13/12(Fri)22:40 No.24200684
    But it did, my cute little fanboy.
    >> Anonymous 04/13/12(Fri)22:40 No.24200692
    >better than windows
    confirmed 12 year old
    >> Anonymous 04/13/12(Fri)22:41 No.24200699
    I happen to be 83 years old.
    >> Anonymous 04/13/12(Fri)22:41 No.24200705
    >better than osx
    confirmed for vegetable
    >> Anonymous 04/13/12(Fri)22:42 No.24200714
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    >> Anonymous 04/13/12(Fri)22:43 No.24200720
    >> Anonymous 04/13/12(Fri)22:44 No.24200733
    >assuming someone is a macfag just because he states the FACT that mac is better than windows
    >> Anonymous 04/13/12(Fri)22:44 No.24200735
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    >> Anonymous 04/13/12(Fri)22:44 No.24200743
    Pretends powershell doesn't exist.
    >> Anonymous 04/13/12(Fri)22:44 No.24200745
    I wonder how long OS X will provide such things on a default install considering their user base...
    >> Anonymous 04/13/12(Fri)22:45 No.24200753
    a person stating that would become a faggot by default
    >> Anonymous 04/13/12(Fri)22:45 No.24200758
    >thinks macs aren't pcs
    >thinks calling people faggots is the same as refuting their arguments
    >> Anonymous 04/13/12(Fri)22:46 No.24200779
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    >> Anonymous 04/13/12(Fri)22:46 No.24200783
    their arguments have no points to refute, its the same parroted shit over and over again. why else do you think this board is so shitty?
    >> Anonymous 04/13/12(Fri)22:48 No.24200804
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    Because most people here don't actually believe that free software is best software.
    >> Anonymous 04/13/12(Fri)22:48 No.24200809
    that also falls under childrens toy
    >> Anonymous 04/13/12(Fri)22:48 No.24200813
    UNIX is the biggest reason I'm going to buy a Macbook Pro.

    Forever, and if they don't it can be easily installed. They don't advertise *nix anymore, but they know that part of their userbase is computer scientists, and they use OS X because it's *nix-like. There would be no benefit of removing it.
    >> Anonymous 04/13/12(Fri)22:50 No.24200834
    Powershell is pretty damn powerful, especially if you're willing to dive into C# a bit.
    >> Anonymous 04/13/12(Fri)22:50 No.24200840
    mac was always cancer
    never was it anything else
    the only thing it fought
    was creativity and individuality
    >> Anonymous 04/13/12(Fri)22:50 No.24200842

    powershell is shit, but it's better than .bat or cmd or even god forbid, .exe console apps
    >> Anonymous 04/13/12(Fri)22:51 No.24200849
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    >> Anonymous 04/13/12(Fri)22:52 No.24200859
    Power Shell will be slightly good if you're familiar with it, yes, but it feels like an entirely different language all on it's own (which is not good.) Just saiyan
    >> Anonymous 04/13/12(Fri)22:56 No.24200912
         File: 1334372170.jpg-(100 KB, 611x404, Apple (00) - Apple I, 1976.jpg)
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    lol, you're an idiot. Apple makes a great computer and operating system that is overpriced, and that's the end of it. Stop being so easily influenced by the apple-hating crowd and see things as there are.
    >> Anonymous 04/13/12(Fri)23:02 No.24200989

    That is if you don't like any kind of control or customization...Or you don't know shit about computers and want it to "just work".
    >> Anonymous 04/13/12(Fri)23:03 No.24200998
    It's a console that doesn't have any games.
    >> Anonymous 04/13/12(Fri)23:03 No.24201003
    BSD would like to have a word with you.
    >> Anonymous 04/13/12(Fri)23:04 No.24201016
    Since 1990.
    >> !!OF33HkHCInJ 04/13/12(Fri)23:07 No.24201075
    linux is more *nix like and it isn't even a *nix
    >> Anonymous 04/13/12(Fri)23:11 No.24201131
    Why the US is turning into a facist state after defeating the same regimes? Because they are not completely different.
    Apple from 80's was small and fighting to survive, Apple today is big and want world domination, one step lead to another.
    >> Anonymous 04/13/12(Fri)23:11 No.24201136
    that's because being certified UNIX hasn't really mattered for some time
    >> Anonymous 04/13/12(Fri)23:14 No.24201173
    What's your basis on Linux being more *nix like than BSD? Plan 9 is more *nix than UNIX.

    I've had too many problems with Linux. Audio has always been my biggest problem, and IMO Linux is too fragmented which I would argue is a bad thing, but many others say it's why Linux flourished. And OS X has more commercial developer support.

    Honestly I've just reserved a 40GB partition to install Linux, I've lost count of the number of times I've reinstalled it. I keep wanting to switch to Linux from Windows, but something or another keeps driving me away. I love the UNIX aspect of Linux but the desktop turns me off.
    >> Anonymous 04/13/12(Fri)23:20 No.24201272
    >archaic os bogged down by legacy code better than a modern, bsd based os

    Just comparing the two operating systems by themselves, OS X runs laps around Windows.
    >> Anonymous 04/13/12(Fri)23:22 No.24201303
    And I bet you run laps round jobs' dead dick. Fucking shit, OS X is an ugly white piece of crap. Horrendous aesthetics, windows looks just so much better.
    >> Anonymous 04/13/12(Fri)23:24 No.24201319
    >the US is turning into a facist state

    And here come the tin-foil hats to ruin this already awful thread.
    >> Anonymous 04/13/12(Fri)23:24 No.24201322
    how do you break linux to the point of reinstalling?

    the only times i've had to reinstall linux is early on when i didn't know enough to know how to fix my mistakes, now i can get away with pretty much any fuckup and still be able to fix it, like being as modular as it is, makes it very easy to fix, unlike windows
    >> Anonymous 04/13/12(Fri)23:26 No.24201346

    Who says I'm a Mac user?
    >> Anonymous 04/13/12(Fri)23:26 No.24201352
    Windows 8 has a "I fucked everything up, reset all of the system files" feature.
    >> Anonymous 04/13/12(Fri)23:26 No.24201353
    The only criticism of OS X you can come up with is that it's not as pretty as Windows? So sad...
    >> Anonymous 04/13/12(Fri)23:28 No.24201369
    >can't cut and past
    >> Anonymous 04/13/12(Fri)23:28 No.24201374
    It's never "broken", but I like to use that space as a temp storage, and since Windows can't read anything other than NTFS and FAT, I have to format it. And installing Linux takes about 20 min, including installing x11, and everything else I'd want for desktop use, so I don't really care.
    >> Anonymous 04/13/12(Fri)23:28 No.24201379
    what happens when you break that feature?

    also, resetting everything does not count as fixing the issue
    >> Anonymous 04/13/12(Fri)23:29 No.24201407
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    >> Ambien 04/13/12(Fri)23:32 No.24201449
    Apple was always this, because they're a corporation who patents, releases closed source software etc.

    They tried to paint IBM black, and their products white.

    Red shows up strongest on white.
    >> Anonymous 04/13/12(Fri)23:33 No.24201479
    Thank you.
    I hope the world will read this and realize what an asshat Jobs was.
    His passing was more than welcomed.
    >> Anonymous 04/13/12(Fri)23:35 No.24201501

    my faith in humanity went up a point
    >> Anonymous 04/13/12(Fri)23:35 No.24201506
    Windows 8 and OS X Lion have the ability to boot into a hidden partition that can be used for recovering system files without reinstalling everything. As long as a virus doesn't have administrator powers and maybe if Windows gets secure boot (or makes writing to the bootloader require a highly restricted thing), the user can always fix their system in most cases. I'm sure Ubuntu will add something like this someday for the many people who fuckup Ubuntu.
    >> Anonymous 04/13/12(Fri)23:35 No.24201515
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    >> Anonymous 04/13/12(Fri)23:37 No.24201535
    Windows has nothing to do with hardware...
    >> Anonymous 04/13/12(Fri)23:37 No.24201536
         File: 1334374632.png-(64 KB, 1152x514, 1317602507176.png)
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    You're are the one that is hard.
    >> !!OF33HkHCInJ 04/13/12(Fri)23:37 No.24201545
    What? Microsoft doesn't make any hardware.
    >> Anonymous 04/13/12(Fri)23:37 No.24201548
    I honestly wouldn't mind using OSX but doesn't it have shitty hardware support? Which is the reason you have to spend a shitload of time messing around with shit just to get it on a machine not made by Apple?
    >> Anonymous 04/13/12(Fri)23:38 No.24201561
    >> Anonymous 04/13/12(Fri)23:39 No.24201568
    no its doesn't you idiot, foxconn does
    >> Anonymous 04/13/12(Fri)23:40 No.24201583

    it has bad hardware support so you can't use it on anything but apple made pc
    >> Anonymous 04/13/12(Fri)23:42 No.24201598
    Apple isn't really holding back technology, though, like IBM was.
    >> Anonymous 04/13/12(Fri)23:42 No.24201603
    >apple is three steps behind
    >> Anonymous 04/13/12(Fri)23:43 No.24201606
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    I don't think you understand how production operates, lol.
    >> Anonymous 04/13/12(Fri)23:43 No.24201608
    It don't think that's because it has bad hardware support, I think it's intentional, Apple only wants their software on Apple hardware. But I think they have the ability to make it work on third party hardware if they wanted to.
    >> lolololololololololololo 04/13/12(Fri)23:43 No.24201610
    but if he didn't patent it, couldn't somebody else patent it, stop others from doing it, and sell it?
    wouldn't it have been safer for him to patent it and give free licenses or whatever?
    could someone explain this?

    also: there still needs to be money coming from somewhere to produce the vaccine even if the information for how to make it is free. is the money coming from the indian government or from charitys?
    >> Anonymous 04/13/12(Fri)23:43 No.24201613
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    >Holding back technology
    >Literally responsible for the great world we live in today.
    >> Anonymous 04/13/12(Fri)23:43 No.24201614
    >IBM holding tech back
    >> Anonymous 04/13/12(Fri)23:44 No.24201618
    apparently you don't
    >> Anonymous 04/13/12(Fri)23:44 No.24201624

    >But I think they have the ability to make it work on third party hardware if they wanted to.

    People have already figured it out. It's called a Hackintosh.
    >> Anonymous 04/13/12(Fri)23:45 No.24201629
    Fuck off, Big Brother.
    >> Anonymous 04/13/12(Fri)23:45 No.24201637
    stay mad.
    >> Anonymous 04/13/12(Fri)23:46 No.24201655
    All the ones on the IBM side suck, though.

    >matte tablet
    >> Ambien 04/13/12(Fri)23:46 No.24201660
    >Quoting orwellian propaganda you don't understand

    1984 was written as post-war propaganda for the allied forces.
    >> Anonymous 04/13/12(Fri)23:47 No.24201662
    What grounds would they have to patent it if it already existed
    >> lolololololololololololo 04/13/12(Fri)23:47 No.24201666
    >doesn't it have shitty hardware support?
    some non-apple hardware is compatible, but you need to use efiboot or some shit like that made by someone else.

    yes it's intentional. if small groups of people who make $0 out of getting OS X to work on non-apple computers can do it, I'm sure apple can.

    going the other way though, you can install anything on a mac. os x (wow.png), windows, linux, bsd, and theres more
    >> sounce !ixhsoprtnM 04/13/12(Fri)23:47 No.24201669
    but the crappu driver support still make me cringed about OS X.
    >> Anonymous 04/13/12(Fri)23:50 No.24201707
    First isn't better. It's about who actually brings a good product out to the masses.
    >> Anonymous 04/13/12(Fri)23:50 No.24201714
    IBM lost because it never marketed its tablets as Resolutionary.

    I'm sorry, but you just can't compete with that.
    >> Anonymous 04/13/12(Fri)23:52 No.24201733
    so you're implying this had nothing to do with technology? just the better marketing scheme to faggots who still live in their parents basements.
    that's it? thats what you're basing this on?
    >> Anonymous 04/13/12(Fri)23:52 No.24201742
    >i.e. idiots who like shiny toys
    >> Anonymous 04/13/12(Fri)23:54 No.24201769
    Hackintosh projects have gone on for many years. You can build a rig that is 100% compatible and modern laptops work out of the box. Only wireless cards remain as an issue but it's usually easy to replace in laptops. You can be even lazier and buy a laptop that is known to have a wireless card that "just werks."
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)00:01 No.24201865
    >modern laptops work out of the box
    fuck, i'll have to re-research hackintoshing then, hopefully theres some good ultraprotables that work with it
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)00:05 No.24201910
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    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)00:13 No.24201992

    Apple only puts a sticker on things somebody else does. Samsun/LG/Foxconn.

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