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  • File: 1334104717.jpg-(70 KB, 600x450, 133247794490.jpg)
    70 KB Welcome back to the ride /g/ Vincent !!xK/FU4NY4YR 04/10/12(Tue)20:38 No.24132035  
    Alright, part 1 is done.
    Welcome back, it never ends /g/.
    Mods, thank you in advance for your lenience.
    Man I love the half-term weeks.
    >> Vincent !!xK/FU4NY4YR 04/10/12(Tue)20:38 No.24132043
    I'm bored so I'm typing up another misadventure
    You guys will probably also like this one, note that it predates Nozomi again, and happened about a month after I arrived in Japan.

    Alrighty, I'll type out another fable for your amusement now the kids are in bed.

    On my first visit up north I dropped into a small down called Fukaura, Being an english midland city lad back home I developed a craving for coastal towns and being British I always tend to favor the cold rather than the heat (Any fellow brit would agree the sun is a spiteful cunt and needs to back off) so here I was pretty much in my element.
    >> Vincent !!xK/FU4NY4YR 04/10/12(Tue)20:39 No.24132062
    The town itself is kind of raggedy, the buildings are old and the people, like the south, rarely see white people and none of them seemed to be able to understand English, another reason why I love these small towns is that you get to see "real Japan", compared to Tokyo where there is an English option for almost everything so you don't really need to use the skills you grafted for.

    Given that it was out of term time in my first year there (and first school) I decided to spend 2 days at an Onsen Ryokan (or hotspring resort for you non-weaboo) called Michinoku... Lovely place, really pleasant staff who, much like the barman from my other story fell for my favorite troll technique of speaking Japanese with my helmet on before revealing I was a filthy gaijin moments later, another good reason I did this was to avoid the awkwardness of them struggling to speak pidgin English to me only for me to tell them I speak Japanese and they didn't have to strain themselves.
    >> Vincent !!xK/FU4NY4YR 04/10/12(Tue)20:40 No.24132070
    At this Ryokan they had all the bases covered, there was a games room, hot spring baths, comfortable guestrooms with cable TV and internet access and they served all-you-can-drink sake after your evening meal.

    It was still pretty early in the morning when I got there as I'd set off at 4am from Shirakami, I parked my bike outside and walked in, the old lady at the front desk looked up from her newspaper and blurted "Welcome!", I took my bag off and approached the desk, dropping it to my feet, then said "Hi there, are there any vacancies available from this evening until monday evening?", she politely took out the register and scanned it over, then said "Yes! Are you looking to stay the weekend sir?" I chuckled and said "Yes please", she handed me their brochure, I looked it over and studied it carefully, I've watched far too many anime not to look for the bath times and given that it's a single, mid-sized bath Ryokan, men and women would have separate times.
    >> Vincent !!xK/FU4NY4YR 04/10/12(Tue)20:41 No.24132095
    Men - 1pm-3pm, 5pm-7pm
    women - 3pm-5pm, 8pm-9pm
    mixed - 9pm - 1am (1am, you read that right, you'll know why as you read)
    (I think thats right, but bare in mind that you should leave 10 minutes before the other gender goes in)

    "Alright" I thought to myself "Can't live in Japan and not do this at least once", I put the leaflet down and said "Sounds great! How much?", "7750 yen for 2 nights, checkout is at 2pm on your last day, is that ok?", "Sounds great!" I said, she started ringing it up, then asked for my ID and if I was paying in cash or credit, "Here it comes!" I thought to myself as I took my passport and bank card out of my jacket, she looked it over carefully, then she looked up and said "No way, really?", I removed my helmet and wiped the sweat from my brow and chuckled "Yeah I'm English!", "I'm sorry!" She said, probably embarassed at her reaction, "It's fine really, It's a big compliment that you wasn't able to tell from my accent!", she smiled and said "There was something a little off about it but I'd never have guessed you wasn't Japanese", I chuckled more as I entered my pin into the machine and said "Don't worry, I've been teaching in a school down south so my Japanese has gotten pretty good".
    >> Vincent !!xK/FU4NY4YR 04/10/12(Tue)20:42 No.24132110
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    When my reciept was printed she handed me my reservation slip with it and said "Your room will be prepared for you soon, would you like to see our menu for this evening?", "Yes please", I looked it over and it was the usual seafood garble, but good old Tonkatsu was right there at the bottom of the main dish, I handed it back and said "I'll have the Tonkatsu for my main and a banana pie for desert please", she noted it down and politely said "You're welcome to stay while we prepare your room", I didn't want to hassle them as my real check-in time wasn't for hours, she was just being polite, so I said "It's fine, I'm going to explore the town a little!", she wished me a good day, I did the same and with that I set off to into the town and poked around, took pictures, ate some flame-grilled squid from a small vendor (which is much better than raw), had a rather amusing chat with a fisherman who was once in the imperial navy and compared notes about navy life (The Japanese have it rough as fuck), then had a poke around the deck of his little fishing trawler.
    >> Vincent !!xK/FU4NY4YR 04/10/12(Tue)20:42 No.24132121
    With a little more fucking around the town eventually it came to 3pm, so I hopped on my bike and rode to the Ryokan, when I got there I heard people inside which was the first indication I got that I wasn't their only customer this weekend, "Cool" I thought "It would have been boring if it was just me", I met the lady at the front desk again and she showed me to my room, on the way she reminded me of the open bath times and asked that I be mindful of the bath times as they had a small family, 2 boys, 2 girls and a mother staying with them also, when I got to my room the old lady welcomed me again and reminded me that I should come to the dining room at 7pm for my evening meal.

    So I chilled out, unpacked my clothes, drank some wine that I'd bought in the town and listened to music until 4:55, then wandered down to the open air bath... and wow, my body was not ready.
    >> Vincent !!xK/FU4NY4YR 04/10/12(Tue)20:44 No.24132160
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    You see it in anime all the time and I was confident right up until I had to take my clothes off in the male changing room, I'd not seen these other guests yet so I assumed the boys were too young to be left unwatched and I didn't hear anything from outside, so after a quick shower I grabbed my towel and walked out to the bath, the air was fucking freezing on my whiter-than-white skin so I quickly paced to the bath and stood staring at it for a minute.

    The water was a weird murky brown... not like my chinese cartoons... but given it was a natural bath I quickly rationalized it and thought "Fuck it, if I catch anything I'll at least get my money back", took my towel off and stepped in and holy shit it was warm, it felt amazing... I put some The Streets on my phone ontop of my towel, chilled out and relaxed looking at the scenery, you could actually see the sea from the bath, it was pretty awesome and the notion of being in a heated bath outside was pretty cool, and was another thing to check off my list.

    Then my peace was broken by the pattering of feet,
    >> Vincent !!xK/FU4NY4YR 04/10/12(Tue)20:45 No.24132200
    which seemed to stop the moment they saw my back, "look!" one voice whispered to the other "A white man!", "Look at his tattoo..." the other voice whispered, "Do you think he's a gangster?", "No stupid! He's not even Japanese!", "Yeah but still", "Why don't you ask him?", "How am I supposed to do that!?", "He's probably American"

    I turned around and they instantly shut up, there stood 2 quite nude save for a towel covering their cocks, japanese lads which I assumed were about 9 and 10 years old, after a moment one bowed and said "Konbanwa" (good evening), followed by the second one, and they cautiously made their way to the side of the baths and plopped themselves in at the further end, their whispering continued, too far away for me to hear what they were saying until eventually one said "Aar yuu A-me-ri-kan?", wanting to have some fun at their expense I shook my head and said "No, I'm not", they whispered amongst themselves again, then the elder one piped up again "Arr yuu Cah-deh-dyan?" I shook my head again and said "No I'm not", again they whispered amongst themselves, for quite a while until one said "I'm not saying that! You ask him!", they both looked at me, I looked at them, then rather hesitantly the older one asked "Whaado Iz yuuru nemu", "Vincent, and yours?", "Kazuhiro", he nudged his little brother and said "tell him your name!", the younger one shakily said "Toki"
    >> Anonymous 04/10/12(Tue)20:46 No.24132213
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    >> Vincent !!xK/FU4NY4YR 04/10/12(Tue)20:47 No.24132230
    My combo... broken...

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