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  • File: 1332606025.png-(10 KB, 256x256, utorrentLogo.png)
    10 KB Anonymous 03/24/12(Sat)12:20 No.23758336  
    In a world where piracy is inevitable, and growing faster than ever, how will content creators be able to create revenue?
    >> LAwLz !LAwLzaWU1A 03/24/12(Sat)12:21 No.23758357
    Make a system which is more convenient and better than pirating.

    See Spotify and Netflix.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/12(Sat)12:22 No.23758370
    You don't. Welcome to the end of the media industry.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/12(Sat)12:22 No.23758380
    >> Anonymous 03/24/12(Sat)12:23 No.23758402
    By installing rootkits and all kinds of malware on purchased copies of said content, obviously.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/12(Sat)12:23 No.23758404
    Just like the music industry. It's over.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/12(Sat)12:23 No.23758411
    By not being jews.

    People buy things that they like. People are never going to pay for music upfront anymore, movies are too expensive with drm all over the place, software companies charge too much for software that has free alternatives.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/12(Sat)12:23 No.23758413
    The shit ones start working the mines, like they should.

    The good ones receive recognition.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/12(Sat)12:23 No.23758423
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    they can fix the issue themselves.

    as for music labels, we dont need them any more. let them die.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/12(Sat)12:24 No.23758437
    By licensing all artistic content under a Creative Commons license and all software under the GPL.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/12(Sat)12:24 No.23758448
    But neither of those are better nor more convenient than piracy...

    Or you could be like me. Make music simply because you enjoy it and release it for free.
    >> Okayfuckit !qcczZeqA3o 03/24/12(Sat)12:25 No.23758459
    License your work at a price that reflects the content you are selling. When theaters are $15 a pop, you expect to get something for it besides a nice quiet place to bring your lady friends(lol /g/). DVDs with more commercials than legit content that cost more than the same ticket at the theaters. Why? It seems that there ARE reasonably priced media that are reasonably distributed and with minimal DRM, they are still selling despite being easier to pirate... right?

    Maybe if more companies actually tried competition, they could at least curb piracy into the lower numbers that we saw in the 80s & 90s
    >> Anonymous 03/24/12(Sat)12:26 No.23758471
    You do know that good in the masses eyes probably isn't the same as you like. Enjoy having your favorite artists waste away in a coal mine somewhere.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/12(Sat)12:26 No.23758478
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    and remain a McDonalds employee struggling to survive on a minimum wage budget
    >> Anonymous 03/24/12(Sat)12:27 No.23758490
    That way content and software would be judged qualitatively instead of "GIVE ME MONIES PLOX OR I SUE U"
    >> LAwLz !LAwLzaWU1A 03/24/12(Sat)12:27 No.23758513
    Yes they are. With Spotify you don't have to download songs anymore, and you can get them at fairly high quality for a monthly fee.
    You can also listen to the songs for free without the monthly fee, but only a limited amount of times, and you get ads.

    That's a very good system if you ask me. But I download my music and upload it to Google music instead.

    >Make music simply because you enjoy it and release it for free.
    But you don't make any money that way... It would be almost impossible to feed your family that way.
    >> Okayfuckit !qcczZeqA3o 03/24/12(Sat)12:28 No.23758518
    Communism is bad. Not as bad as what passes for capitalism, but still bad.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/12(Sat)12:28 No.23758533

    but the music labeels are the promoters

    artist make most of their money off touring, and without a label promoting them, nobody would go to their concerts, thus they would not make any money
    >> Lavender !ezkbwvVwV. 03/24/12(Sat)12:29 No.23758543
    Every friday night I go to the cinema with a friend.

    The media industry is doing just fine.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/12(Sat)12:29 No.23758544
    It's pure, social-darwinian free-market economics. Without the scum that is capitalism.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/12(Sat)12:29 No.23758550
    That really is too bad for you. Personally I can't be more than happy with my job. Probably because I bothered to educate myself towards a job that I find interesting and useful.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/12(Sat)12:30 No.23758566
    Freemium is the way of the future, which is really shitty for video games because they will phase out single player games because HURR NO MULTIPLAYER=NO PROFITS
    >> Anonymous 03/24/12(Sat)12:30 No.23758569
    Internet music communities promote artists far better than labels do.

    Unless you're listening to shitty top 40s trash.
    >> Okayfuckit !qcczZeqA3o 03/24/12(Sat)12:31 No.23758585
    Really? I always assumed it was album sales. Doesn't take much of a promoter to give radio promotional singles to play for free. Workin hard to give people free stuff = needs 80+% of the income. Throw that into a digital distribution model and you've got internet radios/youtube(ehh) on top of regular stuff that can be managed by 3rd parties.
    >> Lavender !ezkbwvVwV. 03/24/12(Sat)12:31 No.23758586
    And yet you'll have rich dictators controlling what you do
    >> Anonymous 03/24/12(Sat)12:31 No.23758592
    >implying a corruption-free capitalism economy isn't the most viable on a large scale
    >> Anonymous 03/24/12(Sat)12:31 No.23758599
    Mid budget games are doing fine on the PC. It's only on the consoles where they don't sell.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/12(Sat)12:32 No.23758606
    >> Anonymous 03/24/12(Sat)12:32 No.23758611
    >> Anonymous 03/24/12(Sat)12:32 No.23758623
    I always forget about lower budget games. I guess I just need to actually put some effort into looking for them.`
    >> Anonymous 03/24/12(Sat)12:33 No.23758636
    Piracy is a marketing tool
    >> Okayfuckit !qcczZeqA3o 03/24/12(Sat)12:33 No.23758638
    Hell yeah, on like.... companies that run multiple MMOs on the same engine.... they've just gotten LOADS more profit since free2play+premiumstore sales. Also tons more players to help marketing. Wish I could keep up with some of them.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/12(Sat)12:34 No.23758662
    Technically titles like The Witcher 2 would be considered mid budget.

    I'm fine with games of that quality.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/12(Sat)12:35 No.23758681
    I remember TF2 HAD it right, when they only sold purely cosmetic items in the cash shop. Now it's an unbalanced pay2win fuckfest filled with br's because it's f2p.

    I can only hope Icefrog doesn't let Dota 2 go the same way.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/12(Sat)12:36 No.23758689
    >everyone lives in America! XDDDDDDD
    >> Anonymous 03/24/12(Sat)12:37 No.23758701
    CDProjekt is so smart too. They release the game on pc first, then give a shitty port to consoles that sells a lot because console faggots buy anything that is marketed at them.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/12(Sat)12:37 No.23758707
    If you don't, you should.
    >> Okayfuckit !qcczZeqA3o 03/24/12(Sat)12:37 No.23758710
    I bought the orange box.
    >TF2 went F2P, no refund
    >Portal given away to macfags free, no refund.
    >HL2Ep3 never coming out, no refund.
    Haet orange box, in retrospect.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/12(Sat)12:38 No.23758715
    I prefer my AAA.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/12(Sat)12:38 No.23758726
    By making good content that people actually want to pay for.
    >> LAwLz !LAwLzaWU1A 03/24/12(Sat)12:38 No.23758728
    Well I don't. I wish Netflix or some other videos streaming service would come to Sweden where I live. The only one we have sucks.
    Spotify is available in lots of countries.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/12(Sat)12:40 No.23758745
    >TF2 is a pTw fuckfest

    That's wrong though.

    Unless you consider buying weapons game breaking. Weapons you can trade for in about 5 minutes of looking.

    Not to mention almost all the new weapons are dog shit.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/12(Sat)12:40 No.23758749
    That’s not how paying for things works. You don’t buy a graphics card and then expect a refund when next year, that same card sells for less.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/12(Sat)12:41 No.23758760
    Guys, just pirate with discretion, if you want to.

    That one guy who plays guitar that offers downloads of mp3s on their site for a dollar?

    Maybe support them...

    The more money that goes directly to a team, or artist, potentially the more considerable the support...

    TL;DR : Support individuals, not corporate customerfucking-mongering / monopolizing...

    Unfortunately, the more you pirate, the more people with money may think they should be making more money, and the more money they might spend on legislation like SOPA, PIPA, and other draconian and intrusive measures.

    Until those systems dissolve, anyway.

    Don't believe capitalism won't go down without a flurry of "Death throws"...
    >> Anonymous 03/24/12(Sat)12:41 No.23758765
    OK maybe not pay to win, but it's still completely imba.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/12(Sat)12:43 No.23758779
    Give away the recording to promote the live concert, music has always been about the live performance. Bear in mind, this 'record industry' is only around 100 years old. Now that we can distribute recordings for free, why would we be paying? Out of the goodness of our hearts? FFS.
    VHS and DVD's were only widespread from the 90s through the early 00's. People went to the cinema, have always gone to the cinema, and the 'success' of a new movie is defined by it's box office take anyway, so I don't see why 'piracy' is even considered an issue.
    Same as above, it survived before the VHS/DvD thing, it's paid for mainly by ads that go out during the initial broadcast anyway, and technology now allows viewers to access their content any time. TV needs to embrace digital distribution or it deserves to die out. Look at 4oD.
    Open source the engine and embrace the modding community, gamers are always willing to pay a fair price, but the trust has been broken with the rise of day 1 on-disk DLC. F2P in tier 1 games is a rising trend and it's nice to see (even if there's BR BR in all the games). The console attitude is backward (Paying for online matchmaking, seriously Microsoft?)

    We'll drag them kicking and screaming into this new age, and much as they'll try to destroy the internet to prevent it, they will not prevail. Adapt or die motherfuckers.
    >> Okayfuckit !qcczZeqA3o 03/24/12(Sat)12:44 No.23758798
    Well, for TF2, as a pay game I expected less casual. In a game now dedicated to casuals.

    Portal, well it's practically a minigame, so I don't mind, but it still fits.

    HL2 I expected to be a completed game. I'll say the same thing I said when I returned Crysis: It's not what I paid for. The full game. HL2 may have been, but HL2 EP1-2 were not completed.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/12(Sat)12:48 No.23758860

    Now go tell that to the producers.

    You guys can squabble about your personal justifications all you want. This is 4chan, after all.

    But ultimately, people are likely just going to believe what they want, and if you want try try in the game of changing perspectives, this energy would be better spent on the people arguably least likely to listen. Which is the people making shit loads of money the potentially exploit artists in various fashions...

    Trying to get the message across by stealing is probably not a very sound method, either.

    Creating something convienient for consumers that generates MORE money is more likely to "change the game", at present, in this greedy, corruptible, money-mongering society we're currently living in...
    >> Anonymous 03/24/12(Sat)12:48 No.23758861
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    >Don't believe capitalism won't go down without a flurry of "Death throws"...

    If you want communism, just go to China, where you can enjoy your internet censorship, and suppression of freedom of speech.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/12(Sat)12:49 No.23758885

    Since everyone knows that crack-proof protection is impossible and file sharing is unstoppable, maybe at some point they will try to be honest and just say "hey, look, did you like that game/movie/album? Then pay whatever sum of money you think its worth".
    >> Anonymous 03/24/12(Sat)12:50 No.23758891

    In case you didn't know, f2p = pay to win.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/12(Sat)12:51 No.23758903
    >>implying a corruption-free capitalism economy is even possible to exist
    Pick one.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/12(Sat)12:51 No.23758907

    Yep. no threat of internet censorship here.

    OMG guys, we're so free.

    Just look at HR.347, which makes it easier to prosecute those who dissent, and has made it illegal to protest on the grounds outside the white house, and the recent executive order that gives the president the legal ability to seize resources, land, and personal property during peace time.

    And ISPs throttling alleged pirates...
    >> Anonymous 03/24/12(Sat)12:51 No.23758910
    You paid for something, had years of use out of it, and now it's given to others for free. You're not entitled to bitch and moan because 'hurr F2Pfags suck'.

    You'd be more entitled to moan about the stupid fucking new weapons they've patched in that completely changed the product you paid for.

    As for Half Life, you paid for Half Life 2, you got half life 2, a complete game, part of a wider story. They have you 2 more games with that for free so far. They might give you another, but probably not. With all the development and a new engine, they're gonna ask for more money to pay for that development time.

    As for portal, it was a tech demo, get over it.

    You thought it was worth paying for at the time, it sounds like you got your money's worth out of it, and bear in mind, EA charge full price and release THE SAME GAME every year with updated player info (FIFA), and I know people who pay for it, knowing this, and don't care.

    tl;dr, Valve owe you nothing, you got what you paid for.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/12(Sat)12:51 No.23758912
    rms had an idea of fans submitting optional payments in gratitude
    >> Anonymous 03/24/12(Sat)12:52 No.23758923
    TF2 has always been casual but fun as fuck.

    How could you ever take a game with random bullet spread and critical hits seriously? You can also avoid servers with poor communities.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/12(Sat)12:52 No.23758928
    >implying the West already doesn't do large scale self-censorship which is even worse
    Don't worry son, in ten or twenty years your intertubes will be as free as the current Chinese ones.
    >> Mr. Bradeli !tRiPfAGSxc!!gOZ5rqq+i0U 03/24/12(Sat)12:53 No.23758939
    They release shit people want to buy. Make physical copies worth my while. Make digital distribution DRM free and make sure good content is available. It worked for music and PC gaming, so it can work for movies. The piracy problem is made up. Content creators are making more than ever, but still like to pretend that piracy is hurting them. Piracy is free promotion. The only pirates that don't buy things are underage children.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/12(Sat)12:55 No.23758971

    >> Anonymous 03/24/12(Sat)12:55 No.23758977
    >apple copyrights
    >> Anonymous 03/24/12(Sat)12:56 No.23758986
    In TF2's case, everything that gives an advantage and can be bought can also drop or be traded for. I've never made a purchase from the Mann Co. store, and I have every major item in the game, (except for the newest ones, but I could easily trade some of my spares for them if I were inclined).

    The only advantage to paying is that you can get something NOW you might otherwise have to wait for.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/12(Sat)12:56 No.23758995

    >> Anonymous 03/24/12(Sat)12:57 No.23759001
    But if most countries with advanced technology give it away, they will be thrown into poverty. Extreme example: Japan.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/12(Sat)12:59 No.23759024
    Yep, this is something that I'm worried about. Throughout our history, songs, stories, and ideas have been passed freely though our culture. Now, for the first time ever, there's an 'entry fee' for access to our culture. I can't talk about Mickey Mouse without risking Disney pounding my ass.

    This is our world, they smugly bombard us with their version of our culture and then tell us we're not allowed to organically process it. The internet empowers us to return to a read/write culture, by adapting the images and ideas of our (relatively new) mass media into new images and ideas.

    To ban this progression of our culture is reprehensible (and by the way, this new cultural form of expression began on 4chan, we called them memes).
    >> Anonymous 03/24/12(Sat)13:00 No.23759041
    information != hardware
    >> Anonymous 03/24/12(Sat)13:01 No.23759051

    I disagree. IP law should be reformed, not abandoned entirely.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/12(Sat)13:01 No.23759057
    Well there goes all the incentive to make anything ever. Record anything ever. Why keep it written down if you have to go out of your pocket to make sure it's shared? I know there will be a few.... but imagine the 1% that aren't shit we have now.... and imagine the 0.001% that don't suck of the new 1% that will still care enough to exist.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/12(Sat)13:02 No.23759069
    crowd funding.

    I don't pirate because I'm poor, I pirate because I don't really like most of the shit. I'm perfectly willing to pay if I know my money is invested in something I like.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/12(Sat)13:03 No.23759086
    > I pirate because I don't really like most of the shit.
    If you don't like it, why are you downloading it?
    >> Anonymous 03/24/12(Sat)13:03 No.23759101
    > In a world where piracy is inevitable, and growing faster than ever, how will content creators be able to create revenue?

    Maybe actually start selling DVDs again ? I get pretty mad with how much content these days is download only. ISP's are jewing people left and right these days in America, it's cheaper and more efficient for me to pay a couple a bucks for a few gigs on a disc than it is to waste bandwidth and time downloading it.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/12(Sat)13:03 No.23759102
    Hah, remember when there was shareware? That's why.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/12(Sat)13:03 No.23759104
    Because I have nothing else to do in my life.
    >> Mr. Bradeli !tRiPfAGSxc!!gOZ5rqq+i0U 03/24/12(Sat)13:05 No.23759141
    Where do you live? Unless you're using mobile internet it shouldn't be problem in America...
    >> Anonymous 03/24/12(Sat)13:06 No.23759158
    >but the music labeels are the promoters
    no, the people is.
    >word of mouth
    >schedule on their website
    >> Anonymous 03/24/12(Sat)13:06 No.23759160
    >> Anonymous 03/24/12(Sat)13:07 No.23759173
    Bullshit. Bands already make most of their money by playing live, and the lack of a record industry would mean a level playing field and fewer restrictions on self-organized distribution.

    Painters will still paint, musicians will still play music, writers will still write. All you'd do is remove the barriers of beaurocracy. Maybe there'd be a few less Britney Spears's in this world, big fucking loss if you ask me.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/12(Sat)13:07 No.23759178
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    >> Mr. Bradeli !tRiPfAGSxc!!gOZ5rqq+i0U 03/24/12(Sat)13:08 No.23759198
    This is only true for non mainstream artists. Pop artists like Katy Perry, Nicki Minaj, etc. were all manufactured and promoted by their record labels.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/12(Sat)13:08 No.23759199
    >> Anonymous 03/24/12(Sat)13:09 No.23759207
    This right fcking here. If I could get my favourite flavours of ice cream for free, and the flavours that I didn't like, why would I ever VOLUNTARILY get the ones I didn't like?

    >If they gave me flavours I actually liked, I would start paying them, but until then, I'll keep on eating these flavours of ice cream that I don't like.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/12(Sat)13:09 No.23759213
    >> Anonymous 03/24/12(Sat)13:09 No.23759217
    New Jersey
    >> Anonymous 03/24/12(Sat)13:10 No.23759225
    how would i know without listening/watching it?

    >> Mr. Bradeli !tRiPfAGSxc!!gOZ5rqq+i0U 03/24/12(Sat)13:10 No.23759236
    I get where you're coming from...
    ...but you kinda lost me here.
    So record labels still serve a purpose for some artists. They may not have much to do with the ones that I listen to, but for others they are still very relevant.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/12(Sat)13:11 No.23759254
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    Gee, I don't know...
    >> Mr. Bradeli !tRiPfAGSxc!!gOZ5rqq+i0U 03/24/12(Sat)13:12 No.23759272
    I don't know man. The only reason I bought TGWDT Bluray was because I watched the screener and fell in love. Piracy's the only reason why I just flew accross the country to see a Japanese band live.

    Piracy makes money.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/12(Sat)13:13 No.23759279
    They're only relevant because, like you said, they 'manufactured' their stars.

    Real stars are born, not made. I hate to use this as an example, but, Justin Bieber is a good example. He started out posting his songs on Youtube.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/12(Sat)13:14 No.23759304
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    >same as doing it yourself
    >> Mr. Bradeli !tRiPfAGSxc!!gOZ5rqq+i0U 03/24/12(Sat)13:14 No.23759320
    But his name wasn't a household name till a label found and put him on a bunch of daytime talk shows and kids radio stations.

    There are millions of blonde girly looking teenage boys that can do what he does. They just don't have a gigantic marketing firm behind them.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/12(Sat)13:15 No.23759336

    I'd rather go around asking people on the street, personally. At least I can see they're not rolling around in fat stacks of kickback cash.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/12(Sat)13:18 No.23759390
    That is true. But they are still becoming less and less outdated. The rumours of Megaupload's service for musicians would be a big leap in the right direction.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/12(Sat)13:18 No.23759392
    Kickstarter-esque fund, where artists say "i'll make new art if i get $x in the pot". Works by reputation of the artist, and fans spreading word-of-mouth. People get their money back if artist doesn't get adequate funds. Bloggers would specialize in 'discovering new art for you to fund'. People get special stickers and other unique promotional stuff for funding art.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/12(Sat)13:19 No.23759401
    >less and less needed*
    >> Anonymous 03/24/12(Sat)13:28 No.23759571
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    The truth is, pirates have problem with paying for content, period. It's not about whether the content has DRM or not, or the quality of the content, but they have a problem paying for something they can get for free, legal or not.

    World of Goo has a reported 90% piracy rate. No DRM.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/12(Sat)13:29 No.23759592
    Yeah, well, who would even WANT that game? It's not exactly Skyrim(which was balls, where's the DLC?)
    >> Anonymous 03/24/12(Sat)13:34 No.23759682
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    Yeah. Not only that, but you also have what I call the "anarchists", who pirate for no other reason but to deprive the studios of their revenue (they wish to see the studios bankrupt). They wouldn't use Spotify or Netflix for the sole reason reason that the studio/label receives revenue from it.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/12(Sat)13:36 No.23759713
    i stopped pirating shit a while ago. im just so jewish with my money. stealing things from walmart is fun as fuck though. i jacked like 8 my little pony dolls yesterday. shit was so cash.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/12(Sat)13:38 No.23759753
    >angsty teenagers wont buy my products oh no what will i ever do
    >> Anonymous 03/24/12(Sat)13:38 No.23759755

    I can understand piracy where you're underage, have no job/make so little money where you can barely afford anything other than food, rent, etc.,

    However, if you have the ability to pay, pay for your shit.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/12(Sat)13:39 No.23759770
    And Spore was the most pirated game in history.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/12(Sat)13:40 No.23759776

    You have the shitiest tastes.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/12(Sat)13:40 No.23759780
    >pirates are anarchists
    get the fuck out
    >> Anonymous 03/24/12(Sat)13:40 No.23759790
    I'm one of them. I can't stand having to work at a fucking Rally's on near minium wage, and seeing these media industry screws making more money in a day than I do a month. Fuck the mainstream media, and fuck the indie media.
    >> pixelhack !rByagItTdE 03/24/12(Sat)13:41 No.23759793
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    Whats your website, I would like to hear your music
    >> Anonymous 03/24/12(Sat)13:41 No.23759805
    >if you have the ability to pay, pay for your shit.
    Why should I pay for something that costs practically nothing for somebody to transmit to me?

    I understand paying for a pair of shoes. There are only one of those pair, and for me to take it is to deprive someone else of those shoes. That's not the case with electronic files. People should be celebrating how easy it is to freely transfer files between people, instead, they get mad when I share with my friends.
    >> Zinthros !EoFJjFcCco 03/24/12(Sat)13:42 No.23759816
    Honor system for some content. (Witcher 2 DRM-free, made a boatload)

    Convenience for other content (Netflix, Amazon Prime VOD)
    >> Anonymous 03/24/12(Sat)13:42 No.23759825
    If you make good content, people will buy it. I only pirate things I don't want to buy because it's not worth my money. If people are spending $2000 on a gaming PC, they have the money to buy your games, but sometime they don't because they are completely horrible.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/12(Sat)13:43 No.23759834

    That's such a bullshit argument, how can you even rationalize that.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/12(Sat)13:44 No.23759865
    The upside of doing that, is it virtually eliminates the chance of getting caught. If you don't want to pay for it, then fine.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/12(Sat)13:44 No.23759868
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    fuck off samefag
    >> Anonymous 03/24/12(Sat)13:46 No.23759903
         File: 1332611200.png-(22 KB, 535x315, Untitled.png)
    22 KB

    This is as retarded as MPAA's HURR EVERY DOWNLOAD IS A LOST SALE
    >> Anonymous 03/24/12(Sat)13:48 No.23759935
    indeed. the people putting out these piracy numbers are fucking retarded

    >> Anonymous 03/24/12(Sat)13:49 No.23759953
         File: 1332611378.png-(1.47 MB, 900x1278, 1332249846462.png)
    1.47 MB
    >there are no morals and ethics in anarchy

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