Back again. Little guide I've written on Windows software. I've listed what I've found and others have found to be the best software for the job, listed a free software alternative if the best is not free.Feedback please.
>>23734738mostly good choices overall (I don't agree with all of em though)but! np++ isn't an IDE
Here you go bro
>>23734767Thanks.>>23734766You should state what you disagree with and why.
>>23734782>You should state what you disagree with and why.Keep in mind that these are personal preferences.You should at least mention Miranda as IM.Also HoneyView is a pretty good lightweight image viewer.Sublime is a good text editor you might want to consider.
>no formatting>no colors>jpgi literally can't read this because it just looks like a jumble of words
>>23734834Oh HoneyView, used that and saw no advantage over Irfanview.Does Miranda have any advantage over Pigeon? Sublime?>>23734848I'll make it look nice later.
>>23734848hmm, try bold for the first parts, and colorize F, N, and $ (i propose blue, orange and red respectively)also, png is a must for that kind of document
also>calling non open source programs "non free"i'm not buying in to your shit but anyone else would think that means you have to pay for it.
>>23734887That's why $ = paid.I can make it clearer.
>>23734887everywhere but the windows world uses "nonfree" to specifically refer to anything not on a free licence, it can mean paid, but op makes it clear that that's seperate