Anybody ever tried it?I think it'd be kind of doable.And, dare I say, blissful O_O>can't wait to see people "NUH UH >:("
The government can still track you.
i have an old flip phone with a broken front screen and nobody ever calls medoes that count
About half a year ago I turned it off and haven't turned it on since. You can't imagine the peace.I still have it in case I have to use it in an emergency or whatever, though.Family and friends will get angry though. At least mine did.
No cellphones for anyone ever? Or just you not having a phone?If the latter then it's not that hard.
>>23733687I have a phone but I've not used it to call/text people since I've had it.. does that count? I only use it for music.
Its not like get texts or calls anyway :_;Why do i even have a phone. oh yeah to tell the time
>>23733703Yeah, does it count as life without a cell phone if you don't call people?
It's more likely you're going to see people saying they don't have a cell phone, like me. I use my E-mail to text my significant other, and Skype to receive calls from my mother, heh.
I barely use mine for communicating with people, actually. I hate ringtones/vibration/any sort of distraction.
I've lived without a cell phone for years... it isn't hard bucko.
I don't use my phone unless it's important. I really hate talking on it, and rarely answer when somebody calls.
>>23733718With that said, I did have a phone once, now I only use it to for chatting when I'm watching TV / AFK.I turned it off because people calling me and texting me drives me insane, I just hate giving others the ability to nag me, and get upset if I don't reply / answer. I prefer having Skype on Do Not Disturb and any other chatting on Busy 24/7.
I haven't had charge in my phone for a week it's about the same.
I don't have a cell phone. Why exactly would I need one?
Stop talking like that, OP.>O_O
I have a phone, but I get a call maybe once or twice a year.
I have a phone, but the only people who call me are my mum and my nan.
No can do, OP. Depend on it for my internet connection. It's not like I use it for anything else...
I'd like to be rid of mine. I find that I use it as an excuse not to interact with people physically. Instead of making conversation to pass the time, and connecting with people, I just fiddle about with my phone. Not all the time of course, but enough that it bothers me.The problem is that I need to be accessible due to family circumstances, so I can't get rid of it.
>>23733687I have tried it, after one week I bought a new one. Shit sucked.Now I have a smartphone and I get about 100 messages a day (WhatsApp group chat)
I originally got mine so I could text my ex. I get an occasional text, and rarely a call.
>>23733769>Too many people know about Emoticons, so, stop using them.
I have a dumb phone, it's my clock, alarm clock and currently doesn't even have credit.It's pretty doable but you're stil a gigantic flaming retarded faggot.
I don't think I could do it, I need to be able to txt and check facebook at all times. =/
This thread if just re-affirming that /g/ does not like being bothered with/by social antics.
This may amaze you retards but it wasn't that long ago no one had mobiles and even until the last decade or so many people didn't. Yes we can get along fine without them but they do provide a genuine use for most people who aren't obsessed with Facebook.
I don't have a cellphone, no friends and no family so I don't really need one.
its like im the only one on /g/ that actually doesnt have a phone. theres no reason for me to have one because lolnofriends and all the functionalities of a phone are useless just like i amyou dont want to be on my level
I haven't had a mobile phone for 15 years, if people need me then they call my landline.
>>23733687>O_O>>can't wait to see people "NUH UH >:("Fuck off>>23733703Same here
>>23733988I'm on your level. I'm not paying the $30 a month or whatever the fuck it is for cellphone service I won't use. If I need to contact my employer or anything like that, I use e-mail or talk in person.
>>23733988Yes you only, and the other people who just clarified they don't have a phone. Or the rest who has one, but stopped using it long ago.
i'll never get a job without my cellphonedoing a lot of things nowadays requires at least a phone number of some kind, and often, also an email address
Its no problem at all.People are always complaining they cant contact you, but if you ask them they just did one or to calls.Cell phones made people unbelievably impatient.I remember there was a time where people just kept trying orwaited till you call back.Now people almost panic if they cant contact anybody instantly.Had a cell like half a year.Always forgot to take it with me or to charge it.After all I just dont like being available for everybody anytime.Life is much more chilled without one.
>>23734076Are you me?
>>23733988Fuck you, I don't have a phone either. I hate how EVERYBODY is like "you don't have a phone? Is it scary"Fucking pussies I tell you, every single on of you. And yes I'm mad. Had an old razr for 6 months but sold it away because I never used it. I'm now 23, and I only talk to real friends, not acquaintances who only care about texting stupid shit. For my business I use Google Voice.
>>23734147>Is it scarywati use my phone pretty much only for finding jobs (it's important to be available)i also find it useful for the openmaps and GPS support, to aid finding my way around places (i've only been in this country for a year, and i'm naturally a shut-in, so i don't really know my way around most places)
That's essentially my life OPMy phone is only used as a watch and the occasional calculator
>no cell phone>no facebookFINAL DESTINATION
>>23734197"You really need to get on Facebook.""Why?""Because everyone else is."
Just turned my phone on after a weekNo messages
Done it, its easy and inefficient.
From the age of about 16 through to 18 I didn't have a mobile phone. I would usually borrow my Dad's phone on days when I needed to be picked up and the like, and I still managed to keep in contact with friends.It was quite enriching.
Skype on the go is kinda nice. I miss my old phones that would last a week on battery but fuck if a pocket computer with internet isn't useful.
That's in Taiwan. Everybody there has an iPhone.
I have a phone only to keep in contact with my parents and for any college-related business.Only a select few of my friends have my number so they can text me. I spend maybe $30 every three months on prepaid cards to keep my number active.Facebook? FUCK Facebook, I'm not adding you so you can smear drunken shit on my wall.
Back when I was a teenager in the mid 90s only rich people had cellphones or internet. We managed just fine, there are many obvious advantages to needing to go outside to find and socialize with your friends.
>implying I've ever owned a cell phoneSilly anon, technology goes in your basement, not your pockets.
How do you /g/uys use skype to basically replace a cell phone?I mean, I know people call, but what if they want to leave a message or some shit?
>>23734469>implying anyone wants to communicate with me in any way whatsoever
>>23734469skype offers many phone-like and phone-compatible services, for a cost
I'm 24 and I never even had one.So yes, it's possible. And I have never even considered buying one. Also no Facebook.And I honestly think it's a better life.
>>23734510>And I honestly think it's a better would you know? you don't know what you're missing unless you try it
>>23734469They could leave a typed message.
When I was a NEET, I had my phone turned off for like two years.Only times I put it on was when my mother said that my father wanted to call me, but couldn't reach me.Now I have my phone on 24/7, but that's just pretty much because lol smaertphone listen to music on the way to work.Occasionally I write homoerotic poems as a SMS to my friends when I'm waiting for a bus or something.But I don't really need the phone capabilities of it.
>>23734532Well I don't 'know', but I can observe and guess. This is what I think based on evidence I see around me and not a fact.You don't think in pure facts either do you?
I have never had a cell phone, just a land line. I think its just fine, if anyone wants me they can leave a message or just wait till I am home. Constantly being bothered by people when your out and about just seems stupid to me.If your dont value my time, I wont value hearing from you.
>>23734576i try my best to
The only people who text me are two friends of mine who I have on Skype/WLM anyways and my mom.
>>23734569What kind of job you work at?
>>23734569Forgot to add, that all my friends use IRC, so that takes care of social contacts.I don't know how it's there in other countries, but pretty much everyone I know uses IRC, even though they aren't really nerds. Shell account running an irc client all the time and being able to leave messages that way is really convenient, fuck facebook.
Just use your office phone. It's better for your privacy.
>>23734595Not sure how I should translate it, but I work at a industrial power-electronics manufacturing company and I make sure that the supply lines, automation, soldering robots work properly.I don't have any kind of education except grade school, pays 15€/h and most of the time I just sit and browse internet on a company laptop.
>>23734610>land line>unencrypted>wiretapped and stored permanently by the NSAdoesn't respect my freedom
>>23734615So lucky! How did you find a the job?
>>23734620Showering also does not respect your freedoms
I only get regular calls from like two friends and work. So I guess I could live without one, but I wouldn't get nearly as much overtime, and my friends would have to come over to my house every time they wanted to hang out.
>>23734620Better != Perfect
How much do landlines cost these days anyway?
>>23734655>one of the people supporting free software is a fat neckbeard, therefore all of them are and free software is bad.
What headsets do you all use for skype?Any good ones for the money?
>>23734744I don't use skype, I use free software alternatives.But to answer your question:regular headphones + Zalman ZM-MIC1
>>23733769I think OP's use of emoticons was "cute." I do, however, agree with you in most situations.
>>23734759Is there a free alternative that can interact with skype users? No joke, I would use the shit out of that. I would love a program that allows me to chat across the other most used programs.
>>23734849There is not, since skype uses a proprietary protocol. But I still strongly suggest using something else, since skype has "lawful interception" features built-in.
>>23734849there is for text chat, not voice.
Would be easy for me but my mom would get mad
>>23734871If you mean skype4pidgin, that still needs skype running in the background.
>>23734849pidgim has some plugins I think as well as trillianthey're both worse than skype though
>>23734857What does that mean?
>>23734884Skype provides an interface for government agencies to record your calls.
Why get rid if a cell phone? I just put mine on vibrate and if I want to answer it I answer it and if I don't want to I don't.It is peaceful regardless.