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  • Dear Londoners: I am in your lovely rainy city for the next few days. If you'd fancy a spot of tea and dessert,
    send an e-mail to with a sentence or two about yourself,
    why you aren't Jack the Ripper, and include a timestamp.
    Cheers, —mootykins

    File: 1332342208.jpg-(59 KB, 406x309, no_internet_access.jpg)
    59 KB Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)11:03 No.23692352  
    >he doesn't pay to pirate.

    July 12th will be a glorious day.

    Why you ask? Because on that day, the children and unemployed manchildren will meet stiff penalties for downloading through torrent clients.

    On that day, countless people will be receiving emails and warning through the mail about their sloppy torrenting, and many of them will face disconnections out of being completely retarded. This is a necessary culling of the sheep unfit to live.

    All across the country, teenagers and grown men living with their parents will be forced to explain to the parental units they have been leeching off of why they are getting these scary notices. Some of them will get their computers taken away (yeee!) and some of them will be MAC filtered out due to endangering the family internet connection.

    But what really will make my heart soar is the number of people (who may report here) that will finally have to grow up and get a job because:

    a) they can't risk getting the family internet disconnected or throttled so they'll have to pay to pirate via usenet or filehosts
    b) they'll have to get a netflix account, etc.

    That's right losers. You're going to have to find a job this summer. Oh yes, soon you'll actually have to pay for the good things in life instead of being a complete freeloader. But don't worry, this is a good thing. You'll actually be one of the hardworking men using a premium Usenet or filehost account with your hard earned cash just like me, instead of scraping around the internet for private trackers and ratio maintenance and all that shit.

    It's over, torrentfags. You're finished. It's time to start growing up and paying up, or you'll have to face the prospect of no internet.

    Pic related, it's you sometime after July 12th.

    To the rest of my paying pirate comrades, be proud! You earned it! Laugh at the manchildren!
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)11:05 No.23692375
    Usenet master race checking in

    Feels good. Feels real good.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)11:05 No.23692385
    I'm too smart to get disconnected, OP>
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)11:06 No.23692397
    >not using DDL&JDownloader
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)11:06 No.23692403
         File: 1332342405.jpg-(16 KB, 196x257, 1332240936345.jpg)
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    Excuse me, sir, but I don't torrent and I have a job.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)11:06 No.23692404
    Go to see you, brother. Isn't it rewarding to actually use the money you earned instead of spending time trying to not get caught torrenting like a child?
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)11:07 No.23692421
    As long as you have a job, you're master race.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)11:07 No.23692425
    I use usenet but this severely dissapoints me because I always use torrents for legal things whenever I can because it supports my socialist beliefs of everyone pitching in for others. ISPs are fucking dicks for doing this to torrent users in general instead of just blocking piratebay and getting done with it (hint: no kids and manchildren use private trackers). Fucking corporations, I'm glad I have a few small business ISPs to switch to around here.
    >> Steve Baldmer 03/21/12(Wed)11:08 No.23692434
    Is there such thing as a good troll?
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)11:09 No.23692442
    >my socialist beliefs

    Faggot detected.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)11:09 No.23692443
    >force outgoing encryption
    >ignore unencrypted peers

    Wow, that sure was hard.
    >> Steve Ballmer !9gxfOe8n/A 03/21/12(Wed)11:09 No.23692445
    I don't know.

    Btw, if you're going to pretend you're me for some reason, at least use the correct trip.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)11:09 No.23692452
    >not using your neighbors WiFi to sftp to your seedbox that is hosted in bumfuckitstan
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)11:10 No.23692456
    It's about time this happened to torrentfags.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)11:10 No.23692462
    I don't play pc games, I don't like most modern music, and I am rarely far from wifi in my leisure time. netflix and hulu + are good enough for me.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)11:10 No.23692463
    >implying DDL is worth jack shit when most links are gone
    >implying waiting for captcha and slow as download times is better than torrenting
    >implying hunting for missing parts only to find they are removed is better than torrenting

    You went so many kinds of retardation.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)11:10 No.23692465
    If you can pay for a seedbox, you're already out of harms way.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)11:11 No.23692477
    >Livin in murrica
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)11:11 No.23692487
    >using a protocol created by a jew that lets anybody see your IP
    >not thinking its going to be used by the same jews to put you in jail and block your websites.

    Fucking goyim
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)11:11 No.23692489
    >paying to pirate

    That defeats the whole purpose and is completely retarded.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)11:12 No.23692500
    >living in america
    >have job and money to not give a fuck about torrents.

    Feels good man.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)11:12 No.23692505

    Socialist does not mean marxist, and nor does it mean liberal. I'm socialist because I think that the world would be better if everyone chipped in instead of this current state. I still believe in a business system setup but I think it needs to be regulated by the people instead of having huge corporations rise, but this gets into a /pol/ subject that I'd rather not continue.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)11:13 No.23692509
    Tell that to the seedboxes.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)11:13 No.23692518
    Same thing different name.

    >paying to pirate = I am completely retarded
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)11:13 No.23692519
    You always spend money to pirate in some way or another.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)11:14 No.23692529
    Even if so, spending extra when you can get away with it without spending extra is downright stupid.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)11:14 No.23692530
    >live in yurop
    >ISPs are cool
    feels good man
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)11:14 No.23692535
         File: 1332342897.jpg-(144 KB, 600x729, adolf-hitler.jpg)
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    The only good Socialist is a National Socialist.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)11:16 No.23692553
    Not really. It's just a matter of convienience. I'd rather pay 10 bucks a month to just get my stuff via SSL than look for a private tracker and work to stay there.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)11:16 No.23692568
    Europe is already controlled by the Jew, so they don't need to use these laws there.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)11:16 No.23692571

    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)11:17 No.23692573
    So basically you admin to being retarded?
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)11:18 No.23692595
    Seig heil!
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)11:18 No.23692603
    I admiT to being wealthy enough not to worry about pleb torrents.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)11:19 No.23692614
         File: 1332343166.png-(30 KB, 500x430, torrent.png)
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    No fucks given.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)11:19 No.23692618

    There's that word. That word that you don't know how to use.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)11:19 No.23692623
    You fucking prig, may you get what you want and may you want what you get
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)11:20 No.23692627
    i find it doubtful that they'll actually cut off/throttle people's connections, they don't want to lose business after all
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)11:20 No.23692630
    Sup yurofag.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)11:20 No.23692641
    For piracy they will.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)11:21 No.23692650
    I have stream encryption in my torrent client.

    I don't live in the US anyway.

    In my country, I can only get charged with piracy if I actually sell what I download.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)11:23 No.23692681
    It's not the ISP that tracks you. It's the companies also seeding with you.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)11:23 No.23692682
    Firstly: lolamerica
    Secondly: Absolutely nothing will change because why would ISPs wanna axe their own customers?
    There's no incentive for the ISP to cut you off.
    >> Rei !p8eYCadcMo 03/21/12(Wed)11:23 No.23692692
    >implying I download shitty, rehashed, creatively bankrupted American entertainment
    >implying I am not using some obscure private tracker
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)11:23 No.23692693

    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)11:23 No.23692698
    Then wouldn't they be at fault to fucking begin with?
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)11:23 No.23692699

    >not living in the USA
    best thing that ever happened to me
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)11:24 No.23692700
    ISPs will get sued for allowing piracy even with proof.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)11:24 No.23692715
         File: 1332343479.jpg-(7 KB, 261x255, 1314970988699.jpg)
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    >Stiff penalties
    >"Education" notices
    In the typical /g/ unhinged emotionally unstable paranoia, no one ever seems to notice the line in this article that says NO ISP has agreed to the throttling or account suspensions the media companies want to do as the final measure. And why would they, that would lose them money. Let them send all the "Piracy is bad mmmkay, read why its bad mmmkay" messages they want.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)11:24 No.23692719
    No, because they are being hired just to take down IPs.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)11:26 No.23692737
    They already do this, but on July 12th, they will start throttling and disconnecting people.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)11:26 No.23692745
    >implying free usenet isn't available
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)11:27 No.23692759
    >live in the UK
    >earn £150k/year
    >all of the jobs I want
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)11:28 No.23692763
    No they wouldn't.
    If they could sue why haven't they done it already?
    This is probably just ISPs milking some cash from RIAA/MPAA, they will put on paper they will "try their hardest to stop these pirates" - they might make a few examples out of high profile cases, but other than that nothing will happen, everyone will be able to keep torrenting.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)11:28 No.23692765
    >Implying it's not total garbage with shit retention or capped at like 1 mbps.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)11:28 No.23692769
    It's slow.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)11:29 No.23692782
    No, you'll get throttled. Enjoy your dialup speeds.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)11:29 No.23692784
    >implying you have any of these problems when you know the right sites that use mediafire exclusively
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)11:30 No.23692790
    >socialist beliefs
    Here we have a stupid American who has absolutely no knowledge regarding the scientific background of Marxism and who thinks socialism is a belief system
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)11:30 No.23692794
    List them.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)11:30 No.23692803
    >implying these sites have anywhere near the same content
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)11:30 No.23692808

    Hello, Jew.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)11:31 No.23692820
    No one is gonna get throttled you moron, no ISP has agreed to those kind of measures.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)11:32 No.23692833
    They only haven't agreed to disconnect users. Read the fucking article.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)11:32 No.23692834
    Stop feeding the troll.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)11:32 No.23692838
    Piracy let us know their products are shit before even paying for them!
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)11:32 No.23692845
    >Not using Mipony and DDL sites.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)11:34 No.23692871
    Jdownloader master race here
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)11:34 No.23692876
    The graduated notice thing is something the MPAA wants that they'll do, but nobody will go full measure like the MPAA wants and agree to disconnects after X offenses.

    They will scare a lot of people away from pirating, but many will be unhindered.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)11:34 No.23692878
    >Seedbox in the netherlands
    >Problem solved

    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)11:35 No.23692887

    How do I ignore unencrypted peers? And is that proven to work?
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)11:35 No.23692890
    That's paying, so you side with the OP you traitor fuck.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)11:36 No.23692896
    They're agreeing with the MPAA to look good, reduce legal pressure for them, and hopefully try to reduce the lookups for copyright letters (because they have to manually verify the IP, etc. it takes time and therefore money from employees).
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)11:36 No.23692899
    Marxism is anti-jew you faggot,
    your hypocritical american economy system supports those fucking jews you idiot.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)11:36 No.23692900

    Ah, no worries here then.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)11:36 No.23692906
    Encryption won't work because that only blocks the ISP from seeing you. The tracking will be done by companies who are taking the the IP addresses on the torrents themselves.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)11:37 No.23692913
    Ignoring unencrypted peers prevents basic throttling. It doesn't stop deep packet inspection (Sandvine, Audible Magic's CopySense, etc.), nor does it stop someone from connecting to the tracker, getting your IP, and establishing an encrypted connection with you and exchanging parts of the file (as proof so they may bitch to your ISP).
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)11:38 No.23692929
    >Marxism is anti-jew you faggot,

    Marxism is a creation of the Jews, you fucking clueless hopeless retard.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)11:38 No.23692931
    >punishing people for P2P
    >implying windows, blizzard, [insert big company], etc don't use P2P to ease their servers during huge download periods

    there is nothing illegal about P2P, this will likely be shutdown faster than SOPA
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)11:39 No.23692940
    >The idea that ISPs will actively go out of their way to assist an unaffiliated third-party in legal actions against paying customers without legal injunction at cost to them and no real benefit.
    How's the weather on your planet?
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)11:39 No.23692942
    Ah, I understand now. Should I try to get onto a private tracker then?
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)11:40 No.23692952
    P2P isn't the problem. The problem happens if they see you downloading an HBO show.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)11:40 No.23692959
    Nothing is foolproof, but private trackers generally get less complaint letters.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)11:40 No.23692962
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)11:41 No.23692968

    >Thinking Marxism is socialism and then saying "scientific" to make yourself look more reliable.

    You discredited yourself from that moment, leave.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)11:41 No.23692976
    Well I don't live in the United States of Oceania so I'm good... until they're gonna pull this retarded shit in my country (which is probable, unfortunately)
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)11:42 No.23692984
    That's what you people get for using a protocol that lets people see your IP, jizzstains.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)11:43 No.23693011
    Australia? or Canada
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)11:44 No.23693025
    Australia masterrace here. Enjoy your warning letters you faggot murricans.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)11:45 No.23693033
    Says the country with ridiculous caps.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)11:45 No.23693034
    The Netherlands
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)11:46 No.23693053
    >Dear [ISP]:

    >Thank you for forwarding me the notice you received from [copyright claimant] regarding [content]. I would like to assure you that I am not hosting the claimed infringing materials, and furthermore, the Digital Millennium Copyright Act's ("DMCA") safe harbors likely protect you from liability arising from this complaint. The notice is likely based upon misunderstandings about the law and about some of the software I run.

    >As you know, the DMCA creates four "safe harbors" for service providers to protect them from copyright liability for the acts of their users, when the ISPs fulfill certain requirements. (17 U.S.C. § 512) The DMCA's requirements vary depending on the ISP's role. You may be familiar with the "notice and takedown" provisions of section 512(c) of the DMCA; however, those do not apply when an ISP merely acts as a conduit. Instead, the "conduit" safe harbor of section 512(a) of the DMCA has different and less burdensome eligibility requirements, as the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals held in RIAA v. Verizon (see and the Eighth Circuit Court of Appeals confirmed in RIAA v. Charter (see
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)11:46 No.23693054
    Haha you can't even torrent because you're so fucking capped hahaha.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)11:46 No.23693058
    >Under DMCA 512(a), service providers like you are typically protected from damages for copyright infringement claims if you also maintain "a policy that provides for termination in appropriate circumstances of subscribers and account holders of the service provider's system or network who are repeat infringers." If you have and implement such a policy, and you otherwise qualify for the safe harbor, you should be free from fear of copyright damages.

    >As for what makes a reasonable policy, as the law says, it's one that terminates subscribers who are repeat infringers. The notification you received is certainly not proof of the "repeat infringement" that is required under the law before you need to terminate my account. In fact, it's not even proof of any copyright infringement; a notice claiming infringement is not the same as a determination of infringement. I have not infringed any copyrights and do not intend to do so. Therefore, you should continue to be protected under the DMCA 512(a) safe harbor without taking any further action.

    >Thank you for working with me on this matter. As a loyal subscriber, I appreciate your notifying me of this issue and hope that the protections of DMCA 512 put any concerns you may have to rest. If not, please contact me with any further questions.

    >Very truly yours,
    >Your customer, [User]
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)11:46 No.23693059

    Yeah but the fucking corporate scum is going to find someway regulate the internet like TV some way or another. The world is so freaking silly.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)11:46 No.23693060
    I only torrent animu.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)11:47 No.23693062
    Nah, he used to it correctly, pleb.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)11:47 No.23693063
    DPI is illegal. If you're encrypted and the companies use it, then they are committing a criminal act.

    Most companies don't have the tech know how for that shit anyway.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)11:47 No.23693071
    >implying I'm not on an unlimited plan for 50bucks a month
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)11:50 No.23693105
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    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)11:50 No.23693106
    tell that to comcast
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)11:50 No.23693107

    oh sweetie
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)11:50 No.23693112

    i met a best buy employee who claimed he got a letter from his ISP for downloading anime. i have no idea how that's possible
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)11:50 No.23693113
         File: 1332345043.jpg-(176 KB, 720x540, 1314057612967.jpg)
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    Who gives a shit? Good vidya only comes out every once in awhile (and sales happen frequently on Steam) as well as all the relevant music today being released for free or on indie labels.

    I know, I might be at the acceptance part of the stages of grief, but fuck 'em. The game's changing. Roll with or die.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)11:51 No.23693127
    Comcast is a joke.

    Besides, I use Verizon's glorious fibers.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)11:52 No.23693129
    It was probably a movie that has been in theaters like princess mononoke
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)11:52 No.23693133
    I got one in college

    I just started using the McDonald's across the street's wifi for all my downloads
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)11:54 No.23693166
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)11:56 No.23693180
    I have Comcast. It's not bad right now but I'm sure they will be a burden when this shit starts.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)11:56 No.23693184
    Fucking this.

    Anyone who thinks this will change anything is a moron.

    Think for one fucking moment, WHY would any ISP put down time and energy on catching pirates and then subsequently throttle or shut off their own customers.
    ISPs have absolutely NO inventive to do this unless they're legally obliged to - which they aren't.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)11:57 No.23693199
    Only thing I usually pirate is books and music and with all the commotion recently we're moving towards having all that free but with advertisements. I still find this to be absolute fucking BS, I always fucking use P2P and if I'm going to get my connection shutdown because I like to connect to other users then that's fucking bullshit. SMALL BUSINESS ISPs HERE I COME!
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)11:58 No.23693209

    You obviously don't know about the corporate dosh circle that all the mad dosh makers that provide services like this are apart of. Silly doshless pleb.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)11:58 No.23693210
    I've seen this before somewhere. Fucking this. Even on the RARE occasion in which an ISP does give a warning, they aren't legally obligated to disconnect you and so they won't, you're a paying customer after all.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)11:58 No.23693215
    I don't understand what people have against free torrenting, i swear that's the whole point of being a pirate anyway?:S
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)11:59 No.23693226
    Usenet had a shit selection of music and PS2 games when I tried it.
    As if I'll pay for that.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)11:59 No.23693238
    Tell that to Rapidshare, Fileserve, and every company who closed accounts for filesharing.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)12:00 No.23693243
    People who risk persecution under their countries laws hate it because they can't (read: probably shouldn't) use it.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)12:00 No.23693244
    >actually believes Australia even has unlimited connections
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)12:00 No.23693255
    > he doesn't know about global index searches
    > laughingwhores_dvdrip.r08
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)12:00 No.23693258
    I pay for a multihoster account. Master race here on WBB.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)12:01 No.23693269
    Show me how to do that.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)12:02 No.23693276
    I have a job and do torrent, it's real rewarding to use my money on other things because I can.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)12:02 No.23693281
    >i dont live in the us
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)12:02 No.23693282
    Yeah nah, I used both nzb index and nzb matrix, both didn't have what I wanted.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)12:02 No.23693283
    >he thinks they can track what file is being shared over P2P

    all they see on their end is that XXX data was communicated between IPs XXX.XX.etc and account holders IP, 50 different IP addresses were connected at the same time
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)12:02 No.23693286
    only offers it.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)12:03 No.23693296
    Must be a shitty job if you can't afford something like a seedbox.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)12:03 No.23693300
    I should also mention trying out newzleech before it died, nzbclub, and whatever that nzb wizard forum was.
    Fuck, 3 years ago when I had it I couldn't even find XENOSAGA. That was a popular game on the PS2.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)12:03 No.23693305
    They actually stored the content on their servers though which makes them liable for copyright infringement.
    ISPs are not liable for what their users do with their connection.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)12:03 No.23693306
    > relying on nzb files
    there's your problem.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)12:03 No.23693310
    Waste of money.

    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)12:03 No.23693313
    I should seed multiple Linux isos after this happens. I'm legally free and clear, so all they can do is get buttangered.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)12:04 No.23693321
    So they're jealous, and subsequently cry about it... i see.
    and why are you people who pay for pirating referring to yourself as 'the master race' because the 'master race' would know that pirating is supposed to be free, if it isn't then there's no point in pirating
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)12:04 No.23693327
    there are services that let you do global searches across all newsgroups, removing the necessity of nzbs.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)12:05 No.23693332
    >Year 2000+
    >Living in a country who's government focuses more on businesses and the private sector than its citizens.

    Oh my fucking gosh, how fucking retarded can you guys get? Maybe I'm lucky for being able to find employment in SWITZERLAND.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)12:05 No.23693333
    I can, I just don't torrent like a retard
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)12:05 No.23693342
         File: 1332345942.jpg-(21 KB, 367x451, 1285425583232.jpg)
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    >not having to seed (read: distribute copyrighted material)
    >not even half an hour work every month
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)12:06 No.23693350
    the 'no point in paying' is invalid, as you can still pirate at a great discount (vs buying it legit) when using usenet. It's the only option for some.

    I can pay $10 for usenet and download Adobe CS5, or I can drop $500. I can't torrent it, as I may get my internets cut off. Isn't a tough choice.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)12:06 No.23693353

    netflix, hulu, etc for videos
    broadcast company's website for tv shows

    the ONLY people who are assholes about streaming their shows is FOX, you have to wait 8 days after it has aired to watch it online (thus you will ALWAYS been behind); CBS and ABC usually have the shows listed by 12am EST the 'morning' after it has aired (same night), NBC and CW has them available the following day by 6am EST
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)12:07 No.23693362
    Do they cost money?
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)12:07 No.23693364
    Can't you just use Tor when torrenting?
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)12:08 No.23693377

    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)12:08 No.23693380
    Slower speeds all around :(
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)12:08 No.23693383
    I pay literally 20 bucks for 180 days of multihoster account service. It's a fucking bargain compared to Netflix, even.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)12:08 No.23693384
    point taken!
    but i suppose living in a country with free healthcare and a good free education system kinda makes you depend on free things...
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)12:09 No.23693400
    I should just start a new thread informing you how to succeed in a business environment. That way you can have all the seedboxes and usenet accounts you want without bickering over them all the time. Shit, I've spent enough time in this thread to buy a nice VPS for a month. Maybe I'll do that now. Any recommendations on provider?
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)12:10 No.23693403

    The only thing that needs to be made is a virtual library, it's fucking so sad that gigapedia got shot down recently. Hopefully gigapedia will rise up again maybe with a russian or swedish domain.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)12:10 No.23693418
    yeah, and only offers it. If you give me something to search for that's not in a nzb, I'll scan the usenets.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)12:11 No.23693424
    That's just an indexer. You'd still download the nzb files afterward.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)12:11 No.23693427
    And you kill the network for people who want to avoid censorship.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)12:11 No.23693429
    I just bought myself an AllDebrid account while reading this thread so I don't give a fuck about torrents now.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)12:11 No.23693437
    there's no such thing as a free lunch, friend. the same goes for 'free' healthcare and 'free' education. the money comes from somewhere.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)12:12 No.23693449
    Incorrect. Give me something to search for and I'll show you.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)12:13 No.23693464
    Holy Knights discography

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