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  • File: 1330793723.jpg-(5 KB, 251x247, 1330577780709s.jpg)
    5 KB Anonymous 03/03/12(Sat)11:55 No.23306699  
    BitTorrent Pirates Go Nuts After TV Release Groups Dump Xvid

    ome Internet piracy groups decided to implement some new regulations and standards last week. Instead of releasing TV shows in the Xvid/avi format, groups responsible for putting major TV shows online switched to MP4/x264. Outraged by the lack of democracy, some BitTorrent users are directing their anger at bewildered torrent sites and even threatening to boycott releases. For those who understand, the whole thing is pretty amusing.

    ome of the comments show an embarrassing sense of entitlement and an attitude that those downloading for free are actually “customers” of these release groups and as such deserve to be treated better.

    “F@#k LOL and their mp4′s,” is just one example of the aggression directed towards them.

    But there are another set of users who don’t understand where the releases come from at all and are instead directing their anger at the torrent sites – the equivalent of blaming Google for not listing the pictures people had hoped for in their image search.

    >> Anonymous 03/03/12(Sat)11:56 No.23306716
         File: 1330793787.jpg-(38 KB, 400x385, t51259_i-am-not-good-with-comp(...).jpg)
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    Good. xvid is trash and who the fuck are these people putting .avi files on a DVD? I feel like people don't know how to computer.
    >> Anonymous 03/03/12(Sat)11:56 No.23306717
    >poorfag pirates complaining about their free shit
    How pathetic can you get?
    >> Anonymous 03/03/12(Sat)11:59 No.23306749
    takes to long to convert to avi. this is bs
    >> Anonymous 03/03/12(Sat)12:00 No.23306766
    >F@#k LOL and their mp4′s
    >MP4 SUCKS
    >keep ignoring master race x264
    people are beyond retarded

    i havent downloaded a fucking avi or mp4 is 4 years
    >> Anonymous 03/03/12(Sat)12:00 No.23306770
    mkv master race
    >> Anonymous 03/03/12(Sat)12:02 No.23306813
    I agree with with the outraged folks, obviously it's because they are using mp4 instead of free (free as in freedom) Matroska container.
    >> Anonymous 03/03/12(Sat)12:02 No.23306818
    I wish everyone would finally dump MP3 for lossy audio files and move on to AAC.
    >> Anonymous 03/03/12(Sat)12:03 No.23306834
         File: 1330794208.jpg-(34 KB, 198x231, 1329473208437.jpg)
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    average public tracker user
    >> Anonymous 03/03/12(Sat)12:03 No.23306838
    >> Anonymous 03/03/12(Sat)12:05 No.23306860
    why did they choose MP4 over MKV?
    >> Anonymous 03/03/12(Sat)12:05 No.23306861
    I wish I could hate people who write compound words in two separate words to death.
    >> Anonymous 03/03/12(Sat)12:06 No.23306887
    Better support by dvd players/portable players/etc I think.
    >> Anonymous 03/03/12(Sat)12:09 No.23306927

    because MKV is relatively obscure outside the community of people who know what they are doing
    >> Anonymous 03/03/12(Sat)12:11 No.23306960
    but I have noticed ~90% of HDTV shows and pretty much ALL HD movies are in MKV, why use MP4 for SD?
    >> Anonymous 03/03/12(Sat)12:11 No.23306965
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    >> Anonymous 03/03/12(Sat)12:12 No.23306969

    if they chose mkv, I guarantee the shitstorm would have been far greater.

    >> Anonymous 03/03/12(Sat)12:13 No.23306985
    > Boycotting pirated media
    > Not taking free shit


    Also, Jews in Hollywood are rubbing their hands.
    >> Anonymous 03/03/12(Sat)12:14 No.23307002
    God lil'wayne's teeth are so small. He is like a rodent.
    >> Anonymous 03/03/12(Sat)12:14 No.23307006
    did you know wmv is perfectly acceptable these days?
    >> Anonymous 03/03/12(Sat)12:16 No.23307035
    >Outraged by the lack of democracy,
    This is where I stopped reading because I fell off my chair laughing.
    >> Anonymous 03/03/12(Sat)12:23 No.23307119

    WMV's are choppy when your talking 1080p rips

    Watching >10GB 1080P rip in MKV through your PS3 (showtime) on a 50 inch x-series with 5.1 surround headphones = smooth as fuk

    Aint broke don't fix it
    >> Anonymous 03/03/12(Sat)12:31 No.23307208
    idiots will be idiots. I have not used an avi for years because they are crap quality, and usually are not good for 1080p content. WMV is just total crap for 1080p, and why the hell are they whining about something thats free. If they want it in avi, they can put in out themselves, or convert to avi, OR, they could upgrade their shit-tier equipment so that they can play stuff that is better than avi.
    >> Anonymous 03/03/12(Sat)12:32 No.23307221
    You guys do realize that in other countries bandwidth is quite limited and often capped and thus it's much easier to get Xvid and a worthwhile tradeoff (quality)?
    >> Anonymous 03/03/12(Sat)12:33 No.23307238

    Not our problem.
    >> Anonymous 03/03/12(Sat)12:35 No.23307260
    mp4 is usually smaller than avi...
    >> ennui !!r1XrQP07hRU 03/03/12(Sat)12:35 No.23307271
    you're assuming this means larger file sizes though--is that actually true, or just speculation?

    admittedly i don't know much about encoding.
    >> Anonymous 03/03/12(Sat)12:37 No.23307297
    the entire point of changing is to get better quality at lower or same file size you tard
    >> Anonymous 03/03/12(Sat)12:37 No.23307300
    Problem is the shittier internet connections are often paired with shittier mobile devices and computers. AVI is less CPU intensive.
    >> Anonymous 03/03/12(Sat)12:38 No.23307322
    so which is better and why avi or mp4
    which is free?
    >> Anonymous 03/03/12(Sat)12:39 No.23307334
    This 10x.
    >> LOL 03/03/12(Sat)12:39 No.23307337
    This is our final xvid release. There is simply no valid reason to use the codec
    anymore. Compatibility for 264 is currently more widespread than xvid/divx
    was when vcd died. The quality of the resulting encodes is leaps and bounds
    beyond what xvid is capable of. Of course there will be dinosaurs still trying
    to rationalize the usage of an outdated format, and continuing to drag the scene
    further and further down the evolutionary ladder. The scene used to lead, and
    thanks to such individuals, it simply does not anymore. Time to step up and
    begin repairing all the damage that has been done. As some friends like to
    say, time to evolve, or time to die.
    >> Anonymous 03/03/12(Sat)12:40 No.23307342
    What are "other countries"?
    Because America falls under what you just described.
    >> Anonymous 03/03/12(Sat)12:40 No.23307345
         File: 1330796419.jpg-(23 KB, 456x297, implied-facepalm.jpg)
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    >MKV superior
    >WMV is shit

    >lol you moron AVI is shit
    >also WMV is crappy
    >> Anonymous 03/03/12(Sat)12:40 No.23307362
         File: 1330796459.jpg-(7 KB, 157x133, 1231015232061.jpg)
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    What's a good codec pack?
    I reformatted and installed klite standard and now my videos are all choppy. Never had problems with klite until now.

    >FUCK those freeloading cunts
    >if you cant use technology, stay the fuck away from it
    >> Anonymous 03/03/12(Sat)12:41 No.23307370
         File: 1330796480.jpg-(62 KB, 695x682, not even angry.jpg)
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    I wish they would all switch to .mkv, mp4 is a step in the right direction from avi though.
    >> Anonymous 03/03/12(Sat)12:41 No.23307381
    but, they just need to update, also, mp4 is no more CPU intensive than avi, and it has been proven.
    >> Anonymous 03/03/12(Sat)12:41 No.23307387
    what is the difference between something being "shit" and something else being "crappy"?
    >> Anonymous 03/03/12(Sat)12:42 No.23307400
    >codec pack
    Wtf am I reading?

    Use MKV. Accept no inferior substitutions.
    >> Anonymous 03/03/12(Sat)12:42 No.23307406
    it dosent work on my dvd u stupid takes hours to encde to avi you fumb fucks. it are you goingh to envovle and buy me a new fucking $100 dvd player ?
    diden think so!
    >> Anonymous 03/03/12(Sat)12:42 No.23307408
    Or just go with CCCP
    >> Anonymous 03/03/12(Sat)12:43 No.23307411
    I use it as often as I can but some stuff is much easier to get in avi/mp4.
    Plus I need a codec to play mkv.
    >> Anonymous 03/03/12(Sat)12:43 No.23307416
         File: 1330796615.jpg-(145 KB, 503x709, hitler is a fucking knighty.jpg)
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    >people complaining about something that is free
    We need you Hitler.
    >> Anonymous 03/03/12(Sat)12:44 No.23307435
         File: 1330796695.jpg-(10 KB, 288x306, 1231015232064.jpg)
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    Oh man, thanks. Looks really promising.
    >> Lavender !ezkbwvVwV. 03/03/12(Sat)12:45 No.23307448
    >5GB 1080p movies

    I puked
    >> Anonymous 03/03/12(Sat)12:47 No.23307467
    People are seriously still using XVid for new stuff?
    >> Anonymous 03/03/12(Sat)12:47 No.23307480
    They should've gone with MKV instead of MP4.

    Just because the iPhone can't play MKV it's not an obscure format.
    Pretty much all new TVs play it from USB.
    >> Anonymous 03/03/12(Sat)12:48 No.23307490
    WMV is equal in quality to x264. Many people feel as if WMV-HD is redundant because of
    the x264 scene. This simply is not true because of the compatibility of WMV-HD. It can be
    played on the X360 and HTPC's; x264 is restricted to HTPC's. The only reason many people are
    against WMV-HD is because it's Microsoft. Fact is, many movie studios utilize the VC-1 codec
    for their retail BD-ROMs.
    >> Anonymous 03/03/12(Sat)12:50 No.23307536
    i thought groups dumped xvid years ago? guess not.

    oh well, fuck em all. xvid just is no where near competitive

    not sure whose idea mp4 was though. it's technically a fine format, but there is so little that can be embedded in it. it's not enough to say that theoretically, anything is acceptable as a private stream. without standards on how the private streams are defined and used, they're useless.
    >> Anonymous 03/03/12(Sat)12:52 No.23307585
    BTW, there are still TV groups releasing XviD, if folk like that format they better hope those groups cover their shows. FQM and 2HD.
    >> Anonymous 03/03/12(Sat)12:53 No.23307600
    can someone tell me which release group releases spongebob?
    >> Anonymous 03/03/12(Sat)12:55 No.23307637
    that's just not true. VC1 does not stand up to h264 in quality. the end.
    >> Anonymous 03/03/12(Sat)12:57 No.23307675
    I'm fucking shocked that there's apparently so many people out there downloading free shit and then BURNING IT TO DVD.

    What the fuck? The cost in DVDs alone would quickly go past the cost of just buying a cheap 50 dollar tv media player thing. This is why poorfags stay poor I guess.
    >> Anonymous 03/03/12(Sat)12:58 No.23307683
         File: 1330797484.png-(215 KB, 640x480, 1295760956750.png)
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    Btw, laughing my ass off now.
    Found klite 417 from Jan 2009, uninstalled klite 840 and installed the 417.
    Everything works like a fucking charm.
    >> Anonymous 03/03/12(Sat)13:00 No.23307733
    The groups releasing MP4s are kind of annoying, because universally it seems they've actually upped their file size. A one hour show used to be like 320 mb, now an mp4 of the same show is 418 or so. I look for the .mkvs that are like 230mb, at least then I'm saving some time.
    >> Anonymous 03/03/12(Sat)13:00 No.23307742
    Well, there are DVD+RWs, it's not that expensive. I used to burn shit all the time to watch on my tv a few years ago via the dvd player.

    But now, yes, media players are fucking cheap. And pretty much anything you buy nowadays has a USB port, so there's really no need to burn optical media, no matter how poor you are.
    >> Anonymous 03/03/12(Sat)13:00 No.23307745
    Darn it. A lot of the shows I watch have they are the capper for.
    How about OMiCRON?
    >> Anonymous 03/03/12(Sat)13:01 No.23307761
    Any given media streamer can support these formats.

    Pity i can't say the same for Hi10. I need a new HTPC so i can stop having to watch it hunched over my desk.
    >> Anonymous 03/03/12(Sat)13:02 No.23307769
    Comments on torrent sites are perhaps the only thing more retarded than youtube comments.
    >> Anonymous 03/03/12(Sat)13:02 No.23307777
    links plz
    >> Anonymous 03/03/12(Sat)13:03 No.23307794
    You forget, true poorfags such as myself still only have SD CRT televisions so streaming is physically impossible.
    >> Anonymous 03/03/12(Sat)13:04 No.23307824
    OMiCRON still releasing XviD as well, they released an XviD yesterday.
    >> Anonymous 03/03/12(Sat)13:05 No.23307844
    My old DVD player had a SD card slot at least.
    >> Anonymous 03/03/12(Sat)13:06 No.23307858
    I'm sure you can find a media player with USB for $20 if you want. Perhaps second hand or something.
    >> Anonymous 03/03/12(Sat)13:06 No.23307859
    Double darn it.
    x264 is superior in both filesize and quality. I wish they would have switched over too. Oh well.
    >> Anonymous 03/03/12(Sat)13:07 No.23307871
    >Only .avi works on my player
    Then use your computer you goddamn idiot. What are they even doing, burning the stuff on DVD's to play on their outdated DVD player?
    Jesus Christ.
    >> Anonymous 03/03/12(Sat)13:08 No.23307889
    I've thrown away dvd players with USB slots.
    >> Anonymous 03/03/12(Sat)13:08 No.23307893
    Oh look, it's the anime scene in 2006!

    Welcome to the group, scenefags, you're quite late.
    >> Anonymous 03/03/12(Sat)13:10 No.23307908
    Nah, they're still behind the 06 anime scene. They're still using .mp4.
    >> Anonymous 03/03/12(Sat)13:10 No.23307911
    just download ORENJI releases instead of FQM, they're the same folk, also OMiCRON are not very active.
    >> Anonymous 03/03/12(Sat)13:11 No.23307918
    >Implying scenefags give a fuck what p2pfags think

    Why don't p2pfags rip their own TV shows if they hate these new standards so much?
    >> Anonymous 03/03/12(Sat)13:11 No.23307924
    Public tracker mouthbreathers are just as retarded as youtube and facebook users.
    More at 11.
    >> Anonymous 03/03/12(Sat)13:13 No.23307945
    the funny thing is, you know they're going to switch to mkv eventually. ASS/SSA may be shit, but at least it works. what are your options with mp4? 3gpp?
    >> Anonymous 03/03/12(Sat)13:13 No.23307950
    most p2p groups rely on the scene as a source.
    (not hd p2p groups)
    >> Anonymous 03/03/12(Sat)13:18 No.23308032
    The funny thing is that they're switching to h264 less than a year before H265 hits.
    You can expect every encoder in anime to switch to that so fucking fast your head will split open.

    While these faggots will consider it in 2020.
    >> Anonymous 03/03/12(Sat)13:18 No.23308039
         File: 1330798720.jpg-(58 KB, 375x525, asset.JPG?id=480A0B56-D1D8-4B5(...).jpg)
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    > Self entitled white niggers crying over free shit

    Hitler was right, he was right all along. Some people deserve death. He would cleanse /g/
    >> Anonymous 03/03/12(Sat)13:18 No.23308044
    coalgirls master race
    >> Anonymous 03/03/12(Sat)13:20 No.23308068
    All hail Daiz.
    Savior of anime.

    The Yamakan of the West.
    >> Anonymous 03/03/12(Sat)13:21 No.23308077
    Anime encoding
    >DTS Core & FLAC
    >ASS Soft subtitles
    >Ordered Chapters
    Why can't anyone else keep up? Except outside of EUREKA or FraMeSToR.

    I plan to. It has just been the case that an SD-only series I would follow would typically only have 1 release group encoding it. If there's an x264 release from a different source I'l take that going forward.

    The Scene finally accepting x264 for SD material just now in 2012 is truly hilarious when you consider the fact that H.265/HEVC will be finalized by the end of the year.
    >> Anonymous 03/03/12(Sat)13:22 No.23308097
    but how will i use virtualdub now
    >> Anonymous 03/03/12(Sat)13:22 No.23308106
    The scene is shit. It stopped being relevant about 12 years ago.
    >> Anonymous 03/03/12(Sat)13:24 No.23308133
    >not downloading the full blu-ray iso.
    >> Anonymous 03/03/12(Sat)13:25 No.23308146
    i download coalgirl releases
    best anime group ever
    >> Anonymous 03/03/12(Sat)13:25 No.23308149
    >paying for shitty blu ray burner
    >> Anonymous 03/03/12(Sat)13:26 No.23308160
    >mp4 container
    >> Anonymous 03/03/12(Sat)13:26 No.23308165
    the original raw rip is probably in the 30-50GB range. 5GB for 2 hours of content is about mid range right now. Just depends on how much quality was lost.
    >> Anonymous 03/03/12(Sat)13:26 No.23308171
    No shit anime is ahead of the curve, it can afford to be because the people who watch anime are neckbearded faggots who watch that shit huddled over their monitor, not normal people watching TV in the living room with family and friends.
    >> Anonymous 03/03/12(Sat)13:27 No.23308183
    lovely, wasn't it? since 2006, only ever updated twice, in '08 and then early 2011.
    >> Anonymous 03/03/12(Sat)13:28 No.23308202
    Stop talking shit.
    >> Anonymous 03/03/12(Sat)13:29 No.23308214
    5 gigs for 1080p is small. Most 720p is that size. 1080p is usually 8+
    >> Anonymous 03/03/12(Sat)13:30 No.23308232
    intelligent normal people run a cheap pc box with xbmc live installed
    >> Anonymous 03/03/12(Sat)13:32 No.23308261
    It is animation, you don't need that to be 8GB.
    >> Anonymous 03/03/12(Sat)13:33 No.23308280

    So Daiz and his faggots moved to an encoding profile that is going to be dead in less than a year?
    >> Anonymous 03/03/12(Sat)13:33 No.23308283
    >wasting money on burners or a blu-ray player
    >not just using a small HTPC or a long HDMI cable and playing it from your PC
    >any year past 2005

    DVD or blu-ray players and burners are really irrelevant when nearly every mobo and graphics card on the planet has an HDMI port, and HDMI cables are so damn cheap, that the dedicated players are now obsolete for some of us. I have a DVD player, but I have not used it in about 5 years.
    >> Anonymous 03/03/12(Sat)13:34 No.23308299
    Think of it as a buffer before H265, that will require a lot more than just updating your decoder.
    >> Anonymous 03/03/12(Sat)13:36 No.23308320
    >not normal people watching TV in the living room with family and friends.

    I watch my movies on my TV with family and friends, with a long HDMI cable, from my PC, that is in the other room. how the fuck hard is it to get a remote for your PC and have it running on the TV with media center or a wireless mouse and keyboard and a remote? maybe $20 at most for all of the stuff that I have into it besides the PC.

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