And that's how american really think they're less bad than european by saying "hurr at least we got it half right"
>Not useing YYYY-MM-DD so sorting algorithms work on dates (e.g. in file names)Preaching to the choir here op
Explain why the image uses shape to distinguish the month , date , and year?or is that the troll? You kids are stupid.
>>22134428Butthurt americunt detected.
>>22134433OP believes that someone is not using YYYY-MM-DD format.
Just got deleted from /v/.
>>22134433It would be obvious if you weren't retarded.
>>22134433It's just a pictographic demonstration of how most number systems go from larger units to smalls, like $1.99 the cents are after the dollar, or 1,010 the ten is after the thousand.
>Implying any of those are right when you're basing the year on when some supposedly magical zombie jew died thousands of years ago
>>22134520>magical zombie>implying Jesus just wasn't tripping balls on DMT and his followers too
Japan wins again.
digital record keeping master race
>>2213452010/10You do have a point. You got me to laugh to.