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  • File : 1324763734.jpg-(664 KB, 2592x1952, IMG_20110122_160459.jpg)
    664 KB /g/ student survey Anonymous 12/24/11(Sat)16:55 No.21824950  
    Uni: University of Leicester
    Course: Computer Science
    Year: 3rd (final)
    Happy with course? Yes
    Prospects of getting job upon graduation: Unsure, economy in the shitter and all.

    Pic unrelated.
    >> Anonymous 12/24/11(Sat)17:03 No.21825069
    Bump for interest
    >> Anonymous 12/24/11(Sat)17:21 No.21825320
    underage and b&, bumping for interest.
    how's leciestrtetrtst by the way? what kind of results did you get for your a-levels?
    >> Anonymous 12/24/11(Sat)17:22 No.21825331
    Uni: CCAF
    Course: Aerospace tech
    Year: 2nd
    Happy with course? Yes
    Prospects of getting job upon graduation: have decent paying job now, getting free healthcare, excellent promotion opportunities, shit loads of collage money after i'm done, and bonuses for spending time overseas
    >> Anonymous 12/24/11(Sat)17:28 No.21825435
    I moved to the UK from the states so I don't have A levels, I graduated high school with a 3.75 though. Leicester is a great little uni, good community and the lecturers are great, highly recommend.
    >> Anonymous 12/24/11(Sat)17:41 No.21825616
    So manu good unis offering Compsci courses. Birmingham seems to be the only one with a join AI and compsci course though. Mmmm AI.
    May i ask how much programming experience you had before your course?
    >> Anonymous 12/24/11(Sat)17:42 No.21825644
    *many; *joint
    goddamn swype
    >> Anonymous 12/24/11(Sat)17:44 No.21825672
    Uni: Birmingham City
    Course: Forensic Computing
    Happy with course? Yes
    Prospects of getting a job: Seems to be in demand but will be tricky to get a decent job
    >> Anonymous 12/24/11(Sat)17:44 No.21825677
    Imperial London has a CompSci with AI course. Imperial is master race for all things Science and Maths too
    >> Anonymous 12/24/11(Sat)17:45 No.21825702

    Is that Skyrim? What resolution is that?
    >> Anonymous 12/24/11(Sat)17:46 No.21825710
    Uni: Warwick, UK
    Course: Economics
    Year: 2nd
    Happy? Very
    Prospects: Should be able to get a job I guess, but I don't want to work in the UK (I'm not from the UK anyway)
    >> Anonymous 12/24/11(Sat)17:49 No.21825766
    Uni: The Open Uni (I have a full time job)
    Course: Computing and Maths
    Year: 2nd
    Happy: I am now. First year was full of fucktards who thought computing was learning how to use Excel. Thankfully, they've fallen by the wayside
    Prospects: I have a degree already and a job, just looking to retain. Hope it's worth the money
    >> Anonymous 12/24/11(Sat)17:49 No.21825767
    A little Java and Lua (Gmod scripts) but don't worry they bring you up to speed quickly.
    >> Anonymous 12/24/11(Sat)17:49 No.21825775
    I'm a Senior in high school, but I was accepted into the School of Computer Science at Carnegie Mellon University.
    U jelly?
    >> Anonymous 12/24/11(Sat)17:49 No.21825778
    Oh right. Many I'm just warming towards Birmingham since I've got a much better chance of getting into there, even though it's still russell group. And the HMV Institute.
    >> Anonymous 12/24/11(Sat)17:50 No.21825783
    Uni: Queen mary college
    Course: chemistry Ba Pharm chem Ma
    Year: 1st
    Happy with course? Yes
    Prospects of getting job upon graduation: highly likely.
    >> Anonymous 12/24/11(Sat)17:50 No.21825788
    >Being Senior in HS
    >Not actually being in College
    Not even jelly
    >> Anonymous 12/24/11(Sat)17:51 No.21825801
    It is a great Uni still. You should enjoy it if you get in. Good luck.
    >> Anonymous 12/24/11(Sat)17:51 No.21825803
    What? It's a picture I took when I went hiking in Derbyshire.
    >> Anonymous 12/24/11(Sat)17:51 No.21825809
    Uni: UCSB
    Course: Electrical Engineering
    Year: 2nd
    Happy with course? Yes
    Prospects of getting job upon graduation: Pretty high. Recruiters tend to be pretty active at our school when compared with other UCs, it seems.
    >> Anonymous 12/24/11(Sat)17:52 No.21825827
    the hmv institue was the most disappointing place i went to on freshers. It was a frat party (cock fest) but i guess it prob has some decent live music shit also i live 5 mins from hmv institue lol
    >> Anonymous 12/24/11(Sat)17:56 No.21825871
    ah sweet, I'm relatively proficient in VB (don't ask) and was going to look into java this year anyway, maybe some lisp in the summer. Thanks for the /adv/
    >> Anonymous 12/24/11(Sat)18:01 No.21825935
    Does anybody else who frequents /g/ study humanity or liberal arts?

    Before you say 'enjoy your no jobs', don't think i am not already aware of that.
    >> Anonymous 12/24/11(Sat)18:02 No.21825938
    Not particularly. Studies have been conducted where the researchers would follow individuals from college all the way down the line in their career and they found that whether you went to an Ivy league or a state college doesn't really impact your career trajectory all that much. Yale-level individuals who went to state colleges still did just as well as other Yale admits.

    The conclusion you should take from this is that it doesn't matter where you go. You could go to Harvard and squander your time there and come out with nothing of unique value to show for it. What matters is what you do with yourself once you're there.

    The only reason that you less frequently see state college graduates succeeding in life is because *usually* a Yale-level individuals get into Yale and go to Yale (rather than state colleges). Even geniuses are too terrified of this study being wrong to take a chance on their education and save money by going to a shitty school, but if you're not going to the Ivy League, you're not out for the count. And as a corollary, just because you got into CMU doesn't mean you can coast through and magically form contact networks.
    >> Anonymous 12/24/11(Sat)18:02 No.21825946
    Uni: Queensland University of Technology
    Course: Information Technology
    Happy with course? I don't know.
    Prospects of getting job upon graduation: Unsure.
    >> Anonymous 12/24/11(Sat)18:02 No.21825952
    And I thought people taking Liberal Arts was just a troll.
    >> Anonymous 12/24/11(Sat)18:03 No.21825957
    Seriously? Damn. I always see it on tour dates for the groups i'm into so the venue doesn't really have that much to do with it.
    >> Natsuru !!Q914Qr7fB9U 12/24/11(Sat)18:04 No.21825978
    College: ACC
    Course: Nursing
    Year: 1st
    Happy: I want to die
    Prospects: 134% chance of getting a job
    >> Anonymous 12/24/11(Sat)18:04 No.21825989
    Uni: Liverpool Uni
    Course: Mathematics (Probability theory)
    Year: 1st year of PhD.
    Happy with course: yes. they're paying me.
    Job prospects: should be just fine. very tempted to just doss around in academia though.
    >> Anonymous 12/24/11(Sat)18:06 No.21826012

    Yep, I have an LLB in law, although history was always my passion. Work now as a statistician doing ERP and stuff.
    >> Anonymous 12/24/11(Sat)18:06 No.21826016
    I'm studying Anthropology, but my plan is to go into law school afterwards. Anthro->Law is a fairly good transition, from the lawyers I've talked to.

    I wouldn't bother doing Anthro if the plan was to stop after getting my undergraduate degree. I know it'd be close to worthless.
    >> Anonymous 12/24/11(Sat)18:07 No.21826035

    >Studying CompSci
    >Expecting not to be replaced with cheaper,smarter Asians


    Enjoy being unemployed OP.
    >> Anonymous 12/24/11(Sat)18:08 No.21826057
    ha ye , its in digbeth the not so nice area of birmingham but its not to bad an area
    >> Anonymous 12/24/11(Sat)18:09 No.21826083

    Do you realise how much computing will never go outside of the M25? Seriously, when the cloud thing was fashionable a couple of years ago, people were looking at Iceland and Norway. However, the lag for a lot of computing is too great if you have the datacentre in Cardiff, let alone abroad.
    >> Anonymous 12/24/11(Sat)18:09 No.21826087
    I know the picture is unrelated, but I've been there.
    Dovedale, I've crossed those stepping stones hundreds of times!
    >> Anonymous 12/24/11(Sat)18:09 No.21826093
    I just reapplied to a bunch of Unis, having dropped out of a course at Sheffield Uni that was obviously going to take me nowhere.

    Leicester, Brunel, Aberystwyth and Reading have all offered me unconditionals for Comp Sci and Leicester have also offered me a scholarship. Would you really recommend it OP? Did you do an industrial year as well?
    >> Anonymous 12/24/11(Sat)18:10 No.21826106
    You could say that about anything, China is already destroy this countries exports business. My dad works for Rolls - Royce and he say they aren't allowed to take phones with them to China for fear of them stealing fan blade designs and shit.
    >> Anonymous 12/24/11(Sat)18:15 No.21826189
    Didn't do an industrial year and like I said above I think Leicester is great. You have to like small communities though, my entire graduating class is about 60 people and I know most of them.
    >> Anonymous 12/24/11(Sat)18:18 No.21826217

    That sounds great. Were there any modules that really stood out for you (in a good way) in whatever year?
    >> Anonymous 12/24/11(Sat)18:19 No.21826230
    >phd in maths
    keep it scouse
    >> Anonymous 12/24/11(Sat)18:19 No.21826231
    >go to anything that isn't Zurich, Cambridge, Oxford, Aaborg or similar
    >expect jobs
    >> Anonymous 12/24/11(Sat)18:23 No.21826275
    Leicester has a focus on self determination and project work. This year for example I'm doing a project I conceived on my own (Steganography with media files) and doing all the research/documentation with very little direction from any of the staff.

    I also did a fascinating module last year on computational models (automata, Turing machines etc).
    >> Anonymous 12/24/11(Sat)18:23 No.21826286
    Uni: University of Portsmouth
    Year: 1st
    Happy with course? Yes
    Prospects of getting job upon graduation: Hopefully, my course has a year in industry
    >> Anonymous 12/24/11(Sat)18:25 No.21826310

    It's a beautiful area, I love the peak district I'd be quite happy settling down here.
    >> Anonymous 12/24/11(Sat)18:27 No.21826341
    trying to make us an hero dude? really?
    >> Anonymous 12/24/11(Sat)18:30 No.21826392
    Ignore the trolls, graduate unemployment is high but you have to put it into perspective; 90% of graduates get jobs within six months. Yes the silver spooned Oxbridge types probably have a leg up on the rest of us but there are plenty of opportunities everywhere.
    >> Anonymous 12/24/11(Sat)18:31 No.21826408
    >get jobs
    Is that jobs as in "what they studied for" or is it any job ever?
    >> Anonymous 12/24/11(Sat)18:33 No.21826440
    The surveys don't go that far, but they only consider full-time employment, part-time is omitted.
    >> Anonymous 12/24/11(Sat)18:35 No.21826462
    Uni: University of Western Ontario
    Course: Computer Science/Math
    Year: 1
    Happy with course? Very
    Prospects of getting job upon graduation: Great, already working with faculty to build rapport for grad school and eventual employment in academia
    >> Anonymous 12/24/11(Sat)18:36 No.21826481
    That's the thing, it means they don't really say anything. I mean if you get a job as a telemarketer after spending 3 or 5 years in uni you really fucked up.

    Kind of needs something beyond "90% have jobs eventually". If someone spent any time going to uni I'd bet they wouldn't be satisfied with NEET, even if they don't get a job as X they'll apply for McD and whatnot.
    >> Anonymous 12/24/11(Sat)18:38 No.21826501
    If you want to go into academia, why did you go to Western?
    >> Trentski !G/4Tupvlws 12/24/11(Sat)18:38 No.21826511
    Uni: NS Community College
    Course: 4th/3rd Class Power Engineering and Process Operations
    Year: 2yo program(graduated)
    Happy with course? Yep
    Prospects of getting job upon graduation: Employed immediately after getting my 3rd class ticket, 22 making 60k after taxes(CAD), plan on going back to college for a new trade as my refinery is closing in 20 years and I could be a ship builder for 40 years, guarantee of work.

    Anyone who gets a BA at this point is a fucking chump diluting the employment market making it more hard for those who didnt go to university to get an entry level job.
    >> Anonymous 12/24/11(Sat)18:38 No.21826512
    Uni: Royal Holloway, University of London
    Course: Computer Science
    Year: 1st
    Happy with course? Yeah, more or less
    Prospects of getting job upon graduation: Idk... Seems likely that I'll get a job. I'll see...
    >> Anonymous 12/24/11(Sat)18:39 No.21826524
    Uni: Université du Québec
    Course: Civil engineering
    Year: 1st (did a 3-year technician degree before)
    Happy with course? Yes
    Prospects of getting job upon graduation: Certain. The provincial government plans to hire 1000 civil engineers the year that I graduate and that's just 1 employer.
    >> Anonymous 12/24/11(Sat)18:39 No.21826526
    Uni: Salt Lake Community College
    Course: Network Systems (IT)
    Year: 1-1/2
    Happy with course? Yes
    Prospects of getting job upon graduation: Good enough where I can just get raises in the future
    >> Anonymous 12/24/11(Sat)18:40 No.21826531
    Uni: KTH
    Course: High school shit that I don't have for half a year, but going EE after
    Year: Starting early Jan
    Happy: No idea yet, sure as fuck am happy i got in though as I have a much higher chance of uni now (which was pretty high to begin with as no one wants to be an EE)
    Prospects of job: Nothing if I don't get into EE.
    If I do get into EE it's impossible to not find a job here, the majority of current ones are going to be seniors soon so there's a lot of demand coming up, and there's a lot of demand now.
    I guess EE doesn't seem as fun as Comp Sci? Not sure but the popularity is really down at the bottom
    >> Anonymous 12/24/11(Sat)18:40 No.21826544
    Tech industry is one of the only growing parts of the American economy. I can only imagine its similar in yorup. So you're okay.

    Engineer's can always get a job. But don't be surprised if your first job pays little and has you writing html and restarting servers.
    >> Anonymous 12/24/11(Sat)18:42 No.21826566
    >> Anonymous 12/24/11(Sat)18:43 No.21826577
    I have no problem with paying my dues but I hope I get a job doing something intellectually stimulating.
    >> Anonymous 12/24/11(Sat)18:44 No.21826588
    >little pay
    Engineers get more starting pay than doctors on average here.
    But the doctors end up with more pay than engineers down the line
    >> Anonymous 12/24/11(Sat)18:45 No.21826607
    >be a spic
    >be afraid of posting in this thread
    >> Anonymous 12/24/11(Sat)18:46 No.21826616
    From the context I think he meant software engineers.
    >> Anonymous 12/24/11(Sat)18:47 No.21826630
    We're more afraid of you than you are of us. Stop being so fucking good at everything we can't compete.
    >> Anonymous 12/24/11(Sat)18:47 No.21826638
    Which is a fancy name for code monkey
    >> Anonymous 12/24/11(Sat)18:47 No.21826639
    As am I, software and electrical were the stats I've looked at. worth pointing out that this is with a masters degree
    >> Anonymous 12/24/11(Sat)18:47 No.21826641
    Uni: University of copenhagen
    Course: Physics
    Year: 1st
    Happy with course? very
    Prospects of getting job upon graduation: So far it seems pretty promising considering the degree, but i still have at least 4 years to complete and possibly a phd, so it's not really a concern of mine at the moment.
    >> Anonymous 12/24/11(Sat)18:47 No.21826643
         File1324770479.jpg-(2.37 MB, 3264x2448, 2011-11-18 17.04.35.jpg)
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    Uni: Southampton Solent
    Course: Outside Broadcasting Production Operations
    Year: Final
    Happy with course? Yes
    Prospects of getting job upon graduation: Hopefully good as there is always need for cameramen.
    >> Anonymous 12/24/11(Sat)18:48 No.21826644
    or wait, do you mean someone who took programming courses or CS majors? Strictly referring to CS
    >> Anonymous 12/24/11(Sat)18:48 No.21826652
    Any Electrical or Computer Engineering students/grads here? How was it? Ease of finding a job? etc.
    >> Anonymous 12/24/11(Sat)18:50 No.21826671
    Uni: University of Chester
    Course: Natural Hazard Management and Geography
    Year: 2nd
    Happy with course? Yes
    Prospects: Pretty good. Chester Geography department is most employable in NW, with 80% employment rate.
    >> Anonymous 12/24/11(Sat)18:50 No.21826678
    Uni: nope
    Course: N/A
    Year: N/A
    Prospects of getting job: Already have one that pays $40/h

    Degrees are useless.
    >> Anonymous 12/24/11(Sat)18:51 No.21826689
    I personally differentiate programmers from software engineers. Programmers actually write code whilst software engineers design systems. Just what I think though everything in compsci has become so muddled, we're in desperate need of differentiation.
    >> Anonymous 12/24/11(Sat)18:52 No.21826722
    How do I clean jelly off of my monitor?
    >> Anonymous 12/24/11(Sat)18:52 No.21826723
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    Uni: University of Otago
    Course: Computer Science
    Year: 3rd, will stay to do 4th year honors.
    Happy with course? No.
    Prospects of getting job upon graduation: Currently running own porn site, after I don't know.
    Pic unrelated.
    >> Anonymous 12/24/11(Sat)18:53 No.21826726
         File1324770798.jpg-(1.17 MB, 3196x2164, regrat.jpg)
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    Uni: University of Ballarat
    Course: Bachelor of Information Technology (Computer Games)
    Year: 4th (18 months to go)
    Happy with course? Mostly
    Prospects of getting job upon graduation: HAHAHAHAHA indy games are my only realistic choice to start off with

    Pic unrelated
    >> Anonymous 12/24/11(Sat)18:53 No.21826728
    >twice as much as McDonald's
    >> Anonymous 12/24/11(Sat)18:53 No.21826730
    Uni: Queen's Belfast
    Course: Aerospace Eng
    Year: 4th
    Happy with course?: Very
    Job prospects: Pretty good
    >> Anonymous 12/24/11(Sat)18:54 No.21826742

    At 19 years old. Plus I own 10% of the startup I'm working for.
    >> Anonymous 12/24/11(Sat)18:55 No.21826757
    It's aight, but in 15 years you'll have less than someone who got a good degree (good, not art) and you won't be able to go anywhere because without a degree you're stuck in that one company.

    Still, not like you won't be well off if you keep it up. Just a bit below where you could have been
    >> Anonymous 12/24/11(Sat)18:57 No.21826784

    Not really. Most companies will prefer experience or someone that can show they've can do work, by having references or completed projects for other companies.

    I've gotten other job offers than this. All that really matters is that you're good and that you can prove it.
    >> Anonymous 12/24/11(Sat)18:58 No.21826802
    >Most companies will prefer experience or someone that can show they've can do work
    That was true 20 years ago, it's not true today and it will be even worse in 10 years. Without a degree HR won't even look twice at you
    >> Anonymous 12/24/11(Sat)19:00 No.21826828

    Where the hell do you live? That's not true at all here (I live in California).
    >> Anonymous 12/24/11(Sat)19:00 No.21826831
    Unfortunately this is true, my dad won't even read further down a CV if it doesn't list a degree.
    >> Anonymous 12/24/11(Sat)19:00 No.21826832
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    >Course: Bachelor of Information Technology (Computer Games)
    >> Anonymous 12/24/11(Sat)19:01 No.21826844
    Honestly surprised that's not the case in America (unless you're bullshitting). Figured it would be even worse there as people with degrees have issues getting jobs according to news and the internets
    >> Anonymous 12/24/11(Sat)19:02 No.21826853
    Latin american here, don't make me laugh.
    >> Anonymous 12/24/11(Sat)19:02 No.21826867
    Merry Christmas Britfags (and everyone else on GMT)!
    >> Anonymous 12/24/11(Sat)19:03 No.21826881
    My dad's up in management as well. He wanted to hire some bachelor engineer to lead a project, guy had like 20 years of experience behind his belt.

    But higher up said "Nope, needs masters".
    >> Anonymous 12/24/11(Sat)19:03 No.21826882
         File1324771436.gif-(1.39 MB, 720x480, 0oaRp.gif)
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    Uni: Trinity College Dublin
    Course: Medicine
    Year: 1st (took a slightly roundabout route)
    Happy with course? very much so
    Prospects of getting job upon graduation: pretty much guaranteed but it takes a while to get to the end

    pic not technically related
    >> Anonymous 12/24/11(Sat)19:04 No.21826886
    I honestly can't believe people take these programs and think it will lead them somewhere. I'd be just embarassed to tell someone who asked me what I'm studying that I was into "video games".
    >> Anonymous 12/24/11(Sat)19:04 No.21826891

    A lot of people graduate from University while still completely incompetent. Companies will usually hire someone with >3 years experience over a fresh graduate here no matter what. That's why people have trouble getting jobs, especially if they never did any internships or don't have anything to show (personal / past projects or work).

    US Education is expensive and worthless.
    >> Anonymous 12/24/11(Sat)19:04 No.21826896
    Uni: University of Kent
    Course: Electronic engineering
    Year: 1st
    Happy with course? Muh, maths is a bit easy
    Prospects of getting job upon graduation: Lol, we'll see
    >> Anonymous 12/24/11(Sat)19:05 No.21826912
    What kind of jobs are you talking about? An engineer for example wouldn't even be able to get started unless he has a degree because he'll lack the knowledge, ditto for mostly every respectable education.
    >> Anonymous 12/24/11(Sat)19:06 No.21826919


    DKIT Master Race
    >> Anonymous 12/24/11(Sat)19:07 No.21826938
    Uni: UIUC
    Course: General Studies
    Year: Still in high school....
    Happy with course? No
    Job prospects? No idea

    I was too dumb to get into computer science so I will have to transfer when i get there
    >> Anonymous 12/24/11(Sat)19:08 No.21826948
    Didn't notice this reply earlier, but it's because I live in the same city and I don't feel like paying $10K/year for housing when I have a perfectly fine university a few minutes away.
    I do want to study at UofT after my Bachelor's, though.
    >> Anonymous 12/24/11(Sat)19:08 No.21826951
    Uni: University of Ontario Institute of Technology
    Course: Information Technology, Networking and security specialization
    Year: 2nd
    Happy with course? Yes
    Prospects of getting job upon graduation: Unsure
    >> Anonymous 12/24/11(Sat)19:09 No.21826954

    In my experience, any kind of software development job.

    From all the companies I've seen and most of the people I know that have those kinds of jobs, they value experience and proof of work over degrees.

    Unless you want to work as a cubicle code monkey. Those companies don't really care about the quality or skill level of the employees, those are the types that usually look at degrees more than anything.

    At least, that's what I've seen here.
    >> Anonymous 12/24/11(Sat)19:10 No.21826974
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    >That feel when I wanted to go to Dundalk but they wouldn't let me in
    >> Anonymous 12/24/11(Sat)19:10 No.21826978
    Uni: Open University
    Course: Engineering
    Year: 1st
    Happy with course? Yes
    Prospects of getting job upon graduation: Pretty good seeing as I already have a job and work within the Engineering sector.
    >> Anonymous 12/24/11(Sat)19:10 No.21826983
    >Unsure employment prospects
    nailed that one
    >> Anonymous 12/24/11(Sat)19:11 No.21826985
    No because its way too expensive. I would also be heart broken if something comes up (and something will) and I lost my scholarship and/or racked up fees and was forced to drop out.
    >> Anonymous 12/24/11(Sat)19:11 No.21826987
    Depends who's reading the resumes I guess, HR look for qualifications whereas software engineers value proof of work done and general interest in the field (i.e. working on projects during spare time).
    >> Anonymous 12/24/11(Sat)19:12 No.21826994
    Isn't it always HR that will look at your resume first first in any company larger than tiny?
    >> Anonymous 12/24/11(Sat)19:13 No.21827010

    I suppose that's probably it. The only respectable positions that require degrees in software dev (that I've seen) are shit like research positions that requires PhDs or Masters in computer science. And degree or not you're not even getting close to being hired at those levels unless you're a god.
    >> Anonymous 12/24/11(Sat)19:13 No.21827012
    HR will always screen resumes in large companies but small companies probably can't afford a dedicated HR section.
    >> Anonymous 12/24/11(Sat)19:14 No.21827025


    Well, there's your problem.

    The only time I've had luck when going through HR was when I was applying for something where it was the local team doing all of the recruiting and hiring.

    For 99.99% of jobs, HR's goal is to prevent competent people from getting hired, thus keeping themselves employed.

    If you want to work somewhere in particular, talk to the people you'd actually be working for. Show that you know what the fuck you're doing, and say that you're willing to work cheap to get your foot in the door.

    All that you have to do after that is show up on time and work your ass off, and you'll go far.
    >> Anonymous 12/24/11(Sat)19:15 No.21827034
    >From all the companies I've seen and most of the people I know that have those kinds of jobs, they value experience and proof of work over degrees.

    It's because EVERYONE has degrees, its still a requirement. They just don't care about Uni Of Bumfuck vs. Ivy League as nearly as they much as they care about experience vs. no experience.
    >> Anonymous 12/24/11(Sat)19:15 No.21827042
    Uni: Universidad Iberoamericana
    Course: Information Technology
    Year: 2nd
    Happy with course? Yes
    Prospects of getting job upon graduation: lol i dunno
    >> Anonymous 12/24/11(Sat)19:16 No.21827051

    HR will only screen candidates for jobs that they've been told to recruit for. If you talk to a manager / project leader and he likes you, he can fast track you through the first couple of rounds of the HR process no sweat.
    >> Anonymous 12/24/11(Sat)19:16 No.21827054
    If you "talk to people and get your foot in the door" it's likely a company small enough for you to not be able to go very far. You don't want to be stuck there or in similarly sized companies when you know you can get higher up in bigger companies with a piece of paper.
    Yes there are exceptions to this rule, but you're not making life easier by not having a degree
    >> Anonymous 12/24/11(Sat)19:18 No.21827063
    >Uni: University of Selftaught
    >Course: Computer Science with an emphasis in Programming
    >Year: 13 (i declared my love for computers and a quest for knowledge ~10 years old)
    >Happy with course? Yes
    >Prospects of getting job upon graduation: Unsure, economy in the shitter and all.

    How's that overwhelming-debt feel?
    >> Anonymous 12/24/11(Sat)19:18 No.21827067
    Project leaders and managers have to get an okay from higher up before they recruit. You'd have to make a ridiculously good case for them to convince higher up that you're fine without a degree
    >> Anonymous 12/24/11(Sat)19:20 No.21827081

    Who said I was talking about people with no degree? Having a degree is valuable because it demonstrates that you are minimally competent and can put up with bullshit to get stuff done.

    You're still retarded for going through HR to get a job, though.
    >> Anonymous 12/24/11(Sat)19:20 No.21827088
    My parents paid my way through uni (this was before the fee increase). I am going to pay them back however. I feel much better indebted to my parents.
    >> Anonymous 12/24/11(Sat)19:21 No.21827096
    How's that "trying to get a job with no formal education or training" feel? Welcome to almost 2012.
    >> Anonymous 12/24/11(Sat)19:21 No.21827099

    I really doubt you taught yourself "computer science", you taught yourself how to write programs is more like it, people really throw that word around too much without understanding what it really represents.
    >> !RYtaauV6do 12/24/11(Sat)19:21 No.21827104
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    Uni: ETH Zürich
    Course: Electrical Engineering
    Year: 2nd of bachelor
    Happy: Yes, very.
    Prospects of getting job: >95% regardless of economy.

    >going to one of the best universities in the world
    >companies fight to get graduates of my course working for them
    >> Anonymous 12/24/11(Sat)19:23 No.21827115
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    Uni: University of Gent
    Course: Chemistry
    Year: 4th (1st year of Masters
    Happy with course? Yes (Meh, even after 4 years stil unasure if I had better joined economic science, since I spend more time reading economic related news than science once)
    Prospects of getting job upon graduation: like 99.9%
    Quite amuzing: in my country is chemistry is 2nd best payed sector after finance, but stil last 2 years (in the fucking economic crysis!) had decline in new students, despite almost free university fees

    >Pic unrelated
    >> ­­­­­­­­ 12/24/11(Sat)19:23 No.21827117
    Uni: University of Halle/Wittenberg (Germany)
    Course: Law
    Year: 1
    Happy with course? Yes, so far.
    Prospects of getting job upon graduation: A walk in the park, if i make it through (7 years from now, god damnit!)
    >> Anonymous 12/24/11(Sat)19:23 No.21827123

    >Project leaders and managers have to get an okay from higher up before they recruit.

    This is bullshit no matter where you are. If somebody with that title cannot hire whoever the fuck he needs to to get shit done, he's not actually in a leadership/management role. He may need HR to handle all the paperwork and whatnot, but he doesn't need somebody else's permission to spend his budget on whatever the fuck he wants.
    >> Anonymous 12/24/11(Sat)19:24 No.21827142
    /g/, should I pursue in CS major or (Network) Engineering field?
    >> Anonymous 12/24/11(Sat)19:25 No.21827145
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    Aerospace engineering? Or just technical proficiency? I am interested in this and am intelligent and well equiped to do it, I'm 20, but don't have much money. :(. Any suggestions to do this?
    >thanks in advance!
    >> Anonymous 12/24/11(Sat)19:26 No.21827163
    Just because I'm at Liverpool doesn't mean I'm scouse.
    75% of uk students now study at home though.
    That, and I am a scouser. =)
    >> Anonymous 12/24/11(Sat)19:27 No.21827178
    Anyone on here have any advice at getting hired at a cool independent company ? I hate the idea of wearing a suit, working UN-acknowledgled in a cubicle, following pointless big bushiness protocol, etc.

    I don't mind long hours, less than average pay, etc. To me working on something with people who actually about it deeply and are proud of their work would be an awesome career opportunity for me.

    I realize jobs like this just don't fall out of the sky, but would rather work towards a job like that then work up the big business ladder.
    >> Anonymous 12/24/11(Sat)19:27 No.21827179
    English major, cultural studies minor
    >> Anonymous 12/24/11(Sat)19:27 No.21827180
    Mechanical Engineering
    Graduated (in December)
    Reasonable. Wasn't able to snag an offer on graduation, but intending to search nationwide, and willing/open to most offers
    >> Anonymous 12/24/11(Sat)19:27 No.21827181
    What do you want to do in the future? I don't know what software companies look for but I know that engineering companies prefer students to specialize early.
    >> Anonymous 12/24/11(Sat)19:29 No.21827204
    Small companies take a much bigger risk when hiring so make sure you have a big portfolio and can prove that you will fit in with their little community.
    >> Anonymous 12/24/11(Sat)19:30 No.21827215

    Network Engineering sounds sketchy as a major, maybe minor in it and make sure to land an internship before you graduate ?
    >> Anonymous 12/24/11(Sat)19:35 No.21827285
    Yes, I've gone through a six-month Internship attachment to sponsoring companies for the period of 6 month. Though I'm into networking/cloud computing stuff, but I do tend to dislike programming. I find myself able to comprehend well on language like Java and scripting language, but no so well on VB though. I don't know if I would want to take a C# or C++ class though.
    >> Anonymous 12/24/11(Sat)19:38 No.21827307
    how's trying to get a job with no previous real-world experience feel?
    I make a /living/ as a freelance development contractor, I don't need a degree to get jobs, I only need to flash my portfolio around
    I also have other sources of income, but that's irrelevant
    my point is I'm doing what I want in life, making a living out of it, and not wasting my time or money in school
    >> Anonymous 12/24/11(Sat)19:40 No.21827334
    >This is bullshit no matter where you are.
    You clearly don't know anything about anything beyond tiny businesses.
    >> Anonymous 12/24/11(Sat)19:40 No.21827335
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    > Debt
    You mean how is that free education and £2200 a year grant from the govt? Pretty good. Engineering is boss.
    >> Anonymous 12/24/11(Sat)19:41 No.21827336
    Uni : UNC Charlotte
    Course: Software Info Systems (Basically IT)
    Year: Graduated back in May of this year
    Happy: Now that I'm finally done yes
    Prospects of getting job: Haven't yet but it really is a tough time not totally sure what I'm gonna do but I've done some volunteer things with helping setup new refurbed computers for some kids to use at a youth thing which will help my resume as well as help get some job experience.
    >> Anonymous 12/24/11(Sat)19:43 No.21827358
    If you are happy and living without financial burden that's cool, live your life.

    But school != a waste of time.

    I also realize you worked on some stuff, but that doesn't mean you have the credentials to work on whatever might inspire you / captivate you down the road. I know people who have dropped out of undergraduate to make decent salaries writing iOS apps for "big name" companies... which is hardly where I am hoping my degree can take me.
    >> Anonymous 12/24/11(Sat)19:44 No.21827364
    >using c style does not equal as part of your 4chan vocabulary
    >> Anonymous 12/24/11(Sat)19:45 No.21827371
    Course: Interactive Media
    Year: 1st
    Happy with course? No, it's terrible.
    Prospects of getting job upon graduation: Who knows. I won't get a job from this qualification alone, but combined with my vast practical experience it may amount to a decent CV.
    >> Anonymous 12/24/11(Sat)19:46 No.21827383
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    I'm from chester too.
    >> Anonymous 12/24/11(Sat)19:47 No.21827391

    What do you do if you are not programming ? I haven't had any time to study networking, so its really not obvious what kind of things you would do.
    >> Anonymous 12/24/11(Sat)19:48 No.21827399
    >What do you do if you are not programming ?
    fap to loli
    >> Anonymous 12/24/11(Sat)19:53 No.21827448
    Uni: University of Oxford
    Course: Mathematics and Computer Science
    Year: 2nd
    Prospects of getting job upon graduation: Probably
    >> Anonymous 12/24/11(Sat)19:53 No.21827454
    >degrees are useless

    I think you could have benefited from being force to revisit mathematics. A rate without a time tells me diddly squat about how much you make. Your neighbor paying you to fix her compute can translate into $40/hr
    >> Anonymous 12/24/11(Sat)19:55 No.21827479
    Hi Richard, you fucking cunt.
    >> Anonymous 12/24/11(Sat)20:02 No.21827538
    Not really. UCSB MechE grad here, Career Services doesn't really help much. They offer some workshops and hold job fairs, and that's about it. I don't remember many recruiters at all.

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