>wake up christmas day>santa left a curiously wrapped present under tree>begin to sweat from my rectal area>start breaking out in hives>reach into my pockets>there's raviollis>family is looking at me like i'm a freak>anxiety kicks in>every time i'm anxious i get a raging hard on>my 4" cock pops through the hole in my sweat pants>father punches me because he is disgusted by my radical display on christmas morning>the touch of another person tenses my lower stomach, i try not to cum but it leaks out of the tip of my cock>crawl towards the present>family is yelling at eachother and me>grandma has a heart attack>lay one of my hands on the curiously wrapped present>"b-b-but i just w-want to s-see what s-s-santa brought">dad tells me go back into the basement>begin crying and shitting myself>grab my present>gallop back to to my room as though leaving a trail of feces and raviolis>"w-w-what d-did you b-bring me santa??">slowly open the present, ensuring not to rip the wrapping paper>it's a AMD 6990 graphics card>shit a bit more while cumming all over myself as I violently rip the card out of the box>open up chassis to install the new card>after card is installed, turn PC on to play modern warfare 3>game keeps closing out after 1 minute>go to find drivers, there is none>dad comes in with a shotgun>"n-nooo dad i just n-n-eed the drivers!!">he fires a round into my leg>beats me against the head with the gun>i'm crying in a pool of blood, feces and leftover pie>father goes to jail>get put in mental institution>they run AMD/ATi graphics on their computers>hot nurse asks me of i'm ok>"b-b---buuttttt tth-h-h-ere's nn-n-o driver-sss">die shortly after from blood vessels exploding on my cock from anxiety and pain from lack of drivers>mfw
>>21823126>>21823182samefag, go back to /v/
What the fuck did I just read?
>>21823194>2011>not having samefag detection scriptYou must be new here.
>wake up christmas day>santa left fermi>plug it in>house catches on fire>mfw
>>21823126The first 10 or so lines, oh god
>modern warfare 3top notch story
Such an epic story! Made me lol.
>get a ati 4730>mfw
>6990>for mw3>wanting a 6990 in general
Merry christmas.
>>21823238How about a little sharing?
>>21827105>2011>christmas>bumping a 2 hour old thread
>>21823126> realize it's been an entire year since I last saw OP's pictureWhere has my time gone? ;_;
>>21827158yeah, it seems like the ati/amd vs nvidia faggotry has disappeared.let's bring it back for good measure.
Lol Fermi is so hot you guise.
>>21827248>2010>using wooden screws
you asked for this
>2011>amd still has no drivers
>>21827333You're just jelly I'm styling on you with my nvidia graphics.
Anyone got the picture with the cow2beef.exe with Cuda?
>water cool>fermi is comfortably at 24c idle 40c load>enjoy my drivers>mfw
>>21827261>wooden screws>woodennope.jpg
>>21827382yes, just a sec
ITT:OP being a massive fucking faggotnvidia vs atitrollsmore nvidia vs ati>implying any of this is productive towards the expansion of your intelligent capabilitiesyou're all fucking morons and will be basement dwellers forever
>>21825627It doesn't exist. he's a fucking liar.
>>21827411> 2011> still calling AMD ATIISHYGDDT
>>21827390Well played.
>>21827471>>21827429>>21827478>>21827450>>21827427It seems you're slightly disgruntled with the way this thread has escalated.Have you tried using anal cream for your rectal dysfunctions?
>>21827402Still waiting.