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    File : 1324140484.jpg-(200 KB, 800x927, 1319480191748.jpg)
    200 KB Anonymous 12/17/11(Sat)11:48 No.21680916  
    Carbonite online backup

    >> Anonymous 12/17/11(Sat)11:49 No.21680929
    >> Anonymous 12/17/11(Sat)11:49 No.21680937
    no, just use dropbox, all you need to backup are important work files not your entire os
    >> Anonymous 12/17/11(Sat)11:49 No.21680938
    explain why
    >> Anonymous 12/17/11(Sat)11:50 No.21680952
    Because it's equally as easy and far cheaper to just use some other cloud system for remote backups.
    >> Mochizuki !mkS0MyDojo 12/17/11(Sat)11:50 No.21680953
    nope nope nope
    >> Anonymous 12/17/11(Sat)11:50 No.21680958
    i didn't think dropbox was for backing up, but just sharing..
    >> Anonymous 12/17/11(Sat)11:52 No.21680976
    you're supposed to use dropbox for sharing, but you don''t have to.
    >> Anonymous 12/17/11(Sat)11:53 No.21680992
    Yeah OP. Just "share" with yourself.
    >> Mochizuki !mkS0MyDojo 12/17/11(Sat)11:54 No.21681008
    Dropbox has a very limited upload capacity plus its slow as fuck.
    >> Anonymous 12/17/11(Sat)11:55 No.21681017
    Okay, but dropbox is definitely not cheaper than carbonite.
    50GB costs 10 bucks a month..
    >> Anonymous 12/17/11(Sat)11:56 No.21681036
    >Giving someone else your private downloads that can be accessed by the government without a hitch
    Don't be stupid, use truecrypt and get terabytes worth for local use. Besides
    >Internet only
    >> Mochizuki !mkS0MyDojo 12/17/11(Sat)11:56 No.21681044
    They're retarded.
    Just buy an extra drive, put everything on it, and put it on a shoebox.
    >> Anonymous 12/17/11(Sat)11:58 No.21681061
    but what if a nigger steals that shoe box thinking there are shoes in it?
    >> Mochizuki !mkS0MyDojo 12/17/11(Sat)12:00 No.21681105
    If you can't properly hide something then I can't help you because you are teratarded.
    >> Anonymous 12/17/11(Sat)12:01 No.21681119
    >> Mochizuki !mkS0MyDojo 12/17/11(Sat)12:02 No.21681127
         File1324141351.jpg-(35 KB, 451x358, cheekycat.jpg)
    35 KB
    Like that one?
    >> Anonymous 12/17/11(Sat)12:03 No.21681151
    Ever been to San Francisco? I've seen some shit.
    >> Anonymous 12/17/11(Sat)12:04 No.21681154
    that wasn't OP with the nigger comment btw, I am

    so what makes dropbox safer than carbonite as far as file privacy? do you actually know or are you bullshitting about knowing?

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