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    File : 1323987835.jpg-(23 KB, 308x240, Untitled.jpg)
    23 KB Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)17:23 No.21644835  
    SOPA THREAD #10,984
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)17:25 No.21644865
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)17:25 No.21644872
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)17:25 No.21644874
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)17:26 No.21644885
    More pics of the clerk.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)17:26 No.21644890
    Is Mr starbucks agreeing to ISSA STRONG?
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)17:27 No.21644905
    That feel when the EU starts up its own shit when SOPA passes
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)17:29 No.21644934
    Lofgren says the opposite just now
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)17:29 No.21644955
    39 members in that committee, but only the same five people are talking
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)17:30 No.21644969
    They only exist to vote no
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)17:30 No.21644972

    Well they could America wouldn't have any power to stop the EU
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)17:30 No.21644977

    The other 34 have no idea what those 5 are actually saying.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)17:30 No.21644982

    She is making a good point.


    They're retards and don't understand what a computer is.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)17:30 No.21644985
    Everyone else wants to go home, they've been here for 9+ hours
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)17:30 No.21644986
    I was wondering why is that
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)17:30 No.21644993
    Ms. Lofgren actually knows what she's talking about, shame the rest of the committee is going to ignore her.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)17:31 No.21644999
    are they wrapping this up today, or is this a week long ordeal?
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)17:31 No.21645009
    Time to vote for the pirate party in the EU election again, just to make sure that the right arguments gets heard.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)17:31 No.21645011
    *and have been bribed to shut up and vote with the chairman

    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)17:31 No.21645013

    It's bureaucracy. Week-long ordeal.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)17:31 No.21645017
    Only those against have something to say, namely that chick, others are all like MR CHAIRMAN, YOU AGREE RIGHT? WHY R WE STILL HERE PASS IT THERE IS NOT REASON TO STOP NOW I MEAN UR WIT US RIGHT? GET THIS DONE
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)17:31 No.21645021
    the other 34 are on the internet or dozing off
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)17:31 No.21645025

    It's like my high school English classes all over again.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)17:31 No.21645028

    Unless they wanna be there until midnight, they'll probably break until tomorrow and then pick it up again.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)17:32 No.21645030
    Tomorrow's the last day for them, so nah.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)17:32 No.21645032

    But they don't care, that's the point. It doesn't matter if they had nothing but experts telling the truth - the control over this whole thing does not lie inside that judicial chamber at this moment.

    It lies elsewhere, and SOPA will pass at some point because of the power that lies elsewhere.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)17:32 No.21645034
    >52 amendments left
    >it takes 2 hours to get through one
    week long
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)17:32 No.21645037
    This is getting boring. I hope Watt speaks again soon.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)17:32 No.21645040
    Oh I get this amendment now. Hhahahahah holy shit he's trying to kill SOPA by actually forcing USA taxes on the MPAA/RIAA.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)17:32 No.21645046
    I wonder why on the current amendment the others oppose it as well?
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)17:33 No.21645059
    Just to reiterate: Not passing any amendments is the best possible thing that could happen right now outside of not passing committee at all (which won't happen). Many sources have said there is NO WAY SOPA could pass the houses in it's current form, so if it goes to their doorstep unchanged it's as good as dead
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)17:33 No.21645064
    Why does the stream keep crapping out on me when Issa is talking?
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)17:33 No.21645072
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    King's at is again.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)17:33 No.21645079
    What a fucking boss
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)17:33 No.21645084
    I don't have this issue here, streaming out of windows media player
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)17:34 No.21645105
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)17:35 No.21645115

    Maybe it's just mplayer. :|
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)17:35 No.21645122
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)17:35 No.21645123
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)17:35 No.21645128
    I think I would vote for Issa if he ran for president.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)17:35 No.21645133
    Why don't they just vote using buttons?
    It would be SO much faster.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)17:36 No.21645135
    How does she know if she should say loudly how they voted?
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)17:36 No.21645137
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)17:36 No.21645138
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)17:36 No.21645139
    >not voting electronically
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)17:36 No.21645140
    I swear, they're doing a great job of making this all feel like a waste of time.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)17:36 No.21645142
    All those nos... looks like another failed amendment.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)17:36 No.21645145
    make some calls
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)17:36 No.21645152
    The people shes skips arent voting.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)17:36 No.21645154
    Last time they did that, people were voting for the people that weren't there
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)17:36 No.21645157
    king is tweeting again
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)17:36 No.21645162
    Kinda missed the past few minutes, explain? What is lord Issa doing to save us now?
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)17:37 No.21645164
    How does this make you feel?
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)17:37 No.21645172
    Can we get the list reposted for this thread?
    >> fn 12/15/11(Thu)17:37 No.21645176
    will adding the -nocache option help?
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)17:37 No.21645177
    Reported for non-technology.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)17:37 No.21645184
    Texas does that, and there's people who literally go and press other people's buttons if they aren't there. It's all 100% legit too. Nuke america, basically
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)17:37 No.21645187
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    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)17:37 No.21645188
    are you retarded?
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)17:37 No.21645189
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    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)17:38 No.21645194
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)17:38 No.21645201

    Maybe, I'll try.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)17:38 No.21645203
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)17:38 No.21645207
    This amendment is designed to prevent usage of SOPA rights for content whose copyright resides outside of a country with a law similar to SOPA. In other words, copyright to shit must reside in the US for the *AA to claim things.

    And when copyright resides in the US (instead of nowhereistan), they actually pay taxes on their stuff. A lot of taxes.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)17:39 No.21645210
    Not sure what he can do

    what this was about was to exclude foreign companys from getting SOPA support,
    so why would they oppose it?

    >Movie Corporations
    >not paying SOPA taxes
    >no support
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)17:39 No.21645215
    I missed it. How many voted yes and how many voted no?
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)17:39 No.21645224
    When the fuck does this crap end already?
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)17:40 No.21645231
    Never. Welcome to politics.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)17:40 No.21645238
    When it gets to the senate and they strike it down because it wasn't amended into something passable.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)17:40 No.21645239
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    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)17:40 No.21645240
    6 voted yes, 24 voted no.
    for the amendment, not the actual bill, that is.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)17:40 No.21645241
    The vote was 6 in favor, 24 against.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)17:41 No.21645248
    when do they go home?
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)17:41 No.21645251

    Weeks from now. They'll adjourn tomorrow for the Christmas break and pick it back up when they return. As for a vote on SOPA, that's a long ways off - they have to make it an actual bill first, which is what they're still working on.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)17:41 No.21645252

    I lol'd
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)17:41 No.21645253
    Lofgren actually knows what she's talking about.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)17:41 No.21645254
    ON AN ANMENDMENT, not the actual bill
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)17:41 No.21645257
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)17:41 No.21645260

    What netmask?
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)17:41 No.21645261

    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)17:41 No.21645267
    >it is so simple that even members of this committee could circumvent a DNS ban
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)17:42 No.21645270
    Mr Issa
    Mr Chaffetz
    Mr Lungren
    Ms Lofgren
    Mr Polis
    Mr Sensenbrenner
    Ms Jackson

    Pants on head retarded:
    Mr Watt
    Ms Waters
    Mr Smith (Chairman)
    Mr. Berman (made the bill, funded by corperations)

    So dumb he starts tweeting shit:
    Mr King
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)17:42 No.21645273
    >so easy a 10 year old could do it
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)17:42 No.21645274
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)17:42 No.21645278
    >>21645252 This is no laughing matter

    if SOPA goes though, that well be the face of the intertoast
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)17:43 No.21645286
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)17:43 No.21645287
    Thank you
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)17:43 No.21645288

    Yeah I know. Well, that fucking sucks, I want more yes.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)17:43 No.21645290
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)17:43 No.21645300
    I will be making fortunes smuggling usb sticks containing hosts files in my rectum from yuroop.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)17:43 No.21645307
    >this is draconian!

    >a ten year old can circumvent it.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)17:44 No.21645313
    Ubisoft drm?
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)17:44 No.21645316
    He just won't stop tweeting, either.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)17:44 No.21645317
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    From Elsweyr?
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)17:44 No.21645319
    I lol'd. She is talking about /g/.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)17:44 No.21645321
    No. You want no for everything, so the bill is as ridiculous as possible, so it will just be thrown out later down the road.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)17:44 No.21645324
    >not being full retard

    I am not sure how this is happening
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)17:44 No.21645327
    Congressman Steve King
    Judging from the many responses of my critics, they've never heard of multitasking and need to, in the words of Cain, get a sense of humor.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)17:44 No.21645334
    It's draconian in the collateral damage, and her argument is that the collateral damage is the only actual result of her amendment.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)17:44 No.21645335

    Draconian to enforce

    child simple to circumvent
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)17:45 No.21645343

    The intent is draconian

    The bill itself is pants-on-head-retarded as demonstrated by a 10 year old. It does nothing to stop piracy but breaks the internet.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)17:45 No.21645346
    *without her amendment
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)17:45 No.21645349
    Hell I'm IN california and I'm confused
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)17:46 No.21645358
    Wait, This is all about DNS filtering? I recall it being a different issue.
    What's stopping anyone from using a non US DNS?
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)17:46 No.21645371
    Another shot, guys
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)17:46 No.21645374
    >TOR network comes up

    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)17:46 No.21645375
    nothing. which is a major point being made against this bill being passed
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)17:47 No.21645379
    Aw shit.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)17:47 No.21645380
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)17:47 No.21645381
    Aw shit their talking about Silk Road now

    They going after drugs again.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)17:47 No.21645383
    >Tor Network
    Oh shit.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)17:47 No.21645384
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)17:47 No.21645385
    tampered routing-tables
    intercepting port-53-traffic
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)17:47 No.21645386
    lol here we go
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)17:47 No.21645388
    Shit they know.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)17:47 No.21645391
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)17:47 No.21645393
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)17:47 No.21645395
    Swedish heritage, it's actually Löfgren, but you septics cannot into umlauts.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)17:47 No.21645396
    I oppose this ammendment because the court system will make sure that DNS blockign will be done reponsibly, except for last week when a judge ordered a DNS seizure of a multitude of websites without any sort of legal hearing.

    So that's fun.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)17:47 No.21645401
    silkroad arguement.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)17:47 No.21645404
    This guy knows some shit.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)17:47 No.21645406



    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)17:47 No.21645407
    This "Mr Sanchez" is actually Mr Polis with a weird camera angle. He knows what he's talking about.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)17:47 No.21645413
    So, lemme see if I have this straight.

    Scenario 1: Issa and Lofgren succeed in amending the bill, there's some censorship, but it's not as bad.
    Scenario 2: The bill isn't amended, is killed in the House and Senate for being an unpassable piece of shit.
    Scenario 3: It passes as is, we're fucked.

    How likely is each one?
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)17:47 No.21645414

    Lofgren = California = Silicon Valley = lots of money behind her so she can't afford to be a complete buffoon like most everyone else (save Issa and the one other guy up in the front), there's just too much riding on this for them to fuck it up.

    But, that'll happen anyway.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)17:47 No.21645415
    0.5 update is pretty!
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)17:47 No.21645418
    Fuck. They know about Tor. Brb switching to i2p and Freenet
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)17:48 No.21645421
    Fuck fuck fuck
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)17:48 No.21645422
    >silkroad, never heard of it
    >sounds awesome
    >i just learned a new way to pirate and buy drugs from a congressional committee
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)17:48 No.21645425
    ISPs would be forced to block non US DNS systems.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)17:48 No.21645433
         File1323989311.png-(13 KB, 518x97, Diggingholedeeper.png)
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    OH LAWD.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)17:48 No.21645435
    Buttcoins thread?
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)17:48 No.21645436
    Scenario 3 will come to pass.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)17:48 No.21645438
    SOPA well only make it worse for them to stop piracy thanks to Tor and the such.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)17:48 No.21645440
    >silk road

    They know.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)17:48 No.21645441
    if that's the case, can the 10 year old still laugh?
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)17:48 No.21645442
    How would one build a distributed DNS server network that can be trusted?

    It would probably not be that hard to put a few ip addresses into a DHT and
    then map them to hashes of domain names.

    Adding records is not a problem.
    But who's gonna decide when to change them?

    Maybe require some kind of consensus? Dunno.
    >> Debian !nAgatoQUv6 12/15/11(Thu)17:48 No.21645446
    either 2 or 3, 1 is impossible. Also, there is a chance of veto, while both repubs and dems are for the bill, there are a lot more republicans than democrats
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)17:49 No.21645452
    Are this moron seriously proposing limiting tor, a system which is sponsored by the gov
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)17:49 No.21645453
    >Being surprised a global-policy rep knows about Tor

    How do you think he gets work done when he's in china?
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)17:49 No.21645456
    >bypasses everything

    Oh shit nigga this guy is gonna get tor banned also
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)17:49 No.21645458
    WUT, they'd block access to other DNS, something you can change whenever you want on your computer?
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)17:49 No.21645459
    Shit son all is lost!
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)17:49 No.21645463
    Is the hidden wiki down right now?
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)17:49 No.21645465

    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)17:49 No.21645467
    1.) Very unlikely, if the past 20 minutes are any indication
    2.) Very likely
    3.) Exceedingly unlikely, or in the event that it happens, the senate will kill it, or Obama will Veto it.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)17:49 No.21645472
    Everyone would be able to add, and the one that's first owns the domain as long as he wants.

    welcome to crypto anarchism
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)17:49 No.21645474
    >Ms Sanchez
    >weird looking guy

    Is he sitting in the wrong seat?
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)17:49 No.21645476
    But there's nothing they can do about it.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)17:50 No.21645479
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)17:50 No.21645480
    Mr Polis looks like he is tired of the other's ignorance.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)17:50 No.21645483
    everytime that guy says "Crackhouse" you have to drink
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)17:50 No.21645486
    iptables --dstport 53 -j DROP

    Or something like that.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)17:50 No.21645487
    hurry everyone go to hardcandy lol
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)17:50 No.21645488
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)17:50 No.21645489
    Yeah, that's Polis
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)17:50 No.21645491
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)17:50 No.21645493
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    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)17:50 No.21645495
    >they don't even call for a vote
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)17:50 No.21645499
    >1 person says no
    >the Nos have it

    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)17:50 No.21645502
    Learn to angles. That's the name of the one next to him.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)17:50 No.21645503
    No it's the camera that's at an odd angle showing the sign next to him. His sign says Mr Polis.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)17:51 No.21645509
    What a horrible response, he should have kept his mouth shut like a normal person would.

    >not having a bit of shame
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)17:51 No.21645510
    He fucking narked us all out.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)17:51 No.21645516
    thank god I wasn't the only one who thought that he looked like Bill Murray for a second
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)17:51 No.21645521

    Several people said no. Get better speakers or turn the volume up, stupid.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)17:51 No.21645524
    It's not like any of them were listening to him.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)17:51 No.21645526
    No it won't faggot. Scenario 2 is much more likely.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)17:53 No.21645548
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)17:53 No.21645550
    you only heard the chairman.

    behind the camera is 40 paid shills saying no to everything not even paying attention.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)17:53 No.21645551
    Oh gods, Mr Watt is talking
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)17:53 No.21645552
    And then there's this faggot.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)17:53 No.21645555
    The nigger has his own amendment
    This will be good
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)17:53 No.21645560
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)17:53 No.21645561

    Is someone feeding him answers, wtf is this?
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)17:53 No.21645563
    This bullshit does not go far enough! Now we have to go after everything!
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)17:53 No.21645564
    >Raised in the NEXT amendment to be considered
    Oh god how long is this going to go on for?
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)17:53 No.21645565
    oh god it's the speech impediment nigger guy again
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)17:53 No.21645566
    Why the fuck do all of these people make their own amendments and not talk to each other, they all want the same thing, but are arguing about shit that doesn't matter.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)17:53 No.21645567
    Stop being an alarmist pessimist troll fuck.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)17:53 No.21645573
    >I will not offer my amendment either
    Thank god, now stop talking retard
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)17:54 No.21645582
    Lol, they know too much.

    Time to order some drugs before the anti-Encryption act goes though.
    >> The Last DesertPoni 12/15/11(Thu)17:54 No.21645583
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    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)17:54 No.21645588
    The other, white haired, nigger earlier was a lot fucking worse than this guy right now. Anyone remember?
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)17:54 No.21645595
    60 amendments, we're at 10 or so
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)17:54 No.21645599
    This is amendment 8 out of SEVENTY. Yes really.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)17:55 No.21645602
    only 50 more amendments!
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)17:55 No.21645605
    Man they really were watching us. That AT&T computer is real!
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)17:55 No.21645606
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    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)17:55 No.21645609
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    >dat feel when the fat fuck talking about tor was the only one who knew what he was talking about
    >dat feel when that fat fuck supports SOPA
    >dat feel when that fat fuck has only knowledge, but doesn't understand
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)17:55 No.21645610
    this shit's retarded.
    .onion master race reporting
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)17:55 No.21645611

    Which one?

    Fucking mplayer crapped out on me.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)17:55 No.21645624
    Woo, internet's safe for christmas break. :D
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)17:56 No.21645626
    >the mormons dont like it
    >its fucked

    wait, saved by......mormons....? i dont even
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)17:56 No.21645628
    Hes a fucking bastard. We should kill him!
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)17:56 No.21645634

    HA. Well, you're not wrong.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)17:56 No.21645636
    Guy was high for sure.
    >> The Last DesertPoni 12/15/11(Thu)17:56 No.21645640
         File1323989797.jpg-(124 KB, 666x761, mssancheznoliekeyoo.jpg)
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    I cant fucking wait for Watt's amendment.

    Shits gonna be hilarious
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)17:56 No.21645642
    Use VLC for streaming, idiot.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)17:56 No.21645643
    B-but... It's already 11pm here...
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)17:56 No.21645648
    But that's wrong you fucking retard.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)17:56 No.21645649
    Well he has to enforce laws. It's his job.

    I bet though, that if you proposed a law limiting IP rights to something like 5 years, he'd support it.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)17:57 No.21645651
    Who is the clerk girl? She's pretty cute.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)17:57 No.21645659
    He already withdrew his. We're at 13 now; skipped tons of amendments ahead.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)17:57 No.21645660
    He didn't offer it faggot
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)17:57 No.21645663
    >fat fuck
    >Doen't understan shit

    Pedophile neckbeard detected
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)17:57 No.21645670
    SOPA destroying my life ;.;

    side note: check 'em
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)17:57 No.21645676
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)17:57 No.21645677
         File1323989875.jpg-(11 KB, 182x256, bush.jpg)
    11 KB
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)17:58 No.21645680
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)17:58 No.21645684
         File1323989888.jpg-(17 KB, 500x343, 1323985821856.jpg)
    17 KB
    It's 1 am here.
    Grab your coffe of you need that shit.

    I go to bed at 6 AM every day.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)17:58 No.21645696
    Time for Tor and that yellow thingy
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)17:58 No.21645699
    Lofgren just pointed out that TOR was developed by the gov't.

    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)17:58 No.21645704
    Someone keeps farting into the mic
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)17:58 No.21645705
    Murrika Spec opz/,,military'' created and used it guys....
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)17:58 No.21645707
    That fat lady just farted.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)17:58 No.21645708

    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)17:58 No.21645709
    got me
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)17:59 No.21645710
    what's the url for VLC streaming?

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