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  • Still troubleshooting the remaining CloudFlare issues. We hope to have them resolved this week. Thanks for bearing with us.

    File : 1322629509.jpg-(33 KB, 180x154, megaupload.jpg)
    33 KB Anonymous 11/30/11(Wed)00:05 No.21348430  
    Welp... There's one down go sopa go.
    >> Anonymous 11/30/11(Wed)00:05 No.21348437

    change your DNS?
    >> Anonymous 11/30/11(Wed)00:11 No.21348494
    >For the past 24 hours the hugely popular MegaUpload file-hosting service has been rendered inaccessible across many countries around the world. With the United States government ‘Cyber Monday’ domain seizures fresh in everyone’s mind, fingerpointing has been directed at the U.S. authorities. The problems, however, seem to be rooted with the site’s domain registrar since they appear to have ‘seized’ MegaUpload’s DNS records following a dispute.
    >> Anonymous 11/30/11(Wed)00:14 No.21348536
    I can access it just fine. Herp derp.
    >> Anonymous 11/30/11(Wed)00:15 No.21348558
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    works for me listen to (>>21348437)
    >> Anonymous 11/30/11(Wed)00:20 No.21348618
    Works for me just fine.
    >> Anonymous 11/30/11(Wed)00:21 No.21348630
    do you live in the US?
    >> Anonymous 11/30/11(Wed)00:22 No.21348642
    >> Anonymous 11/30/11(Wed)00:25 No.21348674
    [censorthistoo] Works for me in Canada.

    uMad amerifags [/censorthistoo]
    >> Anonymous 11/30/11(Wed)00:28 No.21348697
    you know that any actual DNS seizure undertaken by the US is likely to affect us too as we are so closely networked. And considering we signed on to ACTA that probably won't change...
    >> Anonymous 11/30/11(Wed)00:30 No.21348720
    Harper is a roody-poo!
    >> Anonymous 11/30/11(Wed)00:31 No.21348736
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    go back to /b/ you fucking loser.
    >> Anonymous 11/30/11(Wed)00:34 No.21348762
    >> Anonymous 11/30/11(Wed)00:34 No.21348770
    how do you do that?
    >> Anonymous 11/30/11(Wed)00:35 No.21348779
    Harper's the loser!
    >> Anonymous 11/30/11(Wed)00:36 No.21348790
    by installing gentoo
    >> Anonymous 11/30/11(Wed)00:36 No.21348794
    get out of /g/ you fucking retard
    >> Anonymous 11/30/11(Wed)00:37 No.21348798
    hey, back off hoser
    >> Anonymous 11/30/11(Wed)00:37 No.21348801
    fuck you damn ass bitch
    >> Anonymous 11/30/11(Wed)00:38 No.21348809
    >> Anonymous 11/30/11(Wed)00:38 No.21348814
    Why so much hate :(
    >> Anonymous 11/30/11(Wed)00:38 No.21348823
    >> Anonymous 11/30/11(Wed)00:39 No.21348826
    ok, i know how to do it but not sure what dns to set it to...
    >> Anonymous 11/30/11(Wed)00:39 No.21348829
    Google DNS
    >> Anonymous 11/30/11(Wed)00:39 No.21348830
    lol faggot go to hell
    >> Anonymous 11/30/11(Wed)00:39 No.21348831
    >> Anonymous 11/30/11(Wed)00:40 No.21348840
    >> Anonymous 11/30/11(Wed)00:41 No.21348854
    Confirmed not working with Time Warner DNS in mid-west United States.

    Confirmed working with Google DNS.
    >> Anonymous 11/30/11(Wed)00:42 No.21348861
    ITT: Noone read the whole article.

    They'll be back up.
    >> Anonymous 11/30/11(Wed)00:42 No.21348863
    I don't like that my ISP's nameserver is blocking things. This is scary.
    >> Anonymous 11/30/11(Wed)00:44 No.21348884
    The government is the bitch of large corporations.
    >> Anonymous 11/30/11(Wed)00:57 No.21349050
    scary but, not unforeseeable, in fact I'm surprised this sort of thing hasn't happened more often and sooner, given that most internet providers are part of some anagram that thinks their losing money to piracy
    >> Anonymous 11/30/11(Wed)01:00 No.21349088
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    torrentfreak is a gossip blog, i can't believe the semi-intelligent users of /g/ buy into their bullshit
    >> Anonymous 11/30/11(Wed)01:00 No.21349094
    ISPs didn't block domains before, because they would of lost their clients.
    >> Anonymous 11/30/11(Wed)01:01 No.21349099
    Ahh okay. I thought I was fucking banned or something...since proxies were working fine
    >> Anonymous 11/30/11(Wed)01:01 No.21349106
    Like they could get something out of bullshiting everybody.
    >> Anonymous 11/30/11(Wed)01:01 No.21349109
    >using your ISP's DNS servers

    Enjoy your DMCA letters, idiots.
    >> Anonymous 11/30/11(Wed)01:02 No.21349122
    ad revenue, baka.
    >> Anonymous 11/30/11(Wed)01:03 No.21349135
    You won't get DMCA letters because you're using their name servers, you get letters from traffic inspection.
    >> Anonymous 11/30/11(Wed)01:03 No.21349136

    >would of

    Stop that. Goddamn.

    It's "would've" or "would have"
    >> Anonymous 11/30/11(Wed)01:04 No.21349146
    Not working with Time Warner in Hawaii either.

    Changing DNS...
    >> Anonymous 11/30/11(Wed)01:07 No.21349195
    Who wants to burn the white house a second time :D
    >> Anonymous 11/30/11(Wed)01:09 No.21349217
    lulz, get ur guy fawkes masks out XD
    >> Anonymous 11/30/11(Wed)01:09 No.21349222

    >notes a flurry of activity on the CIA/NSA/FBI/government servers right now as they do a complete background and dossier workup on that poster for the Secret Service for the implied threat that poster just made

    Even jokingly, you're gonna hear from 'em, guaranteed.
    >> Anonymous 11/30/11(Wed)01:10 No.21349229
    Switched to Google and OpenDNS about a week ago. Thank god.
    >> Anonymous 11/30/11(Wed)01:11 No.21349249
    >> Anonymous 11/30/11(Wed)01:12 No.21349260
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    Fuck, changing DNS servers isnt going to help, once the registrar changes the nameservers and dns records this will propagate to all DNS servers.
    >> Anonymous 11/30/11(Wed)01:12 No.21349262
    all the filelockers are going to be shut down by the US government and the great firewall of america will be forced on every other country by the US. tis the beginning of the end of the golden age of the internet my friends.
    >> Anonymous 11/30/11(Wed)01:14 No.21349286
    I just pictured a bunch of leejun trying to sneak into the white house with those horribly outstanding masks on, failing miserably.

    Anyway, thanks for the mental image.
    >> Anonymous 11/30/11(Wed)01:18 No.21349326
    Google DNS probably will not have this problem. Why? They fucking hate SOPA and any censorship that goes along with it.

    Or it won't effect them until they get forced into doing it by the courts, at least.
    >> Anonymous 11/30/11(Wed)01:19 No.21349339
    Load of bullshit.

    Megaupload is one of hundreds. When all of them are inaccessible, then I'll don my tin-foil hat.
    >> Mr. Bradeli !tRiPfAGSxc!!gOZ5rqq+i0U 11/30/11(Wed)01:20 No.21349357
    You are the reason this happened.
    >> Anonymous 11/30/11(Wed)01:21 No.21349370
    As long as they don't mess with Mediafire then it's all good.
    >> Anonymous 11/30/11(Wed)01:27 No.21349446
    Host files here we come again.
    Fuck murrica.
    >> Anonymous 11/30/11(Wed)01:27 No.21349447
    >Google DNS probably will not have this problem. Why? They fucking hate SOPA and any censorship that goes along with it

    Google /abandoned/ the Chinese market because of censorship. They left. Entirely. It was big news.
    >> Anonymous 11/30/11(Wed)01:33 No.21349516
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    >mfw its down for me
    >> Anonymous 11/30/11(Wed)01:38 No.21349558
    AT&T West Coast: Online
    >> Anonymous 11/30/11(Wed)01:44 No.21349592
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    >mfw was "DOWN FOREVER"

    I would just wait longer. If it's down for like 3 days then, yeah, it's gone for good. Seeing that some people can connect to it makes me think it's just something wrong on their end.
    >> Anonymous 11/30/11(Wed)01:45 No.21349598
    Telmex here. Can connect.
    >> Anonymous 11/30/11(Wed)01:46 No.21349599
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    Thats not how DNS works (as far as my understanding goes) they change the nameservers on the registrant level, which points to the DNS records for that domain, which contain all the dns, "A" record "CNAME" "PTR", etc

    Once they change the nameserver and or the underlying dns, it will propagate to all dns servers over the world.

    It is like when you change MX records for a domain, it takes a while for it to propagate to other dns servers and mail starts resolving.
    >> Anonymous 11/30/11(Wed)01:47 No.21349608
    I'm on Crapcast in the US, Megaupload is fine.
    >> Anonymous 11/30/11(Wed)01:49 No.21349621
    and so it begins... TO WAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    >> Anonymous 11/30/11(Wed)01:50 No.21349629
    >mfw piracy goes back to private FTP servers
    >> Anonymous 11/30/11(Wed)01:52 No.21349653

    Daddy whats an FTP server?
    >> Anonymous 11/30/11(Wed)01:52 No.21349654
    Works fine in Australia, and you guys made fun of us for having censored internet (which never happened).
    >> Anonymous 11/30/11(Wed)01:53 No.21349655
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    Works fine for me too. However read over their user agreement again.

    I think you'll notice a few..Changes.

    >mfw it now says this:

    >Please be aware Megaupload reserves the right to cancel any account or transmission they find in violation of any of the above policies. If appropriate, Megaupload will refer complaints to law enforcement authorities, and in such case, Megaupload will actively assist law enforcement agencies with the investigation and prosecution of any such activities, including surrendering Customer account and data information.
    >> Anonymous 11/30/11(Wed)01:54 No.21349662
    From the looks of this thread the site is still up in the US.
    >> Anonymous 11/30/11(Wed)01:56 No.21349676
    basically means if they get a copyright violation notice and it's legit, then they're not gonna cover for you. don't really see anything wrong with that
    >> Anonymous 11/30/11(Wed)01:56 No.21349682

    No, it just depends on whether the DNS records have propagated to your DNS provider. I live in Australia and doesn't resolve for me.
    >> Anonymous 11/30/11(Wed)01:58 No.21349702
    What iso are you with? I'm with TPG and it works.
    >> Anonymous 11/30/11(Wed)01:59 No.21349710
    How did the US government manage to effect Australian ISPs?
    >> Anonymous 11/30/11(Wed)01:59 No.21349714
    Stupid autocorrect
    >> Anonymous 11/30/11(Wed)02:00 No.21349723
    All dns records are kept in America and completely controlled by America through ICANN.
    >> Anonymous 11/30/11(Wed)02:00 No.21349724
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    >> Anonymous 11/30/11(Wed)02:02 No.21349732
    soap will change this.
    >> Anonymous 11/30/11(Wed)02:02 No.21349733
    Backbone of the internet is in the US.

    Also it all passes through bob page in area 51
    >> Anonymous 11/30/11(Wed)02:02 No.21349737
    Guys this has nothing to do with the US government. If it was then no US people would be able to access the site. Megaupload is getting buttfucked by someone on their end.

    <conspiracy> or maybe this is a test run for SOPA...</conspiracy>
    >> Anonymous 11/30/11(Wed)02:03 No.21349749
    Funny, I never had any outage with Megaupload. It's up right now and I downloaded some shit from it at like 5pm...East Coast USA here.
    >> Anonymous 11/30/11(Wed)02:04 No.21349757
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    I see it this way.

    Now lets disregard that this bill is a huge breach of privacy. Let's say that it actually WILL crack down on crime "Lol it won't" why do you think this bill is in place?

    Well let's look at who the big badasses that should be catching this criminals in the first place.

    The FBI and other authorities of the like. This bill is the side effect of them being so damn incapable. They wave their dicks around like their the big tough guy on the block, but at the end of the day they can't even catch some kids behind a mask and uploading material.

    Why should we be punished at not the fucktards who fail to catch these losers non stop?

    THAT is what pisses me off about this bill. And don't even feed me that "If you aren't guilty you have nothing to hide" bullshit. They can abuse this bill and they will.

    Want more proof that this is their mentality? Pic related. The bill hasn't even passed yet and this is already the tyrannical crap they are pulling.

    This bill isn't anything to joke about. It's China's inter as we know it.
    >> Anonymous 11/30/11(Wed)02:04 No.21349763
    How was this allowed to happen? What gives the US government the right to shut down websites anywhere in the world?
    >> Anonymous 11/30/11(Wed)02:06 No.21349786
    They don't. So long as the internet is connected even if the domain names are seized you can simply connect directly to the IP. Most laymen don't know that, but they don't deserve to access the site if they aren't tech savvy enough to find it's IP somehow.
    >> Anonymous 11/30/11(Wed)02:07 No.21349792


    We created the internet, we keep the keys to it.
    >> Anonymous 11/30/11(Wed)02:09 No.21349812


    That asshole attitude is what keeps digging you idiots deeper and deeper.
    >> Anonymous 11/30/11(Wed)02:11 No.21349824
    shit i was going to bed but if megaupload is going down i need to DL the porn files i havent downloaded yet...
    >> Anonymous 11/30/11(Wed)02:11 No.21349826
    i think megaupload changed nameservers and it is just taking a while for the new dns to propagate... nobody's ISP is blocking megaupload... if you cant access megaupload it just means the new dns hasn't propagated to your ISP's dns server yet... wait a day or two and it will work, or just switch to a more robust dns (google, opendns) if you are impatient.
    >> Anonymous 11/30/11(Wed)02:11 No.21349834
    Yo can't be trusted with it.
    >> Anonymous 11/30/11(Wed)02:12 No.21349841
    I know you can connect the IP, but once they take down the domain the site is effectively offline as far as search engines and user are concerned.
    >> Anonymous 11/30/11(Wed)02:13 No.21349847

    Well then maybe your country should create something useful and then you guys can choose how its run.
    >> Anonymous 11/30/11(Wed)02:14 No.21349864

    I live in America dumbass. I believe i'm entitled to the opinion just as much as you are.
    >> Anonymous 11/30/11(Wed)02:16 No.21349875

    You're not an american. You're a pussy like the rest of them. Why don't you move to canada where the rest of the fags go?
    >> Anonymous 11/30/11(Wed)02:16 No.21349880
    >Sites in protest of SOPA and ProtectIP change their DNS servers to make it appear as if they were taken down
    >Everyone flips their shit
    >> Anonymous 11/30/11(Wed)02:17 No.21349885
    Some of the initial infrastructure was invented in the US. That doesn't give the US the right to own it.
    You kids and your nationalism.
    >> Anonymous 11/30/11(Wed)02:18 No.21349888

    That's not a bad idea. Maybe i can pack up my bags and go to a country where the internet isn't censored by fags with no backbone to stand up to their own government.

    What happened to you America? You used to be cool. Now you're just full of egotistical fuckwits who think we're invincible.
    >> Anonymous 11/30/11(Wed)02:20 No.21349908
    Actually since we own the corporation who is in charge of handling DNS servers for the world, yes we kind of do that the authority to do this kind of thing.
    Does that mean it's right? No. But people going "lol murrkia i'll enjoy my free einternet" are retarded since they don't seem to know (or care) that this affects them.
    >> Anonymous 11/30/11(Wed)02:21 No.21349916
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    Ah yes, the typical low-standard "my country is better than yours" argument.

    >2011 and still thinking that imaginary political lines somehow have predetermined a person's intelligence or a group of people's ability to be creative.
    >> Anonymous 11/30/11(Wed)02:21 No.21349919
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    >> Anonymous 11/30/11(Wed)02:21 No.21349921
    Do you realise that most of what you have was invented outside of the US?
    >> Anonymous 11/30/11(Wed)02:22 No.21349924

    We are invincible. We have over 1000 nukes and plenty of toys to send them in on. Come at us bro!
    >> Anonymous 11/30/11(Wed)02:22 No.21349931
    >itt: people don't know how DNS servers work
    >> Anonymous 11/30/11(Wed)02:25 No.21349954

    Info goes in, info goes out. You can't explain that!
    >> Anonymous 11/30/11(Wed)02:25 No.21349957
    I know that gives them the legal right. It just doesn't give them a moral right. It shouldn't really give them a legal right either though.
    >> Anonymous 11/30/11(Wed)02:26 No.21349962
    Nearly all modern inventions are American. Even shit that are commonly attributed to Europeans were actually invented by Americans, such as the radio and the internet. (The first was stolen by Marconi from Nikola Tesla, who was later given credit by international courts as Marconi had stolen 14 Tesla patents to make his ripoff radio. The second is often credited to Tim Berners Lee and CERN, neither or which invented the internet. They made the hyper text transfer protocol, one of many protocols used on the internet.)
    >> Anonymous 11/30/11(Wed)02:26 No.21349965
    Never a miscommunication.
    >> Anonymous 11/30/11(Wed)02:28 No.21349986
    Not sure if serious... correct me if i'm wrong, but I'm pretty sure your ISP can see everything you are doing regardless if you are using a 3rd party DNS.
    >> Anonymous 11/30/11(Wed)02:28 No.21349989
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    Europeans had the first computer network which is what ARPA based their ARPANet on.
    >> Anonymous 11/30/11(Wed)02:29 No.21349997

    Incorrect. First computer network was made at UCLA Berkley in 1969.
    >> Anonymous 11/30/11(Wed)02:31 No.21350011
    Only a small number of modern inventions are US inventions.
    >> Anonymous 11/30/11(Wed)02:32 No.21350016
    >> Anonymous 11/30/11(Wed)02:33 No.21350030


    Clearly biased source is clearly biased.
    >> Anonymous 11/30/11(Wed)02:34 No.21350031
    unsubstantiated revisionist shit spewed by a man looking for 15 minutes.
    >> Anonymous 11/30/11(Wed)02:35 No.21350040
    >one guy says, "NO WAY IT WAS ME FIRST"

    clearly a reliable source with lots of evidence
    >> Anonymous 11/30/11(Wed)02:35 No.21350042
    >brit gave a speech about making a network in 1968
    >americans actually did it in 1969

    giving a speech about a thing != making it

    > The ARPANET in particular led to the development of protocols for internetworking, where multiple separate networks could be joined together into a network of networks.

    >The first two nodes of what would become the ARPANET were interconnected between Leonard Kleinrock's Network Measurement Center at the UCLA's School of Engineering and Applied Science and Douglas Engelbart's NLS system at SRI International (SRI) in Menlo Park, California, on 29 October 1969
    >> Anonymous 11/30/11(Wed)02:35 No.21350046
    >first computer network which is what ARPA based their ARPANet on
    I wish you Eurofags would stop claiming British innovation as European. Deal with the fact that Britain, Germany, the US and Japan invented almost everything in the time since the industrial revolution.
    >> Anonymous 11/30/11(Wed)02:35 No.21350048
    >> Anonymous 11/30/11(Wed)02:37 No.21350069

    >> Anonymous 11/30/11(Wed)02:39 No.21350081
    I know, man. ;_;
    >> Anonymous 11/30/11(Wed)02:39 No.21350082
    >> Anonymous 11/30/11(Wed)02:39 No.21350085
    >Thinks the BBC is unreliable
    Okay man.

    Like it or not England invented packet switching. They invented the Internet.

    I'm American.
    >> Anonymous 11/30/11(Wed)02:39 No.21350087
    >NeXT Computer was used by Sir Tim Berners-Lee at CERN and became the world's first Web server.
    >NeXT is the basis of OS X.
    >A Mac was the first web server.
    >Apple invented the internet

    I propose we change the name of the internet to the stevejobsnet.
    >> Anonymous 11/30/11(Wed)02:40 No.21350098

    >> Anonymous 11/30/11(Wed)02:40 No.21350099
    are statists lying when they say that without the government we wouldn't have internet?
    >> Anonymous 11/30/11(Wed)02:41 No.21350104
    Wrong. What the Brits did only worked between two computers. What the Americans did was made true networks, the first internet.
    >> Anonymous 11/30/11(Wed)02:45 No.21350138

    >> Anonymous 11/30/11(Wed)02:47 No.21350172
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    Look it up if you don't believe me. I'll wait.
    >> Anonymous 11/30/11(Wed)02:48 No.21350176
    i dont lol i donwload them
    >> Anonymous 11/30/11(Wed)02:49 No.21350192

    >> Anonymous 11/30/11(Wed)02:50 No.21350201

    You're right we did invent all that plus the cheeseburger.
    >> Anonymous 11/30/11(Wed)02:51 No.21350219
    >Google /abandoned/ the Chinese market because of censorship
    They were kicked out, not left.
    >> Anonymous 11/30/11(Wed)02:52 No.21350227

    and they returned. Way to go google! Our White Knights!
    >> Anonymous 11/30/11(Wed)02:52 No.21350230
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    >Massachusetts Institute of Technology (UK)
    You've got to start with more subtlety.
    >> Anonymous 11/30/11(Wed)02:53 No.21350232
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    Your denial is delicious.

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