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  • We are still working on some of the outstanding CloudFlare issues. We are aware of an issue affecting IE users where all images are saved as BMP and are working on a fix. We will also be sending proper Last-Modified headers on HTML starting early next week (works on our end, waiting on a fix from CDN). And still tracking down the issues with posting/accessing

    I've gotten a few e-mails from Australian users about difficulty resolving 4chan DNS and accessing the site. If you are affected, please e-mail with more specifics like your ISP, and what the 4chan subdomains are resolving to (run "nslookup" and "nslookup" from command prompt/terminal).

    Thanks and Happy Thanksgiving!
    Love, mootykins

    File : 1322347665.png-(712 KB, 665x1000, 10615609.png)
    712 KB !MayhemxaEo 11/26/11(Sat)17:47 No.21284648  
    4chan X 2.21.0 is out.

    >> Anonymous 11/26/11(Sat)17:51 No.21284710
    Backlinks and inline quoting aren't working.

    The quoted post doesn't show up, but only on /g/.
    >> !MayhemxaEo 11/26/11(Sat)17:52 No.21284717
    It's working for me.
    >> Anonymous 11/26/11(Sat)17:52 No.21284727
    >remove image preloading
    Lol, good luck with that.
    >> Anonymous 11/26/11(Sat)17:52 No.21284730
         File1322347971.png-(417 KB, 336x500, 1306130400585.png)
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    I'd use your script if it wasn't made by some jap loving faggot
    >> !MayhemxaEo 11/26/11(Sat)17:53 No.21284738
    >expand all
    There, you have image preloading.
    >> Anonymous 11/26/11(Sat)17:53 No.21284739
    Typical Mayhem, this is what the told aeosynth when he broke everything then started the revert war.

    Mayhem, bro, you're a fucking retard loser, no offense.
    >> Anonymous 11/26/11(Sat)17:53 No.21284742
         File1322348019.jpg-(581 KB, 524x780, 1312114312095.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 11/26/11(Sat)17:54 No.21284757
    Nevermind, I disabled the old filter script and it fixed it.

    Also, UI complaint

    >Have to open up the 4chan X menu just to mess with the filter
    >old one was just a mouse over dialog
    >> Anonymous 11/26/11(Sat)17:54 No.21284764
    But you can't turn that on constantly can you. Plus they would actually expand which is useless most of the time.

    Why did you remove it?
    >> Anonymous 11/26/11(Sat)17:54 No.21284770
         File1322348094.jpg-(256 KB, 440x650, 1314860183741.jpg)
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    Here's a better one.
    >> !MayhemxaEo 11/26/11(Sat)17:55 No.21284780
    Do you mess with the filter daily or something?
    I'm not gonna add yet another UI just for the filter.

    >But you can't turn that on constantly can you.
    Yes I can.

    >Why did you remove it?
    I find it harmful.
    >> Anonymous 11/26/11(Sat)17:56 No.21284794
         File1322348181.jpg-(32 KB, 336x500, FuckAnimeEdited.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 11/26/11(Sat)17:56 No.21284795
    Did mayhem fork his own 4chan X?
    >> Anonymous 11/26/11(Sat)17:56 No.21284797
    I'd use your script if it wasn't bloated with useless/newfag/autismo/btards functions.

    All I need is multi quoting, quote peeking and post/report timers.

    I should write a script myself probably.
    >> !MayhemxaEo 11/26/11(Sat)17:56 No.21284801
    >> Anonymous 11/26/11(Sat)17:57 No.21284815
    So let me understand this, you took 4chan x, which is reasonable, then you broke it and removed stuff you found harmful?
    >> Anonymous 11/26/11(Sat)17:57 No.21284816
    Guess I'll either stay with 2.20.3 or Aerosmith's version then. Should have at least gave people the option to turn it on or off.
    >> seaweed !Ponyo.2wFE 11/26/11(Sat)17:58 No.21284822
    But in all those cases it was mostly people complaining about shit they did wrong themselves:

    And the filter in a 4chan X tab is much, much better. Accessible when you need it and not taking up space.
    >> Anonymous 11/26/11(Sat)17:58 No.21284824
    moot kindly asked for no image preloading
    >> Anonymous 11/26/11(Sat)17:58 No.21284825
         File1322348308.gif-(4 KB, 344x326, despair 2.gif)
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    Do posts still get swallowed by the quickreply every so often?
    >> Anonymous 11/26/11(Sat)17:58 No.21284829
    Removing the proloading was actually a noble move. You probably will never understand.
    >> Anonymous 11/26/11(Sat)17:58 No.21284832
    >> Anonymous 11/26/11(Sat)17:58 No.21284838
    Just disable those features then.
    >> seaweed !Ponyo.2wFE 11/26/11(Sat)17:59 No.21284840
    That's a 4chan thing.

    If you used the regular post form enough you'd notice it happening without 4chan X.
    >> Anonymous 11/26/11(Sat)17:59 No.21284850
    How the fuck do I use this filter

    >Put /anonymous/i in the name field
    >posts still there
    >> Anonymous 11/26/11(Sat)17:59 No.21284851
    I understand exactly why they removed it. For both reasons.
    >> !MayhemxaEo 11/26/11(Sat)18:00 No.21284855
    I didn't switch to the new QR, so this might happen.
    I'll get to fix it asap.
    >> !MayhemxaEo 11/26/11(Sat)18:00 No.21284862
    Enable it.
    >> Anonymous 11/26/11(Sat)18:01 No.21284871
    Oh Maycum, you fucking monkey.
    There is no need for your own fucking fork, what the fuck's wrong with you.
    >> Anonymous 11/26/11(Sat)18:01 No.21284872
    fucking derp
    >> Anonymous 11/26/11(Sat)18:01 No.21284874
    How does the built-in filter work? Just like the seperate filter script? Does it hide whole threads or just single posts?
    >> seaweed !Ponyo.2wFE 11/26/11(Sat)18:02 No.21284881
         File1322348541.png-(184 KB, 1206x811, filtered.png)
    184 KB
    Filtered for being silly.
    >> !MayhemxaEo 11/26/11(Sat)18:03 No.21284892
    >How does the built-in filter work?
    Read the description.

    >Does it hide whole threads or just single posts?
    You can chose to filter OPs along with their threads or not.
    >> seaweed !Ponyo.2wFE 11/26/11(Sat)18:03 No.21284894
    Filter OPs hides whole threads.

    Regular filter hides single posts.
    >> !MayhemxaEo 11/26/11(Sat)18:05 No.21284915
    Weren't you a mozillafag?
    >> Anonymous 11/26/11(Sat)18:05 No.21284919
    I used to think you were a bro Mayhem. Put image proloading back in, you spaz.
    >> Anonymous 11/26/11(Sat)18:05 No.21284921

    Yeah, derp, just saw that. But does it work globally or on specified boards?
    >> Anonymous 11/26/11(Sat)18:05 No.21284926
    Hey mayhem, port your userstyle to firefox so we don't have to suck seaweed's dick.
    >> !MayhemxaEo 11/26/11(Sat)18:06 No.21284941


    You do it.
    >> Anonymous 11/26/11(Sat)18:07 No.21284956

    Any chance you can make it on a board by board basis? There are some words I'd only want to block on specific boards.
    >> Anonymous 11/26/11(Sat)18:08 No.21284958
    If you're gonna fork it, at least change the name (4chan-MX or whatever). Forks are fine, that's why open-source is so great, but don't add even more confusion.
    >> Anonymous 11/26/11(Sat)18:08 No.21284964
    >use unread favicons by ferongr
    What's this now?
    >> Anonymous 11/26/11(Sat)18:09 No.21284975
         File1322348951.jpg-(49 KB, 321x341, Why do you hate america.jpg)
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    >Not wanting to suck Seaweed's dick
    >> Anonymous 11/26/11(Sat)18:09 No.21284976
    One issue I'm noticing is that it reverts to the Yotsuba theme, or at least uses its font, instead of the one I want: Futaba.
    >> !MayhemxaEo 11/26/11(Sat)18:09 No.21284980
    Uh? Like what?

    >x vs y threads
    >> seaweed !Ponyo.2wFE 11/26/11(Sat)18:10 No.21284989
         File1322349016.jpg-(8 KB, 88x27, ferongr.jpg)
    8 KB
    It's not that hard to do it yourself.
    I use both. Helps catch bugs on both, and -webkit-box-reflect is sexy.
    Pic related. xat's had some stupid orb in the middle.
    >> Anonymous 11/26/11(Sat)18:10 No.21284996

    For example I don't want to see any thread with "general" in them on /co/ because they are all terrible.
    Generals on /v/ are okay.
    >> Anonymous 11/26/11(Sat)18:11 No.21285003
    >Generals on /v/ are okay.

    Good one.
    >> seaweed !Ponyo.2wFE 11/26/11(Sat)18:11 No.21285004
    I second your notions, good sir.
    >> Anonymous 11/26/11(Sat)18:11 No.21285008
         File1322349090.png-(260 KB, 1919x1054, seaweeddick.png)
    260 KB
    >using something seaweed did
    oneechan 1.1 is broken for me btw. dunno if it's oneechan fault or some other addons
    >> Anonymous 11/26/11(Sat)18:11 No.21285011
    Every thread on /co/ is terrible.

    >/co/ - perverted cartoon fans, whiny comic fans, and perverted+whiny homestuck fans
    >> Anonymous 11/26/11(Sat)18:11 No.21285013

    They are filled with game discussion. /co/'s generals are about fanfiction, porn, shipping and general retardation.
    >> Anonymous 11/26/11(Sat)18:12 No.21285015
    >x vs y threads

    Will happen regardless of what the name is.

    Once the features diverge into the near future, it wont matter.
    >> seaweed !Ponyo.2wFE 11/26/11(Sat)18:12 No.21285017
    Helps to be able to read, silly.

    >Supported userscripts (latest versions):
    >-4chan X (stable branch, not master)
    >> Anonymous 11/26/11(Sat)18:12 No.21285025
    But serioysly add something to the name, and who fucking ares about autistic fucks that fight over a script.
    >> !MayhemxaEo 11/26/11(Sat)18:12 No.21285028
    Not 4chan X related.

    Okay, I'll see what I can do.
    >> Anonymous 11/26/11(Sat)18:13 No.21285032
    You could filter homestuck, hamsteak, homosuck, MLP, my little pony, pony, adventure time, and AT for the subject field.
    >> Anonymous 11/26/11(Sat)18:13 No.21285033
    Any reason at all to stick with 2.20.3 if I don't use image preloading?
    >> Anonymous 11/26/11(Sat)18:13 No.21285035
         File1322349227.jpg-(130 KB, 500x310, opera.jpg)
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    Seems to be working fine in opera

    >initiate 4chan X earlier
    hmm, not really, still have to wait for page to finish to load.

    >performance improvements
    hmm ok

    >regular expressions based filter
    dunno what that is

    >remove image preloading
    good, i didn't use it and some said that it put unnecesary load on 4chan servers

    >automatically reload expanded pictures on error
    didn't had some errors so dunno, but ok

    >handle bans with the thread updater
    or we would miss them?

    >use unread favicons by ferongr
    favicon of a tab? dont seem any different if this means not visited but opened tab in the background...
    >> Anonymous 11/26/11(Sat)18:13 No.21285037
    sorry, seems that i can into readme
    later i'll install 4chan x stable to try it
    >> seaweed !Ponyo.2wFE 11/26/11(Sat)18:13 No.21285039
    If you like aeosynth and hate freedom.
    >> Anonymous 11/26/11(Sat)18:14 No.21285046
    >hurrdurr if I don't give it a different name people can't make X vs Y threads
    Doesn't make a difference what you call it, you're just going to have to make us give an extra effort to specify which 4chan X we're talking about. For simplicity, we're probably just going to call it MX either way.
    >> Anonymous 11/26/11(Sat)18:14 No.21285052
    A fetish for odd numbers.
    >> seaweed !Ponyo.2wFE 11/26/11(Sat)18:14 No.21285056
    Well if you do, use Mayhem's stable version 'cause its better.
    >> Anonymous 11/26/11(Sat)18:14 No.21285059
    Really? I'm pretty sure it never used to happen without 4chan X. But, assuming that, are there any workarounds?
    >> Anonymous 11/26/11(Sat)18:15 No.21285064
         File1322349308.jpg-(18 KB, 221x225, 1320203182203.jpg)
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    Not a big fan of the new unread favicons.
    >> Mochizuki !mkS0MyDojo 11/26/11(Sat)18:15 No.21285071
    Did you guys change the pre-loading and auto updating features?
    >> Anonymous 11/26/11(Sat)18:15 No.21285079
    yep, even if i'll miss image preloading...
    my connection is shitty and it was nice to have everything already loaded.

    and no, "expand" is not an alternative for me
    >> Anonymous 11/26/11(Sat)18:16 No.21285083

    Pre-loading is out because moot's request. Auto update is still the same.
    >> Anonymous 11/26/11(Sat)18:16 No.21285084
    How about you read the changelog before updating?
    >> seaweed !Ponyo.2wFE 11/26/11(Sat)18:16 No.21285087
    If you use Firefox:

    Otherwise wait for:
    >> !MayhemxaEo 11/26/11(Sat)18:16 No.21285088
    >4chan X fork from mayhem
    There, you have it.

    Click on the style you want at the bottom of the page?
    >> Mochizuki !mkS0MyDojo 11/26/11(Sat)18:17 No.21285103
    This thread is for questions and comments about the script, asshole.
    It's not a hard question to answer.
    >> Anonymous 11/26/11(Sat)18:17 No.21285107
    >> seaweed !Ponyo.2wFE 11/26/11(Sat)18:18 No.21285114
    I'm sure someone will eventually get image preloading as a standalone userscript for people to use without having to put pressure onto Mayhem or aeosynth.
    >> seaweed !Ponyo.2wFE 11/26/11(Sat)18:18 No.21285129
    aeosynth changed auto updating to enforce a 15s interval if you ever attempt to change it.

    Mayhem just undid that is all.
    >> Anonymous 11/26/11(Sat)18:19 No.21285143
    Why would you listen to moot? There are so many problems with the site right now, and he's dicking around on /sp/
    >> Anonymous 11/26/11(Sat)18:20 No.21285145
    I can set it to Futaba, but every so often it will switch to Yotsuba, and it's very annoying. I'll try disabling 4chan X and see if it keeps happening but even so, I'm interested in a workaround.
    >> Anonymous 11/26/11(Sat)18:20 No.21285157
    My auto-update doesn't work. What could be causing this? I keep getting "retry" in the corner.
    >> Anonymous 11/26/11(Sat)18:20 No.21285160
    Wait, what?

    Did you remove the new design that previews images you are about to upload?
    >> Anonymous 11/26/11(Sat)18:21 No.21285166
    Using Nightly? Update.
    >> seaweed !Ponyo.2wFE 11/26/11(Sat)18:21 No.21285169
    Did you accidentally install both userscripts?
    >> Shou 11/26/11(Sat)18:21 No.21285171
    How about adding a checkbox next to the expand all one for pre-loading? Some users don't want them all expanded, but still loaded so they can expand them themselves later, for example. Or an option to change the behavior of 'expand all'.
    >> Anonymous 11/26/11(Sat)18:21 No.21285172
    preloading rapes the servers. This was one source of problems for the site man.
    >> !MayhemxaEo 11/26/11(Sat)18:21 No.21285175
    I'm not listening to moot, I'm listening to how slow the servers were before the hardware upgrade.
    If 4chan X and image preloading would become more popular we would get slow image loading all over again.
    >> Anonymous 11/26/11(Sat)18:21 No.21285177
    No, preloading as in automatically loading the large version of every image in the thread. Moot probably requested it to be removed because it's taxing on the server.
    >> Anonymous 11/26/11(Sat)18:21 No.21285178
    Because they're gigantic faggots. I mean fuck, one of them is French and the other one some homosexual gook.
    >> seaweed !Ponyo.2wFE 11/26/11(Sat)18:21 No.21285180
    There was nothing to remove, that was a scrapped design even in aeosynth's 4chan X. See: post branch.
    >> Saxamaphone !3.saxN0DHY 11/26/11(Sat)18:21 No.21285181
    I wouldn't mind this. I've tried changing the @names in the user.js files but they still say 4chan x in Greasemonkey.
    Mayhem, is it possible to get happening? Aerosmith closed my request almost instantly.

    I think it'd be handy to have classes, say for our userstyle/userscript brigade and I want it so I can have green backgrounds to images that are my resolution when browsing /wg/.

    I've tried using that original script but no matter what I put in the File field it doesn't do anything.
    >> Anonymous 11/26/11(Sat)18:22 No.21285188
    Update Nightly. Today's update fixed it for me.
    >> Anonymous 11/26/11(Sat)18:22 No.21285195
    Mayhem. I'll only install your script if you're kawaii.

    Are you kawaii Mayhem?
    >> Anonymous 11/26/11(Sat)18:22 No.21285200
    Except there's actually new hardware.
    >> !MayhemxaEo 11/26/11(Sat)18:22 No.21285201
    That was too buggy to put in a stable release.
    >> Anonymous 11/26/11(Sat)18:23 No.21285207
    No, I'm pretty sure they overwrite each other on account of same name and all.

    Bingo. Thanks.
    >> Anonymous 11/26/11(Sat)18:23 No.21285209
    now all you need is a script for dubs and then a perfect extension is born
    >> Anonymous 11/26/11(Sat)18:23 No.21285217
    This, I would have no issue using it if it wasn't made by weaboos, can someone respectable who doesn't watch cartoons over 18 please make one?
    >> Anonymous 11/26/11(Sat)18:23 No.21285218
    Worked perfectly fine here.
    >> !MayhemxaEo 11/26/11(Sat)18:24 No.21285223
    I've noted your suggestion.
    >> Anonymous 11/26/11(Sat)18:24 No.21285225
    Nightly most probably, 20111126 fixes the issue the last 4 builds had.
    >> Anonymous 11/26/11(Sat)18:24 No.21285226
    Welp. I guess I'm reverting back then.
    >> Anonymous 11/26/11(Sat)18:24 No.21285227
    >/g/ - ronery animu faggots, anime avatarfags, and peverted faggots who wish to be the little girl

    Every board is bad.
    >> !MayhemxaEo 11/26/11(Sat)18:24 No.21285236
         File1322349889.jpg-(41 KB, 600x400, 1283652272454.jpg)
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    I'm KAWAII as FUCK.
    >> Anonymous 11/26/11(Sat)18:24 No.21285238
    Some boards are worse than others.
    >> Anonymous 11/26/11(Sat)18:25 No.21285242
    no, it was an option to download the fullsized images in the background.

    Also, I don't trust Mayhem for firefox, he is a notorious chrome fanboy and most likely will have his fit and tell people to fuck off and fork it themselves if there is some bug on firefox. Aeosynth seems like a reasonable and mature dude.
    Fuck this gay drama, just kiss and make up
    >> Anonymous 11/26/11(Sat)18:25 No.21285243
    >Technical people, knowledgeable with computers
    >not weaboo
    You're severely limiting yourself there bro.
    >> Anonymous 11/26/11(Sat)18:25 No.21285251
    Adventure Time is good.

    There are less homosuck threads then there was less than a year ago.

    MLP is forced into one thread and if more then one it gets deleted.
    >> Anonymous 11/26/11(Sat)18:26 No.21285258
    >> Anonymous 11/26/11(Sat)18:28 No.21285286
         File1322350080.jpg-(188 KB, 700x990, 1283695470228.jpg)
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    You're saying the equivalent of 'I don't want plumbers to fix my leaking pipes, I want the dumb monkey next door to do it, also they have to do a better job than the plumbers'

    You're asking for too much.
    >> Anonymous 11/26/11(Sat)18:28 No.21285292
    Could anyone mind telling a noob on how to install 4chan X?
    >> Anonymous 11/26/11(Sat)18:28 No.21285298
         File1322350126.jpg-(63 KB, 600x429, 1322135687297.jpg)
    63 KB
    >mfw that moot thread where aerosynth got shoo-ed away and people spammed him to contact mayhem instead
    This is why we can't have nice things.
    >> !MayhemxaEo 11/26/11(Sat)18:28 No.21285303
    Read it.
    >> Anonymous 11/26/11(Sat)18:29 No.21285310
    Press install.

    Also reported.
    >> Anonymous 11/26/11(Sat)18:29 No.21285314
    Oh god

    I just noticed that when I leave a thread, then come back via the "back" button, the auto-updated posts are still there.

    The recent versions of 4chan X were kind of fucked up in that regard, pressing back would always take me to the state the thread was in the last time I actually refreshed with F5 and THEN re-update two seconds later.

    I love you for fixing this.
    >> Anonymous 11/26/11(Sat)18:29 No.21285317
    1)acquire scriptish
    2)click on the .js link in the OP
    3)click yes when the dialog box appears asking if you want to install 4chan X
    >> Anonymous 11/26/11(Sat)18:30 No.21285327
    I already miss pre loading, back to ye old version.
    >> Anonymous 11/26/11(Sat)18:30 No.21285331
    Middle mouse button, ctrl-right click, ever heard of it?
    >> Anonymous 11/26/11(Sat)18:30 No.21285333

    >> Anonymous 11/26/11(Sat)18:30 No.21285335
    Oh shit that's fixed now? Nice.
    >> Anonymous 11/26/11(Sat)18:31 No.21285344
    >> Anonymous 11/26/11(Sat)18:31 No.21285345
    Technically, it needs to be user.js for the install prompt to come up.
    >> Anonymous 11/26/11(Sat)18:31 No.21285346

    How is this relevant to what I said?
    >> Anonymous 11/26/11(Sat)18:31 No.21285352
         File1322350279.png-(49 KB, 395x551, 1.png)
    49 KB
    I never saw any bug with the new interface, it just shows some ugly scaling in firefox, that was the only issue.

    It was working perfectly fine...
    >> !MayhemxaEo 11/26/11(Sat)18:31 No.21285353
         File1322350279.png-(7 KB, 399x501, 1309742052388.png)
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    He never contacted me.
    >> Anonymous 11/26/11(Sat)18:31 No.21285356
    Yeah it's a fucking joke. At least turn it off by default but add the option to enable it. 90% of all users won't know/bother with it anyway.
    >> Anonymous 11/26/11(Sat)18:31 No.21285357
    You people whinging, could always just.. you know.. not update.
    It is working fine as it is on the current version anyway..
    >> Anonymous 11/26/11(Sat)18:31 No.21285362
    Why would you ever leave the page of a thread you're following?
    >> !MayhemxaEo 11/26/11(Sat)18:32 No.21285364
    >> Anonymous 11/26/11(Sat)18:32 No.21285373
    >people missing preloading

    Why would you even use that? 99% of pictures aren't worth saving anyway and if you do find a thread with pictures you want, you can just click expand all.

    All preloading does it make pages load slow as shit.
    >> Anonymous 11/26/11(Sat)18:33 No.21285377
    Thanks for the response but I am not getting the dialog box that asks me to install it for some reason.
    >> Anonymous 11/26/11(Sat)18:33 No.21285381
    Never claimed as such. Dayum shame, but that was the gist of that thread.
    >> Anonymous 11/26/11(Sat)18:33 No.21285387

    Then click the first link and on INSTALL on that page.
    >> Anonymous 11/26/11(Sat)18:33 No.21285390
    This, just give not-preloading an extended try. Moot and the site's servers will thank you for it.
    >> Anonymous 11/26/11(Sat)18:33 No.21285391
    Refresh the page with the script.
    >> !MayhemxaEo 11/26/11(Sat)18:34 No.21285394
    Images are loading fast now, no need to preload them.
    >> Anonymous 11/26/11(Sat)18:34 No.21285395
    be sure to have scriptish installed, allow github in noscript
    >> Anonymous 11/26/11(Sat)18:34 No.21285407
    Who gives a fuck about moot? Also we have new hardware that is supposedly finallyfast(tm).
    >> Anonymous 11/26/11(Sat)18:35 No.21285420
    What's the point of preloading anything but gifs? Your cache just gets cluttered with hundreds of images you'd never save otherwise.
    >> Mr. Bradeli !tRiPfAGSxc!!gOZ5rqq+i0U 11/26/11(Sat)18:35 No.21285421
    >performance improvements
    Care to elaborate? Also, do you have a Google+ mayhem?
    >> aeosynth !zdxFBW2hCw 11/26/11(Sat)18:35 No.21285424
    4chan x hijack lol

    I've got qr folder dumping working (except not on opera). not stable, but will be soon
    >> Anonymous 11/26/11(Sat)18:35 No.21285433
    Yeah that has nothing to do with bandwidth costs. At all.
    >> Anonymous 11/26/11(Sat)18:36 No.21285437
    It won't stay fast if there are lots of niggers that're always preloading.
    >> Anonymous 11/26/11(Sat)18:36 No.21285438
    I already did those. I don't know what the hell is going on.
    >> Anonymous 11/26/11(Sat)18:36 No.21285444
    aeosynth, are you going to reimplement this>>21285352 eventually?
    >> Anonymous 11/26/11(Sat)18:37 No.21285449
    Do this >>21285356. Problem solved.
    >> !MayhemxaEo 11/26/11(Sat)18:37 No.21285450
    There's like 350 commits since the previous stable releases, I can't explain them all.
    The most important one is unread count which was changing the favicon even if it didn't need to.
    >> !MayhemxaEo 11/26/11(Sat)18:37 No.21285453
    >Also, do you have a Google+ mayhem?
    Oh, and yes I do.
    >> Anonymous 11/26/11(Sat)18:37 No.21285460
    forgot to restart your browser after installing the extension? Other than that no idea
    >> Anonymous 11/26/11(Sat)18:38 No.21285465
    Have you implemented mayhem's filter?
    >> Anonymous 11/26/11(Sat)18:38 No.21285470
    >2.21.0 is out
    >Updating keeps me at 2.20.3
    >> Mr. Bradeli !tRiPfAGSxc!!gOZ5rqq+i0U 11/26/11(Sat)18:38 No.21285471
    Can I add you?
    >> Anonymous 11/26/11(Sat)18:39 No.21285475
    Nevermind, I simply restarted firefox and it worked. Perhaps it was a glitch in my browser. Again, thanks for the response.
    >> !MayhemxaEo 11/26/11(Sat)18:39 No.21285482
    It's a fork, the links changed. See the OP.

    If you find me.
    >> aeosynth !zdxFBW2hCw 11/26/11(Sat)18:40 No.21285490
    yes, that branch is a re-redesigned quick reply, with folder dumping capabilities

    the filter is in my master branch
    >> uglytrucklett !wYfZdfYgSs 11/26/11(Sat)18:40 No.21285502
    can you impliment a "quote" button?
    like if i wish to quote an entire post i just hit "quote" and it interjects that post/highligted text into my post area, instead of poping up a quick reply window?
    >> Anonymous 11/26/11(Sat)18:40 No.21285504
    >except not on opera
    Why am I not surprised.
    >> Anonymous 11/26/11(Sat)18:41 No.21285527
    Highlight the text in a post and click the post number while the text is still highlighted.
    >> !MayhemxaEo 11/26/11(Sat)18:42 No.21285536
    Support for the normal post form will be phased out at some point.
    So, no.
    >> Anonymous 11/26/11(Sat)18:42 No.21285537
         File1322350933.png-(33 KB, 566x557, big eyes.png)
    33 KB
    >Highlight the text in a post and click the post number while the text is still highlighted.
    >> Mr. Bradeli !tRiPfAGSxc!!gOZ5rqq+i0U 11/26/11(Sat)18:42 No.21285548
    Do you have aeosynth added?
    >> Anonymous 11/26/11(Sat)18:42 No.21285550
    >Highlight the text in a post and click the post number while the text is still highlighted.
    >> !MayhemxaEo 11/26/11(Sat)18:43 No.21285557
    >> Anonymous 11/26/11(Sat)18:43 No.21285567
    Along with your ugly quick reply. Move it to stable.
    >> uglytrucklett !wYfZdfYgSs 11/26/11(Sat)18:43 No.21285571
    but why?

    the QR post is unwieldy and ugly
    >> Anonymous 11/26/11(Sat)18:44 No.21285577
         File1322351045.gif-(15 KB, 275x300, 1212430127833.gif)
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    >Highlight the text in a post and click the post number while the text is still highlighted.
    >> Anonymous 11/26/11(Sat)18:44 No.21285580
         File1322351050.jpg-(98 KB, 497x501, 1286043931535.jpg)
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    mark text in reply box
    press ctrl+S
    spoiler tags added automatically
    >> Anonymous 11/26/11(Sat)18:44 No.21285590
    Why is there no category for the filter that includes all of the post content?

    You can only filter this or that, not make a filter that only filters posts that have this AND that.

    For example, only filtering posts with a certain filename AND some copypasta'd text.
    >> Anonymous 11/26/11(Sat)18:44 No.21285599
    Anyone here good with Javascript, or does Mayhem / aeosynth want to help me out?

    Want to put image preloading in its own userscript. I don't mind taking the blame from moot, but the option I think should be there and this is bound to happen.
    >> Anonymous 11/26/11(Sat)18:45 No.21285605

    That just gives me a dialog to save the page to my HD.
    You can click the Keybinds link in the options to use any key you want for auto spoiler tags.
    >> Anonymous 11/26/11(Sat)18:45 No.21285607
    That just brings up a save window for me.
    >> !MayhemxaEo 11/26/11(Sat)18:45 No.21285609
    Because the normal post form is unwieldy and ugly and limited.
    >> Anonymous 11/26/11(Sat)18:45 No.21285619
    Oh basically I just wanted to make sure that looked right.
    >> Anonymous 11/26/11(Sat)18:45 No.21285626
    Can you make it so the thread watcher checks for new posts and shows an unread count beside the post title so that it will actually be useful?
    >> Anonymous 11/26/11(Sat)18:46 No.21285628
    Welcome to half a year ago.
    At that time Nightly was called Minefield.
    >> Anonymous 11/26/11(Sat)18:46 No.21285633
         File1322351183.png-(382 KB, 600x600, 1322239726219.png)
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    Any way to make the quickreply detect when 4chan eats a reply and keep the text in the box so you can try again?
    >> uglytrucklett !wYfZdfYgSs 11/26/11(Sat)18:46 No.21285636
    no it isnt
    >> !MayhemxaEo 11/26/11(Sat)18:46 No.21285642
    This is getting complicated.
    >> !MayhemxaEo 11/26/11(Sat)18:48 No.21285663
    That's what your browser tabs are for, duh.

    Yes. I've noted that.
    >> Mr. Bradeli !tRiPfAGSxc!!gOZ5rqq+i0U 11/26/11(Sat)18:48 No.21285664
    Hey seawead, did you launch your Appchan fork yet?
    >> Anonymous 11/26/11(Sat)18:48 No.21285676
    so is the spam
    >> Anonymous 11/26/11(Sat)18:49 No.21285689
    >Thread watcher in general
    That's what your browser tabs are for.
    >> seaweed !Ponyo.2wFE 11/26/11(Sat)18:49 No.21285690
    >> Anonymous 11/26/11(Sat)18:49 No.21285693
    [spoiler]in the quick reply box[/spoiler]
    >> Anonymous 11/26/11(Sat)18:50 No.21285702
    can anyone of you make an infobar similar to 4chan plus that combines post/image count and thread updater in the qr bar
    >> Anonymous 11/26/11(Sat)18:50 No.21285711
    Why exactly did you fork this again?
    >> Anonymous 11/26/11(Sat)18:50 No.21285713
    Not on /g/, clearly.
    >> Anonymous 11/26/11(Sat)18:51 No.21285716
         File1322351476.png-(4 KB, 285x44, 2011-11-26-155103_285x44_scrot.png)
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    >> Saxamaphone !3.saxN0DHY 11/26/11(Sat)18:51 No.21285720
    I believe this feature was sorta done in Each field could have filters added, then all of those have the class hide or something, which would create the stub. Then each 'set' of filters could have hide as their class too, creating stubs.
    >> !MayhemxaEo 11/26/11(Sat)18:52 No.21285743
    It's to save the threads for later, not to update them.

    What about a `post's html` filter?
    >> Anonymous 11/26/11(Sat)18:53 No.21285749
    not with appchan/oniichan/4chan dark flat , just a bar that works with 4chan's default layout like 4chan+
    >> Anonymous 11/26/11(Sat)18:54 No.21285771
    >Save threads for later.
    >When they won't be there anymore.
    >> Anonymous 11/26/11(Sat)18:54 No.21285773
         File1322351686.jpg-(265 KB, 1400x1023, ss.jpg)
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    Just use tabs. Tree Style Tab works very well for this.
    Seriously I don't know what the thread watcher is supposed to be for.
    >> Anonymous 11/26/11(Sat)18:55 No.21285785
    >Break compatibility with user styles just for an annoying bar
    >> !MayhemxaEo 11/26/11(Sat)18:56 No.21285791

    If you don't use it, disable it.
    >> Mr. Bradeli !tRiPfAGSxc!!gOZ5rqq+i0U 11/26/11(Sat)18:56 No.21285798
    What exactly is that side bar thing? It just seems to take up room...
    >> Saxamaphone !3.saxN0DHY 11/26/11(Sat)18:56 No.21285803
    Not quite sure what you mean by that, sorry. Care to elaborate?
    >> Anonymous 11/26/11(Sat)18:56 No.21285805
    i like that smartbar. Thats the only feature in plus i like.
    >> uglytrucklett !wYfZdfYgSs 11/26/11(Sat)18:56 No.21285809
    oo thanks
    >> Anonymous 11/26/11(Sat)18:56 No.21285812
    Something best left disabled.

    It's for weeaboo mascot things
    >> Anonymous 11/26/11(Sat)18:57 No.21285817
    It's so you can troll and see the fruits of your labour later.
    >> Mr. Bradeli !tRiPfAGSxc!!gOZ5rqq+i0U 11/26/11(Sat)18:57 No.21285824
         File1322351876.png-(176 KB, 1680x1020, sidebar.png)
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    By sidebar thing I mean this.
    >> seaweed !Ponyo.2wFE 11/26/11(Sat)18:58 No.21285827
    On the left or the right?

    The left just makes it so posts don't extend to the end of the screen. Not even default 4chan does that. Also leaves room for slideout navigation.

    You can disable it.
    >> !MayhemxaEo 11/26/11(Sat)18:58 No.21285829
    Well that would filter the whole posts's HTML.
    You could filter anything with that.
    >> Anonymous 11/26/11(Sat)18:59 No.21285838
    that was the idea in the first place
    >> Mr. Bradeli !tRiPfAGSxc!!gOZ5rqq+i0U 11/26/11(Sat)18:59 No.21285849
         File1322351986.png-(163 KB, 1680x1020, slideoutnav.png)
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    The left one. By the way the slideout navigation doesn't really... work.
    >> !MayhemxaEo 11/26/11(Sat)19:00 No.21285860
    It's slower though. And it gets more complicated for the user.
    >> Anonymous 11/26/11(Sat)19:00 No.21285862
    >Not using sticky navigation
    >> seaweed !Ponyo.2wFE 11/26/11(Sat)19:01 No.21285870
    Looks like its working for you, just click a link once you have it open...
    >> Mr. Bradeli !tRiPfAGSxc!!gOZ5rqq+i0U 11/26/11(Sat)19:01 No.21285873
    I just installed it. I'm trying to solve the problem with the gigantic white space on the left side.
    >> Mr. Bradeli !tRiPfAGSxc!!gOZ5rqq+i0U 11/26/11(Sat)19:02 No.21285887
    Whats the point of the white space if the navigation spills out of it regardless?
    >> Anonymous 11/26/11(Sat)19:02 No.21285898
         File1322352178.jpg-(15 KB, 169x213, faggotthumbsup.jpg)
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    >4chan x
    >Gets chrome extension
    >> seaweed !Ponyo.2wFE 11/26/11(Sat)19:03 No.21285906
         File1322352200.jpg-(11 KB, 369x27, centeredposts.jpg)
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    Just set this to "No"
    The main point is just to not have it completely to the left. Like I said not even default 4chan does that.

    No two people are going to want the same thing, just use the options.
    >> Mr. Bradeli !tRiPfAGSxc!!gOZ5rqq+i0U 11/26/11(Sat)19:05 No.21285930
    Just changed the option right before you posted that. In any case, I'd rather I'm okay with a little bit of padding, but -that- much was a little annoying. Anyways, thanks for cleaning the mess Zixapher's multiple personalities made.
    >> seaweed !Ponyo.2wFE 11/26/11(Sat)19:06 No.21285950
    Yeah I'm planning to change the option to be named "Margin Style" and add another option for only a little bit of padding.
    >> Anonymous 11/26/11(Sat)19:07 No.21285959
    >> Anonymous 11/26/11(Sat)19:08 No.21285965
         File1322352488.jpg-(17 KB, 250x250, 1300044776986[1].jpg)
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    >not updating
    >> seaweed !Ponyo.2wFE 11/26/11(Sat)19:09 No.21285980
    You realize that Mayhem's not a part of that anymore and that's the whole reason for this fork, right?
    >> Anonymous 11/26/11(Sat)19:09 No.21285982
    >> Saxamaphone !3.saxN0DHY 11/26/11(Sat)19:09 No.21285993
    In regards to the filter thing, I mainly want it so I can add specific styling to posts made my certain people, posts that have files that match my resolution, and then files that are nice and high resolution.

    I don't really want to auto hide/filter posts. I've never had to (if I see a thread or post, I just hide it manually if I don't want to see it).
    >> Mr. Bradeli !tRiPfAGSxc!!gOZ5rqq+i0U 11/26/11(Sat)19:09 No.21285996
    By the way, is there anyway to accomplish what Appchan does in pure CSS? I tried to get something very similar working on my image board, but I needed to write some Javascript to help with the resizing, or else the posts overlapped into the reply area when the window was less than 1680x1050 or something like that.
    Did they get into a fight or something?

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