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    File : 1320054267.png-(16 KB, 495x324, 495px-OPP_logo_1_percent.svg.png)
    16 KB I'm the 1% Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)05:44 No.20871874  
    I'm probably the 1%.

    I'm 25 years old. I have a master's degree and a good job. I have the equivalent of $ 110,000 in savings and I'm about to buy a starter home.

    Despite all of this, I'm not a spoiled brat or a capitalist pig enjoying the ride my parents paved for me.

    I worked tirelessly as a waiter in a restaurant for 2 months straight every summer since I was 16 years old for $ 1,800/month (pay + tips) while most of you faggots stayed at home playing your video games or getting wasted at parties.

    I never took up any loan or credit to buy shit and in fact have been living on water and rice like a monk for pretty much my whole life because my dream was to be able to buy my own home, cash, while most of you faggots spent money you don't have on plasma TVs and sports cars.

    I'm the 1% and I'm mad as fuck because I know shit is about to hit the fan because of all you dimwits who don't know how to handle money. I know you faggots will go on a righteous crusade stripping money from people who have it because you somewhat feel entitled to it.

    Sadly we live in a democracy and since 99% of you are idiots you'll probably have it your way.

    I'm the 1% and I'm mad.
    >> Th !e.FaLconO6 10/31/11(Mon)05:46 No.20871886
    /g/ - Technology
    >> Anontymous6666 !!cetjurQwPBr 10/31/11(Mon)05:46 No.20871891
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    Nvidia housefires thread?
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)05:46 No.20871892
    Hey buddy: 1% = 1.5million per year +
    You should probably know what you're talking about before you....
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)05:47 No.20871895
         File1320054455.jpg-(87 KB, 643x600, 1314558180826.jpg)
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    Dumping Macfag pictures.
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)05:48 No.20871900

    Why isn't your guide sticky'd up here already, along with a headphone guide?

    >> Anontymous6666 !!cetjurQwPBr 10/31/11(Mon)05:48 No.20871901
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    On second thoughts OP should be the 1.7%.
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)05:49 No.20871909
    Blame Barack Hussein Obama and the Democrats. He's been hitting the class warfare pipe for the last year, and the Democrats have been playing it for multiple cycles now. They take advantage of the stupidity of the masses
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)05:50 No.20871922
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    >> Th !e.FaLconO6 10/31/11(Mon)05:51 No.20871925
    When it was stickied, people complained ;_;
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)05:51 No.20871933
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    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)05:52 No.20871934
    >have a savings of 110k
    >feels like the 1%
    youre the 20% bro
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)05:53 No.20871943
    >I worked tirelessly as a waiter in a restaurant for 2 months straight every summer since I was 16 years old for $ 1,800/month (pay + tips) while most of you faggots stayed at home playing your video games or getting wasted at parties.

    Pretty nice that you had that opportunity, I looked for work from the time I turned 16 and finally managed to find a fast food job that was hiring after I turned 18.

    >while most of you faggots spent money you don't have on plasma TVs and sports cars.
    Only thing I've taken a loan for was college. Also 'buying a home' is a small time dream.

    Sorry that you were fortunate enough to slave away to make some cash (the irony, it pains me) but you've done so in the middle of a game people are getting tired of.
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)05:53 No.20871946
    I'm sure the 1% don't boast about how great they are on a image board.
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)05:54 No.20871953
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    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)05:55 No.20871956
    I'm the %1,my family owns an investment bank.It's cool
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)05:55 No.20871957
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    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)05:56 No.20871963

    But it's like, 90% of the time, this gets recommended:

    >CM Hyper 212+
    >560 Ti / 6950
    >4gb RAM
    >1tb HDD

    So why not just have that up there and cut down on the same threads asking the same thing?
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)05:56 No.20871969
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    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)05:57 No.20871976
    People don't read stickies, it doesn't cut down on anything.
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)05:58 No.20871987
    >I'm probably the 1%.
    Haha, no, you're what you fat lazy murrikans call the 99%.

    You're better off than most of the 99%, but your'e far, far away from being part of the 1 %.
    >> Th !e.FaLconO6 10/31/11(Mon)05:59 No.20871990
    It is 4chan. People complain. It is not possible to do the right thing while you are here.
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)06:00 No.20871999

    All my why.
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)06:01 No.20872010
    They really don't.
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)06:02 No.20872020
    oh didn't just see this on /v/ or anything
    >> Th !e.FaLconO6 10/31/11(Mon)06:03 No.20872022
    I read >>>/fit/'s sticky.
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)06:04 No.20872031

    THIS, this, fucking THIS!
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)06:05 No.20872037
    You are the 0.00000001%
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)06:08 No.20872054
    >Is not the one percent
    >thinks he is
    >also mad with no reason to be
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)06:10 No.20872074
         File1320055849.png-(154 KB, 996x319, .ponychan.png)
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    I spend my nights browsing ponychan and slapping text on screenshots to make things look even worse than they are.

    i am the 1%.
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)06:15 No.20872113
    Why do the OWS fags care so much what fucking percent everyone is? Everyone just make the best out of the fucking situation you're fucking in. Why the fuck does this bullshit matter to anyone?
    inb4 The corporations and banks are holding us down maaaaaaan
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)06:16 No.20872125
         File1320056211.jpg-(96 KB, 355x330, 1038785173325.jpg)
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    >mfw it's exactly like /co/

    There is no escape from the furfaggotry.

    Liking ponies on the internet is like liking sonic and being in the same room as CWC.
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)06:17 No.20872126
    You are not the 1%

    I am 20 and have $4.3 million. I am not even the 1%, although I am around the 0.001% for my age.

    I am not spoiled either, I do all my own home/auto repairs even.
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)06:17 No.20872132

    I feel so inadequate, I only have $ 1.3 million :(
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)06:19 No.20872147
         File1320056399.png-(78 KB, 268x209, 1286271978371.png)
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    >Me: That can't possibly be a real chan
    >google it
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)06:20 No.20872148
    >Install gentoo.
    >Long story short, i want to have sex with richard stallman.

    >Bigorously rub your penis against your horo body pillow while you soak your bedsheets in neckbeard sweat

    i made it /g/ for you
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)06:20 No.20872153
    Thing is, everyone here is in the 1% or less. We could all squander our money, slack off for a few years and live like hikkis, and we would still have the necessary skillset to at least survive in some demeaning service desk job and never worry about food and shelter. If all else fails, we can do computer repairs on the side and build custom rigs. Sorry but we are built on a recession-proof market and we're pretty much indestructible.
    >> Th !e.FaLconO6 10/31/11(Mon)06:20 No.20872155
    YOU are inadequate? I have USD$35 in the bank.
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)06:21 No.20872162
    Vast majority of it was inheritance, all I have done is grow it over half a million via investment.

    I do look forward to retiring at 65 with a third of a billion assuming 10% averaged returns.
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)06:21 No.20872164
         File1320056491.png-(33 KB, 892x916, 1319773126529.png)
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    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)06:21 No.20872165
    >$4.3 million
    >not spoiled
    Gee, wonder how you got that money

    >I do all my own home/auto repairs even
    Step the fuck back, Bob Vila. This guy did some piece-work for his father's contracting/real estate developer business!
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)06:22 No.20872176
    Those people are fucking insane. As if discussing the show 24/7 wasn't enough, they also roleplay.

    Homestuck 2.0
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)06:23 No.20872179
    I have about 600USD but I'm not working because I'm a college student and barely find time to do all my shit as it is
    that 600 has to last me till December at least
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)06:24 No.20872182
    You'd actually be the 90%

    >Retiring at 65
    >Not curing aging and living forever
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)06:24 No.20872185
    As funny as it sounds, you'd never know it meeting me.

    I'm a creepy fucker majoring in engineering, I drive a six year old car. I do disappear from my dorm to my own condo on weekends, but I dress primarily with clothes from walmart and target.
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)06:25 No.20872198
    I am also probably one of the richest people you will ever see picking through the markdown bin at a walgreens. Just because you are rich doesn't mean you don't know the value of a dollar.
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)06:26 No.20872200
    Wish I could afford a 6 year old car at 20, still driving my 96 escort at 22.
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)06:26 No.20872205
    No. You don't understand how rich the real 1% is. That kind of rich is not about buying a new car every year or a high-end phone every month, it's buying a company every day and having more money than a small country. About funding politicians who you can tell what to do. I am in no way poor, I live comfortably, I have no debt. But if I stop working, I will have to live very frugally in a small apartment if I want my money to last until I'm old. I am not the 1%.
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)06:26 No.20872206
    >creepy fucker majoring in engineering
    it sounds just like me but I'm not a millionaire
    And if my car actually ran, I'd be driving a 23 year old car
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)06:27 No.20872208
    >the value of a dollar.

    The value of a dollar is an illusion, you meant to say that you know how to maximize each dollar.
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)06:27 No.20872210
         File1320056837.png-(15 KB, 630x459, inequality-page25_1.png)
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    >$110,000 in savings
    >I'm probably the 1%.
    Nah, dude.
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)06:27 No.20872212
    OP is a self entitled faggot. I do what I want.
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)06:28 No.20872219
    Your spending habits are not as uncommon as you'd think. It happens less in the states, but this is typical of 'old money' aristocrats in Europe.
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)06:28 No.20872223
    How the fuck does that work?
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)06:29 No.20872231
    CEOs of big businesses which in themselves have GDPs that rival modern nations.
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)06:30 No.20872237
    And to think my mom's maid in my homeland country gets paid less than $100 a month.

    The world is a scary place, yo.
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)06:30 No.20872239
    >I'm not a spoiled brat or a capitalist pig enjoying the ride my parents paved for me.

    Yeah that's what every 1% says.
    And yet you're 25 with a master's degree, don't have debt and have $110,000 in the bank because you worked as a waiter?
    The 1% always leaves a lot of help they received out of the equation when bragging.
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)06:31 No.20872245
    I see. So I'd basically have to kill people to get so much income?
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)06:32 No.20872248
    You think you can get that much income by killing people? Hahahahahahahaha.
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)06:33 No.20872257
    OP, not everybody gets the opportunities/has the ability to get a degree and find a good paying job.

    So you're mad because you worked hard and won in a broken system. Get over it. There's more who have tried harder and failed.

    This whole problem is because the elite has become incredibly greedy and arrogant in their usage of the power institutions. So maybe if that '1%' had concerned themselves with someone other than profit over the last 30 years, things wouldn't be going to fuck now.
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)06:33 No.20872261
    >CEOs of big businesses
    It works for them.
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)06:33 No.20872262
    But wait, wouldn't that mean that one in 10,000 people make that? Still a lot. Can't be accurate.
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)06:33 No.20872269
    Interest, dividends, profit mostly. Money breeds money. Interest, specifically, bloat the economy, reducing the real value of money. I'm sick of the financial economy, really. My goal is to buy land and house, no debt, have some savings in gold, have a vegetable garden and a chicken coop or fishery. Take myself out of the madness.
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)06:34 No.20872275
    >Pretty nice that you had that opportunity
    You make your own opportunities. I was in a similar situation to you, but instead I volunteered from age 14 to 16 so I would be first in line for one of the few (shitty minimum wage) jobs in my area then.

    Most millionaires in the US do not have the lifestyle people assume that millionaires have. It's the normal looking neighbor next door who doesn't have any debt and slowly grows investments and doesn't squander on flashy junk etc.
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)06:35 No.20872281
    Family, not people. And the US has 300 million people so that's not surprising. There are rich as fuck people in every city.
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)06:36 No.20872290
    That graph is income, not savings and it's vague as fuck
    Is it yearly income?
    over a lifetime?
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)06:36 No.20872294
    Basically. Their share is going up, everyone else's is shrinking, even the normal-rich are getting drained.
    Consider for a moment that the top 400 richest people in the USA own more wealth than the bottom 150,000,000 combined.

    Most of it is actually Investment (capital gains) which is untaxable right now.
    >> seaweed !Ponyo.2wFE 10/31/11(Mon)06:37 No.20872299
    It's not responsible people vs irresponsible people, OP.

    Plenty of responsible people who did the same as you while not having the same opportunities get fucked over everyday.
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)06:37 No.20872301
    Not a millionaire here, but I agree with the second statement. TV is fooling people, making them live beyond their means to imitate some new-money fool who got broke in a few years have a pimped up crib. But the rich people around us almost always have productive habits taught from they were small.
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)06:37 No.20872304
    >not everyone has the ability to get a degree
    I call bullshit, unless you literally have a serious mental disorder
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)06:38 No.20872307
    Another rich idiot that will never get it. Yawn.

    Saged, hidden, reported.
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)06:38 No.20872308
    >I'm 25 years old. I have a master's degree and a good job. I have the equivalent of $ 110,000 in savings and I'm about to buy a starter home.
    >The 1%

    No, you aren't. Not even fucking close.
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)06:39 No.20872318
    OP, I worked at a library, movie theater, mall, etc. from age 14 to save up money for college so I could get out of my hick town. Fortunately earned scholarships so that seed money went to books, gas, etc. Still had to work part-time during school, and after graduation the 8k I had left went to a house. Paid off the mortgage after a few years scrimping and now make 150/hour - but I spent several years putting in the time at 65+ hours a week for 42k/year to get the training to make a lot more now.

    I have a small kitchen garden - vegetables and spices. It's amazing how much better fresh produce is and how easy it is to grow a lot more variety than your local farmer's market. In suburbs where chickens aren't allowed (although they are allowed in city, go figure) - but next house I'll have a small chicken coop and bigger watermelon patch. It's nice and relaxing as a hobby, gets me away from the computer and outside in the sun.
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)06:40 No.20872323
    Indeed. Plenty of factors are always at play. In the end it's fate. Where you were born, who your parents are and how you were brought up, what you were fed as a child, whether or not you got an inherited disease, whether or not your local government screw people up and so on. Everything snowballs. We have some degree of control but not as big as we want.
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)06:42 No.20872343
    Troll, but

    >$110,000 in savings

    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)06:43 No.20872350
    poorfags are not the 1%
    >> J Meister !1337rL6OmQ 10/31/11(Mon)06:45 No.20872364
    Troll or retard. The "1%" that everyone refers to, are those making more than 500k.
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)06:45 No.20872365
    Per year obviously, bro.
    31k average for bottom 90%.
    While some of them might be extremely poor, most still probably average over 30k in their lifetime.
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)06:47 No.20872373
    I don't get that graph. National newspaper (think it was USA today?) said recently: Average US household salary by state is around 50k (within +-5k) for every single state. Which one is wrong?
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)06:48 No.20872382
    Obviously this graph includes unemployed welfares
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)06:49 No.20872389
         File1320058187.gif-(13 KB, 600x316, change-since-1979-600.gif)
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    Look at the lower figures, it's obviously annual income.
    And that's the average of 90%, meaning that families of four must live on significantly less than the mean income shown in the chart.

    The problem you're talking about is the culture of hyperconsumerism.
    The problem you're trying to disarm is that of deregulation, greed, and feedback loops, where the super-rich just suck all the oxygen out of the air.

    Just imagine how fucking awesome everything would be if this were more fair.


    This data is from the IRS.
    You probably get that average when you include the super-duper-rich
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)06:50 No.20872394
    Lies, Damned Lies and Statistics.
    Read it.
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)06:51 No.20872401
    >Just imagine how fucking awesome everything would be if this were more fair.
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)06:53 No.20872419
    How would it be awesome?
    There's never going to be a world where everyone will be rich. There will always be people with more money and there will always be people that resent them for it.
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)06:55 No.20872425
    Also; this graph is not actual income, but PERCENTAGE GAINED PER YEAR ON EXISTING INCOME.

    That's the average of the entire bottom 90%. Not everyone in there makes that much.

    I'm not saying that, what I'm saying is that it would be nice if the money in this country actually went to help human beings.
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)06:56 No.20872434
    The more common issue is people living in an expensive location i.e. don't live in New York or LA if you don't have a ton of money and then bitch about your tiny apartment and how you can't afford anything
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)06:58 No.20872454
    >it would be nice if the money in this country actually went to help human beings
    You mean it would be great if a percentage of money went to a bunch of people who have already proven themselves to be failures at managing money in the first place. We already have that, it's called the government and your tax dollars and look where it's gotten us. Somehow you think giving the least competent people a boost is going to improve things.
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)06:59 No.20872459
    Sometimes people live in expensive locations because there are more jobs in expensive locations.
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)07:00 No.20872464
    Banker here. That house you worked so hard years for belongs to me now. Enjoy your trailer.
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)07:02 No.20872478
    More often people live in expensive locations because they want to live in that area. A lot of people would have more money if they moved to a farm but they want that lifestyle of being in the city.
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)07:03 No.20872487
    We don't need a world where everyone's rich. Heck, most people are not poor. To put it rougly, 90% can live okay with 10%, though with a lot of hidden cost like destruction of the environment due to cost-cutting practices of industries, or deliberate holding back of other countries via inhumane ways in order to keep up economic advantage. What we need is a world where people don't have to hurt ourselves and each other just to have sustenance.
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)07:05 No.20872504
         File1320059159.gif-(24 KB, 590x442, half-of-america-has-25-of-the-(...).gif)
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    That's not what's actually happening, go take your social Darwinism somewhere else.
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)07:06 No.20872509
         File1320059202.gif-(21 KB, 590x443, and-savings-rates-are-sinking.(...).gif)
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    Fuck you, Regan.
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)07:07 No.20872516
    Remember this thread, /g/, the next time you mock someone for not buying the newest, highest-end gadget in town.
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)07:07 No.20872524
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    It only gets better.
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)07:08 No.20872529
    >mfw I am the 40%
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)07:08 No.20872536
    You're still getting fucked:
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)07:09 No.20872538
    $1800 for a waiter.
    where is this?
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)07:09 No.20872540
    Now imagine the poor person in a poor country. America's poorest are still luckier.
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)07:10 No.20872545
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)07:10 No.20872548
         File1320059457.gif-(21 KB, 590x442,
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    Yes, but that's not the point, we're trying to avoid what we have being turned to shit.
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)07:11 No.20872553

    now imagine millionaire/billionaires getting their income cut in half. theyre still rich as fuck and can do whatever they want.
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)07:11 No.20872554
    capitalism is just fine... we just need to increase the minimum wages and charge more taxes to the top 10%

    but the liberal artists and woman studies stuff can go fuck themselves in north korea
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)07:12 No.20872561
    Exactly. The world is a really big place, isn't it?
    >> Loonix !JWSFOc6apE 10/31/11(Mon)07:12 No.20872566
    >we just need to increase the minimum wages and charge more taxes to the top 10%

    But that's called class warfare. The Robin Hood approach will never fly in Congress.
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)07:12 No.20872567
         File1320059568.jpg-(45 KB, 590x473, meanwhile-income-tax-is-gettin(...).jpg)
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    Capitalism is good, but it's being broken and manipulated by assholes.
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)07:13 No.20872570
    >I have a good job
    >100,000 in savings
    >i'm the 1%


    the 1% have millions (if not billions) in value, and don't work for a living

    keep thinking yourself to be one of the top, loser
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)07:13 No.20872572
    now imagine the most successful people deciding not to bother working as hard because it's diminishing returns. Now imagine that huge chunk of the economy disappearing.
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)07:14 No.20872582
         File1320059648.gif-(23 KB, 590x443, the-last-two-decades-were-grea(...).gif)
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    >class warfare
    Only if you've ignored the last 30 years of economic policies in the USA.
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)07:14 No.20872585
    High taxes are not very useful if the government using it has bullshit priorities.
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)07:14 No.20872587

    would also help if they would stop outsourcing their labor to 3rd world countries just so they make more money that they dont need while screwing over our country.
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)07:14 No.20872589
    this, the rich ALREADY pay most of the taxes in the country...
    THEY maintain the country going, not you and your little taxes.

    they're still ass holes though
    >> Loonix !JWSFOc6apE 10/31/11(Mon)07:15 No.20872592
    >now imagine the most successful people deciding not to bother working as hard because it's diminishing returns.
    But this is bullshit. As long as there is at least the possibility of being poor, people will always have the incentive to work hard.
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)07:16 No.20872597
         File1320059778.png-(16 KB, 439x306, 400-top-taxpayers.png)
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    We've been there before, and what you're in a panic about has never happened. Period.

    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)07:16 No.20872601
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    Is it really a bad thing? Do we really need to be the fastest, biggest, shiniest? We as a whole are wasting a lot of resources already with the pace of the current economy.
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)07:18 No.20872612
    If that's true then why don't you poorfags just get to fucking work?
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)07:19 No.20872618
    >We've been there before
    When have we ever taken half of the top earners income as the anon above was suggesting?
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)07:20 No.20872624
    As a 3rd world country dweller, would appreciate as well if the rich don't pay corrupt bureaucrats just so the rich country can suck off natural resources leaving behind a natural and social ruin. Part of it is the fault of foolish people who vote and abet the corruptors but educating is harder when you're against a force with so much money behind it.
    >> Loonix !JWSFOc6apE 10/31/11(Mon)07:20 No.20872628
    Because all the richfags are moving their workforce overseas to save even more on cheap labor.
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)07:21 No.20872632
    > have the equivalent of $ 110,000 in savings
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)07:21 No.20872636
         File1320060102.jpg-(60 KB, 385x268, Guess Who Really Pays the Taxe(...).jpg)
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    see pic, top 50% drives the country forward
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)07:21 No.20872638

    Those are the sins that put us on this mess.
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)07:24 No.20872649
    yeah i agree with the jews that the 7 deadly sins are what stop us from being a type IV civilization.
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)07:24 No.20872653
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    I could do what ever you end up doing better, but I don't get that chance. The truth is that education is bloated and there are too many people on this planet. People can never be treated fairly. People with power will always have their little groups or their families as many have called them. Feel Blessed but don't push, you might not like what you get in return.
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)07:24 No.20872655
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    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)07:25 No.20872660
    Those are the terrible jobs nobody here wants to do anyway! Keeping those jobs here will just help grow the immigrant population that don't mind getting their hands dirty for cheap. WTF would that solve, keeping shitty lowpaid jobs domestic?
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)07:25 No.20872661
    You can't charge taxes from people who make no money.
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)07:26 No.20872666
    If you want to influence the world economy, start by stop buying items from large companies unless you really can't live without it. Be a true hipster and chip away the bargaining power of the super-rich.

    Godspeed if you can stop the stupid majority from handing their money to the rich though.
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)07:26 No.20872669
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    Im the 1%... or 99%... or.. I dont know which percentage i belong to.

    So i have had a good life, my parents werent rich but they werent poor. They tought me the value of money. I bought a shitty scooter at 16 with my own
    paper route money.

    I used a loan to buy a motorbike at 18 and paid it back well before i had to.

    I save money, to an extent, normaly till i see something worth spending it on.

    I dont have much in the way of savings, i dont have debt. But so far i have had a fulfilled life, buying the shit that would make me happy and not giving a shit that i dont have enough to buy a house.

    havnt gone to uni, but planning to. I will have a small amount of debt because i dont live in 'murrica. Dont expect to be payed £50k a year when i come out either.

    All in all... i have no idea what you fucktards are on about.
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)07:27 No.20872675
    >I could be successful if the stars aligned and destiny was in my favor
    >it's somebody else's fault I live in my mom's basement and didn't go to college
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)07:28 No.20872686
    >I'm the 1%
    >have been living on water and rice like a monk for pretty much my whole life

    No, you aren't the 1%.
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)07:28 No.20872688
    >Those are the terrible jobs nobody here wants to do anyway!
    I'm sure many would want to be an operator in a company making electronics, they just wouldn't settle and can't live if they were to be paid $100 a month like in China.
    >> Loonix !JWSFOc6apE 10/31/11(Mon)07:29 No.20872694
    PROTIP: two-thirds of the country want taxes raised on the wealthy

    PROTIP: the majority of the "wealthy" want taxes raised on the wealthy


    We need a balanced approach. Raising the minimum wage wont do shit in the long-run; inflation will continue to have the working class by the balls. Raising taxes (which Ronald Reagan did 7 times) would bring more revenue, but it would not bring the country out of its debt hole fast enough. However, raising taxes is a much better approach than slashing unions, cutting police forces, teachers etc...
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)07:30 No.20872697
    my parents hit jackpot in business and they bought houses (we are not that rich now however).

    Now I have 2 houses and my parents have another two. I am single child. Basically I will be able to live with the rent I have.

    u jelly?
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)07:30 No.20872698
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    Wow thats really not much there.
    I'm was always quite fond of our German bank savings.
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)07:30 No.20872700
    You can't punish people for being successful if you expect them to keep their wealth in the country.
    Companies don't send jobs over seas because labor is cheaper. They send jobs over seas because labor is cheaper AND the taxes are lower. Low enough for it to still be profitable even after paying tariffs and import taxes to get their foreign made goods back on the US market.
    Go on, keep preaching about taxing the rich, and demanding government handouts. You'll only have yourselves to blame as America's production industry grows smaller and smaller.
    The number of small business owners and farmers in the US has been shrinking. You know what industry is doing well? The government. The government is the single largest employer in the country.
    Keep taxing the rich and letting government grow, it'll really help improve things.
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)07:30 No.20872701
    >That feel when your 14 and have a job and by the end of high school you've saved 8k and have a car and other shit
    >That feel when you have no idea what to do next year and your going to fail the rest of your life
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)07:31 No.20872702

    there's a very high unemployment rate in manufacturing.. that includes your basic unskilled factory worker who can't find a job nowadays because there's not very many left, and doesn't include the large amount of unemployed high school grads who would take a job like that if there were any available..
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)07:31 No.20872704
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    Except, /co/ isn't like that at all.
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)07:32 No.20872715
    are you new?
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)07:32 No.20872718

    So, you must be the 1%...

    (Non American here, but I wish I was)
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)07:33 No.20872724

    You are not the 1%

    John McCain is on record as stating: you are not rich if you're making less than $6 million a year.

    None of you here will ever meet a single member of the 1%
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)07:33 No.20872728

    I think you need to get out of mexico
    >> Loonix !JWSFOc6apE 10/31/11(Mon)07:34 No.20872729
    >you've saved 8k

    Go to college, learn a trade, try to get a decent job fairly soon.
    Even if it's just a community college for something in the technology field. The schooling coupled with a fair amount of work experience right off the bat will set you up pretty nicely.
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)07:34 No.20872734
    Actually, sizable trailers are expensive also.

    More like enjoy your shitty 1 bedroom apartment.
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)07:34 No.20872735

    im at an internet cafe, its my annual treat.
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)07:34 No.20872736
    >There will always be people with more money and there will always be people that resent them for it.

    Simplest solution then would be to get rid of money then no? And by get rid of money I mean get rid of 'easily horde-able arbitrary resource'.

    It'll be possible within the next couple decades, the only problem is whether or not people are smart enough to overcome tradition in favor of greater real freedoms.
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)07:35 No.20872737
    PROTIP: Throwing more money at the gov't is the same as throwing it down the toilet
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)07:36 No.20872743
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    America is amazing.
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)07:36 No.20872744

    you seem like you know what youre talking about, any specific trades you would suggest? something in the technology field is kind of broad :S
    >> Loonix !JWSFOc6apE 10/31/11(Mon)07:36 No.20872745
    PROTIP: "We the people" are the gov't.
    a) stop electing fucktards
    b) start demanding reformation (see: #OccupyWallSt, #TeaParty)
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)07:37 No.20872752
    People complaining they can't find jobs, but then refusing to take jobs? You can't have everyone working to push papers in an office, if you want to actually produce anything for people to consume, someone, somewhere, has to get their hands dirty.
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)07:38 No.20872755
    Labor is insanely cheaper in poor countries though.

    I'm a fresh-recruited electronics engineer in a third world country. I make less than a McDonalds waiter in the US.
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)07:38 No.20872761
    >implying that all politicians aren't fucktards
    >implying that US is currently a democracy instead of a corpocracy
    Look, if the average American was really running the country things would be much, much worse.
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)07:38 No.20872762

    Trickle down theory has failed. The rich do not create wealth for the masses, they hoard it. Only Government can effectively redistribute wealth.

    In the 1950s, America's "golden age", the Republicans had a top tax rate of 94%. They pumped this money directly back into the economy, America prospered.
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)07:39 No.20872771

    the whole "americans dont want these jobs" is just an excuse. americans would EAT UP those jobs and there's tens of thousands of unemployed who would love if some factories popped up and started hiring, especially after the past 5-10 years
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)07:40 No.20872776
    The problem is that most people just don't qualify for the positions available in the USA.
    Maybe, just maybe, we need some sort of, I don't know, "Agency" to put together a "Training Program" of some kind.
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)07:40 No.20872778
    >4 weeks paid annual leave
    >52 weeks paid maternity leave
    I take it Russian women employability is fucking low...
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)07:42 No.20872790
    What astounds and horrifies me is that China does better than the USA in all areas covered by that chart.
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)07:43 No.20872796
    Or most of Africa.
    >> Loonix !JWSFOc6apE 10/31/11(Mon)07:43 No.20872802
    You're on /g/ so I assumed technology at least interests you somewhat. Decide on something based on what you like about technolo/g/y.

    >if the average American was really running the country things would be much, much worse.
    You sure about that? The average American knows how to live on a budget, knows how to compromise with their spouse/children/family, and doesn't sit around all day watching cable news. I'd say these are all skills that everyone in Congress and the White House could stand to use.
    >> Loonix !JWSFOc6apE 10/31/11(Mon)07:44 No.20872812

    >see: Detroit
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)07:44 No.20872814
    >the rich the rich the rich
    "The rich" also includes small business owners. Someone making 250k a year before taxes sure as hell isn't rich. Their yearly income may barely cover their bottom line.
    Allowing business to operate in a free market without unwarranted taxation is not the same as lowering the tax rates for companies like GE who donate hundreds of thousands of dollars to political candidates and lobbyist groups. These companies find ways through tax loopholes so they don't end up paying, and they have the aid of the ever expanding government in doing so.

    Focus on where the problem really is. Killing the free market with your fundamentally disgusting communist ideals of wealth distribution doesn't address the issue of political donors exploiting the system.
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)07:46 No.20872825
    That is just the law on paper. Practice doesn't always follow. Wages are way low, occupational risks are likely higher. Take maternity leave, for example. Many women are laid off if they get pregnant if the company don't want to pay up. Also the law don't cover "informal" workers like part-timers and contract workers.
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)07:47 No.20872834
    >Focus on where the problem really is. Killing the free market with your fundamentally disgusting communist ideals of wealth distribution doesn't address the issue of political donors exploiting the system.
    Because putting money back into a system that made your empire possible in the first place is just too much to ask.

    You know why billionaires don't just sprout up in somalia? Because there's no infrastructure.
    >> Loonix !JWSFOc6apE 10/31/11(Mon)07:49 No.20872845
    >Killing the free market with your fundamentally disgusting communist ideals of wealth distribution doesn't address the issue of political donors exploiting the system.
    fukkin' lol'd

    Campaign finance reform is dead. Now we're just needlessly stabbing the victim with decisions like the one in which the Supreme Court ruled campaign donations are akin to free speech.
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)07:49 No.20872847
    Somalia. A land where pirates are richer than the government.
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)07:49 No.20872851

    The "free market" is the problem. The "free market" proscriptions ruin economies. There is not a single successful democratic country with "small Government" on this planet, and nor will there ever be.

    All successful economies are mixed economies with robust Government economic support.
    >> Anonymous 10/31/11(Mon)07:50 No.20872857
    >offtopic spam
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