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  • File : 1319005562.jpg-(90 KB, 960x716, ronpaulwatching.jpg)
    90 KB Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)02:26 No.20665105  
    Hey /g/. I love technology! How about you donate to my money bomb.
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)02:29 No.20665172
         File1319005799.jpg-(20 KB, 535x382, ronpaulnotlate.jpg)
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    Don't you love technology?
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)02:31 No.20665204
    god I love that man
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)02:32 No.20665215
    At lest it isn't an ipad
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)02:32 No.20665222
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    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)02:48 No.20665226
         File1319006903.jpg-(7 KB, 210x240, bobbey.jpg)
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    You're not getting my sheckles.
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)02:48 No.20665240
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    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)02:49 No.20665245
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    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)02:49 No.20665255
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    >"Hey ameriderps, why don't you donate to my campaign fund so that I don't have to spend any money while trying to trick you into electing me president so that I may fuck your country over."
    >MFW people actually fall for this
    >MFW these people are actually GIVING their money away to someone who will use it to eventually fuck them over real good
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)02:50 No.20665276

    ron paul just seems like an old grumpy uncle

    rand paul would make a better candidate
    >> Ruby !!iPJbBu5S79g 10/19/11(Wed)02:50 No.20665279
    How about no. I'm a keynesian and I don't support ending the federal reserve nor the introduction of a growth inhibiting gold standard. Your stances on personal liberties might be nice, but you can't keep up to date with how economies need to be managed.
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)02:50 No.20665280
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)02:50 No.20665281
    Ron Paul doesn't believe in evolution.
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)02:50 No.20665283
    I'm surprised that Ron didn't think it was some kind of voodoo device and smashed it before it could take his soul.
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)02:51 No.20665302
    You sure?
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)02:52 No.20665308
         File1319007148.png-(341 KB, 1056x1146, ron-paul-revolution.png)
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    Ron Paul will save this god forsaken country of ours.
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)02:54 No.20665319
    He probably does, but he needs to lie to keep his fucking retard constituents happy.
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)03:01 No.20665343
    Fuck that religious cunt
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)03:01 No.20665348
    This thread opened my eyes to this man's honest concern for our country's future so I'm donating my college fund to show my support.

    I love you /g/
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)03:01 No.20665351
    >Ron Paul wins election
    >keels over before inauguration
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)03:01 No.20665373
    No $150 option. $250 it is.

    You guys can't seriously be voting for Obama after
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)03:01 No.20665376
    Who gives a shit, he's a libertarian, it doesn't affect the way he runs the country.

    I swear these underaged arguments are getting old.
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)03:01 No.20665385
    >but you can't keep up to date with how economies need to be managed
    >implying an economic structure should change with time
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)03:03 No.20665399
    -doesn't believe in evolution
    -thinks america was founded on specifically christian principles
    -thinks churches should be governmental institutions
    -thinks separation of church and state should not exist
    -thinks religion is a fundamental principle that everybody should have

    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)03:04 No.20665411
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)03:04 No.20665412
         File1319007884.png-(69 KB, 841x292, sup_fags.png)
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    Ron Paul fuck yer.

    Let's think about it this way. If you donate to Ron Paul now, you'll save money over the next 5 years from being taxed less and a better economy. Do it for selfish reasons.
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)03:05 No.20665424
    >thinks (insert anything here) should be a government institution

    nigga u dum
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)03:06 No.20665434

    I think these have to be trolls to keep fucking parroting this bullshit
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)03:06 No.20665438
    That's only IF he gets elected though, which in the American political system is unfortunately unlikely. Of course, you should still donate to a candidate that respects your freedoms, /g/.
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)03:06 No.20665439
    -says his evolution beliefs don't and won't affect politics
    -says america was founded on particular christian principles
    -does not think churches have any role in government
    -does say separation of church and state is fundamental
    -thinks religion is part of a quality everyone should value

    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)03:07 No.20665442
    >openly show your illiteracy
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)03:08 No.20665454
    >-does not think churches have any role in government
    >-does say separation of church and state is fundamental
    haha, guess you don't really know who you're voting for

    "The notion of a rigid separation between church and state has no basis in either the text of the Constitution or the writings of our Founding Fathers. On the contrary, our Founders’ political views were strongly informed by their religious beliefs. Certainly the drafters of the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution, both replete with references to God, would be aghast at the federal government’s hostility to religion."

    go ahead and read it, it's on his website.
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)03:08 No.20665460
         File1319008138.jpg-(37 KB, 326x326, 1316293419217.jpg)
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    >relying on a old fart as some sort of savior
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)03:09 No.20665464
    ron paul is a hero

    butthurt atheist teen detected. go read your dawkins bedtime story faggot
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)03:09 No.20665466
    Election season is very long, chaotic and has barely begun. Don't defeat your hopes so early.
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)03:10 No.20665482
    lol no iowa caucuses are in 10 weeks
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)03:10 No.20665483
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)03:10 No.20665487
    President Johnson would be fine as well
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)03:11 No.20665488
         File1319008260.png-(58 KB, 476x296, 1318461125205.png)
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    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)03:11 No.20665500
    why werent huntsman and johnson at the debate
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)03:12 No.20665502
    I shouldn't, but he's almost always misunderstood by the general populace. I don't have any hopes really besides the fact that he might try and run as an independent this year instead.

    I'm still going to donate obviously, but I'm feeling a bit hopeless.
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)03:12 No.20665512
    there is no such thing as separation of church and state. it was made up by secular jew courts. dont you have a 'god delusion' book club meeting to attend little guy?
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)03:12 No.20665515
    >gary johnson
    >legal weed!
    >lock people in cages for any other drugs!
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)03:13 No.20665519
    boycotting it because Nevada moved its caucus early or some shit like that
    >> ;_; Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)03:13 No.20665529
         File1319008424.jpg-(93 KB, 982x560, banner_jobs_9.jpg)
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    why did he have to die so young

    he would have easily saved America
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)03:13 No.20665530
    Politics is all about attitude and mood. If you're confident in him, vocalize it, it will spread. This is as important as donating.
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)03:13 No.20665532
    >I don't have any hopes really besides the fact that he might try and run as an independent this year instead.
    That's the point I'd abandon hope.
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)03:15 No.20665551
    True that, thanks anon.
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)03:15 No.20665553
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)03:16 No.20665567

    Protip: Increasing the money supply does not create economic growth, I don't know why so many don't understand this.

    >The fact is, contrary to the popular opinion, there is absolutely no shortage of gold which can be used as money, nor would the supply of gold impeded economic growth to any degree because it is not the supply of money that creates economic growth, but the creation of capital wealth which utilizes the exchange nature of gold money that creates economic growth. I wonder why people who advocate the “short supply” issue never consider that the vast majority of gold that has been mined from the earth over the last 5 to 10 thousand years is still in use today, it can still be accounted for. That is an amazing fact about gold and begs several questions for those who hold the view that there is not enough gold to serve as money in the modern economy. What has all that gold done throughout the millennia? It has been traded in one form or another, but it all remains. Gold is perhaps one of the most guarded metals of all times, valued and retained in some type of circulation despite all the efforts of governments and banks to hoard it and restrict its movement.

    I can print $1 trillion, but so what, who cares? No new business has been created by printing money, no actual economic growth has occurred, the wealth is an illusion. And by increasing the money supply, I've decreased the value of every other dollar out there. This inflation is basically a regressive tax that affects the poor the hardest.
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)03:17 No.20665572
    Already have. Could only spare $25 though
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)03:17 No.20665583
    can i donate if i'm not american, i like ron paul
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)03:18 No.20665597
    no, forbidden by federal election laws
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)03:18 No.20665599

    is gary johnson gay?

    the gaydar is through the roof with that guy
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)03:19 No.20665612
    The good thing is that donators can get a refund when Paul drops out of the race, right?
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)03:19 No.20665617
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    >believing in god
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)03:19 No.20665618
    You could donate to an american then they could donate.
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)03:20 No.20665622
    Seriously?? Not that guy, but that's bullshit. Corporations can "donate" a shit ton and basically buy politicians, but people from other countries that think he's a good guy can't give a single cent?
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)03:21 No.20665625
    >implying there's an openly atheist candidate
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)03:21 No.20665626
    no, corporations can't donate to candidates
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)03:21 No.20665627
         File1319008871.png-(359 KB, 912x1074, noninterventionistforiegnpolic(...).png)
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    Of all the political rallies I have been to, the most informed and engaged people were at the Ron Paul rallies. And when you're there physically, it's much better than the internet echo chamber. Dialogue and an exchange of ideas happens.

    When the 9/11 Truther-types try and put in word they get a half-sentence in before the collective frowns and cocked eyebrows of the more reasonable folk shut them up. You can literally see the change in their expressions go from "This will be JUST like when I rant about this on the internet!" to "Oh no, they're all staring at me. It's not like the internet at all :("

    Also non-interventionist foreign policy. Picture related.
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)03:21 No.20665628
    Sure send me money via paypal (in email field) and I'll delivar to Ron Paul.
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)03:21 No.20665636
    Indeed, whoever wins, we lose.

    (Ron Paul won't win, faggots.)
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)03:21 No.20665637
         File1319008911.png-(472 KB, 1366x768, Screenshot at 2011-10-17 05:49(...).png)
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    >thinking that being an atheist is 'fresh' when in fact its older than christianity itself, but you wouldnt know that because you get all your information from Richard Dawkins videos on youtube due to being an uneducated teenager who wants to shock mommy and daddy
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)03:22 No.20665639
    It's clear Bachman's husband is. He went through a "conversion" then started using tax money to help other gays "convert."
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)03:22 No.20665643
    >because they believe in God
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)03:23 No.20665650
    >Making fun of Richard Dawkins
    You don't make fun of Richard Dawkins.
    Richard Dawkins makes fun of you:
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)03:23 No.20665653
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    u mad, christnigger?
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)03:23 No.20665654
    except the majority of those frowns are truthers biting their lips so they wont lose political momentum
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)03:24 No.20665662
    >implying Richard Dawkins isnt mocked and laughed at by all of science aside from his evangelical atheist buddies like Sam Harris
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)03:24 No.20665664
    >except the majority of those frowns are truthers biting their lips so they wont lose political momentum
    In either case it's just as funny to me.
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)03:25 No.20665673
    I really would act as a middle man and donate your money through my paypal because I really like Ron Paul, but have no spare money to donate. Of course, you have no reason to trust me with it though.
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)03:25 No.20665678
    Worse; those same corporations that donate overwhelmingly rely on government subsidies and regulations. They take a portion of the money the government and central bank fleece from americans and dollar holders and then use it to lobby for more.

    Every candidate besides Gary Johnson and Ron Paul for both parties since 2007 (even Kucinich) got most of their funding from corporate donors.
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)03:25 No.20665679
    yea im so mad that i just humiliated you on historical facts
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)03:25 No.20665680
    But I didn't imply any of that at all!
    You know what you are Anonymous?
    You're a dirty, rotten, no good liar. That's what
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)03:25 No.20665684
    >not cutting military spending that's spying on your internet and making Israel aggressive
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)03:25 No.20665688
    >This boot on my neck feels fantastic!
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)03:26 No.20665694
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    Keep feeding the troll, fucknut. Fuck your kike savior and fuck you.
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)03:27 No.20665699
    You're going to have to explain that one to me.
    I'm not following whatever insinuation you intended.
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)03:27 No.20665703
         File1319009237.jpg-(134 KB, 778x1018, Penn_Jillette_headshot.jpg)
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    A lot of jaded bitter liberals in this thread.

    If the Libertarian way of thinking is adopted other countries wont hate us as much, because we will stop forcing others to do what WE think is best for them.
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)03:28 No.20665713
    He's insinuating that the crazies are the only ones right about the current police state, the biggest (per capita) in history.
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)03:28 No.20665716
    But doing what *I* think is best for you is the glorious leftist way
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)03:29 No.20665719
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)03:29 No.20665720
    butthurt atheist teen showing their ignorance on history yet again. the jews you know today did not exist during those times.
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)03:30 No.20665731
         File1319009404.gif-(171 KB, 375x375, laughing gold homer.gif)
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    Oh god. Really? Wow, abandon thread.
    Forgive me for even bothering. Hahaha.
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)03:30 No.20665742
    Penn Jillette got me hooked on Libertarianism.
    Now that I know about all those popular myths like the broken window fallacy, I can't look at people who don't address them (Keynesians) seriously, especially when it's the cornerstone of their philosophy.
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)03:30 No.20665743
    possibly wrong, however he is staunchly against the pro-choice movement.
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)03:30 No.20665744
    How to into this for #OWS fags???????????????????????????????????????
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)03:30 No.20665745
    typical, laughing all the way to the firing squad
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)03:32 No.20665773
         File1319009577.jpg-(28 KB, 300x400, 1287684060931.jpg)
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    >history having any relevance in choosing the "right one" at all
    The only thing history shows about religion is how many fucked up atrocities it's been used to justify. Get fucked.
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)03:33 No.20665781

    39 ?'s, so it's still a question I guess.d
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)03:34 No.20665786
    as opposed to the untold numbers slaughtered in the name of the State
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)03:34 No.20665788
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)03:34 No.20665789
         File1319009686.jpg-(77 KB, 720x468, 1318579095741.jpg)
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    I'm atheist and I'd rather vote for someone who doesn't believes in evolution than those who appease the fucking criminal state of I$rahell and keep handing them money to wage an occupation war against the Palestinians.

    Captcha: cafere "taxes"
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)03:35 No.20665792
    Yes, but like Clinton's sexcapades it's irrelevant to a presidency unless you think the federal government should fund abortions: which means you are retarded and he wouldn't work for you because he'd veto any bills for it.
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)03:35 No.20665804
         File1319009752.jpg-(58 KB, 1440x810, smug_kyubey.jpg)
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    Shouldn't you be praying for my soul that I'll see the light someday like a good little unquestioning lamb of God?
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)03:36 No.20665810
         File1319009776.jpg-(172 KB, 670x893, 1318792064375.jpg)
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    Trust the government, they said.
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)03:37 No.20665825
    I like how your trolly little defense here is to keep calling him out on being a religious nut, even though he never let that on.
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)03:37 No.20665826
    A political position for a presidential candidate is irrelevant to a presidency? Please.

    The reality is that Ron Paul dropped a lot of his beliefs just to become a major contender in the '12 election -- and as such has shown his true frontrunner attributes, like flip-flopping to whatever the majority needs to hear.

    It doesn't matter now. It matters when he becomes president and suddenly forgets that he used to believe in the states rights to choose the path for themselves.

    Absolute power corrupts absolutely, etc, and this guy is corrupt before any real power.
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)03:38 No.20665840
    You do realize that not everyone that hates angsty little teen atheist fags is religious, right?

    Oh wait I'm on 4chan, why am I feeding a troll
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)03:38 No.20665841
    [citation needed]
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)03:38 No.20665842
         File1319009927.png-(409 KB, 1366x768, Screenshot at 2011-10-16 18:03(...).png)
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    actually the argument wasnt about "choosing the right one" at all but if you want to get into the history of that, history has a lot to say against choosing atheism. atheism killed more people in a few decades (with avid pro-atheist and anti-religious dictators Stalin, Mao, Lenin, etc.) than religion has killed in all of history combined

    check your facts atheist teen cry baby. you dont want to keep embarrassing your 'rational' atheist side of the argument do you? your side has been losing this argument the entire thread through.
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)03:39 No.20665847
    That pic sums it up pretty well IMO.. I've been following Ron Paul since 2003 (first time I saw him was in Alex Jones' Matrix of Evil), and the most painful part is watching all these things he's warned about for decades coming to pass in the last five years.. scary stuff, damnit
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)03:39 No.20665853

    lolcain. What a fucking dipshit. Of course him or Romney will probably win the nomination, because most voters are fucking retards. Shit like 9-9-9 is stupid but catchy and easy for the population to understand. The stuff Ron Paul talks about, like blowback, Austrian economics, monetary policy, etc. requires some actual thinking, which most Americans are incapable of unfortunately.
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)03:39 No.20665856
    Do people actually believe that Ron Paul would go out of his way to appoint conservative but prochoice judges to prevent the overturning of Roe v Wade?
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)03:40 No.20665860
    I'm laughing pretty damn hard, actually.

    >why am I feeding a troll
    I dunno lol ¯\(°_o)/¯
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)03:40 No.20665862
         File1319010022.jpg-(98 KB, 410x700, 1318579352516.jpg)
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    Donated $75.
    Problem, Obongofags?
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)03:40 No.20665869

    He does believe in evolution though (he's a medical doctor for fucks sake)...he just thinks a "creator" started the whole thing (like all of those people). I don't agree with him on that but that is the very least of our problems.
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)03:41 No.20665884
    >I'm laughing pretty damn hard, actually.
    Holy shit, that just went way over you're head, didn't it?
    > ¯\(°_o)/¯
    Confirmed for 14 year old raging faggot
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)03:42 No.20665890
    Ron Paul on technology laws.
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)03:42 No.20665898
    >endless war
    >financial collapse
    >domestic police state
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)03:44 No.20665915
    I just want to say that your tears are delicious. :3
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)03:44 No.20665916
    for every dollar you donate goldman sachs will donate 10 to opposing candidates
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)03:44 No.20665921
    >tell someone to go to /b/
    >arguing about irrelevant bullshit on the /g/ - Technology board
    Oh the irony.
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)03:45 No.20665924
    >implying he isn't the most consistent politician ever in the history of politicians
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)03:45 No.20665929
    and dont forget that goldman sachs will hire atheist teens through the huffington post to troll the internet saying that Ron Paul DOESNT BELIEVE IN SCIENZ HURRRRRRRR DONT VOTE FOR HIM HURRR OBONGO IS THE ONE
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)03:45 No.20665933
    >implying I don't have a Ph.D in mathematics
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)03:45 No.20665935
    babbys first troll
    Keep at it, maybe you'll actually make someone angry in a few years.
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)03:46 No.20665939
    >American politician
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)03:47 No.20665950
    Dear god, I want to murder a fucking baby every time a retard attempts to use this word

    Yes I fucking mad faggot
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)03:47 No.20665952
         File1319010443.gif-(11 KB, 501x585, jew-cartoon.gif)
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    Good little Goys do what they're told.
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)03:47 No.20665953
    The guy you replied to is this guy. I'm just joining in.
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)03:47 No.20665956
    >i believe in hope n change
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)03:47 No.20665959
    Yes, now you are seeing why we love him
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)03:47 No.20665960
    >Dear god, I want to murder a fucking baby
    confirmed for Obama voter
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)03:48 No.20665967
         File1319010506.jpg-(46 KB, 460x605, 1318924486082.jpg)
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    What does Occupy Wall Street think about Ron Paul?
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)03:48 No.20665970
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    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)03:48 No.20665971
    Aww, the little neckbeard is having a fit. Clean that blood out of your ass.
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)03:51 No.20665998
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)03:51 No.20666005

    Fuck, I hate when teenage lefty cunts from reddit use that argument. I'll still vote for him because ending the bullshit war on drugs that costs billions > personal beliefs no one should give a shit about.
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)03:52 No.20666009
         File1319010753.png-(26 KB, 710x135, enjoy_your_shackles.png)
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    First non-retarded thing I heard on OWS youpoop.

    Also pic related, why I donated.
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)03:54 No.20666025
    not to mention the self-evident fallacy of a medical doctor that "doesnt believe in science"
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)03:55 No.20666035
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)03:57 No.20666049
         File1319011025.jpg-(26 KB, 308x306, o_AlanAlda_1.jpg)
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    >mfw people believed Obama would end the wars, close gitmo, or do any of the things he promised he would do.
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)03:57 No.20666055
    Go to bed already, Ron Paul.
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)03:59 No.20666075
    What kind of support does Ron Paul have other then winning online polls with spam bots and lejun faggots?
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)03:59 No.20666079
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)04:00 No.20666086
    I'm not even big on Ron Paul, but I know that's because he believes that should all happen in the private sector.

    Just what technological advancements have come from the Department of Energy Office of Science? Exactly.
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)04:01 No.20666092

    be less ignorant, child.
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)04:01 No.20666094
    A bunch of legitimate people liking him IRL because they are not retarded.
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)04:13 No.20666108

    Yeah that always cracks me up. As a medical doctor, he's probably had far more chemistry, biology, etc. education than most politicians in this country, who tend to get degrees in the soft sciences like political science, economics, etc. You can't really get into medical school without a degree in the hard sciences, though.

    And ultimately, who gives a fuck what he thinks about evolution? As long as he doesn't try to force his beliefs on us I couldn't give two shits. That's the cool thing about libertarianism.
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)04:13 No.20666114
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    Ron Paul is currently holding his Black This Out money bomb today. His campaign is hoping to earn so much money today, that the establishment media will be 'forced' to cover it.
    Link is here:

    If you have some money, donate it! An hour and a half into the day he's already earned $145,000!
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)04:13 No.20666122

    Because all that sweet DARPA cash is all privately funded AMIRITE?
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)04:27 No.20666128
    >a bunch of regulations that makes things more expensive and makes people have to hire more jews to jump through all the government regulatory hoops without getting in trouble

    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)04:27 No.20666142
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    Who cares if Ron Paul doesn't believe in evolution? I have heard sillier things from politicians.

    Most politicians claim to believe Niggers are equal to White people.
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)04:27 No.20666147
    I didn't read any of the comments above cause i know the feelings about Paul is diverse, naturally.

    Of course I don't agree with Paul on some items but bringing up the fundamental issues with special interests and military industrial complex are spot on and it's completely obvious that the "establishment", if you will, is scared of the facts that he's raised.

    He's a guy who's tried retiring over and again only to come back because he refuses to sit back and watch what's going on. He's a guy that the lobbyist in DC pass by when they are trolling Capital Hill. He's a guy that gives part of his salary back to the Treasury. He's a guy with integrity and whether or not you agree with all of his politics, he's an obvious step in the right direction at the very least that moves away from special interests in Washington, a sovereign economic policy where international interests have no say and personal liberty actually means something.

    He's broken several money raising records which is huge considering he gets little to no support from big business interests. It's a touch call but very possible that he win this race BUT, at the very least, he's injecting real issues and him being at all involved in the race is showing massively positive light.

    My Take.
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)04:28 No.20666151
    I donated. 3rd time this season. Gave to him in 08 as well. Everyone should.

    If you want to see this country survive the next 20 years with any dignity, help this man.

    Also, posting has been really weird lately. wth
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)04:34 No.20666215
    Americunts with their silly politics.

    They first let a cracker run America, then a Nigger and now another Cracker,they need gooks!

    I tell ya gooks or kikes!
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)04:37 No.20666246
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    >implying kikes don't run America already
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)04:42 No.20666285
    >Ron Paul doesn't believe in evolution.
    I'm not American, and I'm Catholic.
    Why do Americans insist on reading the Bible literally?
    Hell, not even the Vatican does that!
    The Bible is not to be taken literal, since many things are parables.
    Remember that the texts that made it into the Bible where written by people, NOT BY GOD, and people, specially the ancients, are not good explaining what they don't comprehend.
    Old Testament = Jewish wired stuff (I don't know how that made it into the Bible).
    New Testament = Jesus life.

    The purpose of Christianity should be to spread the message of Jesus, to explain the Philosophical 'WHY' no the Scientific 'HOW'.

    (I bet most Americans don't know a Catholic priest proposed the Big Bang theory)
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)04:47 No.20666337
    I'm voting for Obama; I'm not trolling either.

    I didn't vote for him in 2008, but I think he's done a great job in very difficult circumstances. History will judge him as one of our best Presidents.
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)04:50 No.20666355
    so much this

    to the truth
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)04:51 No.20666368
    >that image
    I don't even
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)04:52 No.20666379
    >not kennedy
    he slept with monroe
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)04:52 No.20666384
    yay 280k bump
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)04:53 No.20666387
    how about you stop worshiping dawkins cock and get your own opinion fag
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)04:53 No.20666394
    >Americunts thinking they can post their offtopic bullshit on a technology board
    Enjoy your ban.
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)04:53 No.20666395
    >that image
    I don't even.
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)04:54 No.20666402
    yay 281k bump
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)04:58 No.20666435
    it was 210k at the start of the thread, fuck yah
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)05:02 No.20666469
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    Not surprising coming from an American simpleton.
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)05:03 No.20666476

    The Bible itself only came together in the 5th Century. Emperor Constantine collected the Gospels (and omitted many) to unify the Christian Church, that was fragmented. The New Testament, was created to unify East and West. Jesus Christ, was a combination of Krishna and Hesus.

    Christian history is very interesting.
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)05:07 No.20666510
    Hey /g/ Im voting for Ron Paul.
    To be totally honest, I kind of liked Obama.
    With all the health care and education grants for technology he gave, I was able to do a lot of projects that were 100% government funded.
    But I realize that it's not sustainable, and I don't want to destroy this country with my greed.
    So, I'm registering as a Republican this year.
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)05:12 No.20666544
    >History will judge him as one of our best Presidents.


    On a somewhat related note, does anyone have that variation of the lime guy meme with Obama's face and the caption "Why can't I hold all these wars?" Thought I had it saved and was going to post it, but guess I don't.
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)05:12 No.20666546
    >Not choosing Ron Paul
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)05:12 No.20666549

    I was a Republican, but since the Tea Party wing hijacked the agenda I will not be voting for them. Maybe I'll return to them in future elections after they've exorcised the lunatic wing.
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)05:13 No.20666563

    Every time I hear "broken windows" I think of this monologue:
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)05:14 No.20666570

    Yep, Obama held the line. You don't bug-out of a war over night, unless you're a pussy.

    Remember, it was liberals that dropped the atomic bomb... twice.
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)05:16 No.20666587

    Broken Windows, or the threat of broken windows, fuels innovation. Necessity is the mother of invention.
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)05:18 No.20666598
    how can i send him bitcoins?
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)05:18 No.20666599
    I canvassed for Obama round 1.
    >still wars
    >still patriot act
    >warrantless wiretaps
    >fuck me
    >still no gay marriage
    >ridiculous budget
    Ron Paul 2012.
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)05:18 No.20666604
    >still no gay marriage

    But that's a good thing
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)05:19 No.20666611

    now that they're worthless? Don't bother, send him gold instead.
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)05:20 No.20666625
    >Good thing
    I want everyone to have equal opportunities to have a miserable marriage.
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)05:20 No.20666628

    how do i email him my gold? this is why i use bitcoin..and they are not worthless, ill just him more...
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)05:22 No.20666642
    >implying I want someone who is against abortion and who doesn't believe in the separation of church and state to be my president.
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)05:23 No.20666654
    >implying you have a choice in the matter
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)05:24 No.20666667
    Yo I have a great idea, or maybe it exists already. The thing gave me the idea.
    We need to have one of those "compatibility tests" for the presidential candidates. You know, where it asks you questions about the things that matter so you can get what you should "use" in the end. Like the one for Linux, can't remember the link. We should do this for the presidents, and it should evolve in near real-time based on what they say they will do. After all, that could change any time.
    Example question: Do you care about the internet remaining "free" and unchanged? Then it would put a bias to whatever candidate matches close to this.

    Does something like this exist? Can I go somewhere and answer some questions or fill out some checkboxes about shit I care about and it pops out a president I should vote for?
    As long as it remains uncorrupted, the average American would love something like this I think.
    >> DarkTrip !nNThBA7CKU 10/19/11(Wed)05:24 No.20666671
    Alot of what you read about ron paul in the "mainstream" press is pure bullshit

    actually look at his policies like ending wars and NOT getting into debt and having PROPER markets

    he's the americunts only hope, but most of them are brainwashed into believing the other cadidates offer "choice" lol
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)05:26 No.20666687
    glassbooth ran last cycle but hasnt updated for the 2012 candidates....dunno whats up with them.
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)05:27 No.20666704
    to all the evolution guys in the thread

    you need to be jesus lover to become president or half of merica will hate you

    also ron paul wants true free market so no one will force you to go to church or go to religious school.
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)05:29 No.20666718
    >hurr durr i r atheist liberal genius i believe in evolutionzz hurr durr ron paul is stupid he dont believe in evolutionz ill never vote for him!!!

    >votes for obama who doesnt believe in evolution either but instead of leaving everyone alone like ron paul would he rapes the country as well

    atheist logic
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)05:30 No.20666737
    I don't know, that Herman Cain seems pretty on-the-ball. Too bad he's a nigger.
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)05:31 No.20666743
    If he somehow pulls off a Cinderella campaign victory over the bank/military industry politcians, then I fear he will probably be assassinated.
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)05:32 No.20666753

    Herman Cain is fucking retarded.

    He got his 9-9-9 plan from Sim City, and has quoted Pokemon in one of his speeches.
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)05:32 No.20666755
    so your gonna vote for fat cat banker?
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)05:32 No.20666760
    >Slash funding for all federal agencies
    >No one has the resources to investigate unfair business practices like price fixing
    >An invisible hand comes down and rewards our faith by smiting the evil doers
    >Creationists finally find long lost triceratops saddles
    >Everyone pretends to have more freedom even as states force young rape victims to give birth in hand cuffs
    Ron Paul 2012, it's gonna be awesome.
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)05:33 No.20666763

    lolidk, envelope with fake return address?

    The money spent on vidya cards to mine bitcoins could be used for the gold instead.
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)05:34 No.20666778
    >has quoted Pokemon in one of his speeches
    All the more reason to vote for him. Which I won't because I can't.
    Like I just said, I can't vote.
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)05:35 No.20666781

    He's also formerly of the Federal Reserve.

    Speaking of SimCity, I would beat the detroit scenario in like 10 minutes by reducing sales tax to 0%
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)05:35 No.20666788
    butthurt reddit fag detected
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)05:36 No.20666800

    1) He's against abortion, but wouldn't either outlaw it at the federal level or force the states to allow it. Roe v. Wade currently forces all the states to recognize a woman's right to have an abortion, which is why he'd like to see it overturned. Then states would be allowed to either make it legal or illegal, California could allow it if they want and Texas could ban it. Like most things Paul approaches it from a states rights perspective, he just wants the federal government out and to leave it up to the individual states.
    2) Read and understand the context on his separation of church and state comment. He was talking about how separation of church and state is being used as a "war on religion," it's used to remove voluntary prayer from school, it's used to remove Christmas displays from public places, etc. The First Amendment was not intended to remove all religion from the public life and there is no mentioned of separation of church and state in it. It was intended to prevent egregious violations of religious freedoms, such as the state forcing you to practice a certain religion or prohibiting you from practicing the religion of your choice or no religion at all. But in more recent times the courts have overreached and used the First Amendment to attack religion. People need to be more tolerant, I'm an atheist and couldn't give two shits if a public school wants to hold a voluntary prayer. Doesn't in any way force a religion on me, just don't participate, nothing to get bent out of shape about like some atheists do for some reason.
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)05:36 No.20666804

    get the fuck out you illegal scum
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)05:37 No.20666814
    I'm a convicted felon, not an illegal.
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)05:39 No.20666836
    Don't be so mad my dear brother, it's mostly in jest.
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)05:39 No.20666837
    Ah, this is nice, thanks.
    I wonder how long it took them to do what they did last cycle? Perhaps we're expecting them to be too fast?
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)05:39 No.20666838

    >having PROPER markets...

    You do know that whenever "proper" markets have been attempted the result has been a disaster?

    The IMF structural adjustment policies failed.

    Only managed markets work. Sorry if reality gets in the way of your ideology.
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)05:42 No.20666866
    youre not entitled to invent your own history. 'proper markets' were in place in americas golden age and they are currently in place in hong kong and singapore, and china is shifting more towards them as well. what youre pretending is 'failed proper markets' are just liberal manipulation of markets.
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)05:43 No.20666883

    When have truly free markets been attempted and resulted in disaster.

    Please don't say the housing bubble or I will slap the shit out of you.
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)05:47 No.20666929
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    >truly free markets
    I lol'd hard
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)05:47 No.20666935
    There is text in the constitution referring Jesus as the Lord.

    Where in the constitution does it say "separation of church and state"?
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)05:48 No.20666942
    sure is troll
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)05:49 No.20666948
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    America's Golden Age? The 1950s?

    Hong Kong and Singapore are dictatorships, there is no democracy, no freedom. They are not "free" markets built on trust, as Adam Smith advocated. They are markets built on fear and repression.

    China is a State planned export driven economy. 70% of the economy is in state hands. You wont find "proper" markets in China.

    The more you know, the less of a cunt you are...
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)05:51 No.20666968

    You obviously haven't heard of IMF Structural adjustment programs,and failures.

    Proper markets only exist in fantasy land.
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)05:51 No.20666971
    Free markets are superior to democracy.
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)05:53 No.20666997
         File1319018014.jpg-(1.23 MB, 1707x1344, 1315720533726.jpg)
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    America needs fascism.

    And a great Führer to lead us against China
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)05:54 No.20667008
    is that an HP touchpad?
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)05:54 No.20667009
    Seriously, a truly free market would be filled with murder, theft sabotage, a lack of water safety and all sort of bullshit that would make it impossible to run a business.
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)05:56 No.20667025

    So just like the existing market, except with no restrictions on how you can defend yourself.
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)05:57 No.20667038

    >except with no restrictions on how you can defend yourself...

    ...or oppress others.
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)05:58 No.20667047
    ru paul won't kill coloured folks like obama.
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)05:59 No.20667067
    Why is Ron Paul so popular on message boards like 4chon /new/ and stormfront?

    As an African American it makes me uncomfortable supporting him.
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)06:00 No.20667072

    Democracy: pictures of stupid people from the internets.
    Facism: propaganda photos.

    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)06:01 No.20667082
    >die trying to defend yourself
    >half of your ammo was faulty due to a lack of any consumer protection
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)06:01 No.20667086

    Night watchman state. Government has a handful of very important roles in a libertarian society. Libertarians aren't anarchists, they just don't believe it's the government's responsibility to micromanage every aspect of our lives and the economy. But it is their job to protect life, property, etc. and lay the foundation for a free and prosperous society.

    >A night watchman state, or a minimal state,[1] has been variously defined by sources. In the strictest sense, it is a form of government in political philosophy where the state's only legitimate function is the protection of individuals from aggression, theft, breach of contract, and fraud, and the only legitimate governmental institutions are the military, police, and courts. In the broadest sense, it also includes fire departments, prisons, the executive, and legislatures as legitimate government functions.[2][3][4] Advocacy of a night watchman state is known as minarchism.
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)06:02 No.20667097
    >As an African American it makes me uncomfortable supporting him.

    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)06:02 No.20667098

    There is only one Ron Paul supporter on 4Choon, he's very vocal.

    Paul will only get one vote.
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)06:02 No.20667101
    fucken saved.

    i dont know how bad the right wing is, but i would fucking love to live in that world.
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)06:02 No.20667104
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    >become president by spending lots of money to advertise

    Thanks for reminding me again why America is the kingdom of retardness.
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)06:02 No.20667105
    Haha oh wow
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)06:03 No.20667110
    It's vice versa, there is only 1 paulberg spammer, everyone else wil vote for ron paul
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)06:03 No.20667111
    Ron Paul was popular on 4chan last cycle as well, were you not even around by THEN?? God damnit, please someone get rid of the newfags.
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)06:04 No.20667122
    are you retarded?
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)06:05 No.20667127

    I'm sorry for not browsing 4chan before /new/ was deleted when it was full of white supremacists.
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)06:05 No.20667131

    >protect life

    So a night watchman state could be extrapolated into universal heathcare? SOCIALIST SCUM
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)06:06 No.20667136
         File1319018788.jpg-(128 KB, 460x621, holocaust00_1.jpg)
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    >i dont know how bad the right wing is...

    Pic related.
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)06:07 No.20667147

    Ahh, the holohoax.

    Classic argument.
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)06:08 No.20667163
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    sure the left is better.
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)06:09 No.20667170
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    I have Pics, so it happened.

    Show me your pics of it not happening.
    >> Disease Claimed Many Inmates Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)06:10 No.20667176
         File1319019006.jpg-(150 KB, 640x613, holocaustmyth.jpg)
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    Everyone is familiar with the horrific photos of dead and dying inmates found in concentration camps such as Bergen-Belsen and Nordhausen when they were liberated by British and American forces in the final weeks of the war in Europe. Many people accept these photos as proof of “the Holocaust.”

    In fact, these dead and dying inmates were unfortunate victims of disease and malnutrition brought on by the complete collapse of Germany in the final months of the war. Had there in fact been a comprehensive extermination program, far fewer Jews would have been found by Allied forces at the end of the war. [7]

    In the face of the advancing Soviet forces, large numbers of Jews were evacuated during the final months of the war from eastern camps and ghettos to the remaining camps in western Germany. These camps quickly became terribly overcrowded, which severely hampered efforts to prevent the spread of epidemics. Furthermore, the breakdown of the German transportation system made it impossible to supply adequate food and medicine to the camps.
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)06:10 No.20667183
         File1319019054.jpg-(857 KB, 1669x1192, Swan.spreads.wings.arp.jpg)
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    Here's a pic of it not happening
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)06:11 No.20667185

    Become a Communist and you lived. It was a free choice. The Right Wing didn't give the Jews a choise to become good Nazi's.

    Stalin did.
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)06:11 No.20667187
    isnt that picture one of the fake holocaust gravesites that were actually from the communist (factual) mass murders (as opposed to the evidence-less holocaust mass murder)?
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)06:11 No.20667188
         File1319019094.jpg-(146 KB, 830x974, 1314930782905.jpg)
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    Those poor innocent Jews in Auschwitz. Getting their own football teams, bands, theater productions and being paid for the work they did camp money for movies and cigarettes. Truly horrific.
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)06:13 No.20667207
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    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)06:14 No.20667215
    yes he did, he wanted them to fund the war, but they were too greedy.
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)06:16 No.20667235
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    Contrary to conventional views, Rigg reveals that a startlingly large number of German military men were classified by the Nazis as Jews or "partial-Jews" (Mischlinge), in the wake of racial laws first enacted in the mid-1930s. Rigg demonstrates that the actual number was much higher than previously thought--perhaps as many as 150,000 men, including decorated veterans and high-ranking officers, even generals and admirals.
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)06:16 No.20667236

    You need better sources than a info .giff
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)06:18 No.20667265
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    >believing in the holohoax
    >> The WWI Holocaust Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)06:18 No.20667267
         File1319019516.jpg-(380 KB, 823x1174, holohoax.jpg)
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    Did you know that the Jews trotted out their 6 million lie before, during WWI? No, I didn't think so. They want you to forget about that claim, which simply didn't stick. People were better read and educated then, I suppose, else it might have gained the traction that it has achieved today in couch potato land. "Six million men and women are dying" in the Ukraine, claimed The American Hebrew periodical on October 31, 1919, the very same claim that Jews made twenty years later.

    You see, Jews thought they were going to establish Israel right after WWI, due to the Balfour Declaration's promise of Palestine in exchange for Jews causing America to enter the war against Germany. Since Jewish Talmudic prophecy demands that there be a 6-million-Holocaust offering prior to Jews returning to the Promised Land, it was incumbent upon them to fabricate the Holocaust then and there. The Talmud called for cleansing the "chosen" souls through the sacrifice of 6 million in "burning ovens," since unclean souls could not be allowed to return to the Promised Land. That is the real source of the "6 million" myth, as well as the myth of the "ovens."

    However, Britain was unable to deliver up Palestine as promised by Lord Balfour, since Palestine still was possessed by Turkey. It took another twenty years and another World War to make good on Balfour's promise. Quietly, the 6-million lie was put to rest, only to be revived just prior to WWII. The self-same claim about 6 million Jews dying was made, as part of the propaganda to once again force America to enter a war which involved none of its interests.
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)06:19 No.20667279
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    hey ron paul thread, awesome

    314k and its only 6am east coast noice
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)06:20 No.20667290

    >kid on left is smelly uncircumcised peasant
    >kid on right is superior circumcised master race
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)06:20 No.20667291
    The whole premise of the Jewish Holocaust defies simple logic: Why would Germany, fighting a war on two fronts...with fuel scarce...short of all resources...ship millions of Jews by railroad...hundreds and thousands of camps specially built just to hold them...feed them...clothe them in order to keep track of them....just to KILL them?

    It doesn't even begin to make sense. If the Germans had wanted to kill the Jews, they would have done it the way the Russian Jews murdered 20 to 80 million Russian Christians earlier in the century...with a bullet to the base of the skull, wherever they were found.
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)06:21 No.20667299
    I know, right? Don't know why all the stormfags are up in here though. Maybe it's just a bot.
    >> Episode 9: Reader's Digest Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)06:50 No.20667311
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    An article in February 1943 first brought the holocaust story to mainstream America. The article also mentioned six million--an uncanny number to throw out since the supposed fact hadn't happened yet.

    10 min. 49 sec.
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)06:50 No.20667318
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)06:50 No.20667323
    Fuck yah and the day just began.
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)06:51 No.20667327
    >IF YOU WANT TO VOTE RON PAUL, YOU MUST REGISTER AS A REPUBLICAN IN THE FOLLOWING STATES (30 days prior to the state primary): Arizona, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, District of Columbia, Florida, Kansas, Kentucky, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Dakota, Utah, West Virginia, Wyoming

    >You MUST be a "registered" Republican in the following states or you CANNOT vote for Ron Paul in the primary. If you do not vote for him in the primary, he cannot become the nominated candidate and your support is worthless
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)06:51 No.20667336
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)06:51 No.20667339
    Why do so many stormfags support Ron Paul?
    >> Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)06:55 No.20667369
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    >Ron Paul will never come to Minnesota
    >> Many Holocaust Claims Abandoned Anonymous 10/19/11(Wed)06:55 No.20667372
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    Since World War II the Holocaust story has changed quite a lot. Many extermination claims that were once widely accepted have been quietly dropped.

    For example, it was authoritatively claimed for years that Jews were killed in gas chambers at Dachau, Buchenwald and other concentration camps in Germany proper. That part of the extermination story proved so untenable that it was abandoned many years ago. No serious historian now supports the once supposedly proven story of “extermination camps” in the territory of the pre-1938 German Reich. Even famed “Nazi hunter” Simon Wiesenthal acknowledged that “there were no extermination camps on German soil.” [1]

    Prominent Holocaust historians now claim that large numbers of Jews were gassed at just six camps in what is now Poland: Auschwitz, Majdanek, Treblinka, Sobibor, Chelmno and Belzec. However, the evidence presented for gassings at these six camps is not qualitatively different than the now-discredited “evidence” for alleged “gassings” at camps in Germany proper.

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