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  • File : 1318751385.jpg-(235 KB, 550x450, Programming General.jpg)
    235 KB Anonymous 10/16/11(Sun)03:49 No.20609433  
    What have you written lately?
    >> Anonymous 10/16/11(Sun)03:52 No.20609466
         File1318751561.png-(34 KB, 300x360, kjobs-halo.png)
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    A reverse function algorithm that reverses binary in matrix form to print hello world.
    >> Anonymous 10/16/11(Sun)03:55 No.20609499
    >reverses binary in matrix form
    >> Anonymous 10/16/11(Sun)03:57 No.20609528
         File1318751859.jpg-(61 KB, 531x513, magnet.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 10/16/11(Sun)03:58 No.20609536
    Procedurally generated trees using a randomized L-system in OpenGL. (Was an assignment for a computer graphics course I'm taking for fun.)
    >> Anonymous 10/16/11(Sun)03:59 No.20609543
    IRC script that can check if streams are online from a list of streams.
    >> Anonymous 10/16/11(Sun)03:59 No.20609548
         File1318751999.png-(17 KB, 960x1053, snapshot528.png)
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    Proper error checking & reporting for my current project.
    >> Anonymous 10/16/11(Sun)04:00 No.20609550
    OP, that image isn't weeaboo. Pick something else
    >> Anonymous 10/16/11(Sun)04:01 No.20609559
         File1318752082.png-(198 KB, 1123x826, algo-full-nonlinear-estW-vs-W-(...).png)
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    >> Anonymous 10/16/11(Sun)04:01 No.20609560
    Stupid weeaboos ruining my /g/
    >> Anonymous 10/16/11(Sun)04:03 No.20609577
    pick one
    >> 3rdGenNoTec !!COXZHMEG+y/ 10/16/11(Sun)04:05 No.20609596
    (define (cfc f)
    (* (- f 32 )
    (/ 5 9)))
    >> Anonymous 10/16/11(Sun)04:05 No.20609597
         File1318752326.jpg-(68 KB, 640x480, 1318601485216.jpg)
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    Russian Roulette

    type shoot or fire
    rand() % 6
    boom youre dead

    fuck year, i'll be making actual software in 25 years
    >> Anonymous 10/16/11(Sun)04:05 No.20609602
    What kind of nonlinear fitting algorithm is that?
    >> Anonymous 10/16/11(Sun)04:08 No.20609628

    Fitting chirps to input audio. I'm working on followup algorithms.
    >> Anonymous 10/16/11(Sun)04:08 No.20609631
    Writing a utility that parses a collection of CSS files and gives a collection of basic metrics about it. Particularly metrics to aid in converting it to SASS, such as all classes that share a given set of attributes, or all that share the attributes with shared values as well, and so on.
    >> Anonymous 10/16/11(Sun)04:09 No.20609641
    Learning C++

    Trying to get my head around pointers
    >> Anonymous 10/16/11(Sun)04:11 No.20609658
    That's more like C material really.
    >> Anonymous 10/16/11(Sun)04:12 No.20609672
    >C material
    Typical C++ programmer.
    >> Anonymous 10/16/11(Sun)04:14 No.20609697
    He didn't say "smart pointers". Pointers were implemented in pure C.
    >> Anonymous 10/16/11(Sun)04:16 No.20609711
    No I mean he's a bad programmer and retarded for thinking pointers aren't useful in C++.

    It doesn't matter. Pointers are good, anyone who disagrees probably hasn't made anything more complex than a calculator.
    >> Anonymous 10/16/11(Sun)04:17 No.20609730
    >not making everything void*
    >> Anonymous 10/16/11(Sun)04:18 No.20609735
    Oh fuck you, where did I ever state I have something against pointers. Don't put words in my mouth.
    >> Anonymous 10/16/11(Sun)04:18 No.20609740
    I'm learning C++

    Finding it difficult to come up with ideas for projects beyond the scope of making calculators or some other worthless shit, but experimenting and doing stuff on my own like this is the easiest way to learn

    What are some good projects for a beginner to get their teeth stuck into? Something not way beyond my scope of skills but a challenge at least
    >> Anonymous 10/16/11(Sun)04:18 No.20609741
    >Adding additional overhead to every dereference even when it's not even remotely necessary
    >> Anonymous 10/16/11(Sun)04:19 No.20609745
    That's nice.

    If it were me implementing it from scratch I'd start with the
    then find the eigs, perform a independent component analysis, then find the components with the highest kurtosis. It'd still be subject to the frequency leakage though as that paper mentioned. Same time complexity.

    I do categorical image processing in biological like settings. Been falling in love with independent component analysis lately. You've got to implement from scratch with your own mutual information estimator because a lot of the code out there right now is garbage.
    >> Anonymous 10/16/11(Sun)04:19 No.20609749
    Implement the Monty Hall problem.
    >> Anonymous 10/16/11(Sun)04:21 No.20609769
    >not making those void* too
    >> Anonymous 10/16/11(Sun)04:24 No.20609797
    Just looked into it

    Wtf, why does switching increase your chances?
    >> Anonymous 10/16/11(Sun)04:25 No.20609819
    It just works, like Macs.
    >> Anonymous 10/16/11(Sun)04:26 No.20609826
    Because statistics.
    >> Anonymous 10/16/11(Sun)04:26 No.20609828
    pick 1/3 chance first time, 1/2 chance second
    >> Anonymous 10/16/11(Sun)04:28 No.20609848
    >Pick a door out of three randomly
    Current chance your door is correct: 33.4% [66.7% chance it's one of the other two doors]
    >One wrong door is eliminated
    Current chance your door is correct: 33.4% [66.7% chance it's one of the other two doors]
    >There's only 1 other door, and there's a 66.7% chance of one of the other doors being the correct door
    Therefor, by switching you have a 66.7% chance of winning.
    >> Anonymous 10/16/11(Sun)04:28 No.20609853
    That's true but doesn't explain which switching is beneficial? It would be a 1/2 chance switching anyway
    >> Anonymous 10/16/11(Sun)04:29 No.20609856
    There's 2/3 chance you'll miss the first time. And since third door is eliminated, you are left with correct choice for switching.
    >> Anonymous 10/16/11(Sun)04:29 No.20609857
    >1/2 chance second
    It's 2/3, not 1/2.
    >> Anonymous 10/16/11(Sun)04:30 No.20609866

    The 3rd door is eliminated by opening surely?
    >> Anonymous 10/16/11(Sun)04:31 No.20609872
    I'm trying to get my Commodore 64 to do some moderately useful shit. I don't have an assembler, or a hex editor for that matter, so I'm basically hand-assembling hand-written assembly code into machine code and typing that shit in through BASIC.
    >> Anonymous 10/16/11(Sun)04:31 No.20609876
    BECAUSE FUCKING STATISTICS, THATS HOW THEY WORK. The 2/3 chance of winning by switching is PROVABLY correct.
    >> Anonymous 10/16/11(Sun)04:33 No.20609896
    Three doors, WLL.
    You have 2/3 probability to pick L door.
    Another L door is eliminated.
    You switch to W.
    You win.
    >> Anonymous 10/16/11(Sun)04:34 No.20609901
         File1318754043.png-(4 KB, 482x289, MontyHall.png)
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    >> Anonymous 10/16/11(Sun)04:35 No.20609915
    You know, instead of using that awkward 5/9 and 9/5 shit, just use 0.555 and 1.8.
    >> Anonymous 10/16/11(Sun)04:36 No.20609925
    Enjoy your accuracy loss.
    >> Anonymous 10/16/11(Sun)04:37 No.20609933
    Well, ok, use 5/9 then, but there's no reason not to use 1.8.
    >> Anonymous 10/16/11(Sun)04:38 No.20609953
    Some SICP exercise in Haskell.
    >> Anonymous 10/16/11(Sun)04:38 No.20609955
    1.8 could mean 1.75 or 1.8499 or anything inbetween
    >> Khoa !Fy5fuPZNcs 10/16/11(Sun)04:39 No.20609961
    >Don't know the basic as fuck monty hall problem.

    Part 1: You have three doors and a car is behind one of them. You pick a door at random and theres a 33% chance to be a car.The other 66% you pick nothing.

    Part 2: If you pick a door with nothing behind it, the host only has one choice of a door to open the door WITHOUT the car. Therefore 66% of the time the door he doesn't open is the door with the car. If you pick a door with the CAR behind it, he can pick either door and they'll both be empty and switching will net you nothing.

    I may have explained that badly but its hard to explain it properly in one post.
    >> Anonymous 10/16/11(Sun)04:39 No.20609965
    Post your script.
    >> Anonymous 10/16/11(Sun)04:39 No.20609967
    taking another whack at my chatbot project

    i'll probably have more to say about this later
    >> Anonymous 10/16/11(Sun)04:40 No.20609970
    >> Anonymous 10/16/11(Sun)04:41 No.20609995
    Okay. It's pretty shitty, I wrote this back when I couldn't really into C.
    >> Anonymous 10/16/11(Sun)04:42 No.20610001
    >claims problem is easy as fuck
    >can't explain it in one post
    >explanation is wrong anyway
    >> Anonymous 10/16/11(Sun)04:44 No.20610022
    >Hurr I'm retarded
    The host NEVER opens the door with the car you fucking retard.
    >> Khoa !Fy5fuPZNcs 10/16/11(Sun)04:45 No.20610049

    When the fuck did I say the host opens the door with the car? I say you AS THE CONTESTANT picks the door with the car at first.


    Explain math to somebody who doesn't know how math works.
    >> Anonymous 10/16/11(Sun)04:46 No.20610059
    >66% of the time the door he doesn't open is the door with the car.
    >> Anonymous 10/16/11(Sun)04:47 No.20610069
    tar cjvpf /tmp/save.`date +%F`.tar.bz2 ~/.minecraft/saves
    >> Khoa !Fy5fuPZNcs 10/16/11(Sun)04:48 No.20610076

    How about: 66% of the time, the door he doesn't open will be the door that has the car. The other 33% of the time the door he doesn't open is one of the doors without the car

    >may have explained that badly
    >> Anonymous 10/16/11(Sun)04:52 No.20610122
    The way I think about it is like this.
    Assume that the prize was randomly assigned to p belongs to P. Alternately assume that P is a unordered set, (which can be sliced by magics).


    You can show it's true a lot of ways. A easy way is to think about your initial choice and your switch choice. The initial choice has exactly a 1/3 chance. At this time the host has to choose between one of two scenarios.

    1) You picked the prize.

    2) You didn't pick the prize.

    He's not going to show the prize, therefore he always reveals some likelihood about the current location of the prize. This is the key moment for the contestant.

    You can easily simulate it with randns and keep a tally of your wins/losses.
    >> Anonymous 10/16/11(Sun)04:54 No.20610160
    iama apple engineer
    adding some botnet code on Siri
    >> Anonymous 10/16/11(Sun)04:54 No.20610161
    It took me like 2 seconds to make the loop like 300% more efficient. Jesus Christ, I don't care how new you were, there is no excuse for that.
    >> Khoa !Fy5fuPZNcs 10/16/11(Sun)04:57 No.20610191

    A+ thats actually a really good way to explain it, I like it.

    I was never really good at explaining anything, anyways.
    >> Anonymous 10/16/11(Sun)05:08 No.20610285
    Code to read a 10bit analogue value from a microcontroller pin connected to a thermister and use it in an equation to calculate the temperature. It keeps returning 0x00 or 0x10, so i think the equation is off.
    >> Anonymous 10/16/11(Sun)05:10 No.20610309
    If you were wrong initially, you will be right if you switch.

    I'm sure everyone can understand why that works, right? Good.

    Your first choice will be wrong 66.7% of the time, when there are three doors.

    Do we all get it now?
    >> Anonymous 10/16/11(Sun)05:13 No.20610335
    Post code?
    >> Anonymous 10/16/11(Sun)05:15 No.20610348

    Theres plenty of AVR-C ADC code examples on the internet, stop being a lazy indian
    >> Anonymous 10/16/11(Sun)05:20 No.20610395
    How can I take a screenshot of my entire document? My source code doesn't all fit on the screen.
    >> Anonymous 10/16/11(Sun)05:20 No.20610407
    use pastebin retard
    >> Anonymous 10/16/11(Sun)05:21 No.20610412

    But I don't want to use pastebin. I want to use a screenshot you noonga.
    >> Anonymous 10/16/11(Sun)05:26 No.20610450
    >multiple screenshots
    >2 minutes in paint
    >> Anonymous 10/16/11(Sun)05:28 No.20610472
    An automated backup program. It'll keep the last 3 backups, and it ignores weekends.
    >> Anonymous 10/16/11(Sun)05:28 No.20610473
         File1318757328.png-(24 KB, 669x666, what my lecturer wrote.png)
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    Here is a little something my lecturer wrote...
    >> Anonymous 10/16/11(Sun)05:29 No.20610481
    how would i get in to programing? where would i start and how
    >> Anonymous 10/16/11(Sun)05:31 No.20610497
    i j k w a n etc.

    Why the fuck do people still do this? Tradition?
    >> Anonymous 10/16/11(Sun)05:32 No.20610506

    Don't worry, you're not the only one who thinks this is terrible coding.
    >> Anonymous 10/16/11(Sun)05:32 No.20610515
    Python. Torrent books. Code something you find interesting. Read a lot of other's code on github.

    Do this for 6 months -2 years, then learn another language like C. Then another language, like Haskell. Then Ada, Ruby, Asm, etc... All while coding useful things and reading on algorithm models.
    >> Anonymous 10/16/11(Sun)05:32 No.20610516
    Grab a copy of Visual studio express (it's free).

    Google for tutorials on the language you want to use (C#).
    >> Anonymous 10/16/11(Sun)05:34 No.20610536
    Same. My last decent program is also for backup.
    It's a frontend for duplicity and does:
    - create read-only LVM snapshot of target partition
    - mount it safely
    - run duplicity, creating a compressed, encrypted, incremental backup, 1 full per month, 1 incr per day. keeps 60 days worth of data.
    - umount everything, release snapshot

    Most of the work was error and exception handling and good logging because this runs unsupervised on a server and fuckups with mounting or LVM snapshots could be fatal.

    It's written in Python 3 and configurable with a YAML file.
    >> Anonymous 10/16/11(Sun)05:35 No.20610540
    What books to torrent?
    so your saying start with c#?
    >> Anonymous 10/16/11(Sun)05:36 No.20610548
    Start with C#/Java and learn OOP. What are classes, methods, prototypes, interface, structs, private, protected, final, package private, ref, out. how does
    public void function(int argument) { }
    handle argument 'argument'? What is the difference between uint and int? long and longlong? Learn the syntax. Then make shit like quicksort, bucketsort, mkae your own (generic if C#, don't bother if Java) stack/linkedlist/list. Then make a simple application, like a calculator, using the stuff you already made.
    >> Anonymous 10/16/11(Sun)05:39 No.20610580
    Thanks for the help guys
    >> Anonymous 10/16/11(Sun)05:39 No.20610582
    Mine is quite a bit simpler than that. We had a problem with a client's files, so I suggested to my boss that I write a backup program. I'm not actually hired as a programmer, I just enjoy coding. My backup program is a batch file XD
    >> Anonymous 10/16/11(Sun)05:40 No.20610585
    >so your saying start with c#?
    Definitely. C# is a great language. Visual C# is amazingly easy to learn for beginners.
    >> Anonymous 10/16/11(Sun)05:40 No.20610587
    Learn the difference between procedural programming, and OOP, too.
    >> Anonymous 10/16/11(Sun)05:43 No.20610627
    This is a very stupid question but how would you say c# or c++, would it be c plus plus?

    I apologize again for my ignorance
    >> Anonymous 10/16/11(Sun)05:44 No.20610632
    Writing something in Object C and C++
    >> Anonymous 10/16/11(Sun)05:45 No.20610637
    c sharp
    c plus plus
    >> Anonymous 10/16/11(Sun)05:45 No.20610641
    See sharp, See plus plus.
    >> Anonymous 10/16/11(Sun)05:45 No.20610644
    "C Sharp"
    "C Plus Plus Plus"
    >> Anonymous 10/16/11(Sun)05:45 No.20610647
    C# sucks

    Nobody use it.

    u mad bro?

    start with C/C++
    >> Anonymous 10/16/11(Sun)05:47 No.20610659
    C++ was the first language I learned. I never learned it terribly well, just enough to write simple I/O and mathematical programs; about the same stuff I wrote on my TI calculator.
    >> Anonymous 10/16/11(Sun)05:47 No.20610664
    c++ is for games

    java/c# for everything else

    (xna feels shitty)
    >> Anonymous 10/16/11(Sun)05:48 No.20610666
    Did anybody notice that this anon's code doesn't even simulate the problem directly?
    // Repeat loop TOTAL times
    >for(i = 0; i < TOTAL; i++){
    // choice becomes random number for player's choice
    > int choice = rand()%3;
    // temp becomes random number for winning door
    > int tmp = rand()%3;
    // If the player did not choose the door, they win, increment win counter
    > if(tmp != choice) wins++;
    // Increment winning door counter
    > doors[tmp]++;

    You get the right answer, but your code does it the wrong way.
    >> Anonymous 10/16/11(Sun)05:48 No.20610667
    I am writing a Metro styled note/reminder/alarm program.
    >> Anonymous 10/16/11(Sun)05:50 No.20610676
    Yeah, I noticed that too.

    It definitely doesn't follow the real-world procedures.
    >> Anonymous 10/16/11(Sun)05:51 No.20610685

    Java is for small programs
    C# is for nothing.

    C++ is also for commercial software like Photoshop.

    Firefox,Chrome, IE, and most MMORG are programmed in C++.
    >> Anonymous 10/16/11(Sun)05:52 No.20610704
    Nice statistical sample you have there.
    >> Anonymous 10/16/11(Sun)05:53 No.20610710

    The one I downloaded had 92 and was a few months off from this. It shouldn't matter. Read them until it all becomes obvious where they're going. Practice. Dragon book.

    Some will introduce you to programming along the way. Some will just cut straight to how things work. Either way it will give you the language.

    Watch MIT opencourseware Introduction to Algorithms. Implement them all in python. Next read up on some functional and object oriented algorithms and implement them.

    Read code. Write code. Hack together little scripts that you find useful.

    I really can't emphasize learning utility with it. You can use ipython as a cli shell and control every aspect and nearly every file type in your entire system through it with the power of python. Do this. I know maybe 6 languages well, but python is the hub of all my projects. C to a lesser, though important extent, but where I need speed. Miscellaneous others rarely. Though they're taught me a lot about programming and thinking about the problems.
    >> Anonymous 10/16/11(Sun)05:55 No.20610736
    so what kind of ai beside minimax could i implent for a small reversi game?
    >> Anonymous 10/16/11(Sun)05:57 No.20610745
    So I've been trying to get C++ and/or C working on windows. It's pretty much shit, isn't it?
    >> Anonymous 10/16/11(Sun)05:57 No.20610749
    even better
    http://www.lextrait com/vincent/implementations.html

    now what was programmed in C#? LOL NOTHING!!!!
    >> dre !GGGentooDY 10/16/11(Sun)05:58 No.20610761
    interested, what streams / links / etc.?

    as for me, im failing at OpenGL.
    i never did matrix maths at school ;~;
    >> Anonymous 10/16/11(Sun)05:58 No.20610762

    C++ owns
    >> Anonymous 10/16/11(Sun)05:59 No.20610774
    I appreciate you're only 13 years old, but the vast, vast majority of programming that goes on in the world isn't web browsers. It's to satisfy business requirements, done behind closed doors on things that are completely invisible to you.
    >> Anonymous 10/16/11(Sun)06:00 No.20610778
    thanks for the link

    I cant wait to crack in to this stuff!
    >> Anonymous 10/16/11(Sun)06:08 No.20610851
    like Adobe photoshop? or how about Visual Stuido or even Microsoft Office and Windows. All programmed in C++.

    I think we all know that you're the 13 year old C# n00b programmer.
    >> Anonymous 10/16/11(Sun)06:09 No.20610860
    You know a language sucks when the company which made C# doesn't even use it themselves
    >> Anonymous 10/16/11(Sun)06:10 No.20610871
    >like Adobe photoshop?
    >or how about Visual Stuido
    >or even Microsoft Office
    >and Windows
    and no

    Thanks for proving my point.
    >> Anonymous 10/16/11(Sun)06:13 No.20610893
    I miss the real daily programming thread
    >> Anonymous 10/16/11(Sun)06:13 No.20610899
    >Developed in C++
    >> Anonymous 10/16/11(Sun)06:14 No.20610906
    >arguing about which language is better

    time to grow up, non programmers.
    >> Anonymous 10/16/11(Sun)06:15 No.20610913
    They are all programmed in C++, unless you can't read.

    And if you even look at the chart, java has the majority of business, like eclipse but you being 13 and not being able to read, can't face the facts. It's like arguing with a donkey fan boy.
    >> Anonymous 10/16/11(Sun)06:15 No.20610915
    What about all the databasing and networking applications run by corporations written in C# and Java?
    What about 90% of Lockheed Martin's missile control programs, and networking applications, many of which interface directly with satellites?
    What about nearly every enterprise solution in which networking and security are vital?

    I don't use C# or Java at work, but some of my friends and family do, and most of them have secret or top-secret security clearance.
    Hell, my mother is a contractor for the government, and she has a 10 year NDA, and she works solely in Java.
    >> Anonymous 10/16/11(Sun)06:16 No.20610925
    I did not say otherwise. I am saying that mass appeal consumer applications are not a good indicator of "which languages are used".

    I'm also saying that you've never been in the real world and literally can't even comprehend what a "business requirement" is.

    Spoiler: it is not writing image editors or web browsers
    >> Anonymous 10/16/11(Sun)06:16 No.20610927
    I was supposed to write some basic testing codes for Android tablets.
    >> Anonymous 10/16/11(Sun)06:17 No.20610939
    Like I said Java has that market not c#
    >> Anonymous 10/16/11(Sun)06:20 No.20610971
    Except no, C# has a decent percentage of the market.

    Try looking at some job advertisements.
    >> Anonymous 10/16/11(Sun)06:21 No.20610979
    I'm experimenting rendering game characters using a series of connected balls, ala Petz.

    Having problems getting the rendering to look right. I suspect i need to do a manual z-sort as using alpha testing gives a pretty shitty result.
    >> Anonymous 10/16/11(Sun)06:23 No.20611003
    no actually, Java has it.


    I just checked on cragslist and I only see C++/Java/Object C/PHP

    I saw only two jobs that required C# and asp.
    >> Anonymous 10/16/11(Sun)06:26 No.20611035
    >Looking for jobs on craigslist
    Sure is real world ITT.

    I actually looked honestly and of the jobs that mention C# or java, 33% are C#.
    >> Anonymous 10/16/11(Sun)06:28 No.20611050
    Ah, wrote this .Exe and then spoofed it as a Jpeg. Too many people think it's legitimate, stupid as shit.
    Doesn't do anything harmful, and only seems to work on XP computers however :x
    >> Anonymous 10/16/11(Sun)06:28 No.20611053
    how do you into programming.

    This seems worse than an alien language or something, do you all go to college for this or what
    >> Anonymous 10/16/11(Sun)06:29 No.20611063
    >>Not siting.

    40% of C# are idiots who can't program

    see I can pull shit out of my ass too.

    actually java has the 33% or more and C# has like 10% because nobody uses it.

    so stop being a fanboy and realize the fact that everybody is using C++ and java.
    >> Anonymous 10/16/11(Sun)06:30 No.20611069
    >>trusting a site that has porn in it.
    >> Anonymous 10/16/11(Sun)06:31 No.20611080
    Can you read?

    >of the jobs that mention C# or java
    >of the jobs that mention C# or java

    The capability of the programmers is utterly beside the point. Way to grasp at straws.
    >> Anonymous 10/16/11(Sun)06:32 No.20611092
    >so stop being a fanboy and realize the fact that everybody is using C++.....

    you're pretty disconnected from reality.
    >> Anonymous 10/16/11(Sun)06:34 No.20611112
    Can you read?

    >pulling random opinion/numbers out of his ass.

    Java has small businesses, C# has shit.
    >> Anonymous 10/16/11(Sun)06:34 No.20611117
         File1318761269.png-(8 KB, 1292x980, raycaster.png)
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    A raycasting engine in pure C. I was so proud.
    >> Anonymous 10/16/11(Sun)06:36 No.20611147
    Yes, and that's the first time you have said that phrase.

    Keep grasping at straws buddy.

    By the way, I am an embedded C consultant. Not a C# fanboy at all. I just happen to be rational.
    >> Anonymous 10/16/11(Sun)06:37 No.20611150
    You presented absolutely nothing but mere opinons from your ass, with out siting it. I think you are the one that is far from reality.
    >> Anonymous 10/16/11(Sun)06:39 No.20611168
         File1318761577.png-(946 KB, 800x891, ironicat2[1].png)
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    >> Anonymous 10/16/11(Sun)06:40 No.20611173
    typical beginner project : find primality from 1-1000

    implement it with different algorithms.

    marsennes, etc
    >> Anonymous 10/16/11(Sun)06:40 No.20611176
    you're implying that you've actually provided real numbers to back up that ass pulled fact of yours. lol.
    >> I<3 !IH1Doshs.s 10/16/11(Sun)06:41 No.20611187
    I haven't been writing a lot, on the other hand i've been reading a few books in the past week. Mainly Learn python the hard way ( I ordered a hard copy, get at me ) and WX Python in action (Open source python GUI library).

    Also been reading The C programming language.

    But I need to catch up on Java & UML now for my degree, so i'll do a few excercises at some point today just to refresh my memory.

    On another note, why is python so damn easy?
    >> Anonymous 10/16/11(Sun)06:42 No.20611192

    I guess you can't read >>20610749

    Failed just like C# did.
    >> Anonymous 10/16/11(Sun)06:43 No.20611210
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    Already refuted by two people.
    >> Anonymous 10/16/11(Sun)06:45 No.20611233
    Python's easy for the coder because it's meant to be. C is easy for the computer because it's meant to be.

    Use both, profits.
    >> Anonymous 10/16/11(Sun)06:46 No.20611236
    by no source and mere opinons?

    85% are idiots. I just pulled random numbers out of my ass like you did.
    >> Anonymous 10/16/11(Sun)06:46 No.20611242
    C was always meant to be easy for the coder. Try again.
    >> Anonymous 10/16/11(Sun)06:49 No.20611274

    C# has about 33% of the C#/Java market. Just like my estimation from the job websites predicted.

    Gosh, that was hard. The reason I didn't both citing earlier is because your argument is so self evidently retarded.
    >> Anonymous 10/16/11(Sun)06:51 No.20611298

    University of Canterbury? I may have been in your class
    >> Anonymous 10/16/11(Sun)07:00 No.20611387
    Compared to asm.

    It was also meant to be a simple mapping to asm. There are easier languages then c for this very reason.
    >> Anonymous 10/16/11(Sun)07:00 No.20611390
    a program to send SMS to myself for free.
    my provider lets me text for free to me and my family.
    this way i can make my computer send me texts instead of email in case i don't have wifi wherever i am.
    Only using it for redirecting offline messages on msn and to inform me of finnished torrents.

    another thing i'm developping for 5 years now is a realtime raytracer.
    >> Anonymous 10/16/11(Sun)07:04 No.20611433
    1 1 Java 17.913% -0.25% A
    2 2 C 17.707% +0.53% A
    3 3 C++

    LOL wow you can't read charts?
    >> Anonymous 10/16/11(Sun)07:05 No.20611442
    Give it up, you're boring.
    >> Anonymous 10/16/11(Sun)07:05 No.20611445
    Like I said NOBODY uses C#. Everything is done in either C++,Java, or C.
    >> Anonymous 10/16/11(Sun)07:06 No.20611456
    Give it up, you're boring.
    >> Anonymous 10/16/11(Sun)07:06 No.20611457
    Just admit it C# is shitty and wil never replace Java, C, or C++.
    >> Anonymous 10/16/11(Sun)07:09 No.20611495
    don't tell that to all the people using it at microsoft to build software and drivers you're probably using unless you're a linfag
    >> Anonymous 10/16/11(Sun)07:13 No.20611522
    >implying people would write drivers in C#
    I don't think anybody would be that stupid.
    >> Anonymous 10/16/11(Sun)07:15 No.20611548
    The moral of the story here, guys:
    Learn more languages, you certainly aren't hurting yourself learning C#, Java, C++, Haskell, Ruby, Lua, Lisp, Perl, Python, etc. so why the fuck wouldn't you help yourself out in any case and just do it? Are you really too lazy to study a new syntax for essentially the same thing?
    Just do it. Fuck, I learned Brainfuck for fun, and I'm not suffering, what harm would C# do in any case?
    >> Anonymous 10/16/11(Sun)07:16 No.20611555
    If you know java, you know C# and vice versa.
    >> Anon 1.1 !gsJqNWR.E2 10/16/11(Sun)07:17 No.20611567
    Ultimate Goalies Calculator.

    Can tell a goalie's, GAA, SV% and more
    >> Anonymous 10/16/11(Sun)07:18 No.20611574
    Anyone know the name of the website with job opportunity by language? I can't quite recall the url but last I checked it was something like 1: java 2:c# 3:php 4:c++ or something not hugely unlike that
    >> Anonymous 10/16/11(Sun)07:20 No.20611597
    LOL, Microsoft is the only one using their shitty language.

    If it's so great then why aren't Adobe using it? Why didn't they even use it for IE or even MS Office? Why are most MMORG like WOW,Diablo 3 are programmed in C++? Why is C++ used in most non-microsoft consoles?
    >> Anonymous 10/16/11(Sun)07:21 No.20611606
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    Just began learning to program a Blackfin DSP chip.

    Using VisualDSP++ to code mostly in C. Its pretty cool :]
    >> Anonymous 10/16/11(Sun)07:21 No.20611611
    Because c# isn't made for those kinds of applications? Hurr?
    It's like asking why adobe don't just make their own operating system in actionscript. Sure it would be possible but it would be fucking stupid
    >> Anonymous 10/16/11(Sun)07:23 No.20611625
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    I made a cellular simulator in ML and am now being hypnotized by the wonder of cyclic rules.
    >> Anonymous 10/16/11(Sun)07:24 No.20611634
    The fact that you are wasting your time on a language that microsoft don't use for their main products like Windows, Office, IE etc.
    >> Anonymous 10/16/11(Sun)07:25 No.20611641
    where can I get a good copy of ML?
    >> Anonymous 10/16/11(Sun)07:25 No.20611642
    because it's SHIT that's why.
    >> Anonymous 10/16/11(Sun)07:26 No.20611649
    You can use Haskell or standard ML but I personally recommand objective caml.
    >> Anonymous 10/16/11(Sun)07:27 No.20611653
    Waiting for your stats showing c# being no where near java or c++ for job opportunities.
    >> Anonymous 10/16/11(Sun)07:28 No.20611665
    nand, why are you posting without your trip?
    >> Anonymous 10/16/11(Sun)07:28 No.20611668
    You are literally 12 years old and don't know how the world works.
    >> Anonymous 10/16/11(Sun)07:29 No.20611676
    Is wasting your time learning a new programming language which may or may not help you in the future worse than wasting your time arguing about its merits on 4chan?
    Unless your time is really that valuable--and evidently it is not--a waste of time is not a viable loss.
    >> Anonymous 10/16/11(Sun)07:30 No.20611685
    I don't think that's nand.
    He's too egotistical and arrogant and hipster to pretend to be anonymous just to make it look like someone agrees with him
    >> Anonymous 10/16/11(Sun)07:31 No.20611694
    >Why is C++ used in most non-microsoft consoles?

    Because other consoles don't use directX.
    >> Anonymous 10/16/11(Sun)07:32 No.20611708
    Then it's a nand fanboy, which is even worse.
    >> Anonymous 10/16/11(Sun)07:32 No.20611711
    Sony's new SDK uses c#, actually.
    >> Anonymous 10/16/11(Sun)07:34 No.20611740

    Even League of Legend is done in C++ with Java and C# is used for tools because it's shit and can't handle it.

    btw I proved to you that:
    1. Most console games and MMORG are programmed in C++
    2. Professional Software like Photoshop, Primer, MS Office, Windows,Norton are programmed in C++
    3. Even Free Software are programmed in C++ like Chrome, FireFox, IE.

    now tell me who programs in C#?
    >> Anonymous 10/16/11(Sun)07:34 No.20611744
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    Please show on the doll where C# touched you.
    >> Anonymous 10/16/11(Sun)07:36 No.20611764
    Anyone working in a stable, well paying job for a corporation or enterprise.
    You're saying a language is shit because it does not do something it is not meant to do.
    It's interesting to see lua moving up, c++ and php have gone up a place since I last looked at the website and that D has fallen off it altogether.
    >> Anonymous 10/16/11(Sun)07:41 No.20611815
    You mean like the people at Adobe, Nintendo, Blizzard?

    no, wait they all use C++, oh how about Oracle wait they use C++ too. or Amazon they use C++ too.
    >> Anonymous 10/16/11(Sun)07:41 No.20611818
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    You faggots should stop arguing and start coding.
    20 lines of code = hours of epic 2-bit entertainment.
    >> Anonymous 10/16/11(Sun)07:43 No.20611834
    >the language isn't used by companies who make products that deal almost exclusively in high efficiency languages
    are you even trying ahymore? The list is right there, c# is in the top ten languages to get a job with
    >> Anon 1.1 !gsJqNWR.E2 10/16/11(Sun)07:48 No.20611886
    Well, Amazon kindle isn't a company. Goodnight, kid.
    >> Anonymous 10/16/11(Sun)07:48 No.20611891
    It was made in Java too
    >> Anonymous 10/16/11(Sun)07:49 No.20611895
    >top ten languages
    Of the five that are common for jobs.
    >> Anonymous 10/16/11(Sun)07:49 No.20611898
    C# : Not even Microsoft programmers want to use it for anything serious.

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