10/14/11(Fri)05:53 No. 20570872 File1318585990.jpg -(67 KB, 560x612, 1317515547388.jpg ) Really,
the way I see it, all this anger and frustration the OWS represents all
comes down to the problem of inequality. Communism works because
everybody is rendered equal in all ways, the way it should be, because
everyone is actually already biologically and intrinsically equal in all
meaningful ways. What if one says a woman or a black man is not as
intelligent or strong as another? Such talk borders on hate speech. If
two people are not equal, whether economically or whatever, it's only
because of social pressures and capitalism exerting it's influence, not
natural methods. With no private property, with no capitalism, with no
eurocentric patriarchy, there is no inequality. Surely you don't want to
advocate for filthy rich businessmen exploiting the poor? Surely you
don't want people exerting undue power over others? What you need
to understand is that the underlying principles of communism is Need is
Greed, and Property is Inequality. When one person owns something that
another person doesn't, Envy is created, Jealousy is created, Greed is
created, Evil is created. All because of the capitalistic idea of
property, of needing, of wanting. Property extends to both unique
biodiversity, and your own sense of individuality. You being yourself is
entirely unfair to someone else who isn't you. Individuality is purely a
capitalistic evil. I'm frankly tired of brainwashed Americans
who don't see the great things that the end of capitalism can provide
them. Perhaps these protests can finally show you all the light. So if
all goes as planned, I'll be seeing you real soon, comrades!