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    File : 1317842850.jpg-(15 KB, 250x238, 1287385838363.jpg)
    15 KB Anonymous 10/05/11(Wed)15:27 No.20397718  
    >Sending yourself files over email.
    >> Anonymous 10/05/11(Wed)15:28 No.20397728
    Why not do that?
    >> Anonymous 10/05/11(Wed)15:28 No.20397742
    >not sending yourself files over email.
    >> Anonymous 10/05/11(Wed)15:28 No.20397747
    Because it's 2011. There exist better ways to transfer files over the Internets.
    >> Dr_Venture !4iKPMZviec 10/05/11(Wed)15:29 No.20397757
    Good thread.
    >> Anonymous 10/05/11(Wed)15:29 No.20397762
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    >Sending anything other than text through email.
    >> lol_Intel !wRSkxWsuVs 10/05/11(Wed)15:29 No.20397764
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    Oh, fuck, you got me.
    >> Anonymous 10/05/11(Wed)15:30 No.20397778
    What is your point?
    It's easy and fast to e-mail files to yourself.

    Stop being an autistic man child, not everyone has time to play silly games.
    >> Anonymous 10/05/11(Wed)15:30 No.20397782
    I just use my fileserver.
    Why wouldn't everybody do this? Setting up a server is neither expensive nor hard, unless you want some enterprise-grade shit.
    >> Anonymous 10/05/11(Wed)15:31 No.20397800
    I'm waiting to hear them.
    >> Anonymous 10/05/11(Wed)15:31 No.20397802
    platform independent
    no additional software to install
    file in multiple locations for redundancy
    Why not?
    >11MB file size limit
    >> NineBall !!MfGEVG3MAxb 10/05/11(Wed)15:32 No.20397826
    I generally just put shit on megaupload if I want to share it between computers.
    >> Anonymous 10/05/11(Wed)15:33 No.20397837
    lol but if u send dem over the internet, it becums public. if u send it via email only u see it
    >> Anonymous 10/05/11(Wed)15:34 No.20397855
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    >> lol_Intel !wRSkxWsuVs 10/05/11(Wed)15:34 No.20397869

    Uh, usb drives. Small as hell and you would have to be a massive poorfag not to afford one, if several.
    >> Azunymous !NyaaaanhJ6 10/05/11(Wed)15:35 No.20397876
    It depends on what the file is and where I am. If the machine I'm on has an FTP client installed, I'll upload it to my file server. If it's a picture, I just use photobucket and text files and such, I'll just email them to myself. That is, of course, if I don't have my flash drive with me.
    Of course you'd want to go with the superior options first, but they're not always available.
    >> !LightPenis 10/05/11(Wed)15:36 No.20397895
    Faster than digging for flash drive.
    >> Silver 8 !AgIIIIIIII 10/05/11(Wed)15:36 No.20397898
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    >> Anonymous 10/05/11(Wed)15:36 No.20397899
    Why the fuck don't you have an sftp server?
    >> Anonymous 10/05/11(Wed)15:37 No.20397911
    My older phone didn't have bluetooth file transfer. So to get photos off, I had to email them to my computer. If I want to read something on my computer later from my ipod touch, I would email myself.
    >> Anonymous 10/05/11(Wed)15:38 No.20397920
    How is plugging in a device, moving a file too it with a much slower transfer time, and then having to bring the psychical device to the other machine, and transfer it over with once again, slow transfer speeds, more effective then simply uploading it to my email quickly, where I can then access it anywhere with an Internet connection??
    >> Silver 8 !AgIIIIIIII 10/05/11(Wed)15:39 No.20397943
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    >psychical device
    >> Anonymous 10/05/11(Wed)15:40 No.20397949

    Oh, that's right, it's not.

    [X] Told
    [  ] Not told
    >> Azunymous !NyaaaanhJ6 10/05/11(Wed)15:40 No.20397952
    Just gonna point out, not everywhere has an internet connection. I just use it as a last resort though.
    >> lol_Intel !wRSkxWsuVs 10/05/11(Wed)15:40 No.20397955

    Nigga you just want to argue. Maybe it's faster for you, since you have a server and shit. Not everyone has that, or even good upload speeds, so trying to attach a 20mb file to a damn email (which most accounts have pretty small attachment limits) then send it is retarded. And attaching files to emails is what this thread was originally about.
    >> Anonymous 10/05/11(Wed)15:41 No.20397972
    I use googles gmail as a storage drive. so i guess I am a superposition of sending myself emails and not sending myself emails.
    >> Silver 8 !AgIIIIIIII 10/05/11(Wed)15:41 No.20397975

    >Put 20mb file on flash drive, 5 seconds.
    >Take data to where ever you're going, minutes to hours.

    >Send email, takes 20 seconds on a 2mb/s connection.
    >Data arrives instantly.
    >> Anonymous 10/05/11(Wed)15:42 No.20397992
    Uh, why not?
    It's super easy and fast.
    >> Anonymous 10/05/11(Wed)15:43 No.20398000
    Which is exactly what I'm talking about. If your email won't allow you 20mb of file storage, fucking drop it and get gmail. The only part that's stupid is actually sending it, just save it to your drafts.
    >> Anonymous 10/05/11(Wed)15:43 No.20398010
    if its like a word document its easier to just email it to myself. not by much but it doesn't involve my fat ass moving to get my usb drive.
    >> Anonymous 10/05/11(Wed)15:43 No.20398014
    I don't really see what you mean. If you need it on another computer, you're still going to have to go to the physical computer to download it onto your computer.
    >> !oMgfhAHAhA 10/05/11(Wed)15:45 No.20398033
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    >they don't use the Cloud
    are you guys cavemen? I thought it was the technology board.
    >> Anonymous 10/05/11(Wed)15:46 No.20398044
    >being pretentious and ass pained over a completely acceptable method of moving data
    >> Anonymous 10/05/11(Wed)15:46 No.20398048
    >he let's everyone see his files
    >> Anonymous 10/05/11(Wed)15:46 No.20398057
    I do this all the time OP, from home to work and from work to home.

    It's also great for sending yourself reminders!
    >> Anonymous 10/05/11(Wed)15:47 No.20398069
    >Afraid of textual interfaces
    >Terrified of the CLI
    >Uses public file storage server

    What is wrong with you?
    >> !oMgfhAHAhA 10/05/11(Wed)15:47 No.20398080
    >I can't into privacy settings
    and any decent cloud service default to letting only your account access them.
    >> Anonymous 10/05/11(Wed)15:48 No.20398097
    FTP is blocked from work OP.
    >> Anonymous 10/05/11(Wed)15:49 No.20398115
    Hotmail SkyDrive beats everything you mentioned
    >> Anonymous 10/05/11(Wed)15:50 No.20398123
    >completely acceptable
    Sure is "I have never administered an email server before" in here.
    >> Anonymous 10/05/11(Wed)15:50 No.20398125
    >he thinks cloud services are actually secure

    >> Anonymous 10/05/11(Wed)15:51 No.20398145

    lol, that's even slower than just e-mailing the files.
    >> Anonymous 10/05/11(Wed)15:51 No.20398157
    point and laugh as this person has never used ssh/scp
    >> Anonymous 10/05/11(Wed)15:52 No.20398159
    i use ubuntuone
    >> !oMgfhAHAhA 10/05/11(Wed)15:52 No.20398160
    >still using interfaces from before he was born

    I didn't even imply that. But they're far from public.
    >> Anonymous 10/05/11(Wed)15:52 No.20398167

    You can access the google cloud files by manipulating the URL.
    >> lol_Intel !wRSkxWsuVs 10/05/11(Wed)15:53 No.20398170

    Well, yeah, actually pressing the send button is an unnecessary step. And for smaller files it's fine. I do it myself. Just saying that a flash drive (which is not exactly slow as far as transfer speeds) can be better, especially if you're not guaranteed a good internet connection, for those people that travel between different locations and rely upon their files being instantly retrievable.
    >> Anonymous 10/05/11(Wed)15:53 No.20398178
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    >> !oMgfhAHAhA 10/05/11(Wed)15:54 No.20398182
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    Glad I'm not using the google botnet then.
    >> Anonymous 10/05/11(Wed)15:54 No.20398187
    I often email myself pdf files as a way of transferring from the laptop I work on to the mac sitting on my desk directly behind it because I don't have acrobat pro on my laptop yet.

    I could use my usba but I hate sticking it in the mac because of all the files and folders it creates on it.
    >> Anonymous 10/05/11(Wed)15:54 No.20398190
    Hey, I know this thread! It's called "Let's watch the OP prove that he's smarter than everyone else".

    Oh boy! I'm going to go get popcorn to watch the show.
    >> Anonymous 10/05/11(Wed)15:54 No.20398191
    Are you serious?
    Look at the post I was referencing.
    There are only two options there.
    >> Anonymous 10/05/11(Wed)15:54 No.20398198
    >Windows Live Skydrive
    Oh, that's rich
    >> XLR: phoning it in from the EU !XLRyUTkUpA 10/05/11(Wed)15:55 No.20398203
    > not having a flashdrive and dropbox synced at all times
    >> Anonymous 10/05/11(Wed)15:55 No.20398205
    1. Dropbox... (shared folders and so on...)
    2. FTP
    3. USB --> no internet connection needed (e.g. on vacation)

    But e-mail?!, it already needs to be an emergency case then...
    >> Anonymous 10/05/11(Wed)15:55 No.20398216
    WTF is wrong with e-mail?

    For anything under 15MB it's just fine.
    >> Anonymous 10/05/11(Wed)15:56 No.20398226
    I e-mail daily server backups to myself.

    You mad? - you mad.
    >> Anonymous 10/05/11(Wed)15:57 No.20398244
    >Keep pretending it's ridiculous, doesn't know why
    >> ubuntu !Friend.GOw!!ZnSNAv00uSL 10/05/11(Wed)15:57 No.20398252
    No, you can ssh into the other computer and download it remotely.
    >> ArchMage !!FL7yVjeSnXN 10/05/11(Wed)15:57 No.20398255
    seriously the only reason you wouldn't want other people to see your files is if your using it for porn or illegal stuff. Other than that who cares?
    >> Anonymous 10/05/11(Wed)15:58 No.20398266
    >> Anonymous 10/05/11(Wed)15:58 No.20398271
    Okay OP, you got me. It's how I quickly move files from my phone to my PC because I am too lazy to get me a cheap Bluetooth dongle, let alone walk upstairs for the USB cable.
    >> Anonymous 10/05/11(Wed)15:59 No.20398276
    1/10 for slight rage
    >> Anonymous 10/05/11(Wed)16:00 No.20398294
    >Not everyone has that, or even good upload speeds, so trying to attach a 20mb file to a damn email (which most accounts have pretty small attachment limits) then send it is retarded.

    Even on a shitty 10mbit upload line, 20MB still only takes 16 seconds.
    >> Anonymous 10/05/11(Wed)16:01 No.20398314
    That's like ten image files on 4chan OP. You can't e/mail that much to yourself? Whai?
    >> Anonymous 10/05/11(Wed)16:02 No.20398319
    protip: corporate data.

    Some people here actually have jobs.
    >> Anonymous 10/05/11(Wed)16:02 No.20398320
    Between these fucking two options:

    >Put 20mb file on flash drive, 5 seconds.
    >Take data to where ever you're going, minutes to hours.

    >Send email, takes 20 seconds on a 2mb/s connection.
    >Data arrives instantly.

    You have to go to the remote computer to put the file on the computer you want.
    I'm not saying there are only two options; I use sshfs myself, it's just that both of those suggest using an email service that requires you to be at the remote host. I think. Unless you have some kind of mail server then just fuck you.
    >> ubuntu !Friend.GOw!!ZnSNAv00uSL 10/05/11(Wed)16:03 No.20398339
    Oh, I see what you mean, my mistake.
    >> Anonymous 10/05/11(Wed)16:04 No.20398361
    USB is software disabled on all computers here at work. It's probably some weird group policy setting.
    So USB is not an option.

    The Co. wants to know what you are sending where.

    In fact, setting e-mail to auto-forward to a non-company account is a permaban from work (aka insta-firing!).
    >> Anonymous 10/05/11(Wed)16:05 No.20398369
    Don't worry, I like to interject for a moment too.
    >> Anonymous 10/05/11(Wed)16:05 No.20398376
    I always have Outlook running anyway, so pop up a new message window, drag-n-drop the file into it, type in my other address and hit send. Done.

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